Frequently Asked Questions ADN Directors Meeting March 2, 2012 Vendor-Based Testing QUESTIONS: ANSWERS: 1. TEAS V is different than the rest of ATI products. How does CCCCO differentiate among the two? TEAS V is the assessment test that predicts success in the 1st semester of an ADN program. Per the Chancellor’s Office/Ed Code Title 5 (Student Fee Handbook, Chapter 1) when used as an admission to the program requirement, the school must pay. 2. Can we require students to buy the ATI product line? Yes, as long as they get a book to go with it. Section 76365 Chapter 2. 3. Can ATI product be used for testing in courses or at the end of the program (at the discretion of those programs)? If yes, to what degree? Yes. However you cannot base the course grade solely on the vendor based test, according to Title 5. TEAS V and SB1309 from 2006 that was clarified in SB139 in 2007 QUESTIONS: ANSWERS: 1. Does every program need to use scores and testing as set forth by CCCCO? (“Guidelines for Implementation of the Nursing Assessment/Readiness Test” last revised 03/12). a. The program is not required to use an assessment test. But if you do you must use the following guidelines. b. If you’re going to use the assessment testing you must use a CCCCO approved product. c. And based on vender used, you must use the composite minimum score as approved by the CCCCO. d. See guidelines for the implementation of the nursing assessment/readiness test (see CCCCO website). e. If you use the student success score (cut score, prerequisite validation study) you must use the entire formula. The actual cut score used for admission is individually determined by the school based on the disproportionate impact studies conducted by the school. If a disproportionate impact occurs the school must allow the students to remediate. 2. What are the remediation guidelines for the colleges using TEAS? Per the “Guidelines for the Implementation of the Nursing Assessment /Readiness Test,” the college shall allow those students who scored below the composite minimum at least one year, or longer, at college discretion, to remediate and demonstrate readiness. The period of remediation shall commence on the date the student receives his/her remediation plan for pre-entry coursework. Demonstration of readiness shall include one of the following: a. Successful completion of a remediation plan and successful retaking of the assessment/readiness test with a passing composite score, or b. Demonstration of passing grades in college remediation coursework in the appropriate disciplines to address areas identified as needing improvement by the assessment readiness test, or c. Documentation of successful completion of a remediation plan that satisfies the intent of assuring readiness for success in the nursing program and is approved by the Nursing Program Director d. Any student not meeting the remediation requirements within the colleges designated timeframe will be required to restart the application process as a new student. 2. Is the requirement to provide remediation tied to the Enrollment Growth funding? Yes 3. Will we continue to do the October reports to evaluate disproportionate impact? Yes. Schools submit data to the Chancellor’s Office by October 25. The schools are required to report disproportionate impact. They have to maintain data regardless of the vendor approved assessment testing that is being used. 4. That data will only include students taking the TEAS V, correct? The other vendors also submit their surveys to the CCCCO. AB 1559 QUESTIONS: ANSWERS: 1. Clarify the use of elements to be included in screening: a. Must all criteria written in AB1559 be included in the programs multicriterion selection process? Yes b. May other elements be added (i.e. something not detailed in the bill’s language like letters of support)? If so, under what circumstances? Yes. Under the circumstances that they use all the criteria from AB 1559. When using multiple criteria, please submit to CCCCO project manager for review. 2. If a program is not receiving Enrollment Growth grant funding, is it required to follow AB1559? 3. What are the yearly reporting requirements? 4. Does the CCCCO or the nursing program assess for disproportionate impact? 5. Is it accurate to state that CC programs No According to AB1559 there are no reporting requirements, however if you are using it as part of grants, then you have to report on it within the grant reporting. Nursing program. Cannot use residency as any criteria for consideration. may not use residency as a sole criteria for program consideration? Pre-requisites QUESTIONS: 1. Is recency of pre-requisites allowed? If so, under what circumstances? ANSWERS: Determined by Individual colleges or programs. Miscellaneous Fee Charges When charging miscellaneous fees, remember that the only fees allowed are for instructional materials. (Student Fee Handbook, Section 2.5 Instructional Materials) The materials allowed must be tangible personal property that are necessary for a student’s vocational training and employment. This includes, but are not limited to, textbooks, tools, equipment, clothing and electronic data that the student may access during class and store for personal use after the class in a manner comparable to the use available during the class. Health Stream is an online program for orientation to hospitals. Students may print and retain the record, therefore it is an allowable fee. Immuno Track is an allowable fee. They provide back-ground checks and have a tracking mechanism for their records that the students can print. Charging for student nurse packs with equipment is legal if it goes through the students store or the students go directly through the company.