Richmond Volleyball Club Annual Member Meeting 25 March 2014

Richmond Volleyball Club
Board of Directors
3 February 2014
The regular meeting of the Richmond Volleyball Club Board of Directors was held at the
RVC Byrdhill location on February 3, 2014.
Present Board Members: Chung, Byerly, Creery, Goldsmith-Ray, Howarth, Johnson, North,
Absent Board Member(s): Garlock, Keeler
Present Staff: Carroll
Present Comptroller: Yaffe
President Sherman Chung called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM.
Volunteer to record Minutes – Lesley North
Consent Agenda
a. The motion to approve the Consent Agenda including November Meeting
Minutes, November and December Financials, November and December
Management Reports, and the Human Resources Committee Minutes was
unanimously approved.
Finance Committee (Presented by Andy Creery)
a. The finance committee meeting scheduled for January was canceled due to
inclement weather. No finance committee meeting/report.
b. Andy Creery reminded the Board that $20,000.00 was scheduled to be moved
this month (January) from operating cash to the reserve fund. He then motioned
to move this amount and Trisha Johnson seconded the motion. All members
present voted yes.
Roof Repair Financing (Presented by Sherman Chung)
a. All roof financing has been approved and is ready to go.
b. No timeline has been provided by the roofing company for beginning the repair.
They have indicated that they are behind on other projects due to poor weather.
c. The first payment on the roof is due in March. It is interest only until money is
actually drawn. The payment will be $2700.00 a month.
Nominating and Governance Committee (Presented by Jim Byerly)
a. Deadline for candidates for the Board of Directors was extended until
Wednesday February 5, 2014.
b. Recommended Board nominees will be sent to Committee by February 12, 2014
c. Interviewing potential Board candidates begins February 15, 2014.
d. Finalized list of candidates will be completed by February 18, 2014.
e. The election begins February 25, 2014 and ends March 21, 2014.
f. Mr. Byerly and other Board members have spoken with and actively sought
interested potential Board members.
IT Update (Presented by John Howarth)
a. Frank Carlomagno sent the Requirements document to Mr. Howarth to review.
Mr. Howarth needs more details including interviews with staff before proceeding.
b. After the Requirements are completed with more detail, RVC will decide who to
go with and issue a Request for Proposals.
Old business
a. No progress on the no smoking area has been made. Mr. Byerly has looked into
the pricing of a 10 x 10 gazebo and 12 x 18 gazebo. Alcohol being taken to the
non-smoking area is still a concern.
b. D. Carroll has spoken with the landlord at RVC West about possibly extending
the lease. The bottom page of the lease indicates the rent will be $9,000.00 a
month if RVC wants to extend the lease. D. Carroll will speak with landlord again
to negotiate a lower rent.
c. Landlord at RVC West is responsible for fixing the leaking roof which is a
problem now on court 1 with junior practices.
d. D. Carroll is to look for commercial property in Chesterfield County to see what is
available as another option to RVC West. This issue needs to be addressed with
both the Strategic Planning Committee, RVC staff, and the Capital Improvement
New Business
a. Mardi Gras & Casino Night was discussed by the Board. Each member was
encouraged to sell tickets in advance.
b. Monument City Classic encountered problems with the Richmond Convention
Center (“RCC”) and Fire Marshal. The possibility of getting other counties
involved to show the revenue brought in based on local hotel taxes was
suggested to support this tournament. A percent of hotel room taxes is paid to
the RCC. It was suggested that Sherman meet with the RCC Board and other
counties so that the RCC understands how much revenue MCC generates
Upcoming Committee meetings
Human Resources (2nd Monday at 5:30 PM) – Dec meeting canceled.
Finance Committee (3rd Tuesday at 6 PM)
Capital Improvements Committee (3rd Friday at 1 PM)
Strategic Planning (Feb. 25 at 6:30 PM)
Next Board Meeting is Tuesday, March 25, 2014 at 6:00 PM @ the North Club facility.
Adjournment – President Sherman Chung called the meeting closed at 7:16 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Lesley North
Richmond Volleyball Club
Annual Member Meeting
25 March 2014
The annual meeting of the members of the Richmond Volleyball Club was held at the
RVC Byrdhill location on 25 March 2014.
President Sherman Chung called the meeting to order at 6:05pm by welcoming all
attendees and turning the meeting over to Darcy Carroll to present the annual report in a
PowerPoint format. Travis Garlock presented the yearly Financial Statements.
