TIME: 06/24/2011 13:52
00: 04: 57
To the President
Of the United States
Of America
Barack Obama
Hidden Holocaust
Mr. President
June 21, 2011
Included is an excerpt from President Eisenhower’s last address to the nation at the end
of his presidential term. What foresight he had in regard to scientific developments as it relates
to our national defense and the danger of an imbalance of power that could take away our
liberty, the liberty that so many have and are now dying and suffering to secure.
Eisenhower’s Last Address To The Nation
A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty,
ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own
Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in
peacetime, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea.
Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American
makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no
longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a
permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. Added to this, three and a half million men
and women are directly engaged in the defense establishment. We annually spend on military
security more than the net income of all United States corporations.
This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the
American experience. The total influence -- economic, political, even spiritual -- is felt in every
city, every State house, every office of the Federal government. We recognize the imperative
need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil,
resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society.
In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence,
whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous
rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.
We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.
We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the
proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful
methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.
Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has
been the technological revolution during recent decades.
In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and
costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal
Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of
scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically
the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the
conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes
virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds
of new electronic computers.
The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations,
and the power of money is ever present
and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert
to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a
scientifictechnological elite.
It is the task of statesmanship to mold, to balance, and to integrate these and other forces, new
and old, within the principles of our democratic system -- ever aiming toward the supreme goals
of our free society.
Another factor in maintaining balance involves the element of time. As we peer into society's
future, we -- you and I, and our government -- must avoid the impulse to live only for today,
plundering, for our own ease and convenience, the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot
mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political
and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become
the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.
There are some who have forgotten the lessons of history or they have little regard for
humanity just as some have had in the too recent past. How could any American so willingly
take part in the involuntary experimentation and torture of another human being?
I am sending you a fax which I have also sent to other people and organizations. I would
like it to be recorded in history that you were the president who put a stop to the terrorization
and murder of American citizens and humanity worldwide. I have the identities of local law
enforcement officers who are currently involved in the criminal use of those advanced scientific
developments, which are a real and present threat to our liberty. They have in their possession
the technological apparatuses and weapons that they have used to damage my body and
invade me in ways that are unimaginable. They know who provides these devices and they
know who trained them in the use of these weapons. The weapons of mass destruction are
here in Sanford, N.C. along with all the elements needed to bring these things into the light.
But who do I bring this to? I can’t trust local law enforcement and I am not sure who I
can trust. I do trust you, Mr. President. They have damaged me greatly and I may never recover
from what they have done. I think it is of greater importance for the American people to be
made aware of and protected from the abuse of these advanced technologies. Therefore, I
have no objections to granting immunity from prosecution to those who are willing to
cooperate fully with an investigation. There is a golden opportunity here to bring back into
balance the necessity of having a strong national defense while at the same time keeping our
liberty and way of life secure.
Dwight D. Eisenhower was a great military leader and President. I liked him when I was
a kid and now as a much older person I hold him in much higher admiration. He was a leader in
the formation of the military industrial complex. He saw that it was absolutely necessary for
the security of our nation and yet he had the perception to see a real and potential danger in its
evolution. The advancement in military technologies has proven him to be correct. There is a
real possibility that freedom can be lost. Thank you Mr. President. May God guide you in all
your decisions?
Sincerely, Michael Benoit
America’s Horrific Shame
I am sending this fax or email, to those in the media and to anyone who might see the dire need
for an open investigation of complaints of not only myself but of the many others both nationwide and
across the world. Had it not been for a television program on the History Channel I would still be in
ignorance as to the strange and horrible things that have been happening in my life since June of 2004.
Just a cursory examination of the testimonials of other victims and their similarities of complaints should
stir the imagination of any investigative journalist or anyone who values civil rights, privacy and the right
to be safe in one’ person and in the sanctity and safety of one’s own home. Moreover, there are the
testimonials of scientists, PhD’s and individuals who have worked in the research and development of
these advanced technologies. The uniqueness of my personal experience is that I have the identities of
local law enforcement individuals including the names. Others, I would recognize but I don’t have a
name to put with the face. They have been so egregious in their actions that they have created many
circumstantial witnesses and there are many of their fellow officers that are aware of their activities.
