Sei Naito November 29, 2010 Industrial Revolution Packet Opening

Industrial Revolution Packet
Sei Naito
November 29, 2010
Opening of Japan
In 1854, naval vessels entered the Edo Bay. Americans sent Commodore
Matthew Perry to negotiate with Japan to open the doors of trade. In the past
John Aulick had failed this mission. The Japanese officials were in contact with
Dutch and Chinese traders, but not America. Perry knew that opening the trade
with Japan would be a big accomplishment. Perry brought a letter from the
president to the emperor of Japan. He was insisting on only dealing with the
highest emissaries of the emperor. After a while, the Japanese Government had
decided to negotiate with Perry to avoid war with America. After few weeks, the
Americans had received a dearly treaty with Japan. The treaty was:
1. To have peace between the United States and Japan
2. To open two of the major ports to the Americans ships at Hakodate
and Shimoda
3. Help any American wrecked ships on the Japanese coast and
protection for the people on the ships
4. Allow American ships to buy supplies, coal, water, and other
necessary items from the Japanese ports.
After signing with the treaty Americans were invited to a feast. At the feast,
Americans were inspired by Japan’s politeness and their rich culture. After the
feast, Commodore Perry broke down the barriers that detached other countries
from Japan. Now days in Japan, they celebrate his arrival.
This was one of the biggest events in the 1800s. This event allowed Japan
to trade and to know other country’s culture, which made Japan more
technological and improve on their inventions. This also affected the social side
of Japan and made improvements in cities and changed it in a positive way, But
most of all, it enabled Japan to have a better relationship between the Americans.
The arrival of Perry and opening the doors of Japan was a big influence in the
19th century.
Interchangeable Parts:
Interchangeable parts were invented in 1800s. Interchangeable parts
enabled people to exchange broken parts efficiently and accurately. In 1812,
Simeon North was the first one to use the principle of interchangeable parts. He
made flintlock pistols for the Navy during the Civil War. But years later, he
improved his invention for the governmental approval, the breech loading rifles.
He was approved and continued to this interchangeable rifle until his death in
1852. Another inventor that used this method is Eli Whitney. He invented
muskets for the American army. He sold a huge contract to the American
government for four thousand muskets, but after all, it seems to be that they
were not interchangeable. By the time Whitney did his demonstration, Blanc had
produced 10,000 muskets per year for Napoleon. But after the fake
demonstration, America had used the method of interchangeable parts to make
typewriters and sewing machines. The idea of using interchangeable parts was
one of the biggest inventions in the 19th century.
This invention had impacted not just America, but the world. This
invention influenced the world big time. The two biggest influences were
economically and socially. This impacted the world socially because now days,
people buy interchangeable things and changed cities. Another is economically
because it caused more job choices and impacted positively causing better
economies around the world by using the method. People reacted really
positively to this and started to invented useful things using this method.
Interchangeable parts have changed the world.
Portable Cameras:
The first portable cameras were just boxes with lenses in the front and a
wooden piece on the back. The exposures took few seconds to few minutes due
to the poor quality. Later on cameras were modified and shutters were put in to
limit the exposure time to less than a second. In 1871, photographers coated the
plates with chemicals to process the images immediately. In 1888, George
Eastman invented the first portable cameras close to the modern days. This
camera was portable and chemicals and plates were not needed. It sold over
100,000. This invention led to the invention of the motion picture camera
invented by Edison.
This invention affected the world positively and there are couples of
reasons. This enabled people to communicate nonverbally and show examples. It
also helped people share what they saw and made their views memorable. This
invention impacted the economical sides of countries by selling portable
cameras and also led to ideas of videos and DVDs. By sharing the views people
are seeing, people can share them the depth and the feeling. Also helped people
to remember people’s faces if they have passed away.
Electric light bulb:
In the early 19th centuries people have been using dangerous fires to
make light. Finally inn 1879, Thomas A. Edison invented an electric light bulb.
The light bulb created light by heating filaments by the power of electric currents
inside. Before this invention, other inventors had tried to make a light bulb, but
had failed. Finally, Edison was the first in succeeding this invention. After the
light bulb was created, other inventors tried to modify it like weakening the
massive light created by making it sub-divided. This invention led to other
inventions like computers in the modern time. The inventors succeeded that, but
the competitive heart between companies and inventors had dimmed away. The
electric industries constantly continued to grow until the late 19th century.
This creation was a major change that happened during the Industrial
Revolution. There are two reasons to why it was a major change. One of the
reasons is that rooms were lightened up more efficiently and without candles.
This enabled people to save up money because if u were to use candles or
matches they are not permanent and would not last long enough. Lastly, this
made people’s life more convenient because you would not have to do lots of
things and could turn it on with a single switch. People might have been using
candles and matches now days if this was not invented. Electric light bulb was a
major innovation during the 19th century.
Factory labor:
Factory work carried along the Industrial Revolution. Men, women and
children worked at the factories for more than 10 hours a day. The work they
had was very difficult and dangerous. Children worked to make money for family
reasons or wanted to help their family. People were fired easily. People got fired
if they got sick, hurt or etc. Women and children were fired more than men,
especially, the children due to their weakness and their body development.
Women and children worked the same amount as men, but made less profit and
some were even non-paid and would get fired if they complain about it.
