Marty Roettgen Agenda How do you measure Student Success Get Certified Set Expectations Student Control of Learning An Idea of How to Grade Fewer Assignments Certification Motivation Getting Students Certified Lab Questions How Do You Measure Student Success? Final Exam Scores % of Students that Certify Enrollment increasing Students learning how to learn Self-motivated Students “A classroom where students chase learning and not just grades.” Get Certified Teacher’s need to get certified You need the experience so you can help your students to succeed in certifying Hang your certification on the wall for students to see Try to earn a perfect score and display score report Re-test each year You MUST believe students are capable Set Expectations – Day 1 90% productive Responsible for themselves, tablemates, row mates and rest of the class Set a high but achievable goal for the number of students that will pass the certification Have a celebration when they achieve the goal Students pick what to have at the celebration and plan it Let students know that they will work at their own pace, but a minimum pace is required Set Expectations – Day 2 On Don’t be quick to answer their questions Let students answer each others questions Pace much faster when many people answer questions Once you have a feel for capability – put the best students next to those that are struggling. Let the best student know that if by helping, they can’t get an assignment done to let you know. Tell them they will earn a 100 if needed If student gets ahead and wants to try to certify – let them The earlier someone certifies – the quicker the spark is lit Set Expectations – Day 2 On If student finishes Lesson early have them go to the next They review the PowerPoints, do the Step-by-Step and projects on their own. Minimum Pace: Everyone takes the lesson test at the same time Everyone listens to the lecture at the beginning of next lesson Students in Control Everything is in Blackboard by Day Minimum Pace including day of Lesson test in Blackboard Students progress at their own pace from Blackboard They decide when they want to certify Minimum pace dictates when everyone has to take test and move to next lesson If they get ahead and want to learn another application on their own and certify, they can. Grade Fewer Assignments For each Lesson Test from the test bank Skills test with focus on key skills and certification skills This forces accountability for learning 3 to 4 assignments that teach the skills for the lesson Give a completion grade for Assignments If Skill Test is less than an 85 (you pick the score) Assignments are grade otherwise a 100 Skill Test grades can only be improved by score on the certification test Certification Motivation Celebration for Reaching the Certification Goal Warn students early that they do not want to be the student that keeps the class from a celebration Count kept on the board Celebrate each successful certification attempt Print their certifications same day if possible Certification is only way to improve Skills test grades Getting Students Certified Print the Skills Tested list with space for notes Have students check off skills they know Have them study what they don’t know Have students do practice tests After test, print score report Write on Skills Tested list questions they did not know using score report to help on the areas to focus on Pair students who passed with those who didn’t to review prior to retesting 2013-2014 Fall Semester Certification 1st Microsoft Office Specialist 2010 Master 3rd 4th Shared 5 7 2 Office Excel® 2010 30 27 27 84 Office Excel® 2010 Expert 14 12 5 31 Office Outlook® 2010 6 13 1 20 Office PowerPoint® 2010 15 9 6 30 Office Word 2010 8 5 1 14 Office Word 2010 Expert 5 6 1 12 30 25 27 82 Grand Total 113 104 70 # of Students in Class 30 29 28 Office Access 2010 Number of Extra Certifications 3 Grand Total 3 17 290 3.33 93 Where Students Chase Learning and not Grades I give no credit for earning “extra” certifications, but at least a third of my students do. About 20% will earn Master level certifications and most have not taken Word / PPT. For those really motivated – get them trying to become a US semi-finalist. 2012: US Champion / 3rd in the World Excel 2013: 4 US Semi-Finalists, US Champion / 3rd in the World Excel 2014: US Champion in Excel (Worlds end of month) Lab Describe New Certification Test and retake policy Review Skill Checklist Prep for Excel 2013 Certification Test Discuss Access 2013 Certification Test Questions ? ? ? Marty Roettgen