We also are aware of the blue wall of silence and since these activities are being committed by all levels
of law enforcement and by the Department of Homeland Security we can assume that this wall of
silence extends across all levels including the NSA. Once the news media puts some light on these local
law enforcement personnel with the testimony of the circumstantial witnesses and the fact that these
individuals cannot lie to the FBI and the FBI will not be able to cover up what they already know is the
truth. It will not be possible for them to stand up under the scrutiny of an intense and pressured
journalistic investigation.
Amina Turner, Executive Director
N.C. Chapter of the NAACP
Would you please take a serious look at the information in this document? I would be glad to
talk with you in person or to someone on your staff .There I would be able discuss this in greater detail
and I could provide you more convincing evidence. I would also like to ask you to send this information
to the President of the NAACP and to the Rev. Al Sharpton. I and we need a voice that will not let this be
swept under the rug again and again. This is not a request for legal assistance or any other form of
assistance other than the help needed to expose these things to the American people. I sincerely thank
President and Officials
Of the NAACP
I am sending you an appeal for help. This is a copy of a fax I sent to Dr. Amy Gutmann, Chair of
the Presidential Commission on the study of Bio-ethics. You are the foremost leaders in the fight
against wrongdoing and injustice in this country and world. I ask you for help in uncovering the crimes
being committed against Americans and humanity worldwide. These crimes are being committed by
law enforcement agencies across the United States.
I have the names of law enforcement personnel involved in these criminal acts, who can, when
put under scrutiny and investigation by someone of importance, will attest to this truth by the very
words of their mouths. There is an overwhelming body of physical and circumstantial evidence in my
own hometown. I know you can tell the truth when you hear it and I beg you for help in uncovering a
horrible present day evil.
How can a man say he loves God, who he hasn’t seen when he doesn’t love man who he has
seen? This is what we live by. This is how we learn to love God. This is what motivates us to stand and
fight injustice and evil wherever it is. It is no longer in our makeup to retreat, run or be silent. We live
together or we die together. This kind of love pleases God.
If this is happening to civilians and it is. Then it is no stretch of the imagination to believe that it
is also happening in jails and prisons.
Sincerely, Michael Benoit
These are copies of faxes or emails have sent to other people or organizations
Dr. Amy Gutmann
Michael Benoit
President University of Pennsylvania
2015 Lee Ave
Chair of the Presidential Commission
Sanford, NC 27330
For the study of Bioethical Issues
Dr. Amy Gutmann, I apologize for sending you such poorly prepared emails; I am not computer
savvy. Dr.Gutmann, I would like to address you by your first name, Amy, because it is to the heart of a
woman who is compassionate and who knows what it is to suffer great pain while waiting for someone
to come and help. I know you have met and spoken with people who call themselves, Targeted
Individuals, and who say they are the victims of involuntary human experimentation. Of those who have
suffered grave harm from these, Directed Energy Weapons, and inhumane experimentations, I am one.
There are so many who are crying out to heaven and to other people who they believe might have an
eye to see and an ear to hear and come to our rescue. Please look at what I have written. I am not a
highly educated person, just one among many who suffer from an old but new expression of evil.
This is a copy of an email I sent to Laura Leslie, Bureau Chief at Wral News Raleigh, NC
This is Michael Benoit. I sent you an email some days ago. The email was about psychotronic
torture. It’s hard to talk or write about this subject without sounding like a crazy person. For anyone,
who has not experienced the effects of this applied technology, the subject is just unimaginable and
beyond what any American or any person would want to believe. However, it is completely true and
factual that this applied technology is being used to invade people’s lives for the purpose of
experimentation, interrogation and subjugation. It is the worst crime against humanity since Hitler or
Stalin. This technology has the ability to make one a prisoner in their own home. A concentration camp
made out of any dwelling place, a place of horror, degradation and a place of the worst sadistic torture
that is only limited by present technology and imagination.
I didn’t know about this technology until June 2010. I saw a television program on the History
Channel, That’s Impossible, “Mind Control”. Immediately, I knew what Cheryl Welsh was talking about.
