Proposed by:- Cllr. K. Murphy

Minutes of Proceedings at Budget Meeting of Cork County Council held in the Council
Chamber, County Hall, Cork on 24th November, 2014.
Comhairleoir A. Ó Colmáin, Méara Chontae
Comhairleoiri Mac Craith, Ó Laoghaire, Daltúin, Ní Fhúarthain, D. Ó
Donnabháin, Ni Dheasmhumhnaigh, Ó Cainte, S. Ó Coileán, M. Ó Murchú, Ó hEarchaí, R.
Mhic Cárthaigh, Lombard, C. Ó Murchú, Ní Mhurchú-Uí Mhathúna, S. Ó Donnabháin, A. Ó
Muimhneacháin, Críod, Ó Gráda, Ó Luasaigh, Ó Riain Ó Conbhuí, P. Ó Suilleabháin, C.
MacCárthaigh, Ó Ceocháin, Sheppard, De Barra, Uí Chuileannáin, Rasmussen, N. Ó Coileán,
A. Ó Suilleabháin, Ó Buachalla, Ó hEigeartaigh, S. Mhic Cárthaigh, Léanacháin-Foghlú, N.
MacCárthaigh, C. Ó Caoimh, Ó Floinn, Ó Dúghaill, Mhic Dháibhí, J. Uí Mhurchú, Ó Sé,
MacGearailt, G. Ó Murchú, B. Ó Muimhneacháin, Uí Mhaoláin, T. Ó Coileán, M. Ó Coileán,
Ó Cearúill, Ó Donnabháin, C. Ó Suilleabháin, P.G. Ó Murchú, Uí hEigeartaigh, Ó hAodha, Ó
Councillor A. Coleman, County Mayor presided.
Councillors McGrath, Ó Laoghaire, D’Alton, Forde, Ó Donnabháin,
Desmond, Canty, J. Collins, M. Murphy, Harris, R. McCarthy, Lombard, K. Murphy,
Murphy-O’Mahony, O’Donovan, A. Moynihan, Creed, O’Grady, Lucey, Ryan, Conway, P.
O’Sullivan, K. McCarthy, Keohane, Sheppard, Barry, Cullinane, Rasmussen, N. Collins, A.
O’Sullivan, Buckley, Ml. Hegarty, S. McCarthy, Linehan-Foley, N. McCarthy, O’Keeffe,
O’Flynn, Doyle, Dawson, J. Murphy, O’Shea, Fitzgerald, G. Murphy, B. Moynihan, Mullane,
T. Collins, M. Collins, Carroll, N. O’Donovan, C. O’Sullivan, P.G. Murphy, Hegarty, Hayes,
Chief Executive, County Engineer, Senior Executive Officer, S/Head of Finance
The Members noted report from the Chief Executive, which outlined as follows:This is the first budget of this Council in its 5 year term and is set against significant change:
 New political and organisational structures
 Dissolution of 12 TC’s
 Establishment of 8 MD’s
 LPT has also introduced a significant shift in the overall source of funding to the Council
LPT/Commercial Rates/Income from Services now representing 78.7% recognising the
importance attached to decision making of Council in terms of its ability to determine the
level of local funding which it can apply to its services across the county.
The Strategic issues that this Budget takes consideration of:
The current financial position of the Council.
The emerging signs of early economic growth in the Irish economy.
The need to position the Municipal Districts of the Council as significant facilitators of
local community and economic development of their towns and rural areas.
The need to ensure that the harmonisation of the different rateable valuations across the
former 9 Town Councils with the County rate is done on a basis which is reasonable and
which gives certainty to business.
The need to consider an approach on commercial rates which might bring some relief to
small and medium sized businesses, bring a level of equity to the rates system over the
period of harmonisation of the former town councils and in particular assist local small
businesses in towns.
While Council would wish to considerably increase its overall quantum of service
delivery in many areas if funding would support same, at the very least existing services
levels are maintained and increased where possible, particularly in service areas under
significant pressure.
Along with this, this Budget takes a 5 year strategic view in areas of importance to our
business at MD level and in the area of supporting SME’s/Town and Rural development.
Some of the highlight issues to note are:
 Former Town Council Budgets 2014 – the budget allocation for the former Town
Councils has been maintained and incorporated into the New Municipal Districts budget
or County Budget as appropriate for 2015. Additional discretionary funding is also
provided for.
 General Municipal Allocations – an increase to the overall amount provisionally
allocated from €1.356m to €1.818m is provided for to support the Municipal Districts
discretionary expenditure.