The presentation included:
Mission and vision statement
Strategic Plan Overview
Review of Fiscal Year 2013 Financial Statements
Adult and junior program highlights
Robison Awards
Marketing and sponsor/vendor highlights
Facility improvements – past and future
2014 Challenges
2014 Goals
At the conclusion of the presentation, member questions were addressed.
Board Candidates Dan Fitzsimmons, Paul Haley, Hank Thornhill, and Jessica Keeler
were introduced and told votes would be tallied and announced within the following
week. This included the two member-elected board positions as well as one boardselected position. Jim Byerly was thanked for his service to the board and the Club
during the past three years.
President Chung adjourned the annual meeting. The next scheduled board meeting is
Tuesday, April 8, 2014. New Board Member training will also be scheduled.
08 April 2014
The regular meeting of the Richmond Volleyball
Club Board of Directors was held at the
RVC Byrdhill location on April 8, 2014.
Present Board Members: Chung, Creery, Fitzsimmons, Garlock, Goldsmith-Ray, Haley,
Howarth, Johnson, Keeler, North, Spencer
Present Staff: Carroll, Present Comptroller: Yaffe, Guests: Grant
President Sherman Chung called the meeting to order at 6:06 PM.
Welcome New Board Members
a. The Board welcomed new members Paul Haley and Dan Fitzsimmons for their
first term and welcomed back Jessica Keeler for her second term. Board
Orientation will be held on April 24.
Approval of February Minutes
a. The motion to approve the February Meeting Minutes was unanimously in favor.
Management Report (Presented by Darcy Carroll)
a. Ms. Carroll presented the February and March Management Reports.
b. The Board would like to see some additional data regarding trending of volleyball
participation (particularly juniors numbers) to gain an understanding of expansion
needs. This would also include reasons for trending. This action item will be
addressed by a Strategic Plan group.
c. The Board may need to assist staff in gaining support to negotiate a contract with
the CVB for the Monument City Classic tournament at the Richmond Convention
Center. If an agreement can’t be reached, other locations may need to be found.
Finance Committee (Presented by Travis Garlock)
a. The financials were distributed at the meeting and the committee meeting
minutes from February were presented.
b. The Club is in a great cash position and doing well YTD, mainly due to growth in
the juniors program.
c. The Club is $170,000 ahead of budget, has $354,000 in net income (vs $90k
from last year), and has $563,000 in cash and reserves.
d. Mr. Garlock made a motion to move $70,000 to the Facilities Reserve Fund
($50,000 recommended by Committee in February and an additional $20,000
planned for March). The motion was unanimously in favor.
e. The recommendation from Committee to move $100,000 out of operating cash to
reduce the loan payment for the roof was unanimously in favor. The first
payments to the contractor will be made from these funds.
f. The committee recommended approval to add $20,000 to an annual budget item
for a full time concessions manager salary. The Board increased this amount for
up to $30,000 to seek qualified applicants, and it was unanimously in favor.
HR Committee Update (Presented by Trisha Johnson)
a. HR Committee needs additional data before proceeding with their priorities
include Succession Planning, market salary pricing of critical roles, and
Employee Guidelines. Staff is looking to hire a part time employee to assist with
gathering this information.
IT Update (Presented by John Howarth)
a. The club is looking to update the outdated DOS database including a new web
based system. Bids have been received and a prototype will be presented at the
next Board Meeting.
Old Business
a. Status of Roof Replacement – The contractor has been delayed due to
weather. RVC is on the schedule and Ms. Carroll continues to monitor.
b. Non-smoking campus status - Ms. Carroll is working to find a possible exterior
structure to open the patio for summer non-smoking use. The campus smoking
policy is being reviewed. The Board will make a recommendation next meeting.
c. West Lease Negotiation – Ms. Carroll has been in negotiations with James
River HVAC who owns the West Club facility. The old agreement would have
been an increase to $9,000 in June and a subsequent increase of $1,000 each
year. A final agreement was reached at $8,000 per year for the next two years
with the caveat to replace the two aging air conditioning units.
New Business
a. Election of 2014 Officers
i. President – Travis Garlock was elected President of the Board
ii. Vice President – Andy Creery
iii. Vice President – John Howarth
iv. Secretary – Jessica Keeler
v. Treasurer – Dan Fitzsimmons
b. AmEx is no longer accepted at the club effective March 1.
c. 4% Food and Beverage Tax – There will be in an increase in concession prices
to accommodate the meals tax requirement as well as rising food costs.
d. Club Closing Time – Staff is looking to implement a final closing time.
