Unit C - Review

Equine Science
Introduction to Equine Science
History of the Horse
 Greek term: Eohippus- primitive four toes
Mesohippus – Second stage of evolution. A
three toed horse about 24 inches in height.
Parahippus- upland horse
Merychippus- desert horse
Pliohippus- one toed horse.
Equus- today’s horse.
History of the Horse
 Horses were first used for food.
 Horses were probably first domesticated
about 5100 years ago by the Chinese
 The use of horses in war probably led to
the first serious studies of equitation.
 Equitation- Being skilled in the riding,
management and care of a horse.
Horses in the United States
Early History
Horses arrived in America when
Columbus landed in 1492.
b. Horses from Spanish missions are
believed to the the foundation stock of the
American Indian’s first horses and the
wild horses of the plains.
Early History
Horses brought by colonists from Europe
were initially (draft) workhorses for pulling
plows, wagons, etc.
d. Large plantations in the southeast
created the need for saddle horses and
horse racing became a primary source of
Golden Age of Horses
Manufacture and commerce were responsible
for the rise in the number of horses to a record
high of almost 21.5 million in 1915.
Every town had a livery stable, hitching post,
blacksmith and “Bobtailed Hackneys” pulled
carriages through the streets.
Henry Ford produced the first affordable
automobile in 1908 and the machine age was
Golden Age of Horses
The machine age led to the major decline
in the number of horses:
1950’s – the number of automobiles and
tractors exceeded the number of horses in
In 1954 the number of tractors on farms
exceeded the number of horses for the first
Horse numbers reached an all time low in
1960 of just under 3.1 million.
Modern Era
The majority of horses in the United
States today are the light horse breed
popular for pleasure riding and
b. There are 6.9 million horses in the United
States used for commercial and
recreations use.
Modern Era
Texas, Oklahoma and California are the
leading stated in horse population.
d. There three breeds with the largest
numbers in the United States are the
Quarter horse, Paint and Thoroughbred.
Future Outlook
Horses have had a rebound because
people have more leisure time and more
money to spend than ever before.
B. Recreation is a major concern and horses fit
a need for those wishing to participate as
well as be spectators.
C. The dominant factors that will determine the
future of the horse industry in North
Carolina are the need for horses for
recreation and sport.
A. The Economic Impact of
the Equine Industry
There are 1.4 million people employed in
the horse industry either directly or
indirectly through jobs made possible by
the industry.
a. The horse industry employs more people than
either railroads, radio and television
broadcasting, petroleum and coal products
manufacturing or tobacco product
The horse industry directly produces
goods and services of more than
twenty-five billion dollars and has a total
impact of $112.1 billion in United States
Gross Domestic Product
The horse industry contributes more to the
USFDP than either one of the following:
motion picture services, railroad
transportation, furniture and fixtures
manufacturing or tobacco produce
The horse industry contribute only slightly
less to the USGDP than apparel and other
textile products manufacturing.
Direct revenue from the equine industry
comes from the actual sale of horses, stud
(breeding fees), races, shows, rodeos and
Indirect revenue from the equine industry
comes from feed sales, training fees,
veterinary and farrier fees, transportation,
labor and equipment.
B. The Scope of the Horse
1. The horse industry is a highly diverse
industry found in all regions of the
2. The horse industry is found in both
urban and rural settings.
Urban activities include the operation of
racetracks, horse shows and public sales.
b) Rural activities include breeding, training,
maintaining and riding horses.
Riding stables provide riding
experiences for a fee to those
people who do not own their
own horses.
Boarding stables keep horses
for those owners who live in
urban settings.
3. There are 6.9 million horses in the
United States either for a
commercial or recreational use.
a. 725,000 horses are involved in
racing and the race horse
b. 1,924,000 show horses
c. 2,970,000 recreation horses.
d. 1,262,8000 used for ranch work,
rodeos, polo and police work
Percentage of Horses in the US
Farm and ranch
work, rodeos,
polo, and police
Racing and
Race horse
Show horses
Racing and Race horse
Show horses
Recreational horses
Farm and ranch work,
rodeos, polo, and police
4. There are 7.1 million Americans
directly involved in the industry as
horse owners, service providers,
employees and volunteers.
941,000 are involved in horse racing
(professionally or as volunteers).
b. 3.6 million are involved with show horses
– some of whom are also numbered
among the 4.3 million involved in horses
for recreation.
c. There are about the same amount of
people directly involved with horses as
there are horses.
C. The Sport of the Equine
1. More than 110 million spectator per
year are found at racing events,
rodeos, shows, etc.
