- Dayaway

School Address
235 E. Fairmount Ave, Apt. 202
State College, PA 16801
Alexa Bonk
Email: alexa.bonk@gmail.com
Phone: 443-783-7260
Home Address
25376 Fairway Drive
Quantico, MD 21856
To obtain a full-time position where I can utilize my renewable energy engineering skills, teamwork and problem-solving skills
The Pennsylvania State University - University Park, Pennsylvania
B.S. Energy Engineering, May 2015; Dean’s List 5/6 semesters
GPA - 3.68
Professional Experience
Lockheed Martin, Energy Service Group
Summers 2013 and 2014, current
 Worked in the field inspecting energy retrofit projects and wrote summary reports for management
 Analyzed blueprints of new construction projects to calculate projected energy savings
 Worked with the team designing ways to make the process more efficient
 Reviewed project applications to receive incentive for wattage reduction
Pepco Holdings, Inc., Delmarva Power Branch
Summer 2012
 Analyzed outage data for equipment change recommendations to enhance power reliability
 Performed short circuit and circuit protection analysis for new equipment
 Performed field equipment inspections to recommend maintenance activities
 Organized the budget for the upcoming year, and caught a mistake in the excel form that could have cost the
company thousands of dollars
Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Student council
 Vice President, 2013-2014 academic year; Secretary, 2012-2013 academic year
The GREEN Program – Guanacaste, Costa Rica
 Student and capstone project leader
TOTEMS (Total Orientation to the College of Earth and Mineral Sciences) mentor
 Mentored incoming freshmen of the College a week before move-in day
Summer 2013
August 2012 and 2013
Relevant Educational Experience
Senior Design Project- The Economic and Technical Feasibility of a CHP Installation at the Poly One Plastic Film Manufacturing
Plant in Salisbury, Maryland
 A current study of a combined heat and power installation as a branch off of my summer internship
 Utilizing a model to determine the optimal system design that will be employed by the company
Class Work- Design of Solar Energy Conversion Systems, Wind and Hydropower Energy Conversion, Introduction to
Combustion, Heat and Mass Transfer, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Petroleum Processing
Skills- C++, Matlab, Mathematica, Microsoft Office Suite
Extracurricular Activities
Penn State Society of Energy Engineers
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences THON organization
Centre County PAWS
 Volunteer at local non-euthanasia animal shelter, walking dogs and interacting with potential dog owners to evaluate
their compatibility for the dogs