APWH Ch. 21 & 23 Test MC

Mr. Mendoza - APWH
Name: _________________________________
Prd: _______________
Multiple Choice (2 pts)
1. _________ The ideas of the Enlightenment
challenged the long-term assumptions about
sovereignty & instead proposed that
a. True govt. stems from religious
b. The best form of govt. is a democracy
c. Governments are bound to the will of
the people
d. All govt. is inherently unjust; Humans
are better off living in a state of nature
_________ The American colonists won their
bid for independence primarily because
a. They had superior generals
b. They were united in the cause of
c. The French had decided to support
them against the British
d. All of the above
3. __________ Which of the following was NOT
one of the causes of the French Revolution
a. A staggering national debt
b. Accusation of treason against Louis
c. The extravagance of Marie Antoinette
and the court at Versailles
d. Resentment at the privilege of the
4. __________ Which of the following could be
considered an expression of enlightened ideas
about government
a. The Stamp Act of 1708
b. The Quartering Act
c. The Declaration of Independence
d. The Congress of Vienna
5. __________ Napoleon Bonaparte rose to
power as
a. A liberal noble who supported the 3rd
b. A military hero
c. An opponent of Robespierre
d. A supporter of Marie Antoinette
6. _________ In general, Napoleon championed
a. Political freedom but not social
b. Equality under the law but not political
c. Freedom of expression but only for the
d. All the rights of citizenship proclaimed
by the National Assembly
7. _________ Which of the following is NOT an
explanation of why the Haitian Revolution
a. 800 gens de couleur were veterans of
the American Revolution
b. The large maroon population
supported the revolution
c. Toussaint L’Ouverture was an
effective strategist
d. The revolutionaries had the support of
British & Spanish forces
8. _________ In leading the revolutions of South
America, Simon Bolivar advocated
a. The Spanish colonial rule be replaced
with an indigenous monarchy
b. That ethnic nationalism be the basis of
the new states
c. Popular sovereignty
d. The abolition of slavery and full male
suffrage (ability to vote)
9. _________ Revolutions in Latin America were
frequently a power struggle between what 2
a. Masters and slaves
b. Peninsulares and creoles
c. European and indigenous peoples
d. Europeans and mestizos
10. _________ Which Latin American state gained
a bloodless independence as a monarchy
a. Brazil
b. Haiti
c. Mexico
d. Peru
11. _________ In Latin America, the road to a
stable state was hindered by
a. An elite conspiracy against lower
b. The ignorance and apathy of the lower
c. The caudillo’s reign of terror
d. Sharp divisions among the creole
12. _________ Napoleon’s final military defeat
occurred at
a. Waterloo
b. Leipzig
c. Elba
d. Moscow
13. _________ The most radical period of the
French Revolution (The Reign of Terror) was
reached during the leadership of
a. Louis XVI
b. Jean-Jacque Rousseau
c. Maximilien Robespierre
d. Napoleon Bonaparte
14. _________ The goal of Simon Bolivar was
a. Form a stable smaller South American
states centered around distinct tribal or
linguistic groups
b. Have the colonies of South America
remain linked to Spain but attain a
measure of self-government
c. Bring the former Spanish colonies of
South America into union with the
United States
d. Weld the former Spanish colonies of
South America into a confederation
like the United States
15. _________ Which of the following statements
accurately depicts developments in the French
Revolution PRIOR to 1793
a. The fall of the Bastille weakened the
b. The National Assembly created a basic
declaration of liberties and a new
constitution to establish a limited
c. Louis XVI destroyed his public
standing by attempting to flee
d. All of the above
16. _________ What was the IMMEDIATE cause
of the French Revolution
a. Rising power of the middle class
b. Inspiration of the American
c. Threat of national bankruptcy
d. Feudal dues paid by the peasants
17. _________ The 18th century concept of a
“balance of power” as seen in the Congress of
Vienna, was primarily
a. Based on the maintenance of national
power for the purpose of preventing
any one nation from becoming
dominant in Europe
b. An unexpected result of the decline of
c. An effort by European rulers to fortify
the security of their dynastic rule
d. An effort by European rulers to ensure
the future success of their nations
18. _________ The Committee of Public Safety
