ACRONYM MSCA-IF-2015-EF START PAGE MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Individual Fellowships (IF) Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2015 PART B “PROPOSAL ACRONYM” “Title” This proposal is to be evaluated as: [Standard EF] [CAR] [RI] [Delete as appropriate] Part B – Page 1 of 10 ACRONYM MSCA-IF-2015-EF TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF PARTICIPANTS 3 1. EXCELLENCE 4 2. IMPACT 9 3. IMPLEMENTATION 11 4. CV OF THE EXPERIENCED RESEARCHER 14 5. CAPACITIES OF THE PARTICIPATING ORGANISATIONS 19 6. ETHICAL ISSUES 20 (Adjust page numbers as appropriate) Part B – Page 2 of 10 ACRONYM MSCA-IF-2015-EF Non-academic (tick) Participants Legal Entity Short Name Academic (tick) List of Participants Country Dept./ Division / Laboratory Role of Partner Organisation Supervisor Beneficiary University of Copenhagen UCPH X DK Partner Organisation - NAME Part B – Page 3 of 10 SME status (Yes/No) Enterprise status (Yes/No) Annual turnover (approx. in Euro) Web site No. of employees in R&D No. of full - time employees Type of R&D activities Name Location of research premises (city / country) Data for non-academic beneficiaries ACRONYM MSCA-IF-2015-EF 1. Excellence 1.1 Quality, innovative aspects and credibility of the research (including inter/multidisciplinary aspects) Introduction, state-of-the-art, objectives and overview of the action: Research methodology and approach: Originality and innovative aspects of the research programme: 1.2 Clarity and quality of transfer of knowledge/training for the development of the researcher in light of the research objectives 1.3 Quality of the supervision and the hosting arrangements Qualifications and experience of the supervisor(s) 1.4 Capacity of the researcher to reach and re-enforce a position of professional maturity in research 2. Impact 2.1 Enhancing research- and innovation-related skills, and working conditions to realise the potential of individuals and to provide new career perspectives 2.2 Effectiveness of the proposed measures for communication and results dissemination Communication and public engagement strategy of the action Dissemination of the research results Exploitation of results and intellectual property rights 3. Implementation 3.1 Overall coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources Work Packages: WP1: (title) List of major deliverables: List of major milestones: Secondments (if applicable): Part B – Page 4 of 10 ACRONYM MSCA-IF-2015-EF 3.2 Appropriateness of the management structure and procedures, including quality management and risk management Project organisation and management structure, including the financial management strategy, as well as the progress monitoring mechanisms put in place; Risks that might endanger reaching project objectives and the contingency plans to be put in place should risk occur. Gantt Chart - Add or delete rows and columns that do not apply. Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Work package 1 Deliverable 2.1 Work package 2 Deliverable 2.1 Milestone Workshop Seminar Conference Dissemination Public engagement Other (specify) The following could be also included in the Gantt Chart: Progress monitoring; Risk management; Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). 3.3 Appropriateness of the institutional environment (infrastructure) 3.4 Competences, experience and complementarity of the participating organisations and institutional commitment Part B – Page 5 of 10 ACRONYM 4. MSCA-IF-2015-EF CV of the Experienced Researcher PERSONAL INFORMATION Family name, First name: Researcher unique identifier(s) (such as ORCID, Research ID, etc. ...): Date of birth: URL for web site: EDUCATION YEAR, M - YEAR, M YEAR, M - YEAR, M PhD Name of Faculty/ Department, Name of University/ Institution, Country Master Name of Faculty/ Department, Name of University/ Institution, Country CURRENT POSITION(S) YEAR, M - YEAR, M Current Position Name of Faculty/ Department, Name of University/ Institution/ Country YEAR, M - YEAR, M Current Position Name of Faculty/ Department, Name of University/ Institution/ Country PREVIOUS POSITIONS YEAR, M - YEAR, M Position held Name of Faculty/ Department, Name of University/ Institution/ Country YEAR, M - YEAR, M Position held Name of Faculty/ Department, Name of University/ Institution/ Country