Just PPT - Affordable Learning Solutions

Affordable Learning Solutions:
Webinar Series for Sharing
Campus Initiative @ CSU Monterey Bay
Nature, Principles of Biology e-text
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AL$ Webinar #7 Agenda
 Welcome and AL$ Overview/Updates
(Christie, 10 minutes)
 AL$ Efforts and Outcomes @ Monterey Bay
(Oehlman & Tinsley, 20 minutes)
 Nature, Principles of Biology e-text
(Steed & Narguizian, 20 minutes)
 Summary, Discussion, and Looking Ahead
(All, 10 minutes)
Making It Easier To Find
 Alternative Content
 Tools
 Technologies
 Policies
 Marketing &
deployment strategies
CSU Provides System Access to
Free or Low-Cost Textbook Alternatives
 Open Educational Resources: Over 40,000 FREE
online teaching materials including over 2,300 FREE
online textbooks are available @ AL$ website
 CSU Library eBooks: CSU systemwide electronic
library collections provide students FREE access to
 Faculty-Authored Materials: Published and distributed
in a variety of ways
 Lower Cost Publisher eTextbooks: CSU Rent Digital
About Digital Textbooks in the CSU
 Digital textbooks cost 45%-55% less
than new print textbook prices
 33% of CSU students prefer digital
 1% of all titles sold in CSU
bookstores are digital textbooks
There is an unmet demand in the
CSU marketplace
Agreement On 4 Key Areas
 Choice: Faculty have a wide choice of publishers and
students can choose a digital rental or not
 Price: 60% off new print textbook prices and publishers
choose the titles they will offer
 Marketing: CSU and vendors collaborating to raise
awareness, comfort, and competencies in using digital
 Accessibility: Vendors will provide the CSU a roadmap
for improving the accessibility of their eReaders
Spring 2013:
 Campus Outreach:
Student awareness of
choice through your
campus bookstore
 Cal State Student
 CSU Public Affairs
Café Scribe, Schlager, W.W. Norton
Why Do CSU Students Use Rent Digital?
Offers the lowest price compared to hard copy new, used, or rental
Do not have to wait until the end of term and buyback to get a low net price
Do not run the risk of incurring unexpected credit card charges at the end of the term because of lost or forgotten rental
Can afford to buy ALL of materials for classes and not have to do without some because money does not cover it all
Reduce Stress
No longer subject to backpack book theft while studying in the library, eating lunch, relaxing on campus
Thieves not only cannot steal my digital books, they cannot sell them
No heavy weight in my backpack
Do not have to worry about remembering to return rentals during finals
Rent Digital is available in NEW editions unlike used books and hard copy rentals which are not available until a new
edition has experienced adequate sales
CSU only has the correct edition/title/ISBN the instructor has selected so no risk of buying the wrong book
Unique Benefits
Paying the least amount up front but if students decide to keep the materials, they can pay the difference
Interactive content is much more exciting than hard copy and grades reflect the improvement
Tests identify and explain errors so students learn from tests as well as studying
New information, updates, and cutting edge technology can be added and edited in real-time by publishers so there is no
‘old’ edition
Get to select the format that suits them while the instructor still selects content
Digital Rentals: Student Savings
If 1/3 of CSU students choose
1 digital rental per semester
instead of a new $100 print
 CSU students will save about
$17 Million in 2012-13
CSU ALS Activities: What’s the Schedule?
2012-2013: Faculty/Staff-focused activities
 Join the AL$ Online Community for info and support
 Monthly webinars by CO, CSU campuses & vendors
 Support for Campus AL$ Initiatives
 Workshops at your campus
not to be confused with a dark alley
Affordable Learning Workgroup
One member from each college
Each member is already doing something
Members' roles include:
representing their college's specific needs/issues
o promoting the committee and its work
o facilitating workshops (they don't know this yet-heh!)
o consulting with individual faculty members who want to do
fabulous things
Start Where You Are.
--Pema Chodron
(The CSUMB Library/Affordable Learning
Workgroup Ebook Pilot Project)
Pilot Parameters
Library gift funds
Five(ish) courses
Books must not be traditional textbooks and must
be available in ebook form via our book vendor,
Print copies available in bookstore
Print copy on reserve?
Data We Hope to Collect
Student surveys
Faculty interviews or surveys
Usage data from ebook platforms
You Are Not Alone...
What We Can Do for You
Consulting services for instructors
Leveraging ALI with ATI IM identification
Proactive research and data collection
Reduce costs AND improve identification goals
Identifying large enrollment/multi-section courses
Identifying multi-text/expensive text courses
Data collection infrastructure
Create repository/dashboard of relevant data
Integrations to digital learning spaces and tools
LMS, Softchalk, PDF, Diigo
Publish savings to the public
Quality education requires quality resources.
Students get what they pay for.
We’re not one of "those” universities.
It simply doesn’t compare . . .
I’d have to change my whole syllabus—my whole
There's no way I'll have all that technology in my
But Me . . . I'm Convinced!
