Middle East Peace Scenarios: Round 1 The Millennium Project Mid Term Report February 13, 2003 Study Process Round 1 Pre-conditions, actions Planning Committee review Global panel Analysis Normative scenarios Interview protocol Round 2 Pre-conditions, actions Form scenarios Planning Committee review Global panel Analysis Interviews Analysis, report and dissemination Study Objectives and Cautions Objectives Create a series of normative scenarios illustrating routes to Middle East peace Define a series of pre- conditions to peace Generate and evaluate a series of actions to meet those pre- conditions Generate and evaluate the policies contained in the scenarios Cautions The work is controversial Some parties consider it naive Both Arab and Israeli respondents have seen it as biased toward their opposition. Risks It might prove impossible to accomplish. No study such as this will lift the veil of conflict. But the risks are worth the possible gains if some new insights are produced, and the dialog is improved. Prestudy Dialog There were some who responded with enthusiasm: The world, all races and religions, will be grateful if the peace in the Middle East is achieved soon. I will participate.. A timely and needed study, indeed. Will be glad to participate. Looking forward to the results. But others who found the effort misplaced: The crux of the matter is not "recognition of the State of Israel" ... but recognition and "acceptance" of Israel as a "Jewish State" (with an Arab minority having full rights as citizen). The omission of this point in the material and in the thinking/assumptions underlying the Study invalidates it in my view. I cannot respond to your questionnaire (because) I believe that whatever agreements (are signed) ... no lasting peace will be achieved as long as the mullahs continue to brainwash every new generation with hate and indoctrinate them with the goal of the destruction of Israel, and the killing or removal of all Jews from "Arab" lands. And, I believe the mullahs will continue to do so until the Arab theocracies are replaced with representative governments..., Prestudy Dialog (con't) .0 The questionnaire is politically biased towards the Israeli point of view about Jerusalem The questionnaire ...has also called for the settlement of the refugees issue without taking into consideration their fundamental right to return to their homes... .. avoided to hold Israel accountable for any damages for the sake of sounding neutral in the search for peace. ...discount(s) ... the truth about the political and historical conflict between the two parties as well the civilization gap between the two of them We suggest ... an alternative questionnaire (including) The recognition of the existence of an occupation and aggression to be ended by an immediate international resolution. The right of the Palestinian people to exist without any interference from any foreign party. The right of the Palestinian people to live on their own homeland regardless of the events imposed upon them by force. Initial Conclusions Systematic study of routes to peace seems possible (it was in doubt at the start) The UN is involved in many of the promising actions and therefore must exert a leadership role. The answers do not distinguish the politics of the respondents. Differences in opinions about what is important are small On average, most actions are considered important, and about as likely as not. The backfire potential is, on average, lower than 50/50. The more important actions are also seen as most likely; there is no relationship between importance and backfire potential. The consequences and cross impacts of any action are complex and must be carefully thought through in any scenario and planned action. Responses from sub-groups from Arabic countries and Israel agreered in many areas, an inkling of a way to begin dialog. The Demography of the Sample: Round 1 Europe 32.2% politicians military 5.4% 3.4% Asia and Oceania 20.9% futurists 22.1% Israel 4.3% Latin America 20.0% North America 11.3% M- E Arabic Countri 11.3% academics 37.6% religious 2.0% other (Gov.., privat 13.4% consultants 16.1% Questionnaire Format Necessary condition for peace / actions--options 1. Provide Secure borders for Israel 1.1 Israeli withdrawal from all areas occupied since the 1967 war 1.2 Resume the Peace Process on the bases of UN resolutions 1.3 Enact a UN General Assembly resolution that clearly defines