was formed to
a. Inspect factories for conditions
dangerous to workers
b. Design safer transportation systems
c. Train people to protect the French
royal family
d. Seek out and punish domestic enemies
of the French Revolution
19. _________ During the French Revolution, July
14, 1789 marked the
a. Call for a National Assembly
b. Fall of the Bastille
c. Execution of Louis XVI & Marie
d. Presentation of the Declaration of
Rights of Man & Citizen
20. _________ The guiding principles of the
French Revolution were summed up in the
a. “No taxation without representation”
b. “Liberty, equality, fraternity”
c. “Peace, bread, land”
d. “All men are created equal”
21. _________ Which group lost social, economic,
and political standing with the rise of
a. French citizens born in French
b. Women
c. Soldiers who served in the French
d. Common laborers
22. _________ Prior to 1789, French society was
divided into Estates, the largest of these was
a. 2nd Estate
b. 1st Estate
c. 3rd Estate
d. Estates General
23. __________ One common way that the
English colonists protested increased taxation
was to
a. Only pay the lower price for goods
b. Substitute barter for the use of coin
and currency
c. Write letters of protest to
representatives in Parliament
d. Boycott the goods being taxed
24. __________ John Locke, argued that
a. Monarchs ruled with God’s grace
b. No govt. should have an executive
c. The govt. should own the means of
d. The people had a right to revolt when
the monarchy violated their natural
25. __________ One of the issues that led to
revolution in Latin America in the early 19th
century was
a. Frustration over the political and
economic power of colonial
b. Dissatisfaction with the availability of
finished goods being imported from
c. The legal change that allowed
mestizos the right to vote in local
d. The dissatisfaction with the
availability of inexpensive labor in the
26. __________ Which document stated the goals
of Simon Bolivar in Latin America
a. The Jamaican Letter
b. The Treatise on Liberating Venezuela
c. The Declaration of Independence
d. The Emancipation of the Creole
27. __________ Which of the following was a
stumbling block to the creation of
constitutional government in Latin America
a. Providing financial support for the
b. Limiting the power of the military
c. Providing arable land
d. Providing economic opportunities for
the large landowners
28. _________ One similarity in the leadership of
Latin Americas Jose de San Martin, Toussaint
l’Ouverture, Bernanrdo O’Higgins, and Pedro I
was that each leader
a. Opposed US intervention in Haiti
b. Led a struggle to gain freedom for the
people of his nation
c. Opposed membership of his nation in
the League of Nations
d. Established an absolute monarchy in
his nation
29. _______ During the early 1800’s, which was a
major influence on the struggle for political
independence in Latin America?
a. Poor conditions in urban centers in
Latin America
b. The American & French Revolutions
c. The desire of the Roman Catholic
Church in Latin America to escape
European control
d. Demands by Latin American workers
to own their own factories
30. _______ Simon Bolivar and Miguel Hidalgo,
leaders of Latin American independence
movements, were inspired by successful
revolutions in
a. The USA & France
b. The Soviet Union & China
c. Cuba & Costa Rica
d. Egypt and Kenya
31. ______ One important result of the French
Revolution was that
a. France enjoyed a lengthy period of
peace and prosperity
b. the church was restored to its former
role and power in the French
c. political power shifted to the
d. France lost its spirit of nationalism
32. ______A study of revolutions would most
likely lead to the conclusion that preRevolutionary governments
a. are more concerned about human
rights than the governments that
replace them
b. refuse to modernize their armed forces
with advanced technology
c. attempt to bring about the separation
of government from religion
d. fail to meet the political and economic
needs of their people
33. ______ All of the following were mistakes
committed by Napoleon except for
a. Peninsular War
b. Invasion of Russia
c. Alliance with Britain
d. Continental System
34. _____ Which of the following contributed to
the Louisiana Purchase?
a. Haitian Revolution
b. Independence of Latin America
c. American Revolution
d. French Revolution
35. _____ The ideas and goals of Simon Bolivar
were stated in
a. The Haitian Letter
b. The Bolivian Letter
c. The Jamaican Letter
d. The American Letter