Economics at Kent - University of Kent

Professor Alan Carruth
Economics at Kent
What is Economics?
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the branch of social science that studies the
allocation and distribution of goods and services
it tackles the issues of scarcity and choice
is a way of thinking about the world in a structured
and analytical way
enables you to make informed decisions about your
Economics @ Kent
What is Economics?
Economics is usually divided into two main
o Microeconomics examines the economic behaviour of
individuals, households and businesses
o Macroeconomics examines an economy as a whole with a
view to understanding the business cycle, economic
growth, inflation, unemployment and policy making
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Economics @ Kent
What is Economics?
Economics can also be divided into numerous subdisciplines such as:
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international economics
monetary economics
development economics
industrial economics
public economics
labour economics
environmental economics
Economics @ Kent
Why Study Economics?
Economics asks interesting & important questions
Economics is a prestigious discipline
Economists get good jobs and are paid well
Economics develops many important skills
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Logical, analytical & critical thinking
Written & oral communication skills
Numeracy & problem solving
Quantitative & IT skills
Economics @ Kent
What do Economists do?
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Construct theoretical models to analyse complex
Devise methods and procedures for obtaining
useful, informative data
Analyse data to test the effectiveness of current
policies, products or services
Evaluate past and present economic issues and
Create mathematical modelling techniques to
develop forecasts
Economics @ Kent
What do Economists do?
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Write about economic trends and forecasts to
inform the press and public
Produce numerical and non-numerical written
Conduct oral and visual presentations which
recipients must be able to understand thoroughly in
order to make decisions
Advise on the suitability of alternative courses of
Economics @ Kent
Which Economics Degree?
Single Honours Degrees
Economics, Economics with Econometrics,
Financial Economics,
International Economics,
Industrial Economics,
Economics with a foreign language
Joint Honours Degrees
o Economics & ...
o Mathematics, Accounting, Politics, Business, Law,
Philosophy, Sociology, Anthropology
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Economics @ Kent
Economics Graduates & Careers
Economic Analysis
o Private Consultancy
o Local & Central Government (GES)
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Financial Services
Management Consultancy
Public Administration
Forecasting & Statistics
Economics @ Kent
Earnings Premia over 2 A-levels by Degree
Subject, 1994–2006
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Economics @ Kent
Why Study Economics at Kent?
What our peers think of us:
o QAA Subject Review of Teaching and Learning in 2001 Score of 23/24, rated Excellent
o Successful internal quality review in 2005
o Ranked 16th in 2008 Research Assessment Exercise
(RAE) with 75% of research rated Internationally Excellent
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What employers think of us
o Our graduates get good jobs or entry onto high quality
postgraduate programmes
o 75% in employment and 20% to postgraduate studies from
2008 cohort of graduates
Economics @ Kent
Why Study Economics at Kent?
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What our students and others think of us
o Department ranked 3rd in 2009 National Students Survey
o Rated “excellent” by Sunday Times University Guide 2008
o League table position in 2010 University Guides
o Times: 16th
o Guardian: 20th
o Increasing applications: +65% for 2009 entry
Economics @ Kent
What Our Students Say About Us
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Many of the lecturers clearly have in-depth knowledge of
their field of expertise. By this I mean that they can very
often offer actual examples to highlight theory.
The level of help from lecturers when needed is very
good. Always plenty of resources available. Teaching
techniques are very effective.
IT resources and communication within the course via
such resources have been exemplary. Thus, contact with
staff is made with ease.
Economics @ Kent
What Our Students Say About Us
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My lecturers were also available to help with any
Help from lecturers after-hours has been extremely good
and helpful.
Course is pretty well structured (most of the modules)
and the lecturers are really enthusiastic about the subject
and the stuff they teach.