the borders and is enforced by a UN Security Council resolution 1.4 Recognition of Israel as an independent state by all Arab states 1.5 Deploy international observers 1.6 Install a high-technology sensor system on borders to detect clandestine motion 1.7 Place UN peacekeeping forces in areas of conflict or potential conflict Import Likelihd Backfire Potential Conditions That May be Necessary for Peace 1. Provide Secure borders for Israel 2. Establishment of a viable and independent Palestinian state 3. Resolution of the Jerusalem question 4. End violence by both sides and build confidence 5. Social and Economic Development 6. Education 7. Resolution of Palestinian refugee status Evaluation of Actions Importance 5 = must be achieved for peace to exist 4 = very effective in leading to peace 3 = effective but not essential 2 = not very effective 1 = counterproductive Likelihood of Implementation 5 = very likely 4 = likely 3 = implies a lot of compromise 2 = almost impossible 1 = never achievable Backfire Potential (for unintended deleterious consequences) 5= almost certain to backfire 4= very risky 3= as likely as not to backfire 2= minor chance 1= no chance to backfire Importance vs. Liklihood and Backfire (n~ 110) Guarantee religious rights of all creeds in Jerusalem Recognize Palestine as UN member state 4 Additional venues for talks 3.5 Negotiate water sharing 3 2.5 Liklihoo BF Liklihood and Backfire 2 Score Jerusalem time sharing Berlin Wall 1.5 1 0.5 Withdraw Israeli military forces from disputed territories Recognition of Israel by all Arab states 0 0 1 2 3 Importance Score 4 5 Importance vs. Liklihood and Backfire (n~ 110) 4.5 4 3.5 3 Liklihood and Backfire 2.5 2 Score 1.5 1 0.5 0 BF Liklihoo Import BF Importance Score High Importance, High Liklihood Actions (n~ 110) Action Import (=>4.1) Likelihd (=>3.4) Backfire 5.1 Negotiate long-term water sharing agreements 4.42 3.46 2.64 3.9 Guarantee religious rights of all creeds in Jerusalem 4.41 3.67 2.78 1.2 Resume the Peace Process on the bases of UN resolutions 4.22 3.43 2.77 3.8 Guarantee free access to holy sites 4.17 3.44 2.88 4.11 3.55 5.5 Special international programs under UN for industrial and technological development of a Palestinian state High Importance, Lower Liklihood Actions (n~ 110) Import (=>4.1) Likelihd (<3.4) Backfire 4.45 3.12 2.76 4.45 3.18 3.19 4.35 2.83 2.83 2.1 Enact a UN General Assembly resolution that clearly defines borders and is enforced by UN Security Council 4.33 3.38 3.07 1.1 Israeli withdrawal from all areas occupied since the 1967 war 4.28 2.85 3.20 3.2 Develop a plan for peacefully sharing holy sites 4.25 3.38 2.97 4.5 End Israeli occupation of land obtained during 1967 4.22 2.88 3.14 6.1 Create UNESCO scholars curricula that provides unbiased 4.21 history and information to teach tolerance 3.40 2.39 6.6 Provide Equal access to education for women 4.18 3.33 2.48 4.1 Israel withdraws its settlements to the pre-’67 line 4.14 2.81 3.14 4.12 3.28 Action 1.4 Recognition of Israel as an independent state by all Arab states 2.3 Withdraw Israeli military forces from disputed and/or occupied territories they control 4.4 4.17 End suicide bombings Cooperation to combat terrorism war Lower Importance, High Liklihood Actions (n~ 110) Action Import (=<3.7) Likelihd (=>3) Backfire 1.7 Place UN peacekeeping forces in areas of conflict or potential conflict 3.59 3.45 2.89 6.8 Produce a movie based on the results of this study to show how many different elements can come together to achieve peace 3.39 3.42 2.37 1.6 Install a high-technology sensor system on borders to detect clandestine motion 2.88 3.41 Higher Backfire Potential Actions (n 110) Action Import Likelihd Backfire (=>3.1) 3.7 Build a “Berlin Wall” 1.42 2.17 3.62 3.5 Reduce the size of the city of Jerusalem to its pre-’67 borders 2.76 2.40 3.48 7.1 Provide Palestinians the right to return to Israel as 3.61 2.70 3.37 3.6 Establish a time sharing governance between Israel and Palestine 2.22 2.10 3.25 2.82 2.72 3.25 4.10 Israeli citizens Place an international peacekeeping force in the area outside the UN jurisdiction 1.1 Israeli withdrawal from all areas occupied since the 1967 war 4.28 2.85 3.20 2.3 Withdraw Israeli military forces from disputed and/or 4.45 3.18 3.19 4.1 Israel withdraws its settlements to the pre-’67 line 4.14 2.81 3.14 4.22 2.88 3.14 3.86 3.18 3.10 3.71 2.87 3.10 3.72 3.01 4.5 End Israeli occupation of land obtained during 1967 rate