 Town Development Fund - provision of €1.0m is made to support Municipal Districts in
enhancing their role in supporting local town development through a variety of business\
local initiatives to be agreed, in addition to the GMA.
 Pay Parking Dividend – provision is made for a total dividend of €400,000 to be
allocated across each of the 8 towns/urban centres which currently operate pay parking
regimes as discretionary expenditure for those towns. Final allocation of this to be
aligned to Pay Parking Policy and to take cognisance of different regimes in place at
 Economic Development Fund – an increase of this fund to €1.07m based on inclusion of
Town Council rating areas.
 Local Community Development Committees (LCDC’s) – provision is made to support
the full inclusion of LCDC’s within the Councils remit in 2015.
 5 Year Rates Relief Scheme – provision is made at a cost of €1.066m in 2015 for a rates
relief scheme applicable to all county businesses but specifically targeted at small and
medium businesses providing 5% relief to 65% of businesses in the county for 2015. This
relief does not apply to the former Town Council areas.
 Rate Harmonisation and rates certainty to business to 2020 - the harmonisation of
rates across former town councils and the county is proposed over a five year period and a
fixing of the county rate at its current level of €74.75 to 2020 is provided for, thus giving
unprecedented certainty to businesses in the county.
Housing Maintenance – Funding of the full cost of LPT of €720,000 on Council owned
properties for 2015, a sum of €350,000 towards a boiler maintenance programme, and
additional general allocation of €500,000 towards housing maintenance.
Of importance is that the budget also underpins my own particular emphasis as Chief
Executive which I will want to give to the success of the MD’s, to town development and
working with local communities, both urban and rural, to enterprise and economic
development across the county, particularly in tourism, which I believe has significant
opportunity over a longer term.
Overall, in all the circumstances, this is an extremely positive budget proposition which I
recommend for adoption.
Ms. Liz Barry, S/Head of Finance made a presentation on Budget 2015 to Members, as
follows:Budget Process 2015
2014 - Change in Local Government structures and funding
Water function transferred to Irish Water (IW)
Town Councils dissolution
Local Property Tax (LPT)
These three changes have a significant impact on Budget 2015
Annual Service Plan meetings ongoing to finalise IW Budget 2015
Budget 2015 incorporates expenditure for entire County
Budget 2015
Entire County Budget
Amalgamation of 13 Authorities
Centralisation of Services
Services at Municipal District Level
Mix of Direct Payroll Costs and Central Management Services
Centralisation of LPT in Table A
Reduction in income in Roads and Housing as a result of LPT
General Municipal Allocation
F0401 Community Grants Increase
Decreases A0401 Estate Mgt, D0404 Comm. Contrib, D0501 Tourism,
Comparisons 2014 and 2015
Municipal Districts Work Programmes 2015
Clearer comparisons 2015 and 2016
Budget Strategy 2015
Local Government Reform Act 2014
Central Role of Corporate Policy Group (CPG)
Variation of Local Property Tax Rate by 10% – September 2014
General Municipal Allocation Issued Oct 2014
Municipal Districts Budgetary Plan – meetings held 1st – 10th October 2014
County Budget 24th November 2014
Local Property Tax
General Municipal Allocation – Municipal District
Town Development Fund
Pay Parking Dividend
5 year Rates Relief Scheme
Rates Harmonisation
Local Property Tax 2015
Resolution on 22nd September 2014 to vary LPT by 10%
Reduction in LPT €4.18m
Circular Fin17\2014 Cork County Council Allocation
LPT Allocation 2015
Housing Capital
Self Fund Roads
€ 5.6m
Self Fund Housing
€ 4.7m
Replace LGF
€ 2.95m
Retention surplus
€ 4.18m
General Municipal Allocation 2015
• Municipal District Meetings held 1st – 10th October, 2014.
Revised GMA based on following weighted criteria
No of Members
No of Towns
No of Key Villages
Allocation of €1.8m per Municipal District
West Cork
East Cork
Town Development Fund
• Provision €1,000,000
Criteria to be agreed
Support local business initiatives
Town enhancements
Co-ordination of local partnerships
Support for tidy towns initiatives
Specific projects not provided for under GMA.