It is important for people to know what was happening in the Industrial
Revolution like the unfair and unsafe time people were having. People at
factories should have been paid equally or women and children should have
gotten easier and safer jobs. However none of the factories did not adjust
anything and was very dangerous. Not many children work because people are
getting more profit and people are getting equal amount of money and have
stricter laws. Even though this is not happening now days, people should input
the facts like the tough conditions people were having in their mind. People need
to know the harsh factory work in the past.
Wireless telegraphy:
An Italian inventor, Guglielmo Marconi experimented the wireless
telegraphy in 1895. The wireless telegraphy didn’t send audio, but instead it sent
buzzing sound sending Morse codes. Marconi was first to prove the function of
the radio. During the Industrial Revolution Russians used it for military force and
to communicate with the militaries. The Japanese military used this device too in
the World War 2 to communicate and plan out their method. After this invention
he modified this invention by making it better technology and quality. This
invention influenced the worldwide and was able to communicate across seas.
The wireless telegraphy enabled people to do things that were thought
impossible. This made the wireless a major change during the Industrial
Revolution. The wireless telegraphy allowed people to have communication with
Morse code or audio. This was more efficient because even if people write a
letter it would be sent few days later and if people want to tell someone
something you would have to go there, but with this people can simply tell the
person through audio anywhere. This would way people would not waste time.
This also helped people at war and it enable people to trade information and
communicate the plans. The radio was one of the equipment that influenced the
victory or defeat of the war, so it was an important item. The wireless telegraphy
was a major change during the Industrial revolution.
Iron made bridge:
The Iron Bridge is a bridge that is located in England. It was made in 1779
and is the first arched bridge made and the first iron made bridge. This bridge
was made by Abraham Darby the third. He was born in a family that was trying
to improve the art of smelting. It is made of iron and is very light. It was made
over a stream in Severn. The bridge was over 100ft high and was the largest iron
made structure in his era. The materials were sent from Coalbrookdale factory,
which is over a half mile away.
This is one of the biggest changes that happened during the industrial
revolution. This invention made peoples lives more efficient. This inventions
made people’s lives easier and enable to people to take short cuts instead of
going across mountains and small rivers. Inventing iron made bridges had
strength so people were able to trade heavier raw materials in short time. This
also caused negative things to cities. By making a bridge cities were more open
and people could come in any time. This also was a used during war and people
could destroy bridges to not let them in. Making the bridge had few negative
affects, but mostly had positive affects. This is why this invention was a big
change during the Industrial Revolution and is important information for people
to know.
Women’s right:
Women before the industrial revolution had disadvantages in living. They
were limited in education due to their skills and they were pressured to have
many children and they were paid less than men even if they did the same
amount as they did. This began to change during the Industrial Revolution. Mary
Wollstonecraft wrote a Vindication of the Woman in 1792. This piece of work
was to show men and women are supposed to be treated equally, but in a rude
manner. This was just the beginning of the independence of women. In 1840, 100
to 400 people attended the women’s right convention in New York to show that
people should be treated equally and make an end to double standard. This
convention got hold of attention and more women started to think they need
more freedom.
This was an important change during the Industrial revolution and there
are few reasons to it. The first reason is that if people did not notice that that
they should be treated equally people now days still would have been treated
differently and unfairly. Another is if men did not give the right to the women the
world would not have been peaceful modern time. Lastly, women got more
education and women got more choice in working and helped countries develop.
This is why people should know the living conditions of women back in the past
and how it started.
In 1776, railroads started to improve into the railroads people see today.
The wooden pieces on the rails were exchanged with iron so as the wheels on the
carts. Railroads were first made for military purpose and were used to carry
weapons and carry people to places. The invention of the steam engine made
railroads develop. In the 1800s, railroads were fully developed and were all over
the United States. In 1825, the first train that can carry both passengers and
goods was tested and succeeded.
The invention of railroads was an important thing to the world. If this
were not created people would have had a hard time trading and would have to
walk long distance. The train made lives more efficient and easier and enabled
people to use time wisely. Railroads also supported the invention of steam
engines. This was a big influence because for the military if they did not have
railroads it would have took longer to have hold of weapons and could of
changed the victory or defeat of a war. Railroads were important during the
Industrial Revolution and people should know that just a railroad made a big
impact to the world.
In 1863, Johann Philipp Reis demonstrated the first audio message
transmitter. His purpose was only to demonstrate the nature of sound and his
machine was not a complex invention. In 1876 Alexander Graham Bell made the
first operational telephone. This was the first change of how people
communicate. His invention started as an accident when he and his assistant
were trying to invent a telegraph and noticed that sound could be transferred.
The telephones that Bell made were not like the ones we see today. It was more
like an improved telegraph. The diaphragm in the phone, which vibrated
transferred voice to the receiver.
Telephone was a big change that happened during the Industrial
revolution. The telephone enabled people to do things that were thought
impossible and supernatural. It made people’s life easier and convenient because
if people had to tell someone something they would have to go to where they are
and might take a long time to find them, but with a phone you can simply call and
tell them or know if they are at home or not. This made people waste less time
because people can tell their message with a single call and if people lived
further away it would be a short cut. This invention was big because this led to
the next step the video call and microphones. This is telephone was a big impact
to the world.