Cheryl Welsh is a lawyer, a civil rights advocate and one of the leading experts in the use and misuse of
this technology. The Department of Defense calls these weapons non-lethal but they are very lethal. My
body has been irradiated for the past six years but it wasn’t until the late in 2007 that they began to burn
specific areas of my body. They began burning my face and with the use of what the Army calls
“synthetic telepathy”, they told me that” they were going to age me overnight”. That very night they
began to burn my face. In the summer of 2008, they told me that they were going to take away my
manhood and destroy my complete undercarriage. They started burning my genitals and anus. My
penis has been deformed in three different ways. They told me by the means of “synthetic telepathy”
that I was going to piss sideways and as they continued to burn me there, my penis turned to one side, as
it is now. On a later occasion, they told me that they were going to take away my thickness and at the
base of my penis there is a significant reduction in girth. They also apply these weapons to other parts of
my body, throat, chest, underarms, everywhere.
Let me say also, that there is scientific research that proves that even low levels of
electromagnetic radiation can damage the eggs in a woman’s ovaries and the damage is irreparable.
The defects will be passed down from generation to generation.
From Barrie Trower, retired British Military Intelligence Scientist in Microwave and Stealth Warfare
Now to answer your question, ma'am...uhm...I have three papers
showing that low level microwaves can interfere with the genetics in
the ovarian follicles. Now what that means in everyday language,
different from boys, young girls when they're born, they will have
up to four hundred eggs in their ovaries. The microwaves can damage
the genetic structure, we now know, in those ovaries. So, when this
young girl grows up, gets married, and has children, if she has a
daughter, this particular mitochondrial genetic damage is
irreparable. There is nothing at all that can repair it.
So, if she has a daughter, the daughter will carry that genetic
deformity, and her daughter will carry it, and her daughter will
carry it. So, it isn't a game anymore, it isn't a little box that
you can press buttons and run around in, and have fun with, we are
now seriously jeopardising the future generations for as long as
there is a female line of our children's children's children, and
that is to me the most scariest aspects of all of this.
End of quote
I recently had a colonoscopy and something abnormal was found. I am scheduled for a later
examination in Oct. of this year. A few weeks ago, I went to see an urologist for a sperm analysis and the
report also indicated something abnormal. Neither report specified what the abnormality was, just that
there was one. The similarity of complaints and I believe the similarity of abnormalities found in other
victims will be like the evidence of a” smoking gun”.
It is local law enforcement who has been doing these things. Someone has put this technology
and these weapons into their hands. They were taught how to use them and those who instructed them
had to have had the benefit of years of research and experimentation in the non-lethal and lethal use of
these “Directed Energy Weapons”.
I can provide you with the names of local law enforcement personnel along with many
circumstantial witnesses and other physical evidence as well as my body. It is possible to connect A to B
and C to D. I am more than willing to come and discuss this with one of your reporters. I am not trying
to sell a story. There is no amount of money that I would accept for this story. It belongs to the
American people and all the people of the world. You can be the champion for the people.
Persons of interest: Jim Eads, David Edes, Jack Edes and David McLeod who may have knowledge of
these persons and activities}.
My name: Michael Benoit, 2015 Lee Ave, Sanford, NC 27330. Ph: 919-776-9039, cell: 919-352-5993
My email address:
A young woman’s plea: Domestic torture Via R adiation Weaponry;
Nkli (not verified)
at 10:58 on April 7th, 2009
For those of you who are unaware, my family and I have been victims of electronic torture for
over nine years. I am currently a grad student and I have to deal with constant surveillance,
physical harassment by electronic means, and invasion of privacy on every possible level. The
perpetrators along with local law enforcement follow me where ever I go; they constantly use
their directed energy weapons on me and have almost destroyed my life. This all started after
Bush was sworn in, my family and I lived in an apartment, we noticed that our neighbors were
behaving differently, they acted as if we had wronged them in some way, after this, a tenant
living in the apartment above us began to use some sort of weapon on us. My mother was the
first one they did it on, she tried to tell the police, but they had her committed and told her she
would have to take medication. My little sister was taken into protective custody, she was only 11
at the time, they started using these weapons on her as well. My mother fled to Tennesee where
they are currently harassing her with these weapons, she is experiencing dizziness, noises
coming from apartments that are supposed to be vacant, she is also having gynecological
problems(Such as heavy bleeding, intense pain and discomfort) these symptoms correspond with