Pay Parking Dividend & Economic Development Fund
• Pay Parking Dividend provision of €400k
Allocation to Towns with Pay Parking
Criteria for allocation to be agreed after Budget as part of Countywide Pay Parking
Effectiveness of Different Parking Regimes
Economic Development Fund increased by €98k based on net Towns ARV to €1.07m
Rates Harmonisation
• Fix County ARV at 74.75 until 2020
County Ratepayers and Town Council Ratepayers to pay same rate in 2015 as they
did in 2014
Rates Harmonisation commences in 2016
Proposal to vary ARV over 5 years to 2020
Rates Relief Scheme to operate over same period
All ratepayers on ARV 74.75 in 2021
Five Year Rates Relief Scheme
• Relief on equitable basis to ratepayers
Apply to County Ratepayers
5% relief up to max €3,000 (annual rate bill)
Max Relief €150
65% of businesses in County will 100% receive relief
Refund subject to payment in full and reduction in arrears
Relief is graduated over 5 years to 2020 – 5%, 4%, 3%, 2%, 1%
Aligned with Rates Harmonisation period of 5 years
Budget 2015 Provisions
• Increased Housing Maintenance by €500k
Full provision for LPT €720k
Provision for Boiler Maintenance of €350k
Increased expenditure for Civic Amenity Sites
Local Community Development Committees incorporated in Budget
County Commercial Rate charge remaining at same level for the eighth year.
All National Grants provided at the same level as 2014 unless known that grant is no
longer available
Budget 2015
• Budget Exp
Budget Exp
Budget Exp
Budget Exp
Proposed Budget
Reduction in expenditure due to :
Expenditure for Goods and Services for Water Services through IW Financial
Management System - €20.5m
Dealing with final year of Higher Education Grants - € 7m
Agency services for Town Council now incorporated into County Council
expenditure - €8.1m
Reduction in expenditure due to efficiencies
Sources of Income
• Own Resources
– Commercial Rates
– Goods / Services
€ 96.5m
€ 23.0m
Government Grants
– Local Government Fund
– Other Grants
Local Government Fund
• 2008
€ 57.4m
00.0 %
21.3 %
4.7 % increase
€ 51.7m
9.9 % decrease
€ 48.4m
6.4 % decrease
€ 42.7m
11.8 % decrease
€ 33.4m (new base)
7.9% decrease
€ 32.0m
4.3% decrease
€ 2.95m
91.0% decrease
Replaced by Local Property Tax
Rate Collection
• Council now collecting former Town Council rate accounts (c.3500)
In 2015 Ratepayers will pay on the same ARV as they did for 2014
Sympathetic to business experiencing difficulty once the business engages with the
Liquidation and insolvency cases dealt with as they arise
Analysis of Rate Accounts
Annual Rate
Under €3,000
€3,000- €10,000
€10,000- €100K
Over €400k
Over 2/3 of Rate payers pay less than €3k per annum
29 Ratepayers pay almost 1\3 of the rates
Service Support Costs
Value %
Service Support Costs ( SSC) are the apportioned direct wage costs and all indirect
costs allocated over the eight Service Divisions.
SSC have reduced by 2.19% in 2015, and represents 13.66% of the total budget
The following indirect costs are included in SSC.
– Finance /ICT/ Personnel/ Corporate Affairs
– Pensions
– All Office Accommodation
The assessment method has incorporated the Town Councils figures for 2015. The overall
figure is largely unchanged but the individual apportionments can vary considerably from
SSC is apportioned to each service in accordance with nationally set criteria. These
cost drivers are detailed below:
Corporate Affairs
- Salaried Staff Numbers per Service
Corporate Buildings
- Meters Squared per Division – Staff per Service
Finance Function
- Financial Transactions per Service
Human Resources
- FTE ( Full Time Equivalents) Staff per Service
IT Service
- No of Network PC’s and Usage Basis
Print and Post Room
- Recorded out Postage Costs and Photocopying
Pension and Lump Sum - Salary and Wages Cost per Service
Payroll Costs
Capital Budget
Capital Budget will be presented to Members in early 2015.
Cork County Council will continue to
Maintain core services to a high standard
Seek efficiencies in the delivery of services
Meet the challenge of ensuring the success of the Municipal Districts
Prioritise our Economic Development Role
While operating in a challenging climate
Members thanked the Chief Executive for his report and the S/Head of Finance for her
presentation and during a debate made the following points:
Important day and significant challenges for a new Council;
5% rate alleviation scheme is welcomed and critical that it is targeted at small and
medium businesses;
Certainty in rate base up to 2020 provides important stability for businesses;
Proven that the LPT reduction has had no impact on services;
Town Development should be flexible to assist Tidy Town groups;
First budget in six years where the Council is not scaling back;
Through this budget the Council is only maintaining the level of service, this is not
good enough particularly in the areas of roads and housing;
Concern that no increase in rates for the next number years and the reduction in LPT
will result in zero reserves – a threat of a further 5% LPT reduction in 2015 is still
Golden opportunity missed last September with reduction in LPT rate;
Not satisfied with budget process, no pre budget meetings were held and no figures
given to Members on the Council’s general budgetary strategy;
Assumption that the budget will go through without consultation;
Increase in Economic Development fund and Boiler Scheme welcomed;
Council must focus on significant investment in housing and roads budgets;
Houses are lying idle and waiting for months for improvement works.
