Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition*12 (Mrs

Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition—Mrs. Glenn
Summer Reading, Thinking and Writing Activities—2014-2015
Congratulations! You now have the summer reading list that will begin your AP English
studies for your senior year. Your assignment includes two works this summer: two of
the “greatest” works of the western cannon from which you will make a CHOICE OF
ONE; and the SECOND , a “lively and entertaining guide to reading between the
lines”—how to read a work of literature. Everyone will read:
1. Thomas C. Foster’s How to Read Literature like a Professor (sic)
(ISBN-13: 978-0-06-000942-7)
Then each student will choose ONE of the following of the “greatest works of the
western cannon—either
1. Dostoevsky’s Crime and Punishment (recommended edition—ISBN-978
159308 0815Barnes & Noble Classics)
2. Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 (I believe there is only one edition currently
While you are reading you may find it helpful to take notes in the margins of your texts (if not, use post-it
notes). These notes may take the form of marginalia (thoughts that occur while you read), underlined
portions that you find of worth because of memorable brilliance, character or plot development, or the use
of figurative language. Any notes not in the text should include a page number for future reference and
provide the supportive passages for discussions and written assignments during the year. The class will
begin the year with these two novels and our first timed writing will be over one of the two. The third
book, How to Read… is a “how to” book citing literally hundreds of books and poems as examples (many
of the titles may be new to you). In your notations, you should comment, underline using the same
techniques you have learned in other literature courses where you did rhetorical analysis, or a close reading
of the text. If you are new to this concept of rhetorical analysis you can “google it” or just use your own
judgment to mark passages which impress you for a variety of different reasons.
You will be using your own personal notes (either in post it note format or marginalia (your markings in the
margins of the text) when we begin classes in August. Your first timed in class essays will be over the
novel you selected for your summer reading so do keep your notes and your text for use in class when
school resumes.
For the first time I will be using Schoology to encourage discussion over the summer. This means there is
NO written project to be turned in to me on the first day of school. However, there will be the above
mentioned timed essay AFTER some preliminary class/group activities. My hope is that your summer
discussions will be productive sources for encouragement and help when the reading is challenging. You
are not doing this alone!
You will need to log two (2) discussion entries in Schoology for your selected novel and for How to Read
Literature like a Professor. I highly recommend beginning with Foster’s How to Read….
CONTACT INFORMATION: This summer reading assignment should also be posted on the WNHS web
site. I will check my email regularly and respond to you as quickly as possible. My email is
Some suggestions about style, format and work ethics for your project.
1. If you should use ideas, plot summary, literary analysis from any online or other critical source for your
postings, do CREDIT these sources with appropriate annotations—“according to Spark notes, etc.
2. Do not assume that plagiarism is not going to be discovered. So be especially careful to credit all
sources. It is O.K. to use or not to use sources, whichever you choose. But if your enjoyment and
understanding are increased by their use, use them and give your source credit. You may benefit from the
ideas of others even if you do not quote any particular source word for word. Do NOT take character
descriptions, or quote logs from “Sparky.” Your work may ignite!
3. Creativity is a gift that blossoms with great effort. You are all creative, so be certain that your entries
reveal these gifts.
4 Save your entries on a flash drive so that when you are working on your selected novel after school
begins you will remember what you thought. Also, have your annotated text and/or post it note comments..
5. You should post a minimum of two comments for each of the two works you read over the
summer. You may have an infinite number of comments to and or about someone else’s posting.
Thoughtful, original and creative comments are most appreciated and rewarded!
We will be using Schoology for a discussion of How to Read Literature and your
selected novel, either Crime and Punishment or Catch-22.
Schoology Instructions
1) Log into schoology (from your internet browser)
2) Go to Courses and enroll in the course/ The course number is: 43K5Z-792CX
3) The course name is “AP Literature Summer Session
4) Click on the courses; click on Assignments; read through the directions.
5) Click on Discussion to participate in How to Read Literature like a Professor.
6) Click on your selected novel to complete Discussion requirements
7) You must complete the discussion requirements by August 11th 2014.
Enjoy your summer and your reading. My email should you have questions is: Looking forward to meeting you in person in August,
Mrs. Glenn