INTRODUCTION Short Information Report by Shannon Hamid Negotiation is very important in the workplace. It is the stepping-stone that can get you to where you want to be. Some people are born negotiators. Negotiation is not a bad action and it does not reflect if a person is being grateful or not, negotiation is part of business skills that are needed. This report will discuss about a short video by Margaret Neale from Stanford about negotiating to get what you want and a chapter by Kim Keating titled “Negotiate Your Salary.” Both resources talk about the steps that one needs to take in order to achieve a successful negotiation. BODY Negotiating to Get What You Want In a video titled “Negotiation: Getting What You Want” by Margaret Neale, it is said that negotiation’s goal is not to get an agreement or a deal, the goal is to get a good deal. Negotiation is a method to solve problem, a way to collaborate so that both parties get what they want without disadvantaging the other. Before making a negotiation, three pieces of information are needed: alternatives, reservation, and aspiration. It is extremely important to know about our other alternatives in case this negotiation fails. Secondly, we need to know about our reservation price is, which is the point that we are indifferent and the point where we know when to say yes or no. The third one is about aspiration, what is an optimistic assessment of it of what it is we can achieve if this negotiation fails. After gathering all these three pieces information, plan your negotiation. There are four steps in the planning process and the first step is to assess the situation. Observe the situation and see if you can influence or make an outcome, change the outcome to make you better off and weigh the benefits of the outcome with the cost. Second, prepare the situation. Understand what our interests are and understand our preferences deeply. The third step is to ask; engage with your counterpart and be unique in order to create value. Last but not least is to package your negotiation and make a bundle of alternatives. Negotiating a Salary Negotiation skills are critical in every aspect of our lives. Learning how to negotiate can mean the difference between accepting what comes your way and getting what you want in your life. Moreover, the sad fact is that gender inequality is still out there in some workplaces. A recent study found that women in their first year out of college were paid eighty-two cents for every dollar paid to their male peers. This gap is caused by number of factors: outright discrimination, gender indifferences in college majors and occupation, the number of hours men and women work, and women negotiation less often than men. Sad but true, women don’t negotiate. Women often underestimate their abilities, they focus too much on pleasing others, settling for what other people think, and too much of the time, they are grateful for anything they get. So becoming aware of the special challenges women face in negotiation is the first step to overcoming them. There are four steps that can help someone to reach their compensation goals, and the first one is to find information about both parties. Find about what’s the current salary for the same job, field, experience, companies, etc. Second is to know when to speak up; do not discuss compensation until you have an offer. The goal of negotiating a salary is to avoid the salary until you have an offer. The third one is to know the situation; now hat you’ve got an offer, it’s time to negotiate. Writing a script beforehand and practice is recommended in this situation. You have to know where do you want to take the conversations. If you don’t like the offer, do not be afraid to reject it. It is actually recommended to decline the first offer; however, you have to make a counteroffer. The last step is very critical in negotiating, it is to make a decision whether you accept it or walk away. If you decide to accept, do so with enthusiasm. However, if you decide to reject the offer, do so graciously. CONCLUSION All in all, negotiation is a crucial skill that is now needed in the business world. Negotiation can be used not only to negotiate about salary, but can also be used to get a deal with companies or other benefits. Sad but true, as a woman I feel that I do not like to negotiate because I feel probably I deserve what I get and I do not know how to package my negotiation. After watching the video and reading the chapter, I feel more powerful. The story of Margaret Neale inspires me to stand on your ground and negotiate to get what you want. Even though both resources talk about different steps to plan your negotiation, I like the way Kim Keating organized her thought better. I will apply her four steps of negotiation, which first I have to find information about both parties, do not discuss compensation until I’ve got an offer, negotiate, then decide if I want to take the offer or not.