Opportunity now to rectify and improve conditions;
Management has made it difficult to get information on rates rebate for childcare
Amendments proposed by Sinn Féin would be funded by cuts to allowances for
Chairs and foreign travel;
Budget shows support for businesses;
Allocation for Municipal Districts welcomed, enables them to start on a strong
€1m Town Development Fund is important to revitalise town centres;
Rents are increasing relentlessly and tenants should be allowed buy their way out of
existing leases;
The Chief Executive said that this has been a difficult process and there are quite challenging
decisions to be made. He said that the Budget is a fair attempt that recognises the new
structure. He said he is required to consult with CPG during the budget and CPG were
informed of the Budget Strategy. He said there was significant opportunity at CPG for
discussion on the Budget and that there is no legal requirement to hold pre-budget meetings.
The Chief Executive said that it was not true to say that CPG were un-informed and that full
clarification was always given on the Budget at those meetings and the budget has dealt with
every part of the budget process as required. He stated that the comments that management
had made it difficult on the childcare rates information was uncalled for and that he had
indicated at the time that he would ascertain what information he could get. He said that at all
times he complied with the statutory budget process.
Cllr O’ Laoghaire stated that there was no suggestion of bad faith or unprofessionalism. All
initial queries were dealt with. However, it is considered that the mechanism is not adequate
and a greater level of detail was anticipated given the size of the Council’s Budget. It was
suggested that the process needs to be examined for next year.
A number of members stated that they were given assistance at all stages in the Budget
Members then considered the Budget under the following separate headings
Division A Housing and Building
Division B Road Transport and Safety
Division C Water Services
Division D Development Management
Division E Environmental Services
Division F Recreation and Amenity
Division G Agriculture, Education, Health & Welfare
Division H Miscellaneous Services
Division A: Housing and Building
During a detailed discussion, Members raised the following issues:
Queried how the housing budget was calculated;
Queried how figure at A101 was arrived at and breakdown;
Queried significant reduction in expenditure in A03;
Queried reduction in loan charges in A05;
Welcomed increase in housing maintenance allocation from €5.6 to €7m;
Cannot justify supplementary amendments to the Budget when money was wasted by
reducing the LPT;
Queried A0703 and A0904 why reduction;
Does the budget take account of Town Council houses coming on board;
Prioritise Window Replacement Scheme;
Housing SPC should come up with policy on eligibility for HAP Scheme;
Queried if A12 is final figure or will there be further funding;
Any proposals for vacant/void houses?
Where does the Council’s share for LPT appear;
Clarify definition of Service Report Costs;
Is there an increase in A06 loan charges;
Housing Maintenance Programme should include replacement of back boilers;
40% increase in housing stock but allocated figure is only 30% is there an anomaly;
The S/Head of Finance advised as follows: €9.8m was the result of zero based budgeting for housing maintenance;
 The Council’s budget for 2014 included Town Councils;
 Housing Adaptation Grants are based on allocations from the Department of the
 A04 – estate management by some towns now included in the GMA;
 A05 loan charges; LPT now been centralised in Table A, we were required to include
principle and interest portion previously only interest, there is no loss to the local
 A07 – national scheme whereby 92% of market rent is paid to the voluntary body,
more coming on board in 2015 will show income on the other side;
 HAP is administered by Limerick Council and at present only payroll costs are
incurred by Cork County Council, there may be operational costs recouped during
 A01 includes maintenance of former Town Council units
 Homelessness - Cork City Council is the regional authority looking after
homelessness and emergency cases are always dealt with;
Most of housing maintenance budget is for pay and non-pay;
50% of criteria for GMA was based on population and 30% on towns and villages,
seen as the fairest way of apportioning allocations;
Housing Department is given a budget for cyclical maintenance;
DOELG grants – LPT includes some part of self fund, there is a reduction in income
by 2.6m;
Division B: Road Transport & Safety
During a discussion, Members raised the following issues:
How was reduction in B0405 arrived at;
Queried difference between budgeted and outturn figure for roads in 2014;
The need for a footpath programme, will it be done through a capital programme;
Breakdown of B0601 and B0603;
Clarification on B0999
Queried reduction in public lighting;
Sought clarification on B0199 and B1101;
Sought breakdown of parking fines;
The S/Head of Finance advised as follows:
Reduction is relating to Service Support Costs which are reduced by over €1m, no
reduction in service;
B03 – winter maintenance funding amalgamated with National Primary allocations;
B4-05 - €850,000 reduction, roads allocation taken as a whole, it is the discretion of
the Council to apply the allocation proportionately;
B0601 – Traffic Management, Road Closures and Town Management Plans;
B03 relates to increase in Dursey Cable Car costs;
B0199 – costing of Municipal staff;
B1101 – Roads Management Office is participating in a pilot scheme in conjunction
with Donegal County Council and there is an increase in road openings in 2015 for
Irish Water;
There is a new service provider for Public Lighting and Council will see a reduction
in expenditure in 2015;
Members queried the €400,000 payparking allocation and said they have not received any
breakdown of same for Bandon. The amount does not match income brought in.
