Hatchet Vocabulary Worksheet: Chapters 1-6

Hatchet: Chapter 1 Vocabulary
Consuming: So intense as to take up all of somebody's attention, time, and energy.
Example sentence
Drone: A continuous low humming sound.
Example sentence
Shattering: To break something suddenly into many pieces.
Example sentence
Rudder: An airfoil, usually on the tail of an airplane, that pivots vertically and controls left-to-right
Example sentence
Lurched: To lean or move suddenly to one side.
Example sentence
Wincing: Making an expression of pain with the face.
Example sentence
Hokey: Corny, sentimental.
Example sentence
Spasm: An involuntary, sudden muscle contraction.
Example sentence
Hatchet: Chapter 2 Vocabulary
Turbulence: Instability in the atmosphere that disrupts the flow of the wind, causing gusty,
unpredictable air currents.
Example sentence
Swooped: To move quickly and suddenly with a sweeping movement, usually from the air.
Example sentence
Wrenching: To pull something away forcefully.
Example sentence
Throttle: A pedal or lever that controls the amount of fuel and air entering an engine.
Example sentence
Hurtling: Moving or traveling at a very high speed.
Example sentence
Rebelled: To refuse.
Example sentence
Intervals: A period of time between one event and the next.
Example sentence
Hatchet: Chapter 3 Vocabulary
Dramatically: In a way that grabs attention and causes an excited, shocked, or startled reaction.
Example sentence
Wallow: To move clumsily or with difficulty.
Example sentence
Coarse: Harsh or rough to the touch.
Example sentence
Spiraling: Spinning or circling around a central point.
Example sentence
Hatchet: Chapter 4 Vocabulary
Hoarse: Rough sounding.
Example sentence
Throb: To beat or pulsate in a rapid forceful way.
Example sentence
Pulsed: To beat or throb.
Example sentence
Mound: A small rounded hill.
Example sentence
Grunting: To make a deep, abnormal sound.
Example sentence
Clammy: Slightly damp and unpleasantly cold.
Example sentence
Haze: A feeling of confusion.
Example sentence
Hordes: A large group.
Example sentence
Swarming: To move or gather in a large crowd.
Example sentence
Hatchet: Chapter 5 Vocabulary
Wither: To shrivel or dry up. To fade away.
Murky: Unclear or difficult to see through.
Teetered: To move unsteadily.
Trickle: To flow slowly in a thin stream or in drops.
Reduce: To decrease or make smaller in intensity.
Extensive: Covering a large area.
Amphibious: Operating on land and in water.
Asset: Somebody or something useful.
Hatchet: Chapter 6 Vocabulary
Lean-to: A slope-roofed shelter built against a wall.
Braces: Supports for something constructed.
Diminish: Make or become smaller.
Pulverized: To crush or destroy something.
Lushly: Growing vigorously and beautifully.
Pace: Speed of movement.
Interlaced: Weave something together.
Twinge: Brief pain.