Hoover, FDR, and the Great Depression


Hoover, FDR, and the

Great Depression

Herbert Hoover and Voluntarism

Herbert Hoover

 Grew up in a poor family in a small

Iowa town

 Trained as a mining engineer

 Ran U.S. Food Administration during


 Promoted government-business partnerships

 Elected President as a Republican in


“Voluntarism” (or “Volunteerism”)

People are responsible for helping themselves

 No direct federal government aid for the poor

Communities should work together to help the poor

Keep the budget balanced – no deficit spending

 Prosperity “trickles down” from businesses to everyone else

Hoover’s Policies – The Early Years

Asked business not to cut jobs or wages

Reduced taxes to boost consumer demand

Urged the wealthy to give to charity

 Asked state government to increase aid for the poor

Constant optimism – tried to restore confidence in the economy

Problem: this didn’t work

 Unemployment and homelessness continued to rise

 Local governments and charities ran out of money

 Hoover became increasingly unpopular

 Hoovervilles = shanty towns

 Hoover Houses = cardboard boxes

 Hoover Heaters = campfires

Hoover’s Policies – The Later Years

 Reconstruction Finance Corporation

 Created 1932

 Provided loans to banks, railroads, big businesses

 Exemplified trickle-down economics

 Hoover Dam

 Massive public works project on the

Colorado River

 Created jobs in a depressed area

The Bonus Army

 After WWI, Congress promised cash payments to veterans in 1945

The Depression left many veterans unemployed

 Summer 1932: “Bonus

Army” of 15,000 veterans marched to Washington,

D.C., demanding immediate payment

The Bonus Army, continued

Bonus Army camps out in


July 1932: Hoover orders evacuation of Bonus Army

July 28: U.S. Army forcibly evicts Bonus Army

 Negative publicity destroyed

Hoover’s re-election campaign

The 1932 Election

 Why would Hoover be unpopular?

 Economy still hasn’t recovered

 People think Hoover hasn’t done enough

Bonus Army is terrible publicity

 What do you think people are looking for?

 More decisive, drastic action

 Someone who understands them

FDR and the

New Deal

Franklin Delano Roosevelt

 Born into a wealthy, wellconnected New York family

Disabled by polio in his forties

 Elected president as a

Democrat in 1932

 Promised a “New Deal” to solve the Depression

The country needs, and unless I mistake its temper, the country demands bold, persistent experimentation. It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.

-FDR, 1932

How does this differ from Hoover’s philosophy?

Result: The New Deal

Date: 1933-1938

 Definition: series of ambitious federal programs with the goal of ending the Depression

 Significance

Helped end the Depression and reduce unemployment

Radically expanded the government’s role in economic life

Principles of the New Deal

 Relief – help the needy

 Recovery – end the Depression

 Reform – change the economy so that the Depression can’t happen again

Fireside Chats

 Date: 1933-1944

 Series of radio addresses by FDR on national issues and proposed laws

 Significance

 Helped build support for New

Deal programs

 Encouraged Americans to feel closer to the President

Fireside Chats

 How does FDR use the radio to gain the trust of his listeners?

New Deal Policies

 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


 Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA)

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

 Federal Housing Administration (FHA)

 National Recovery Administration (NRA)

 Public Works Administration (PWA)

 Works Progress Administration (WPA)

 Social Security Administration (SSA)