The S/Head of Finance said that fines and charges amount is included under other income.
Members commented further as follows:
Are road openings for Irish Water recouped;
Difference between adopted and out turned figures;
Difficult to sell €50,000 dividend for payparking which is minimal;
Any co-ordination with Irish Water, damage to roads from water services works;
The Chief Executive said the Roads & Transport SPC are working on a Pay Parking Policy
which will align the €400,000 dividend effectively. All of the Town Council payparking
regimes are different. He said that the €400,000 is in addition to the GMA and will be
included in the Municipal District budget and is a matter for them to decide where to align it.
Any income is protected but can be spent anywhere.
The S/Head of Finance advised that income from payparking would have been part of Town
Council budgets and the budgets for the towns have been protected and maintained. She said
that road openings are fully recoupable from Irish Water and the budget for 2014 was based
on allocation for 2013 but now we will reflect what is happening on the ground.
Division C: Water Services
During a discussion, Members raised the following issues:
How is income from Irish Water accumulated, would this be included in the rates
paid by Irish Water;
Clarification on rates from Irish Water;
Is the water we supply to the City a long term agreement;
The S/Head of Finance advised as follows:
Agency and recoupable services of €5.8m is made up of loan charges for water,
recoupable from the DOEH & LG
Increase for public toilets is relating to admin and overheads from staff.
The agreement with the City Council is a long term agreement and a final account to
31\12\13 is being agreed as close out of business. Any new agreement will be a
matter for Irish Water;
Division D: Development Management
During a discussion, Members raised the following issues:
Should the amount for unfinished housing estates be lower as the Council took over
so many in 2014;
Queried Council’s policy on the taking in charge of industrial estates;
Why is there a reduction in the tourism allocation;
Cost of outstanding works for estates taken in charge;
Enforcement office is overworked;
Status of outstanding bonds and potential income from same;
Where are LCDCs provided for;
D09 increase in promotion why is this;
What is the funding for conservation grants;
Breakdown of planning control – will there be any reduction in services;
The S/Head of Finance advised as follows:
There is no change in allocation for unfinished housing estates, the allocation of pay
has gone down;
Planning control for payroll would represent change in Town Council staff no loss in
D05 - €157,000 for LCDCs included in this;
Bonds are in the capital account;
D09 – increase for Spike Island and Economic Development Fund;
Conservation Grants - €28,000 budget for 2014 has increased to an allocation of
€290,000, therefore €290,000 included for Budget 2015, but this will be dependent on
2015 allocation.
Tourism is gone into GMA figure, no reduction in service.
The Council is reluctant to take over private industrial estates which would require significant
funding in terms of maintenance.
Division E: Environmental Services
During a discussion, Members raised the following:
Update on collection of legacy debt from waste collection, is outside agency still
Derelict sites are a huge issue;
Queried E1219 fire prevention – why down by €2m;
Cost of Bottlehill and future plans for same;
Need to see improvement for Litter Management and the possibility of transferring
staff from Civic Amenity Sites to same;
Queried lack of provision for burial grounds;
Queried reason for increase in recycling and where is gate fee for recycling centres;
Queried allocation for Waste Management Plan when it is done regionally;
Is there a need for the Council to police the disposal of food in small bins;
Why is there no provision for E04;
The S/Head of Finance advised as follows:
Stubbs were appointed last year for debt collection and the service is nearing an end;
Reduction in derelict sites is relating to staffing costs;
E0701 reduction of €800,000 refers to Haulbowline during 2014 moved to capital;
Burial fees have reduced with a more realistic figure for 2015 based on likely out-turn
Plans to develop Bottlehill will come before Council in 2015;
Litter management would be a mix of what was charged to towns;
Gate fees are shown in other income;
E0699 covers staff in the towns;
Each Local Authority must make a contribution to the Regional Waste Management
Loan charges for Bottlehill are €1.87m per annum with operational costs of €124,000;
Provision of burial ground would be in the capital account;
€400,000 for GMA;
€1m for Town Development Fund
€129,000 for payroll;
Division F: Recreation and Amenity
Members noted the contents of the above Programme Group.
