
§ 3.4 The Lone-Chooser Method
The Lone-Chooser Method
(for three players)
 Preliminaries: One of the players is
designated as the chooser, C. The
other two players will be dividers D1
and D2. These assignments will be
made randomly.
The Lone-Chooser Method
(for three players)
 Step 1. D1 and D2 divide S between
themselves into two fair shares using
the the divider-chooser method. We
will call s1 D1‘s piece and s2 D2‘s piece.
The Lone-Chooser Method
(for three players)
 Step 1. D1 and D2 divide S between
themselves into two fair shares using
the the divider-chooser method. We
will call D1‘s piece s1 and D2‘s piece s2.
 Step 2. Each divider divides his/her
share into three subshares. The
subshares of s1 are s1a , s1b and s1c ;
the subshares of s2 are s2a , s2b and s2c.
The Lone-Chooser Method
(for three players)
 Step 3. C now chooses one of D1‘s
subshares and one of D2‘s subshares.
(a) Draw aHomer,
possible Lenny
first division
and by
other than
vertical cut through
gotten together
to abuy
a special-edition
$6 Lardcenter and indicate which piece Lenny
Lad donut. Half of the donut has sprinkles and
would choose.
the other half is jelly-filled. Suppose that Homer
(b) Based
on the
first division
draw is
a possible
and Lenny
are the
and Carl
second division that Homer might make.
(c) Based on the first division, draw a possible
LennyJmight make.
J division that S
(d) Based on the second divisions describe a
possible final fair division of the
(e) Find the dollar value of each share in the
eyes of the player receiving it.
The Lone-Chooser Method
(for N players)
 Step 1. D1, D2, D3, . . . , DN-1 divide S
fairly among themselves.
 Step 2. Each divider subdivides
his/her share into N subshares.
 Step 3. C chooses one subshare from
each divider. Every player ends up with
N - 1 subshares.
§ 3.5 The Last-Diminisher
The Last-Diminisher Method
 The Idea: S is divided into two parts--a
claimed piece (the C-piece) and the rest
(the R-piece). The players are
separated into claimants and nonclaimants. During each turn a player
may opt to become a claimant by
trimming (or diminishing) the C-piece.
The Last-Diminisher Method
 Preliminaries. Players are put in order
(P1, P2, P3, . . . , PN) randomly. The
game will be played in rounds. In each
round we will have one fewer player
than in the last and our set of goods to
be divided, S, will be smaller.
The Last-Diminisher Method
 Round 1. The first player P1 becomes
the first claimant by cutting a share that
he/she believes to be worth (1/N )th of
S. P2 may now choose to play or pass
on the C-piece. P2 will play if he/she
thinks the C-piece is worth more than
(1/N )th of S. If P2 plays, then he/she
will do so by diminishing the C-piece to
what he/she feels is a fair share of S. In
this case P2 would now be the claimant
The Last-Diminisher Method
 Round 1. (cont’d) The players continue
in this manner until everyone has either
played or passed. The final claimant,
called the Last-Diminisher, keeps the
trimmed C-piece.
The Last-Diminisher Method
 Round 2. Last round’s R-piece is our
new S, which is to be divided by the
remaining N - 1 players. The process
described for round 1 is repeated--this
time with one fewer player. This means
that a fair share of (the new) S is now
1/(N - 1)th of S.
 Round 3, 4, . . . Repeat the process,
with one fewer player in each round,
until only two players remain. Then use
Example: Flight 815 has crashed on a
strange island in the Southern Pacific. Jack,
Kate, Sawyer, Locke and Sayid have decided to
divide the island amongst themselves using the
Last-Diminisher Method.
Example: (exercise 37, pg 124)
An island
is to be divided among seven players (P1, P2,
P3, . . . , P7) using the last-diminisher method.
P3 gets his fair share at the end of round 1, and
P7 gets her fair share at the end of round 3.
There are no diminishers in rounds 2, 4 and 5.
(a) Who is the last diminisher in round 1?
(b) Which player gets a fair share at the end of
round 2?
(c ) Which player cuts at the beginning of round
(d) Which player gets a fair share at the end of
round 4?
(e) Which player gets a fair share at the end of
round 5?