it here for its effect on condition 4] occupied territories they control war [Although previously rated, 3.3 Enact a clear, definite UN General Assembly resolution with enforcement, the areas that are under the governance of Israel and Palestine 3.1 stipulating Declare Jerusalem an International City 7.2 Create an Israeli-Palestinian commission, which would negotiate an agreement specifying a particular number of Palestinians who would have the right to return to Israel United Nations Led Actions (n~ 110) Action 2.2 Import Recognize Palestine as a sovereign UN member state 2.1 Enact a UN General Assembly resolution that clearly defines the borders and enforced by a UN Security Council resolution 1.2 is Resume the Peace Process on the bases of UN resolutions 6.1 Create via UNESCO scholars curricula for introduction to school systems in the Middle East that provides unbiased historical awareness and information designed to teach tolerance 5.5 Special international programs under UN for industrial and technological development of a Palestinian state 7.3 Initiate International inspections under UN to assure that human rights are being respected 7.4 Assure the right to repatriation and compensation according to General Assembly Resolution 194/48 3.3 Enact a clear, definite UN General Assembly resolution with enforcement, stipulating the areas that are under the governance of Israel and Palestine based on previous Security Council Resolutions 4.7 Establish many UN-funded citizens conflict resolution/dialogue groups to learn and practice peace-building skills 1.3 Enact a UN General Assembly resolution that clearly defines the borders and is enforced by a UN Security Council resolution 1.7 Place UN peacekeeping forces in areas of conflict or potential conflict 4.3 Establish a UN Security Council resolution banning further violent actions, would be enforced. 3.4 Establish a UN Trusteeship which Likelihd Backfire (=>3.1) 4.50 3.62 3.00 4.33 3.38 3.07 4.22 3.43 2.77 4.21 3.40 2.39 4.11 3.55 2.55 3.92 3.43 2.78 3.90 3.26 2.97 3.86 3.18 3.10 3.83 3.46 2.64 3.83 3.07 3.03 3.59 3.45 2.89 3.52 3.20 3.04 3.25 2.90 Internal Consistency Check (n~ 110) Action Import Likelihd Backfire (=>3.1) 1.1 Israeli withdrawal from all areas occupied since the 1967 war 4.28 2.85 3.20 2.3 Withdraw Israeli military forces from disputed and/or occupied territories they control 4.45 3.18 3.19 4.1 Israel withdraws its settlements to the pre-’67 line 4.14 2.81 3.14 4.5 End Israeli occupation of land obtained during 1967 war 4.22 2.88 1. Provide Secure Borders for Israe 1.4 Recognition of Israel as an independent state by all Arab states 1.1 Israeli withdrawal from all areas occupied since the 1967 war 1.2 Resume the Peace Process on the bases of UN resolutions 1.3 Enact a UN General Assembly resolution that clearly defines the borders and is enforced by a UN Security Council resolution 1.4 Recognition of Israel as an independent state by all Arab states 80 70 60 50 Number of Responses 40 30 20 10 0 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 2. Establishment of a viable and independent Palestinian state 2.2 Recognize Palestine as a sovereign UN member state 2.3 Withdraw Israeli military forces from disputed and/or territories they control occupied 2.1 Enact a UN General Assembly resolution that clearly defines the borders and is enforced by a UN Security Council resolution 2.4 Succession of President Yasser Arafat by free supervised elections 2.2 Recognize Palestine as a sovereign UN member state 80 70 60 50 Number of Responses 40 30 20 10 0 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 3. Resolution of the Jerusalem question 3.9 Guarantee religious rights of all creeds in Jerusalem 3.2 Develop a plan for peacefully sharing holy sites 3.8 Guarantee free access to holy sites 3.3 Enact a clear, definite UN General Assembly resolution with enforcement, stipulating the areas that are under the governance of Israel and Palestine based on previous Security Council Resolutions 3.9 Guarantee religious rights o all creeds in Jerusalem 80 70 60 50 Number of Responses 40 30 20 10 0 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 4. End violence by both sides and build confidence 4.4 End suicide bombings 4.5 End Israeli occupation of land obtained during 1967 war 4.1 Israel withdraws its settlements to the pre-’67 line 4.17 Cooperation to combat terrorism 4.4 End suicide bombings 80 70 60 50 Number of Responses 40 30 20 10 0 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5. 