Chap 1-5 Study Guide

Chapter 1 – 5 Study Guide
1. John Rolfe
2. William Bradford
3. John Wintrhop
4. Sir Edmund Andros
5. Phillis Wheatley
6. Treaty of Tordesillas
7. Iroquois Confederacy
8. Encomienda
9. Salutary neglect
10. “city upon a hill”
11. Navigation Laws
12. Fundamental Orders
13. Leisler’s Revellion
14. In what type of settlement did most native people in North America live before the arrival of Europeans?
15. What were the negative consequences for Native Americans as a result of European contact?
16. What did the Europeans introduce into the New World?
17. What happened to New Mexican Catholic churches as a result of Pope’s Rebellion in 1680?
18. What events caused Spain’s dreams of empire to fade?
19. Where was the first English attempt at colonization in 1585?
20. Explain the laws of primogeniture.
21. What were joint-stock companies?
22. What were the motives for English colonization?
23. What caused the initial starvation of early Jamestown settlers?
24. What did Lord De La Warr do when he took control of Jamestown in 1610?
25. What ended the First Anglo-Powhatan War in 1614?
26. What was the result of the Second Anglo-Powhatan War in 1644?
27. Why did the Powhatans succumb to the Europeans?
28. Why were initial purchases of Africans limited?
29. What precedent was set by the summoning of Virginia’s House of Burgesses?
30. What was the reason for the founding of Maryland in 1634?
31. Why was tobacco considered a poor man’s crop?
32. Where did the statues governing slavery in the North American colonies originate?
33. What were the two major exports in the Carolinas?
34. Where was the busiest seaport in the southern colonies?
35. How were North Carolina and Rhode Island similar?
36. Why was the colony of Georgia founded?
37. In Puritan doctrine, the “elect” were also referred to as what?
38. What was significant about the Mayflower Compact?
39. How did the Puritans differ from the Separatists?
40. What belief of Anne Hutchinson got her in trouble?
41. What was Roger William’s religious policy in Rhode Island?
42. What was Rhode Island known for?
43. What was the result of King Philip’s War?
44. What was the purpose of the New England Confederation?
45. What was the Dominion of New England?
46. What group initially founded New York?
47. Why did Pennsylvania attract so many immigrants?
48. What was notable about the population of the Chesapeake colonies throughout the first half of the 17th century?
49. What was the headright system?
50. In the first half of the 17th century, most immigrants to the Chesapeake colonies came as what?
51. What was the immediate cause of Bacon’s Rebellion?
52. What was the most significant result of Bacon’s Rebellion?
53. Why did colonists become more reliant on slave labor after 1680?
54. What was the middle passage?
55. What was the cause of the growth of slave society in North America?
56. How did most of the inhabitants of the colonial American South make a living?
57. What was the status of cities in the colonial South?
58. What was the Half-Way Covenant?
59. What did most of the accused as witches during the Salem witchcraft trials have in common?
60. What was the result of the rapid population growth in colonial America during the 18th century?
61. By the end of the 1700s, what percentage of people lived in rural areas of colonial America?
62. How would you describe the Scots-Irish?
63. What was the March of the Paxton Boys?
64. What was the Regulator Movement?
65. What was the largest non-English ethnic group in colonial America?
66. What was the most ethnically diverse region of colonial America? What was the least?
67. By the end of the 18th century, what did each of the following regions rely on as their economic identity: northern
colonies, Chesapeake, southern colonies
68. What was the leading industry in the American colonies?
69. Explain the idea of the triangular trade.
70. What was the British Parliament’s intent in passing the Molasses Act in 1733?
71. What were the only two established churches in colonial America in 1775?
72. What characterized the sermons of the New Light ministers?
73. What were the effects of the Great Awakening?
74. In what region of colonial society was education most promoted?
75. What was the first American college free from denominational control?
76. What was significant about the decision in the Zenger trial?
77. Why were colonial legislatures often able to bend the power of the governors to their will?