Division G: Agriculture, Education, Health & Welfare
During a discussion, Members made the following points:
Is there fees outstanding from piers and harbours;
Explanation for other income in G0404;
Coastal protection – is there funding available from the EU Commission;
Queried allocation of €1m for the operation of piers and harbours;
Queried allocation of €9,750 at G0203;
Queried what the allocation in G05 covers;
The S/Head of Finance advised that the Kinsale & Baltimore harbours are the main
expenditure which is broken down into pay and non-pay. There is a centralised debtors
systems for collection and monthly reminders are issued. She said that HEGs is now in its
final year. She advised also that backpay was due to Dog Wardens and this is reflected in the
Division H: Miscellaneous Services
During a discussion, Members made the following points:
Is there any income from the Department of Justice for weighbridges;
H0302 clarify increase;
H0402 Local Elections, why is there a cost in 2015;
H0799 sought clarification;
Welcomed reduction in Members’ representational costs;
Can coroner fees be recouped;
NPPR coming to an end no income expected from this but still is a huge cost;
Queried Motor Tax decrease by €0.5m;
Queried adopted NPPR and estimated outturn, huge discrepancy;
The S/Head of Finance advised as follows:
No recoupment for morgue fees;
€400,000 in as income for NPPR;
Motor Tax has decreased due to relocation of Driving Licence staff, service support
cost has been moved;
No decision for NPPR this time last year based on best estimate;
Debt Management increased due to extra staff from Town Councils;
HO799 increase- direct pay has gone up by €204,000 transfer of staff into Municipal
District area;
Cllr. S. Sheppard said that Cobh Town Council had a Scheme whereby businesses that open
in a premises which has been closed for 2 years or more, would get a grant towards rates and
she asked that similar scheme be made available by the Council.
The Mayor advised that this could be considered by the relevant SPC.
The Chief Executive advised that the current rate payers in Cobh are not disadvantaged and
that he would be willing to discuss the issue with the SPC to come up with a similar scheme
and the cost could come out of the Economic Development Fund and that it could be applied
then countywide.
The Senior Executive Officer advised Members that the Council decided to suspend the 8%
index on Development Contributions in previous years and that this would continue for the
next 2 years. This was noted by Members.
Adoption of the Council’s Budget for the Local Financial Year ending 31.12.2015.
Proposed by:- Cllr. F. O’Flynn
Seconded by:- Cllr. T. Collins
“That pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended by
the Local Government Reform Act 2014, the Local Government (Financial and Audit
Procedures) Regulations 2014 and the Local Authority Accounting Code of Practice
and Accounting Regulations, the Draft Budget for the financial year ending
31.12.2015 as presented by the Chief Executive and as set out in Tables A, B and C,
be and is hereby adopted.”
Cllr. Des O’Grady proposed, seconded by Cllr. Donnchadh O’Laoghaire, the following
amendments to the proposal to adopt the Budget as presented.
“1 - That Cork County Council agrees to increase spending under B04 Local Roads –
Maint & Improv (Expenditure) by €616,000
2 – That Cork County Council agrees to increase spending under A0101 Maintenance
(Expenditure) LA Housing Units by €250,000
3 - That Cork County Council agrees to increase spending under A05 Admin
Homeless Service (Expenditure) by €100,000
4 - That Cork County Council agrees to increase spending A0101 Maintenance
(Expenditure) LA Housing Units by €406,000, specifically ring fenced for Housing
Adaptations and Extensions
5 – That Cork County Council agrees to spend €410,000 on a Routine Maintenance;
Windows Gutters and Doors Replacement Scheme.
6 – That Cork County Council agrees to spend €400,000 on a Footpaths Remedial
Works Fund
7 – That Cork County Council agrees to remove €96,000 from H09 (expenditure),
Local Reps and Civic Leadership, equivalent to allowances for SPC Chairs
Allowance, and Municipal District Allowances.
8 – That Cork County Council agrees to remove €20,000 from H0906 (expenditure).
9 – That Cork County Council agrees to defer Rates Rebate, to be reconsidered for
Budget 2016
10 – That Cork County Council agrees not to implement the Town Development
Fund in 2015.”