5.1 Social and Economic Development Negotiate long-term water sharing agreements 5.5 Establish special international programs under UN umbrella to encourage industrial and technological development for the Palestinian state 5.3 Promote Palestinian access to world markets 5.10 Create local participatory planning processes connected to development budget decisionmaking (similar to Shrouk in Egypt) to help restore dignity and faith in the future 5.1 Negotiate long-term water sharing agreements 80 70 60 50 Number of Responses 40 30 20 10 0 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 6. Education 6.1 Create via UNESCO scholars curricula for introduction to school systems in the Middle East that provides unbiased historical awareness, information designed to teach tolerance 6.6 Provide equal access to education for women 6.4 Invest in Palestinian educational infrastructure to bring it to par with Israel 6.5 Organize cultural symposiums with religious leaders from both sides to discuss ways to cultivate tolerance and peace 6.1 A curricula for introduction to school system in Middle East to provide unbiased historical awareness, information designed to teach tolerance 80 70 60 50 Number of Responses 40 30 20 10 0 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 7. Resolution of Palestinian refuge status 7.3 Initiate International inspections under UN to assure that human rights are being respected 7.4 Assure the right to repatriation and compensation according to General Assembly Resolution 194/48 7.2 Create an Israeli-Palestinian commission, which would negotiate an agreement specifying a particular number of Palestinians who would have the right to return to Israel 7.1 Provide Palestinians the right to return to Israel as Israeli citizens 7.3 International inspections unde UN to assure that human rights ar being respected 80 70 60 50 Number of Responses 40 30 20 10 0 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 3.7 Build a “Berlin Wall" 80 70 60 50 Number of Responses 40 30 20 10 0 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 Some Comments by Participants With the inevitable war with Iraq, the Israeli-Palestinian crisis will only perpetuate, and in fact, may deteriorate as sympathizers for Iraq in that region may lash out in the form of suicide bombings and other terrorist attacks The main driving forces of the conflicts between Palestine and Israel include: Religion, Resource, Revenge and Foreign interference. These four forces are interwoven and centuries long scale... Most of Palestinian or Jewish are longing for peace and love is a basic nature of both nationalities. Only a strong U.N.. sincerely backed by affluent and powerful states that can assure peace in the area. It is to be impressed on a belligerent Palestine that terrorism should be stopped at all costs that innocent people should not be made to suffer on religious grounds. Politics and religion must be kept apart if peace is to prevail. One of the key problems is that there is now a generation who have been brought under Israeli occupation/oppression and whose hatred of Israel is core to their identity... Once you have a mass of people who are willing to die for their cause, there is very little you can do to stop them except kill them first so that they still die but not for the cause. Focus on finding and developing a "next generation" of leaders from both sides who can look at the problem in a new way. Perhaps, look for these individuals among those who have lived in the land, but are now living outside of the land. Some Comments by Participants (con't) Declare Jerusalem as a holy city for all mankind, put it under heavy international protection maybe a high wall/fence is needed, and give each religion its dedicated days of the year to visit Jerusalem alone in peace. The key is to give all Palestinians whose ancestors lived in the border of present Israel with either land in Israel, the new Palestine, or the United States or some other mutually agreed on country. A financial settlement would be acceptable if the US can reach accommodation... Bilateral talks under the banner of the UN between the Arabs and the Jews in Israel is the final solution. Comparison of Responses From Two Sub-groups: Arabic Countries and Israel Two sub- groups were formed from the responses: one using people from Arabic countries and