Save students money? It's worth my time and
My custom text cost students half . . .
There'll be no excuses the first day of class!
Check out all those really great supplements!
It's as good as--no, it's better than--what we're
using now.
Students like using their tablets . . .
BUT . . .
Caught in the change . . .
free to fee
. . . and in the mystery of
the disappearing textbook
17 seconds for
0 seconds for answers
Nature Education
Principles of Science
Frank Steed
Senior Account Manager
About Nature Publishing Group
 Nature founded in 1869
 Scientific American founded in 1845
 70+ journals in the life, physical, and
clinical sciences, all leaders in their field
 Recent expansions into scientific
communication, digital science tools, and
About Nature Education
Scitable – 5 years ago
POS/POB – January 2011
Pilot adopters Sept 2011
139 Adopters/17,000 Enrollment
International, HS and College
Trends and Issues
 Effectiveness (mastery of the subject
for students)
 Affordability
 Customizability
 All in one solution
 Student Success and Retention
 Value
 Student is the Customer
Technology is changing
the landscape
The Landscape
Source: Xplana
 Digital Natives
 Information NOW
 Interactivity and “sound bites”
 Instant gratification
 Price sensitive
 Peer influenced
 Value
Nature Education Solution
 Digital Natives – ground up
 Not an ebook
 Value Pricing - lower than rental
 Peer influenced
 Value – All in one solution
 Quality – Nature Brand
 Customizability
Nature Education Solution
 Effectiveness (mastery of the subject for
 Simple and Concise
 Different ways to learn
 Testing, Gradebook
 Real Science
 Available on all devices
 Continually updated
 Student Success and Retention
What Is Principles of Biology?
Interactive Textbook
Classroom Tools
Teaching/Student Support
The Three Pillars
1. Real Science
 Nature Primary Literature
 Scientific Skill-Building
2. Born Digital
Customize and Personalize
Mobile and Accessible
Real-time Gradebook
Print and Offline
3. Affordable
 $35 Online/$31.50 Bookstore
 Lifetime Access
Ways to Purchase
 Bookstore – Students buy directly from bookstore
 E-Commerce – Students directly purchase access
through Principles of Science website.
 Institutional Sales – The University buys codes directly.
 Reference Version – Library purchase of searchable
version of the textbook. Google search takes you to
particular section in the book.
Frank Steed
Senior Account Manager
CSU affordable learning solutions webinar:
Implementing scientific teaching with
Nature’s new digital Biology text
Paul Narguizian
CSU Los Angeles
Today’s Talk
• Pros and cons
• Ideas for leveraging POB to implement the
inverted classroom and scientific teaching
Pros & Cons
• born digital
– designed around unique
features like hyperlinks to
primary literature,
interactive or animated
figures, and embedded
• born prematurely
– the aggressive production
timeline imposed on this
project resulted in our
pilot version having many,
many editorial / content /
functionality issues
(editing is ongoing, and
the product continues to
improve in terms of
accuracy and
Pros & Cons
• Customizable
assignments (multiple
choice questions) can be
embedded in the text to
provide formative
assessment for students
and instructors –
Question banks are
available for each
module, or instructors
can create their own
• Eventually the
gradebook should be
synched with LIMS, but
this functionality does
not seem to be
available yet
Pros & Cons
• Most students seem to
like the digital format of
the text
• Some students prefer
paper texts to a digital
format – there is an
option to print
individual modules, but
the figures are
relatively low resolution
and students complain
about having to print
Pros & Cons
• Low cost (under $50) to
• Lifetime access to POB
as it is updated
(doesn’t expire)
• ?
POB and Scientific Teaching
• Evidence-based teaching:
– incorporating best practices for undergraduate
teaching as indicated by research in teaching and
– incorporating evidence from our own teaching to
improve student learning
• Active learning, Assessment, Diversity
Handelsman et al., 2004 Science 304:521-522.
Scientific Teaching (Handelsman, Miller, &Pfund 2007)
Wisconsin Program for Scientific Teaching (HHMI)
POB and Scientific Teaching
• POB (or other low-cost digital content with
assessment capability) can provide
opportunities for classroom inversion (and
active learning)
– Shifting more content delivery outside the
• If quizzes count toward course grade, and close prior
to class, students are motivated to do the reading
prior to arriving in class
POB and Scientific Teaching
• POB can provide opportunities for classroom
inversion (and active learning)
– Shifting more content delivery outside the
– Providing a means of formative assessment prior
to class
• if quiz closes 1-2 hours before class, students’
strengths and weaknesses with the day’s content can
be reviewed prior to lecture
POB and Scientific Teaching
• POB can provide opportunities for classroom
inversion (and active learning)
– Shifting more content delivery outside the
– Providing a means of formative assessment prior
to class
– Low cost of text may help to justify student
purchase of clickers (particularly if they are used
for consecutive introductory courses using POB)
Comments or Questions
Contact / Connect
ALS Website
Next CSU AL$ webinar
Month of April: Date, time, and topics TBD