2. Attendance at racetracks exceeds 70
million people per year.
Over $13 billion dollars is waged on
horse racing (pair-mutual waging).
Three most famous races in America
make up the “Triple Crown” of horse
Kentucky Derby at Churchill Downs
Preakness at Pamlico in Baltimore.
Belmont Stakes at Elmont, New York
Famous Triple Crown winners include
War Admiral, Whirlaway, Citation and
3. There are about 800
rodeos and 2,200
performances each year.
a. The largest rodeo is
held in Las Vegas,
Nevada and awards
over $2 million dollars
in prize money.
Other major rodeos are held in
Texas, Arizona, Idaho,
Wyoming, Colorado, and
Calgory, Canada and pay from
$200,000-$100,000 each
c. North Carolina hosts many
rodeos as fun raisers, special
events and fair attractions, etc.
4. Pleasure riding is a favorite
past time for some 27 million.
1. Pleasure riding is the 3rd most
favorite activity at our
National Forests.
Other Uses For Horses
 Horses are used for:
 Crowd
and riot control by the police.
 Working stock on large cattle ranches
in the western U.S.
 Therapeutic riding to provide
treatment to individuals with
Horse Terminology Matching
 Castrated male
 Foal
 Unweaned horse -either sex
 Filly
 Immature male less than 3
 Mare
years of age
 Mature male over 3 years of
 Immature female less than
3 years of age
 Mature female over 3 years
of age
 Colt
 Gelding
 Stallion
 Yearling- horse
between 1-2 years of
 Dam- female parent
of a horse
 Sire- male parent
Specialty Horse Terminology
Small equine with a
short erect mane
and longer ears
than a horse
Offspring of a
Stallion and a jennet
Male ass
Female ass
Sterile offspring resulting from a cross
between a mare and a jack
Terminology for Size and
Types of Horses
 “Hand” – Unit of measurement equal to
4 inches.
 Horse – equine that measures 14.2
hands at the withers
 Pony – Less than 14.2 hands at the
withers and weighs 300-900 lbs
 Draft horse – large heavily muscled
horse used for pulling heavy loads.
14.2-17.2 hands high, weighs over
 Light horse – 14.2-17 hands high and
900-1400 lbs
 Non-trotting horses are light horses that
perform a beated gate, but not a trot.
Breeds include:
 Tennessee
Walking horses perform two
gates – a run and a walk.
 Racking horses are bred to perform a type
of gate.
 Rocky Mountain
 Pacifino
 Single foot.
Color and Markings
 Points – black
coloration from the
knees and hocks
down, as in bays
and browns.
Sometimes include
the tips of the ears
 There are 5 basic
body colors
1. Bay – always has a
black mane and tail,
usually has black
points, and
remaining body
color varying from
brown to tan.
2. Black – refers to
a horse that is
solid black all
over its body
including its skin.
3. Brown – varies from
medium to dark,
almost black,
brown. A brown can
always be
distinguished from
a black by the
brown or tan hairs
on the muzzle and
4. Chestnut –
basically red
with the mane
and tail either
the same or
lighter in color
than the body.
5. White – has pure
white hair, pink
skin and brown
or blue eyes.
Color Variations
A. Appaloosa –
horses with a
spotting pattern
either over the
hips of scattered
over the body.
B. Roan – horse
with a mixture
of white and
colored hairs.
C. Paint and Pinto-
horses with a
combination of
white and
markings. The
two most
patterns are
tobiano and
D. Palomino –
horses which are
golden in color,
with a white or
light colored
mane and tail.
E. Gray- horse with
a mixture of
white hairs and
any colored
F. Dun– yellowish
or gold body
color with a
mane and tail of
varying colors
with dorsal
stripes, zebra
stripes on legs
and transverse
stripes on
G. Buckskin –
yellowish or gold
body color with a
black mane and
tail, usually have
black points and no
dorsal stripes.
H. Sorrell- reddish
to copper red
body with the
mane and tail
usually the same
color or flaxen.
Head and Leg Markings
Face Markings
 Star- any white marking in the forehead
above the line from eye to eye.
Snip- white marking, usually vertical between
the nostrils or on the lips
Stripe- narrow vertical white marking
extending from about the line of the eyes to
the nostrils
Blaze- wide strip of white down the face
Bald Face- wide white stripe that covers at
least one eye
Leg Markings
 Pastern- white marking which includes the
entire pastern area from the coronet to the
 Stocking- full white marking to the knee or
hock from the coronet.
 Half-stocking- white marking from the coronet
to the middle of the cannon.
 Sock- white marking from the coronet to the
lower cannon.
Half Stocking