FELLOWSHIPS, PRIZES AND AWARDS YEAR, M - YEAR, M Name of Faculty/ Department/Centre, Name of University/ Institution/ Country YEAR, M - YEAR, M Award received from Name of Institution/ Country YEAR, M - YEAR, M Scholarship, Name of Faculty/ Department/Centre, Name of University/ Institution Country SUPERVISION OF GRADUATE STUDENTS AND POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWS YEAR, M - YEAR, M Number of Postdocs/ PhD/ Master Students Name of Faculty/ Department/ Centre, Name of University/ Institution/ Country TEACHING ACTIVITIES (if applicable) YEAR, M - YEAR, M Teaching position – Topic, Name of University/ Institution/ Country YEAR, M - YEAR, M Teaching position – Topic, Name of University/ Institution/ Country ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS (if applicable) YEAR, M - YEAR, M Please specify your role and the name of event / Country YEAR, M - YEAR, M Please specify type of event / number of participants / Country INSTITUTIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES (if applicable) YEAR, M - YEAR, M Faculty member, Name of University/ Institution/ Country YEAR, M - YEAR, M Graduate Student Advisor, Name of University/ Institution/ Country YEAR, M - YEAR, M Member of the Faculty Committee, Name of University/ Institution/ Country YEAR, M - YEAR, M Organiser of the Internal Seminar, Name of University/ Institution/ Country YEAR, M - YEAR, M Member of a Committee; role, Name of University/ Institution/ Country COMMISSIONS OF TRUST (if applicable) YEAR, M - YEAR, M Scientific Advisory Board, Name of University/ Institution/ Country Part B – Page 6 of 10 ACRONYM YEAR, M - YEAR, M YEAR, M - YEAR, M YEAR, M - YEAR, M YEAR, M - YEAR, M YEAR, M - YEAR, M YEAR, M - YEAR, M YEAR, M - YEAR, M MSCA-IF-2015-EF Review Board, Name of University/ Institution/ Country Review panel member, Name of University/ Institution/ Country Editorial Board, Name of University/ Institution/ Country Scientific Advisory Board, Name of University/ Institution/ Country Reviewer, Name of University/ Institution/ Country Scientific Evaluation, Name of University/ Institution/ Country Evaluator, Name of University/ Institution/ Country MEMBERSHIPS OF SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES (if applicable) YEAR, M - YEAR, M Member, Research Network “Name of Research Network” YEAR, M - YEAR, M Associated Member, Name of Faculty/ Department/ Centre, Name of University/ Institution/ Country YEAR, M - YEAR, M Funding Member, Name of Faculty/ Department/ Centre, Name of University/ Institution/ Country MAJOR COLLABORATIONS (if applicable) Name of collaborators, Topic, Name of Faculty/ Department/ Centre, Name of University/ Institution/ Country CAREER BREAKS IN RESEARCH (if applicable) YEAR, M - YEAR, M Please indicate the reason for the break, the place of residence during this period, the duration in months and why do you want to restart a career in research. Part B – Page 7 of 10 ACRONYM 5. MSCA-IF-2015-EF Capacity of the Participating Organisations University of Copenhagen General Description Role and Commitment of key persons (supervisor) (Including names, title, qualifications of the supervisor) Key Research Facilities, Infrastructure and Equipment (Demonstrate that the team has sufficient facilities and infrastructure to host and/or offer a suitable environment for training and transfer of knowledge to recruited Experienced Researcher) Independent research premises? Previous Involvement in Research and Training Programmes Current involvement in Research and Training Programmes (Detail the EU and/or national research and training actions in which the partner is currently participating) Relevant Publications and/or research/innovation products (Max 5) Partner Organisation Y General description Key Persons and Expertise (supervisor) Key Research facilities, infrastructure and equipment Previous and Current Involvement in Research and Training Programmes Relevant Publications and/or research/innovation product (Max 3) Part B – Page 8 of 10 ACRONYM 6. MSCA-IF-2015-EF Ethical Issues Part B – Page 9 of 10 ACRONYM MSCA-IF-2015-EF ENDPAGE MARIE SKŁODOWSKA-CURIE ACTIONS Individual Fellowships (IF) Call: H2020-MSCA-IF-2015 PART B “PROPOSAL ACRONYM” “Title” This proposal is to be evaluated as: [EF] [CAR] [RI] [Delete as appropriate] Part B – Page 10 of 10