the electric shocks that she endures on a regular basis. I live alone and am struggling to find a
job and finish school, it is very difficult to do when you have to go through this. This all has been
very hard on me emotionally. I have very few personal relationships and every day I feel as
though I am getting closer and closer to death. These perps have made it almost impossible for
me to live at all. They have detroyed my family, I can't even study in my own home, anytime I try,
they begin to use these weapons on me, they do it on me even when I leave the house, they have
found a way to make these weapons portable. I have endured this for years, I watch other people
my age, other students...they are enjoying their lives and I'm a prisoner. My mother might die
soon, I might die and no ones coming to rescue me. I've done nothing to deserve this. I try to live
my life in a way that benefits others, I've never broken the law and I have a good heart, yet I am
being treated as though I am a terrorist, a criminal. When will it stop? When will I be free? They
have taken everything from me. I am a smart woman, creative, educated and yet it doesn't
matter because no matter what I do or where I go, these perps will always be there waiting to
destroy me. I have absolutely NO support. If there is anyone out there, anyone who has learned
how to cope with this, please HELP me. My mother calls me every night and tells me that they're
killing her and there's nothing I can do about it, there's no way of protecting myself or the people
that I love. I had dreams once, I wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to get married, I wanted to be
a part of the world...I don't even feel like an American anymore, I feel like foreigner. I lay in bed
at night and I wonder what my life would be like if this wasn't happening to me, I wonder how
happy I might be if I had rights like everyone else. When Obama won, I was so overjoyed, for
once I felt like I could really be proud of this country. He kept talking about change and about
how he was going to stand up for the hopeless. The day Obama was inaugurated, I didn't feel
anything, the perps stopped completely, but the very next day they started doing it on me again,
this time harder than before. When will change come for me? My family is ...dying. I still can't
believe that this is happening in America. I want to believe that one day the government will stop
this from going on, but it's hard. There is no way that the government is unaware of this issue,
the law enforcement in my town, doctors, teachers, even security guards are all apart of this
program. Collectively, they have managed to poison the minds of any person who sympathizes
with my plight. Last night the perps used some kind of D.E.W on me that caused the right side of
my brain to become numb, they also continously use some sort of invisible beam to pierce
various parts of my body when I am not at home. Somebody, somewhere... PLEASE tell me that
I'm not alone, tell me that this will end. I'm only in my twenties...I don't wanna die.
A copy of a letter I sent to the ACLU
Executive Director:
July 11, 2010
Mary Jane DeFrank
1400 20th. NW Suite 119
Washington, D.C. 20036
This letter is a desperate plea for help. I am being spied on, experimented on, and I am being
tortured both bodily and mentally. I have the damaged body as proof. This has been going on since June
of 2004. The significance of this date I cannot write about in this letter. I am in this all alone. No one
believes what I have tried to tell them. The torture is unimaginable and I can’t bare up without some
hope of help.
Someone started coming in my home sometime after Jun 2004. I first noticed a magazine out of
place. Then I noticed that some vitamin supplements had been tampered with. I have found financial
documents that I had in a lock armoire arranged on top of a chest of draws in a manner as if I had left
them out in the open. Someone has been in my home 100's of times. They have searched everything in
my home. They started tampering with electrical circuits and electronic equipment. I tried to hide food
in the same locked armoire that I kept important papers .They showed me that I couldn’t hide anything
from them and they also showed me that they could see whatever I did in my home. I tried to hide food
in other places and they broke my refrigerator. I went to see an attorney, a former ADA, and he said
there was nothing I could do without proof. My television broke and I bought another. Then I noticed
that the green power light on the new television had been tampered with. The function was reversed.
The power light came on when the television was off and the power light went off when the television
on. My mother had a stroke in Nov 2006. She has been in a nursing home since that time. I bought her
a television for her room and made notice of the power light when I put it in her room. It was only a day
or two before the power circuit on that TV had been reversed. So they have been spying on me even
while I am visiting my mother in the nursing home. [I am at the nursing home five or six days a week for
several hours]. I removed the power circuit from the new TV I bought for my home and I also removed
the TV from my mother’s room. I have them in a place I hope is safe, {evidence}. There are people that
have worked or are working at the nursing home that might be able give testimony as well as some
visitors that have been at the nursing home.