The Mayor requested that a vote be taken on the amendment to the proposal which resulted as
Councillors Ó Laoghaire, M. Murphy, R. McCarthy, O’Grady, K. McCarthy,
Buckley, J. Murphy, Mullane, M. Collins, Hayes
Councillors McGrath, D’Alton, Forde, Ó Donnabháin, Desmond, Canty, J. A.
Collins, Harris, Coleman, Lombard, K. Murphy, Murphy-O’Mahony, J.
O’Donovan, A. Moynihan, Creed, Lucey, Ryan, P. O’Sullivan, Sheppard,
Barry, Cullinane, Rasmussen, N. Collins, A. O’Sullivan, Ml. Hegarty, S.
McCarthy, Linehan-Foley, O’Keeffe, O’Flynn, Doyle, Dawson, O’Shea,
Fitzgerald, G. Murphy, B. Moynihan, T. Collins, Carroll, N. O’Donovan, C.
O’Sullivan, P.G. Murphy, M. Hegarty, Hurley
Councillors Keohane, N. McCarthy
The Mayor then requested that a vote be taken on the proposal to adopt the Budget for 2015
as presented which resulted as follows:FOR:
Councillors McGrath, D’Alton, Forde, Ó Donnabháin, Desmond, Canty, J. A.
Collins, Harris, Coleman, Lombard, K. Murphy, Murphy-O’Mahony, J.
O’Donovan, A. Moynihan, Creed, Lucey, Ryan, P. O’Sullivan, Sheppard,
Barry, Cullinane, Rasmussen, N. Collins, A. O’Sullivan, Ml. Hegarty, S.
McCarthy, Linehan-Foley, O’Keeffe, O’Flynn, Doyle, Dawson, O’Shea,
Fitzgerald, G. Murphy, B. Moynihan, T. Collins, M. Collins, Carroll, N.
O’Donovan, C. O’Sullivan, P.G. Murphy, M. Hegarty, Hurley
Councillors Ó Laoghaire, M. Murphy, R. McCarthy, O’Grady, K. McCarthy,
Buckley, J. Murphy, Mullane, Hayes
Councillors Keohane, N. McCarthy
Determination of the Annual Rate on Valuation for the Local Financial Year ending 31
December 2015.
Proposed by:- Cllr. S. McGrath
Seconded by:- J. P. O’Shea
“That pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 2001 as amended by
the Local Government Reform Act 2014, the Local Government (Financial and Audit
Procedures) Regulations 2014 and the Local Authority Accounting Code of Practice
and Accounting Regulations, and in accordance with the Local Authority Budget for
the Financial Year ending 31 December 2015, as adopted, the annual rate on
valuation as set out in Table A hereunder be the annual rate on valuation to be levied
for the said Financial Year having regard to the Base Year Adjustment determined in
accordance with Section 29 of the Local Government Reform Act 2014. The Annual
Rate to be levied shall be 74.75.”
The Mayor requested that a vote be taken, which resulted as follows:FOR:
Councillors McGrath, Ó Laoghaire, D’Alton, Forde, Ó Donnabháin,
Desmond, Canty, J. A. Collins, M. Murphy, Harris, R. McCarthy, Coleman,
Lombard, K. Murphy, Murphy-O’Mahony, J. O’Donovan, A. Moynihan,
Creed, O’Grady, Lucey, Ryan, P. O’Sullivan, Sheppard, Barry, Cullinane,
Rasmussen, N. Collins, A. O’Sullivan, Buckley, Ml. Hegarty, S. McCarthy,
Linehan-Foley, O’Keeffe, O’Flynn, Doyle, Dawson, J. Murphy, O’Shea,
Fitzgerald, G. Murphy, B. Moynihan, Mullane, T. Collins, M. Collins,
Carroll, N. O’Donovan, C. O’Sullivan, P.G. Murphy, M. Hegarty, Hayes,
Councillors K. McCarthy
Councillors Keohane, N. McCarthy
Agreement in relation to 5 year period for Harmonisation of the Annual Rate on
Proposed by:- Cllr. K. Murphy
Seconded by:- Cllr. F. O’Flynn
“That Cork County Council resolve in principle to harmonise the Annual Rate on
Valuation in Cork County Council over 5 years commencing in 2015 with the rates of
the former Town Councils of Mallow, Fermoy, Youghal, Midleton, Cobh, Kinsale,
Macroom, Clonakilty and Skibbereen.”
