Year 5 - Why is Brazil in the news again? What can you find out about Which famous cities in Brazil one of Brazil’s neighbouring attract other tourist and why? countries? 1) Learn all about the 1) Locate Brazil on the map and highlight the most famous cities. Use IPads to What do you already know about Brazil? research these cities. 2) Create a persuasive Children will become ‘Travel Agent brochure Designers’. They will research all aspects of Brazil such as: Why Brazil is called Brazil. Why was Brazil the World different countries in Brazil. Locate these on a map. 2) Create a page for our Travel Agents for the advertisement for the Brazil different neighbouring tourism board to use on their countries. Ensure to look website and as hand outs at the border surrounding with their brochures. Brazil. 3) Write a persuasive text to 3) Create a quiz about Brazil encourage people to visit and its neighbouring Brazil. countries. Cup hosts Languages, currency, climate Challenge: Is Brazil the largest country in South America? What fruits and other natural resources is Brazil famous for? 1) Explore the different fruits and foods that Brazil has to offer. Children to create a menu. 2) Use IPads to research the source of fruits and natural resources in Brazil. 3) Create an information text about it, Can you design and create a collage of Brazilian symbols? 1) We will investigate the famous statue in Brazil looking at what it represents and why it is ensuring to include information about the on top of the hill using climate and landscape of Brazil. IPads. 2) We will create a collage of the different Brazilian monuments. What can you find out about the street children of Brazil? 1) We will research and consider what secrets Brazil has. 2) We will look at clips from all around Brazil that focus on the poverty stricken areas. We Why is Brazil famous for its dancing? 1) We will look at video clips of carnivals that are celebrated in Brazil. Using IPads we will research why Brazil holds carnivals. We will look at the clothing and why people will look at why these areas are so poor. 3) Children will write a diary entry about life in a poor city. 4) Children will write a letter to the Brazilian government encouraging them to help the poor areas. dress up as birds. Reflection: 1) We will take some time to reflect upon our learning experiences 2) Children will design a and answer our topic Brazilian carnival costume. question. 3) Children will learn a 2) We will celebrate ‘Brazil Brazilian dance to perform Day’ where we invite out on our Brazil Day. parents and families to see all that we have What can you find out about a famous Brazilian? 1) Children will create a PowerPoint presentation about a famous Brazilian. They can look at footballers, singers, actors, President etc. Children to include fun facts about them and why they are famous. 2) Children to present these Power Points to the year group. learnt.