They have tried to listen to every word I speak and watch everything I do. They have installed
GPS devices on my motor vehicles and my sister’s and my cousin’s car, which I go, places with
sometimes. They have continued to tamper with food and I had to completely change the way I eat.
They have poisoned me twice that I am sure of. I had unusual stomach pain on two occasions. The
second time was much worse than the first. I took some Alka-Seltzer and as soon as it hit my stomach
the pain doubled me over. I also had several lesions on my tongue, which I had two doctors look at.
They have damaged things in my home, a stereo, a new DVD recorder, a micro-cassette recorder, and
two washing machines, several under cabinet light fixtures, a refrigerator, and a microwave/convection
oven. They have damaged my motor vehicles several times. They have stolen items from me, a small
metal, hard to find,funnel, and some synthetic transmission fluid, a potato peeler, and some steak
knives. They stole my identity and open an online account where I bank. They set up accounts with and My checking and savings accounts were nearly emptied. The bank recovered
the money; however, $5,800.00 came into my account that wasn’t in my account previously. I don’t
throw any personal information away.
In early 2005 I went to the local police department and the sheriff’s department to ask if I was
under investigation, both replied no. However, the things I’ve mentioned continued and got worse.
Some time ago I learned that there was a technology which allows law enforcement or government
agencies to view people in their homes [millimeter wave-see through the wall technology]. I recently
saw a television program, That’s Impossible. It was about mind control and the Cheryl Welsh story was
part of that program. She related her story as a targeted-individual of mind control. She has a website
[]. As soon as I heard what she had to say about what happened to her, I knew that the
same thing was happening to me.
One of the first symptoms I experienced was diarrhea. Then I started feeling small electric
shocks hit me as I moved around in my home. It felt like I was being used for target practice. I also
noticed that when I sat down on my couch, which was in front of a window, I would get these terrible
headaches in the back of my head. I also found myself waking up the middle of the night with the same
type of pounding headaches. It was at this same time that they were using something to raise and lower
the volume of my radio. I was also experiencing the repetitive sound of secretions in my abdominal area.
This was happening before I knew that there were technologies that could be used to do these things.
Some of the more recent symptoms, [during the past three years], are as follows. The burning of
my skin, and eyes, pain being inflicted in my joints, images being placed in my mind, dream control and
interrogation, and occasionally, a voice, muscle twitches, muscle jerks, sleep deprivation and sleep
disturbances. They won’t let me sleep in my own bed or anywhere else. They have even talked to local
doctors in an attempt to discourage them from prescribing sleep medications.
I have psoriasis and I spend a lot of time taking care of my skin. One day when I was in my
bathroom I heard a voice, internally, in my head, that said, I am going to age you overnight.
night my face started burning and after a time, some months, I noticed that my face was developing
small wrinkles all over. This is still going on. Two years ago I heard a voice, again in my head, that said, I
am going to take your manhood away from you, and I started feeling a burning sensation in my genitals.
I have the physical damage to prove it. I have also felt a burning sensation in my internal organs.
I started to exercise to combat the stress and depression and they started attacking my joints.
Inflicting pain that is intense and lasts a long time. Sometimes it’s short term. They can inflict pain in my
internal organs as well.
I awoke one morning with the image of a hamburger in my mind and I was made to bite it. I
actually performed the physical movement with my jaws. I was sitting on the toilet one morning and I
heard a voice, in my head, that said, tonight you are going to kick in the air. That night I had a dream
that I was being attacked and I woke up kicking in the air. I used to practice karate 20 years ago. I have
been rolled around in the bed, and rolled off the bed. I have had my whole body and limbs made to jerk
suddenly. I have had dreams that were induced. They have tried to force me to do things in my dreams.
They can actually see my reaction and behavior in my dreams. They can probe the deep recesses of my
mind. They have difficulty violating your will but I am afraid of what repeatedly induced thoughts and
dreams might do.
I have found out the identity of one of persons involved in this horror. His name is Jim Eads and
he works for the Lee County Sheriff’s Department. I went to the district attorney’s office to file a
complaint. He has an unusual physical description, and the woman that works in the front office gave
me the name. I also described this man to officers at the Sanford Police Department and they gave me
the same name. There is another detective, David McLeod of the Sheriff’s department who I believe has
knowledge of these activities. This man, Jim Eads, has left a trail of witnesses that all led back to him
and to all others involved.