Upcoming Committee Meetings
a. The Board unanimously approved the establishment of the following Committees
which will be headed by members of the Executive Committee:
i. Executive Committee – headed by Travis Garlock
ii. Finance Committee – headed by Dan Fitzsimmons
iii. Strategic Planning Committee – headed by Andy Creery
iv. Human Resources Committee – headed by Jessica Keeler
v. Nominating and Governance Committee – headed by John Howarth
b. Meeting dates and times will be established. Finance Committee will continue to
meet the third Tuesday at 6:00 PM. All Board Members are expected to attend
the Strategic Planning Meetings which will be scheduled at the regular Board
Meeting time every other month.
Next Strategic Planning Meeting is Tuesday, April 22, 2014, 6:30 PM @ the North facility.
Next Board Meeting is Tuesday, May 27, 2014, 6:30 PM @ the North facility.
Adjournment – President Travis Garlock called the meeting closed at 8:36 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Keeler, Secretar
Richmond Volleyball Club
Board of Directors
27 May 2014
The regular meeting of the Richmond Volleyball Club Board of Directors was held at the
RVC Byrdhill location on May 27, 2014.
Present Board Members: Chung, Creery, Fitzsimmons, Garlock, Goldsmith-Ray, Howarth,
Keeler, North, Spencer
Absent Board Members: Haley, Johnson
Present Staff: Carroll, Present Comptroller: Yaffe
President Travis Garlock called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM.
Consent Agenda
a. The motion to approve the Consent Agenda including April Meeting Minutes and
April Management Report was unanimously approved.
Finance Committee (Presented by Dan Fitzsimmons)
a. The financials were distributed at the meeting and the committee meeting
minutes from April were sent to the Board.
b. The Club has received $13,000 in hotel rebates with more expected.
c. The committee is beginning to look at the budgeting process for next year. The
staff is currently putting together information for the budget.
d. The committee is also looking at the timeliness of presenting the financials.
HR Committee Update (Presented by Darcy Carroll)
a. HR Committee minutes were sent out to the Board.
b. Kathy King was hired as an HR Consultant. Ms. Carroll met with her to discuss
the employee handbook (policies and procedures), compensation analysis,
succession planning and job description update.
Strategic Planning Committee (Presented by Andy Creery)
a. The committee meeting minutes were sent to the Board.
b. The focused purpose of the committee is to identify and prioritize staff needs in
executing the strategic plan. They identified critical issues to address.
i. Human Resources – waiting for information from the consultant
ii. Governance – looking at a process to recruit Board Members
iii. Programs – focusing on current capacity concerns for Adult and Junior
Programs, including data gathering
1. Recommendation from Committee was made to pay initial roof
material costs out of the Union First Market Bank loan rather
than operating cash to allow the most flexibility should a decision
be made to pursue a new site. This was unanimously approved.
Old Business
a. Status of Roof Replacement – Materials are on site, work is scheduled to start
this week, and RVC has made the first payment. Inspection is being handled by
an outside contractor.
b. Smoking Policy/Area status - Ms. Keeler presented research on similar venues
around town and their smoking policies. The Board continued to discuss.
i. A motion to vote between moving the smoking area to a different location
and going smoke-free was 5-4 in favor of moving the smoking area.
ii. A motion to allocate $15,000 to move the smoking area and upgrade the
patio was approved by a vote of 6-2 with one abstention.
1. Ms. Carroll will speak with the ABC representative to help
determine an ideal location for a smoking area and updates will
be included in the Management Report.
2. If there are issues with this proposal, the Board may revisit this
3. Once a new location is determined, a smoking policy will be
iii. The motion to approve an alcohol policy to address violations in areas
not allowed for alcohol (per ABC regulations) effective June 1 as follows
was approved with one abstention.
1. First violation – Excused from the premises for the evening
2. Second Violation – Two week suspension
3. Third Violation – 90 day suspension
2014 Committees – The committees selected at the last board meeting include
the Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Strategic Planning Committee,
Human Resources Committee, Nominating and Governance Committee.
New Business
a. Golf Tournament Update – Tournament went well. There were fewer teams (15
vs 22 last year) but good sponsorship. The date was moved from June to May to
encourage Junior player and parent participation.
b. BECC/SAC Tournament Update – Tournament went well with many RVC
having a successful finish. Congrats to 18N Boys who won!
Upcoming Committee Meetings
a. Finance Committee (3rd Tuesday) – June 17 at 6:30pm
Next Strategic Planning Meeting is Tuesday, June 24, 2014, 6:30 PM @ the North facility.
Next Board Meeting is Tuesday, July 22, 2014, 6:30 PM @ the North facility.
Adjournment – President Garlock called the meeting closed at 8:24 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Keeler, Secretary
Richmond Volleyball Club
Board of Directors
22 July 2014
The regular meeting of the Richmond Volleyball Club Board of Directors was held at the
RVC Byrdhill location on July 22, 2014.
Present Board Members: Chung, Fitzsimmons, Garlock, Howarth, Johnson, Keeler, Spencer
Absent Board Members: Creery, Goldsmith-Ray, Haley, North
Present Staff: Carroll, Alston
Present Comptroller: Yaffe
President Travis Garlock called the meeting to order at 6:36 PM.
Consent Agenda
a. The motion to approve the Consent Agenda including May Meeting Minutes and
May and June Management Reports was unanimously approved.
b. Regina Alston was introduced as the new Concessions and Retail Manager.
XXVII. Finance Committee (Presented by Dan Fitzsimmons/Travis Garlock)
a. The June financials and the committee meeting minutes from July were sent to
the Board.
b. June numbers are consistent with budget projection.
c. Ms. Carroll will be opening two accounts at two other institutions and moving
money to remain compliant with FDIC insurance limits.
d. Recommendations made by Committee to move money as recommended in
June and $40,000 in July to the reserve fund was unanimously approved.
e. The 2014/2015 Budget was presented to the Board. The adult program is mostly
in line with last years’ numbers. There were several changes to the juniors
programming, looking at expansion and program development. The Board
discussed the budget as presented.
f. Recommendation made by Committee to approve the 2014/2015 Budget as
presented was unanimously approved.
XXVIII. Strategic Planning Committee (Presented by John Howarth)
a. An overview of the previous meeting was given.
b. Board members have been assigned research tasks to address possible
expansion. The West Club lease is up for renewal for another year in October so
various options are being explored.
c. It was decided that this is a priority for the committee and meetings would be
scheduled monthly.
Old Business
a. Status of Roof Replacement – Work is slow going, as the contractor is only
working if there is less than 30% chance of rain for the day. Inspection is being
handled by an outside contractor. Ms. Carroll is making further inquiries to speed
up the progress.
b. Smoking Policy/Area status – Once a drawing of the area is obtained, Ms.
Carroll will submit plan to ABC for approval.
2014 Committees – Finance Committee meets monthly. Strategic Planning
Committee has changed to meet monthly now. Human Resources Committee is
on hold while the HR Consultant finishes some of her tasks. A draft of the
Employee Handbook (policies and procedures) and salary survey have been
completed and succession planning and job description updates will be
addressed next.
d. GRCC Negotiation Update – Ms. Carroll is working with a retired fireman for
help in negotiations. Once an updated fire code is issued, concerns can be
better understood.
e. Database Development Update – Ms. Carroll has completed a draft of the RFP
which is in review. Once completed, it will be sent out for bid.
f. Employee Handbook – A draft of the Employee Handbook (policies and
procedures) was presented to the Board for review and comment by July 30.
New Business
a. Tax Compliance Plan – In order to be in compliance with regulations, staff has
developed a Tax Compliance Monitoring Plan with Respect to Tax-Exempt
Bonds. The Board will review and comment by August 5.
Upcoming Committee Meetings
a. Finance Committee (3rd Tuesday) – August 19 at 6:30pm
Next Strategic Planning Meeting is Tuesday, August 26, 2014, 6:30 PM @ the North facility.
Next Board Meeting is Tuesday, September 23, 2014, 6:30 PM @ the North facility.
The Board went into an Executive Session at 8:15. The session was called to a close at 8:24.
Adjournment – President Garlock called the meeting closed at 8:24 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Keeler, Secretary
Richmond Volleyball Club
Board of Directors
23 September 2014
The regular meeting of the Richmond Volleyball Club Board of Directors was held at the RVC
Byrdhill location on September 23, 2014.
Present Board Members: Garlock, Creery, North, Haley, Goldsmith-Ray, Johnson
Absent Board Members: Chung, Fitzsimmons, Howarth, Keeler, Spencer
Present Staff: Carroll
Present Comptroller: Yaffe
President Travis Garlock called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM.
XXXII. Consent Agenda
a. The motion to approve the Consent Agenda was unanimously approved.
b. Approval of minutes was previously approved.
XXXIII. Finance Committee (Presented by Andy Creery)
a. The Club numbers are strong.
b. Summer registration dipped. The fall numbers will be monitored.
c. Margin for concession was influenced due to the POS system and conducting
inventory more frequently.
d. Juniors’ receivables will be updated next month. RVC staff is looking into options
to front some of the juniors’ costs.
e. A total of $60,000.00 was approved to be moved from the operating account to
the reserve account.
f. RVC is $100,000 ahead of where we are supposed to be now.
g. A Wells Fargo Account has opened for RVC.
h. Roofers broke the cooler which resulted in beer and food spoilage during Final’s
Night. Darcy Carroll is pursuing options with the roofers on collecting revenue
lost due to this incident.
i. Budget will be revisited in October or November after juniors’ registration.
XXXIV. Strategic Planning - (Presented by Travis Garlock)
a. The Board is researching other venues for additional space for RVC to expand.
In order to ascertain the feasibility of expansion, the Board needs the number of
anticipated participants for the expansion site to break even.
b. RVC needs to notify the owner of RVC West by December as to whether or not
we will be renewing the current lease.
XXXV. Old Business (Presented by Darcy Carroll)
a. Roof replacement is running behind schedule but progress is slowing being
b. The board is waiting on the ABC’s response before implementing revised
smoking policy/smoking area.
c. A meeting will be held with the Greater Richmond Convention Center on
November 1, 2014 to negotiate the Monument City Classic.
d. A request for proposal for database development is progressing and close to
being ready
XXXVI. New Business
a. Hands On Day is scheduled for October 18, 2014. This is a volunteer day where
people volunteer to help in any way needed. Darcy Carroll requested 20-30
volunteers to help RVC with landscaping, including mulching and creating planter
b. RVC Night at VCU is scheduled for October 17, 2014.
c. Concession prices increased. Prices of some items were increased but not
across the board to cover costs
d. Elections – The Board has the duty to solicit nominations for the upcoming
XXXVII. Upcoming Committee Meetings
a. Finance Committee – October 21, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. (3rd Tuesday of the month)
b. Strategic Planning Committee – October 28, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. Andy Creery
suggested moving it to November 6, 2014 and will follow up regarding Board’s
Next Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for November 25, 2014 at 6:30 p.m.
Adjournment – President Travis Garlock called the meeting closed at 8:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Lesley North
Board of Directors
Richmond Volleyball Club
Board of Directors
25 November 2014
The regular meeting of the Richmond Volleyball Club Board of Directors was held at the
RVC Byrdhill location on November 25, 2014.
Present Board Members: Chung, Fitzsimmons, Garlock, Goldsmith-Ray, Haley, Howarth,
Keeler, North, Spencer
Absent Board Members: Creery, Johnson
Present Staff: Carroll
Present Comptroller: Yaffe
President Travis Garlock called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM.
Consent Agenda
a. The motion to approve the Consent Agenda including September Meeting
Minutes and September and October Management Reports, and September and
October Financial Reports was unanimously approved. Generally, the club is
doing well with Jumpin’ Juniors attendance numbers way up from last year.
b. Finance Committee Minutes were presented. The Committee was focused on
examining concessions and POS inventory. Committee recommended raising
the monthly contribution to the Robison Fund from $750 to $1000. The board
unanimously approved the recommendation.
XXXIX. Strategic Planning Committee (Presented by Travis Garlock)
a. The Board met on November 6, 2014, and an overview of the meeting was given.
b. The West Club lease is up for renewal in December, so various options are being
explored to accommodate for growth of the programs. Repair costs for the AC
units at West Club are estimated over $80k.
c. Ms. Carroll is continuing to work with a real estate agent to identify potential
properties on the south side of the river (with the Chippenham/Powhite corridor).
The board will be called into session when something of note is found.
d. Ms. Carroll and Mr. Garlock will be meeting with Hugh Joyce to discuss possible
extension of the lease timing at the West Club.
Old Business
a. Status of Roof Replacement – The majority of the work has been completed.
The contractor is still completing some work.
b. Smoking Policy/Area status – Drawings were submitted to ABC for approval.
c. GRCC Negotiation Update – A meeting is scheduled in December with the
Convention Center, RVC staff and the RVC Fire Code consultant.
d. Database Development Update –Draft of the RFP is in review, no progress this
e. Board Development (Election Candidates) – 4 spots will be vacant. The board
is looking for potential candidates.
New Business
a. Executive Session – The Board was in executive session from 7:45-8:05pm.
b. Youth Appeal – The Board unanimously approved the denial for appeal from a
youth who has been banned from the club.
Upcoming Committee Meetings
a. Finance Committee (3rd Tuesday) – December 16 at 6:30pm
b. Strategic Planning Meeting is pending until potential property site is found.
Next Board Meeting is Wednesday, January 28, 2015, 6:30 PM @ the North facility.
Adjournment – President Garlock called the meeting closed at 8:10 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Jessica Keeler, Secretary