MMR vaccine may be increasing Autism

Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccine May
Be Causing Autism
Julie Briggs
Timeline of Important Events
7. B.C- References to measles was noted.
1911- Swiss psychiatrist Eugene Bleuler coined the term autism.
At this time autism referred to adult schizophrenia.
1943- Dr. Leo Kanner of John Hopkins described autism for the
first time. This came from his discovery of 11 children he
observed between 1938 and 1943. He studied children who had
withdrawal from human contact as early as age 1.
1963-Licensed measles vaccine became available.
1965-Autism Society of America is established by psychologist
Bernard Rimland. This was the first advocacy group for parents of
children with autism.
1988- Wakefield and colleagues published a paper that suggested
that the MMR vaccine was liked to cases of autism.
Timeline continued…
2000- In response to broad government concerns, vaccine
makers removed thimerosal from all routine childhood
2007- Autism hearings took place in the U.S. They were legal
hearings where parents who thought their child’s autism was
caused by vaccines grouped together to sue the government
and vaccine makers.
MMR Vaccine
The combined vaccine known as MMR became
available in 1971.
 Children receive two doses of the vaccine. The first
dose is given at 12-15 months of age, and the second
dose is usually around 4-6 years of age before entering
 Children are given a second dose because 5-10% of
children are not fully protected against the disease
after the first dose. That percentage drops to 1% after
the second dose.
The Autism Society of America defines autism as a
“complex developmental disability that typically appears
during the first three years of life and affects a person’s
ability to communicate and interact with others. Autism
is defined by a certain set of behaviors and is a
"spectrum disorder" that affects individuals differently
and to varying degrees” (Autism Society of America,
There are several major
brain structures that are
implicated in children
with autism.
Autism rates are at an all time high!
Many professionals can not point to one reason why rates are
high, but professionals do provide some possibilities for the increase.
o Broadened definitions
o Increase in public awareness
o Diagnostic substitution
The Issue
History of the issue
o Andrew Wakefield
-Studied Chron’s disease and measles in
early 90’s.
- Studied Autism and measles, and
published his study in the mid 90’s.
o Wakefield’s study produced worry and huge
controversy. And was ultimately the start of the
The Issue…
The Government and health Organizations
The U.S government, along with many health
organizations, have constantly denied the link between
MMR and autism. Some of these health organizations
include the Center for Disease Control and
Prevention, the World Health Organization, and the
Global Advisory Committee on Vaccine Safety.
“The weight of the evidence indicates that the vaccine
are not associated with autism” (CDC, 2008).
The Issue…
Scientist and Parents
o Scientist like Arthur Krigsman have mirrored
Wakefield’s study and found the same results.
o Some Parents of children with autism are now
suing. And other parents refuse to immunize their
o Hannah Poling case. The Government settled in
the Poling case saying that MMR vaccine did
cause her autism.
The Future
o There is need for further research to see if there are
certain DNA and genetic abnormalities in some
children that the vaccine affects and therefore causing
the child’s autism.
o During an interview on CNN Dr. Jon Poling (Hannah
Poling’s father) suggests that it is important to
continue vaccinating children but for pediatricians to
assess their patients individually and develop safe
vaccine schedules for each individual patient
Poling Interview
o Autism Society of America, (2008, January 21). About autism.
Retrieved February 3, 2009, from Autism Society of America Web
o National Institutes of Mental Health, National Institutes of
Health, (2007, October 10). Autism brain. Retrieved March 22,
2009, from Wikipedia Web site:
o Fighting Autism, (2007). Autism state rankings . Retrieved March
22, 2009, from Fighting autism: Research, education, treatment
Web site:
o Center for Disease Control and Prevention, (2008, September 4).
Is there a relationship between vaccines and autism? Retrieved
February 24, 2009, from Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Web site: