View Description of Research with Images (PowerPoint

Levin Lab Benthic Studies
(1) Assess benthic faunal colonization on banks
(2) Assess trophic status of restored salt marshes
Goal: Develop metrics for healthy salt marsh and subtidal habitat
Bank Macrofauna
What are macrofauna?
small worms, clams, crustaceans and other invertebrates
Significance of macrofauna:
major agents of sediment stability/instability
primary food items for bottom feeding fish, shrimp
sample macrofauna at time intervals following bank placement
Sampling and analysis methods
• field - sediment coring, vertical sectioning, preservation
• laboratory - sieving, sorting under dissecting microscope,
• counting, species identification (~ 1 da/sample)
• statistical measures of diversity and community structure
What we learn:
proxy for ecosystem successional state and health
Salt Marsh Trophic Function
What is Trophic Function?
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A key ecosystem property,
Food web and energy transfer
Goal: Develop a method for assessing recovery of trophic function
in restored Venice Lagoon salt marshes
Most measures of recovery examine structural properties rather than function
Use stable isotopic analyses to examine food web organization
(isotopic signatures differ for different plants/algae and are passed from food to consumer)
Compare food webs in natural and restored salt marshes of different ages
Sample primary producers and consumers, dry and powder
Analyze isotopic signatures (d13C, d15N) on a mass spectrometer.
Use mixing models to establish trophic structure
What we learn
What forms the base of the food chain in undisturbed marshes?
How many trophic levels are present in a healthy marsh?
Are these similar in restored marshes? After how many years?
Can we develop a functional measure of marsh recovery?
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Spartina? Limonium?
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