Third year was taught by professors passionate about
their subjects, knowledgeable in these subjects and
Economics @ Kent
What Our Peers Say About Us
In the 2001 Subject Review, we were highly
commended for:
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our high-quality teaching, informed by staff research
the approachability of academic and support staff
the up-to-date content of our degree programmes
the wide choice of final year modules
the impressive first destinations of our graduates
the encouragement of independent student learning
the quality of the constructive feedback that students receive
the excellent computing facilities and extensive access
Economics @ Kent
The Department
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22 full-time academics + Support Staff, Teaching
Assistants, Visiting Scholars
Around 170 undergraduate students each year
Around 35 graduate students each year
Excellent support facilities in an attractive
Economics @ Kent
The Degree Programmes
Single Honours Programmes (BSc)
Financial Economics
Economics/Financial Economics with Econometrics
Economics with Computing
Economics with a year in industry
European Programmes (BSc)
o 4 year Single Honours Programmes
o Include a year studying economics in France, Germany,
Spain or Greece
o Programmes may lead to a further qualification
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Economics @ Kent
The Degree Programmes
Joint Honours Programmes (BA)
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Economics and Business
Economics and Politics
Economics and Sociology
Law and Economics
Accounting & Finance and Economics
Social Anthropology and Economics
Economics @ Kent
The Degree Structure (Single Honours)
Year 1 (Level C): Introduction (120 Credits)
o Compulsory Modules (60 Credits):
o Introductory Economics A or B (30 Credits)
o Mathematics for Economists A or B (15 Credits)
o Statistics for Economists (15 Credits)
o Option Modules (60 Credits):
o Contemporary European Economy (15 credits)
o Strategy and Games (15 credits)
o Choice of modules from other Social Sciences,
Languages, Computing etc
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Economics @ Kent
The Degree Structure (Single Honours)
Year 2 (Level I) :Theory & Application (120 Credits)
o Compulsory Modules (90 Credits):
o Intermediate Macroeconomics (30 credits)
o Intermediate Microeconomics (30 credits)
o Quantitative Economics (30 credits)
o Specialist modules (30 credits):
o Policy Analysis (15 credits)
o Financial Analysis (15 credits)
o The Public Sector (15 credits)
o Environmental Economics, Institutions & Policy (15 credits)
o Language (30 credits)
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Economics @ Kent
The Degree Structure (Single Honours)
Year 3/4 (Level H): Specialisation (120 Credits)
o Compulsory Modules (up to 30 Credits):
o Dissertation (30 credits) or
o Extended Essay (15 credits) &/or
o Applied Economics Project (15 credits)
o Optional Specialist Modules (90 credits)
o Wide choice of specialist modules available
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Economics @ Kent
Specialist Economics Modules
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Development Economics
International Finance
International Trade
Public Economics I: Public Finance
Public Economics II: Public Expenditure
Economics of Finance I
Economics of Finance II
Economics @ Kent
Specialist Economics Modules
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Economic Integration in the EU
Environmental Economics
Industrial Economics
Education, Skills and Earnings
Games for Economics and Business
Econometrics I: Foundations of Econometric Theory
Econometrics II: Topics in Time Series
Economics @ Kent
Admissions Requirements
Typical Entry Requirements
o 320 UCAS Tariff points (equivalent to ABB)
o International Baccalaureate of at least 34 points
o European Baccalaureate of at least 75 points
Required Subjects
o GCSE Mathematics Higher level grade B
o European Programmes require relevant language skills
o Single Honours Programmes with Econometrics require A level
Mathematics grade B
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Economics @ Kent
Additional to eligibility for bursaries or other
university scholarships
Award of £1000 per academic year
o Applicants should have attained, or be expected to attain, a
minimum of 340 tariff points (or equivalent).
o Submission of an essay of 1,000 words on; 'The Value of an
Economics Degree'
o Performance at interview
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Economics @ Kent
Postgraduate programmes
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MSc programmes
PhD programme
Economics and Econometrics
Economics and Finance
International Finance and Development
International Development
Applied Environmental Economics
Agricultural Economics
All programmes involve 8 taught modules plus a
Dissertation over 12 months
 Entry requirements: good first degree in Economics (or
related subject)
 Advanced coursework and thesis over 36 months
 Entry requirement: masters degree in Economics
Economics @ Kent
Staff Members to Contact
Acting Head of School
o Professor Alan Carruth
o Tel: 01227 827449
o Email:
Undergraduate Admissions Officer
o Dr Alastair Bailey
o Tel: 01227 824092
o Email:
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Economics @ Kent
Further Information
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Economics @ Kent
Summary – What Economics at Kent Can Do
For You!
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Excellent Facilities and a High Quality Learning
Flexibility in Programmes of Study
Excellent Future Opportunities
Economics @ Kent