The Mayor requested that a vote be taken, which resulted as follows:FOR:
Councillors McGrath, Ó Laoghaire, D’Alton, Forde, Ó Donnabháin,
Desmond, Canty, J. A. Collins, M. Murphy, Harris, R. McCarthy, Coleman,
Lombard, K. Murphy, Murphy-O’Mahony, J. O’Donovan, A. Moynihan,
Creed, O’Grady, Lucey, Ryan, P. O’Sullivan, K. McCarthy, Sheppard, Barry,
Cullinane, Rasmussen, N. Collins, A. O’Sullivan, Buckley, Ml. Hegarty, S.
McCarthy, Linehan-Foley, O’Keeffe, O’Flynn, Doyle, Dawson, J. Murphy,
O’Shea, Fitzgerald, G. Murphy, B. Moynihan, Mullane, T. Collins, M.
Collins, Carroll, N. O’Donovan, C. O’Sullivan, P.G. Murphy, M. Hegarty,
Hayes, Hurley
Councillors Keohane, N. McCarthy
Rates Relief Scheme
Proposed by:- Cllr. K. Murphy
Seconded by:- Cllr. T. Lombard
“That pursuant to the provisions of section 66 Local Government Act 2001 the
Council will operate a five year rates relief scheme commencing in 2015.”
Conditions of the Scheme
Ratepayer must occupy a property in Cork County Council jurisdiction, and does
not apply to the former Town Council ratepayers.
Rates for the year 2015 and each subsequent year and a reduction in arrears in
excess of the relief available must be paid in full before 31st December, of each
No application required, as the credit will be applied to the ratepayers account at
the end of 2015.
Relief is applied up to a maximum of €3,000 ( annual rate bill)
This is a 5 year rates relief scheme as follows:
- 2015
- 2016
- 2017
- 2018
- 2019
The Mayor requested that a vote be taken, which resulted as follows:FOR:
Councillors McGrath, D’Alton, Forde, Ó Donnabháin, Desmond, Canty, J. A.
Collins, Harris, Coleman, Lombard, K. Murphy, Murphy-O’Mahony, J.
O’Donovan, A. Moynihan, Creed, Lucey, Ryan, P. O’Sullivan, Sheppard,
Barry, Cullinane, Rasmussen, N. Collins, A. O’Sullivan, Ml. Hegarty, S.
McCarthy, Linehan-Foley, O’Keeffe, O’Flynn, Doyle, Dawson, O’Shea,
Fitzgerald, G. Murphy, B. Moynihan, T. Collins, M. Collins, Carroll, N.
O’Donovan, C. O’Sullivan, P.G. Murphy, M. Hegarty, Hurley
ABSTAINED: Councillors Ó Laoghaire, M. Murphy, R. McCarthy, O’Grady, K. McCarthy,
Buckley, J. Murphy, Mullane, Hayes
Councillors Keohane, N. McCarthy
Rates Vacancy Refund
Proposed by:- Cllr. A. Moynihan
Seconded by:- Cllr. Ml. Hegarty
“That pursuant to the provisions of section 14 of the Local Government Act 1946,
Cork County Council will continue to apply a 100% rates vacancy refund for 2015.”
The Mayor requested that a vote be taken, which resulted as follows:FOR:
Councillors McGrath, Ó Laoghaire, D’Alton, Forde, Ó Donnabháin,
Desmond, Canty, J. A. Collins, M. Murphy, Harris, R. McCarthy, Coleman,
Lombard, K. Murphy, Murphy-O’Mahony, J. O’Donovan, A. Moynihan,
Creed, O’Grady, Lucey, Ryan, P. O’Sullivan, K. McCarthy, Barry, Cullinane,
Rasmussen, N. Collins, A. O’Sullivan, Buckley, Ml. Hegarty, S. McCarthy,
Linehan-Foley, O’Keeffe, O’Flynn, Doyle, Dawson, J. Murphy, O’Shea,
Fitzgerald, G. Murphy, B. Moynihan, Mullane, T. Collins, M. Collins,
Carroll, N. O’Donovan, C. O’Sullivan, P.G. Murphy, M. Hegarty, Hayes,
Councillors Keohane, N. McCarthy
The Chief Executive welcomed the adoption of the budget and thanked CPG for their
The Chief Executive thanked Liz Barry, S/Head of Finance, Mairead Morrissey and Eileen
O’Donoghue for their commitment and for managing the entire process over the year.
The Mayor and Party Leaders thanked the Chief Executive, S/Head of Finance and her staff
for their commitment and for a very positive and business focused budget. They said they
looked forward to a prosperous 2015.
This concluded the business of the Meeting