the other from Israel. The size of these groups was too small to draw any powerful inferences. (13 and 6) Nevertheless, the analysis of their responses points to a useful methodology. Taking the responses at face value, there are important areas of agreement which suggest strategies for the scenarios and perhaps real life. 1. Provide Secure borders for Isra Most Important >4 Most Likely >3.5 Highest Backfire >3.5 Good Agreement <.5 High Disagreement >2 Arab 1.1 Israeli withdrawal 1.2 Resume the Peace 1.4 Recognition of Importance of Liklihood of: from all areas occupied Process on the bases of Israel as an independent since the 1967 war UN resolutions state by all Arab states 1.2 Resume the Peace 1.4 Recognition of Process on the bases of Israel as an independent 1.4 Recognition of Israel UN resolutions state by all Arab states as an independent state by all Arab states Arab group higher Israeli 1.4 Recognition of 1.6 Install a highIsrael as an independent technology sensor state by all Arab states system on borders to detect clandestine motion Illustration of Scenario Construction 1. Provide Secure borders for Israel Most Important >4 Arab Most Likely >3.5 Good Agreement <.5 High Disagreement >2 1.1 Israeli withdrawal 1.2 Resume the Peace 1.4 Recognition of Importance of Liklihood of: from all areas occupied Process on the bases of Israel as an independent since the 1967 war UN resolutions state by all Arab states 1.2 Resume the Peace 1.4 Recognition of Process on the bases of Israel as an independent 1.4 Recognition of Israel UN resolutions state by all Arab states as an independent state by all Arab states Arab group higher Recognize Begin here Concern Trade off Israeli Highest Backfire >3.5 1.4 Recognition of 1.6 Install a highIsrael as an independent technology sensor state by all Arab states system on borders to detect clandestine motion Safeguards 2. Establishment of a viable and independent Palestinian State Most Important >4 Most Likely >3.5 Highest Backfire >3.5 Good Agreement <.5 High Disagreement >2 Arab 2.2 Recognize 2.2 Recognize 2.2 Recognize Liklihood of Backfire potential of: Palestine as a sovereign Palestine as a sovereign Palestine as a sovereign UN member state UN member state UN member state 2.1 Enact a UN General2.2 Recognize Assembly resolution that Palestine as a sovereign clearly defines the UN member state (1.38) borders and is enforced by a UN Arabs thought it higher Security Council resolution Israeli 2.1 Enact a UN General2.2 Recognize 2.3 Withdraw Israeli Assembly resolution that Palestine as a sovereign military forces from clearly defines the UN member state disputed and/or borders and is enforced occupied territories they by a UN Security control (3.29) Council resolution 2.2 Recognize Palestine as a sovereign state Illustration of Scenario Construction 2. Establishment of a viable and independent Palestinian State Most Important >4 Arab Most Likely >3.5 Highest Backfire >3.5 Good Agreement <.5 High Disagreement >2 2.2 Recognize 2.2 Recognize 2.2 Recognize Liklihood of Backfire potential of: Palestine as a sovereign Palestine as a sovereign Palestine as a sovereign UN member state UN member state UN member state 2.1 Enact a UN General2.2 Recognize Assembly resolution that Palestine as a sovereign clearly defines the UN member state (1.38) borders and is enforced by a UN Arabs thought it higher Security Council resolution Trade Off Why? Israeli 2.1 Enact a UN General2.2 Recognize 2.3 Withdraw Israeli Assembly resolution that Palestine as a sovereign military forces from clearly defines the UN member state disputed and/or borders and is enforced occupied territories they by a UN Security control (3.29) Council resolution 2.2 Recognize Palestine as a sovereign state Provide Safeguards Begin here 3. Resolution of the Jerusalem question Most Important >4 Most Likely >3.5 Highest Backfire >3.5 Good Agreement < .5 High Disagreement > 2 Arab 3.9 Guarantee religious rights of all creeds in Jerusalem 3.9 Guarantee religiousImportance of: Backfire potential of: rights of all creeds in Jerusalem 3.3 Enact a clear, 3.7 Build a “Berlin Wall” definite UN General Assembly resolution Arabs thought potential with enforcement, was much lower than stipulating the areas that Israeli group are under the governance of Israel and Palestine based on previous Security Council Resolutions Israeli 3.9 Guarantee religious rights of all creeds in Jerusalem 3.7 Build a “Berlin