My name is Michael P. Benoit. I live in Sanford, N.C. in Lee County. My address is 2015 Lee Ave,
Sanford, N. C. 27330. My home phone number is 919-776-9039; my cell number is 919-352-5993. My
home phone is tapped and my cell phone is monitored.
What has happened to others and I is horrific. Don’t leave us alone in this. This is a desperate
plea for help.
Sincerely, Michael Benoit
Dr. Gutmann , here are a final few words I would like to share with you. My mother has been
and still is, in a nursing home. She has been there since November of 2006. They have made my
mother’s limbs jerk the same way they make mine jerk. When they first started doing this to my body, it
was at that time that they also started doing did it to her body. I pointed this out to my sister and it they
stopped. As I have said, they have and are continuing to burn me in the area of my genitals. My ninety
year old mother has been complaining about burning down there. The nurses say there no redness
there. My mother asked me a few days ago, nearly screaming “am I being punished”.
I am going to send this to you in a fax and as an email. Would you let me know if you have
received them? Thank you.
Sincerely, Michael Benoit
Act No. 257
Public Acts of 2003
Approved by the Governor
December 28, 2003
Filed with the Secretary of State
December 29, 2003
EFFECTIVE DATE: January 1, 2004
Introduced by Reps. Van Regenmorter, Nofs, Howell, Caswell, Richardville,
Palsrok, Caul, Hune, Newell,
DeRoche, Bisbee, Middaugh, Brandenburg, Acciavatti, LaJoy, Pastor,
Casperson, Tabor, Drolet,
Milosch, Bieda, Lipsey, Gieleghem, Meisner, Moolenaar and Ward
AN ACT to amend 1931 PA 328, entitled “An act to revise, consolidate,
codify and add to the statutes relating to
crimes; to define crimes and prescribe the penalties therefor; to provide
for restitution under certain circumstances; to
provide for the competency of evidence at the trial of persons accused of
crime; to provide immunity from prosecution
for certain witnesses appearing at such trials; and to repeal certain acts
and parts of acts inconsistent with or
contravening any of the provisions of this act,” by amending sections
200i, 200k, 200l, 204, 207, 209, 210, 211a, and 212a
(MCL 750.200i, 750.200k, 750.200l, 750.204, 750.207, 750.209, 750.210,
750.211a, and 750.212a), sections 200i and 200k as
added by 1998 PA 207, section 200l as added by 2001 PA 135, sections 204
and 211a as amended by 1998 PA 206, sections 207,
209, and 210 as amended by 1998 PA 208, and section 212a as amended by
2002 PA 140, and by adding section 200m.
The People of the State of Michigan enact:
Sec. 200i. (1) A person shall not manufacture, deliver, possess,
transport, place, use, or release any of the following
for an unlawful purpose:
(a) A harmful biological substance or a harmful biological device.
(b) A harmful chemical substance or a harmful chemical device.
(c) A harmful radioactive material or a harmful radioactive device.
(d) A harmful electronic or electromagnetic device.
(2) A person who violates subsection (1) is guilty of a crime as follows:
(a) Except as provided in subdivisions (b) to (e), the person is guilty of
a felony punishable by imprisonment for not
more than 15 years or a fine of not more than $10,000.00, or both.
(b) If the violation directly or indirectly results in property damage,
the person is guilty of a felony punishable by
imprisonment for not more than 20 years or a fine of not more than
$15,000.00, or both.
(c) If the violation directly or indirectly results in personal injury to
another individual other than serious
impairment of a body function or death, the person is guilty of a felony
punishable by imprisonment for not more than
25 years or a fine of not more than $20,000.00, or both.
(d) If the violation directly or indirectly results in serious impairment
of a body function to another individual, the
person is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for life or any
term of years or a fine of not more than
$25,000.00, or both.
(e) If the violation directly or indirectly results in the death of
another individual, the person is guilty of a felony and
shall be punished by imprisonment for life without eligibility for parole
and may be fined not more than $40,000.00, or
Sec. 200k. (1) Sections 200h to 200j do not apply to any of the following:
(a) A member of the military forces of the United States or of this state
acting under a lawful order or while engaged
in a lawful military activity.