Wall” 4. End violence by both sides and build confidence Most Important >4 Arab 4.5 End Israeli occupation of land obtained during 1967 war Israeli 4.3 End suicide bombings Most Likely> 3.5 Highest Backfire> 3.5 Good Agreement <.5 High Disagreement >2 4.2 Accept Saudi 4.7 Establish many UN-Importance of: Backfire potential of: Arabian Crown Prince funded citizens conflict Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz resolution/dialogue 4.13 Promote women 4.15 Create additional proposal [that calls for groups to learn and activist groups to venues where Israel’s withdrawal from practice peace- building cultivate peace ideas in moderates of both sides lands occupied in 1967 skills the family environment can talk to each other and the establishment of a Palestinian state in Arabs much higher the West Bank and Gaza Strip and then all the Arab States wi 4.15 Create additional 4.9 Establish an venues where International Tribunal moderates of both sides that would try civilians 4.17 Cooperation to end can talk to each other and/or leaders from terrorism Palestine and Israel accused of heinous crimes 5. Most Important > 4 Social and Economic Development Most Likely >3.5 Highest Backfire > 3.5 Good Agreement <.5 High Disagreement >2 Arab 5.1 Negotiate long-term5.5 Establish special 5.8 Establish a program5.10 Create local Backfire potential of: water sharing international programs of technology transfer participatory planning agreements under UN umbrella to from Israel to the processes connected to5.8 Establish a program encourage industrial Palestinian state to development budget of technology transfer and technological improve agriculture and decision- making from Israel to the development for the economic development (similar to Shrouk in Palestinian state to Palestinian state Egypt) to help restore improve agriculture and dignity and faith in the economic development future Arab groups high Israeli 5.1 Negotiate long-term5.9 Encourage direct water sharing foreign investment in the agreements new Palestinian state 5.5 Establish special international programs under UN umbrella to encourage industrial and technological development for the Palestinian state. 6. Education Most Important > 4 Arab Israeli Most Likely> 3.5 Highest Backfire> 3.5 6.1 Create via 6.1 Create via 6.5 Organize cultural UNESCO scholars UNESCO scholars symposiums with curricula for introduction curricula for introduction religious leaders from to school systems in to school systems in both sides to discuss the Middle East that the Middle East that ways to cultivate provides unbiased provides unbiased tolerance and peace historical awareness historical awareness and information and information designed to teach designed to teach tolerance tolerance 6.1 Create via UNESCO scholars curricula for introduction to school systems in the Middle East that provides unbiased historical awareness and information designed to teach tolerance Good <.5 High Disagreement >2 Probability of: Backfire potential of: 6.5 Organize cultural symposiums with religious leaders from both sides to discuss ways to cultivate tolerance and peace 6.5 Organize cultural symposiums with religious leaders from both sides to discuss ways to cultivate tolerance and peace Arab group was higher 7. Resolution of Palestinian refuge status Most Important > 4 Most Likely> 3.5 Highest Backfire> 3.5 Good Agreement <.5 High Disagreement >2 Arab 7.4 Assure the right to 7.4 Assure the right to 7.3 Initiate InternationalProbability of: Importance of: repatriation and repatriation and inspections under UN to compensation according compensation according assure that human 7.2 Create an Israeli- 7.1 Provide to General Assembly to General Assembly rights are being Palestinian commission, Palestinians the right to Resolution 194/48 Resolution 194/48 respected which would negotiate return to Israel as an agreement Israeli citizens specifying a particular number of Palestinians Arab group is higher who would have the right to return to Israel Israeli 7.2 Create an Israeli- 7.2 Create an Israeli- 7.1 Provide Palestinian commission, Palestinian commission, Palestinians the right to which would negotiate which would negotiate return to Israel as an agreement an agreement Israeli citizens specifying a particular specifying a particular number of Palestinians number of Palestinians who would have the who would have the right to return to Israel right to return to Israel