GHPG Minutes 16 March 2015

Creating a greater sense of community and care between the patients and the Surgery
THOSE PRESENT: 17 Members in attendance: Clive Bennett (Chair) , Marjorie Flynn (Secretary), Jan
Tunnell, Margaret Wallace, John Wallace, Sheila Ridgewell, Gillian Woodward, Jenny Smyth, Christine
Johnson, Jenny Westbrook, Peggy Carrott, Shelby Poyser, Ken Greenaway, Jan Johnson, Jill Ellis, Moira
Hemmett, Beryl Goss.
Surgery Representatives: James Brammall, Clare Few and Mark Sanderson from Opus Telecoms
(reference item 3)
APOLOGIES: Brian Glassock, Chris Sheward, Julie Lovell, Pauline Bennett, Bernie Taylor, Mandy
Taylor, Viv Greenaway, Jean Gaylard.
Clive welcomed everyone to the first meeting of 2015 but was concerned at the relatively low attendance
level (22 out of 39 committee members absent) but assumed that the recent bout of colds and coughs was
taking its toll.
These were accepted as a true record.
MATTERS ARISING (not on agenda).
2.1 Item 5.0 of last minutes. Clive advised that we have room for one more member on the
Committee to reach our 40 maximum.
2.2 Item 11.0 of last minutes. Chris Sheward had suggested a “Patient Information Evening” or a
“Friends and Family Day” to advertise the GHPG more effectively. Christine advised that there is
a NAPP PPG Awareness Week planned for 1st – 6th June 2015 (details available on request) and it
was agreed that GHPG would plan a LINK Week to run in parallel with this to provide a daily
interaction with Surgery patients to raise awareness and perhaps even arranging one of our Health
talks during that week on one of the evenings. It was also proposed that we should change the
Summer Fayre date to Saturday 6th June instead of 27th June and extend it to be a “Fun Day”/
Open Day possibly involving the Surgery as well.
Jan was content to organise the new Summer Fayre/Fun Day in conjunction with the Surgery on
the new date and Clive agreed to give early notification to the Willowhale Centre (Jan will need
to confirm whether any more time will be required.)
Clive will endeavour to arrange one of the Health Talks during that week and Chris will arrange
The Link Week.
Clive explained that the Surgery Report was being brought forward to set the scene on what had
been a busy first quarter and to give our guest (Mark Henderson) the opportunity to leave before
the end of the meeting for his journey home.
3.1 Surgery Information.
 Clare advised that the first quarter had been extremely busy with a lot of change (not
helped by the accident on 5th January when a car penetrated the Surgery wall and
demolished the kitchen and damaged Surgery communication equipment. The Disaster
plan had been put into effect and in general patients were only affected for about 24 hours.
Since then the kitchen has been completely renovated and things have returned to
 Clare had also been quite unwell for a time which impacted activities between GHPG and
The Surgery as later agenda items will show.
 Dr. Paterson has now officially retired from 8 February 2015.
 Dr. Banna is to become a partner on the lst April.
 Trish retired on Friday after 24 years.
 Kristy Ablitt-Greene, Practice Nurse joined the team a few months ago.
 You can now order your repeat prescription on line and from this month some doctors
appointments will also be available to book on line. Patients have to ask at reception for
details of how to register for this service.
 Clare also announced her retirement from the surgery at the end of March after 10 years
and Jemma Bunton (who had been intending to attend the meeting) is to replace Clare as
Practice Manager from 8th April. She has worked for the NHS for 17 years and has
managerial experience. Clare will provide some overlap with Jemma to ease the
3.2 Surgery Call handling equipment
Clare introduced Mark Sanderson from Opus Telecoms, the company which is the supplier of the
current Surgery telephone system.
Mark outlined that almost whatever is done technically within surgeries there will probably
always be more calls than they can handle but there are things that can be done to improve
performance and he was pleased to have the rare opportunity of discussing the possibilities with
the Patient Group Committee representatives. He advised that there are six lines installed in The
Surgery at present manned at peak times by 6 surgery staff but the lines have to cope with the
incoming calls and the outgoing urgent surgery calls He advised that simply increasing the
number of lines would not solve the problem because it is the concentrated call volume
(particularly in the morning) and staff ability to handle that is the limiting factor.
He asked those present what their experience of making appointments was:
Those present advised:
 There is rarely a problem getting an appointment
 The problem is with getting through on the phones to make an appointment and this is
very often problematic and frustrating when all a patient gets is an engaged tone and on
phoning back later find that all appointments have been made Those present advised that
they would much prefer a queuing system where they knew what position they were in
and could make personal decisions about hanging on or not rather than simply getting an
engaged tone. It is fairness in treatment of callers that is required.
 A number of patients don’t bother to phone and book directly at the Surgery reception
and create a competitive claim on available appointments with customers on the phone
lines. This means that patients who live close to the surgery often get a better service that
those who cannot get there from a distance.
 Clare advise that there is also a conflict between calls in and out
When asked what the average time per call was Clare advised that each took around 3
minutes if people were organised when they got through though telephone consultations
could take longer. The problem was exacerbated by the fact that sometimes 60 same day
appointments could be made within 15 minutes at peak times by reception and phone.
Mark advised that the best solution would be to add three additional lines and separate outgoing
and incoming calls – three for outgoing Surgery calls and the current six lines being used
exclusively for incoming calls so that at least patients were not in competition with Surgery staff.
This would also mean that the six staff allocated to answering would be able to maximise their
access time with patients
The new system would be organised on a “cloud” basis which would enable each line to be
queued and viewed by Surgery staff to give them greater control and feedback. It could also in
principle offer opportunities to provide 24 X 7 facilities to pick, check or change an appointment
though those present thought that this could be even less fair than the current system. (Some
practices using this system get a queue before they open and appointments have gone.) It was
agreed that the line separation and queuing system proposed will certainly be easier for
telephonists, reception staff and patients and there would be an added benefit that it would deter
serial callers and reduce counter queues. It might also help if appointments are released throughout
the day rather than most at the beginning. It would also greatly benefit the doctors who often have
to wait for a line to dial out. Far more consultations are carried over the phone now than ever
Mark was asked how long it would take to come up with a recommendation and costing for a
system which would meet the requirements discussed and he was confident that this could be
achieved within a few days. He advised that there would be additional capital costs and running
costs and would make these clear in his quotation. The system could be installed within 6- 8
weeks. It was agreed that the net additional running costs (if any since there are savings as well as
costs) will be borne by the Surgery and if there are capital cost affordability issues The GHPG will
consider assisting with the purchase of phone equipment rather than other previously nominated
equipment for the Surgery (Blood Pressure machine for the waiting room). On receipt of
recommendations Clare will share the proposals with GHPG.
Clive thanked Mark on behalf of GHPG for his input and looked forward to seeing these proposals
implemented since it was the biggest issue with Surgery patients – who otherwise were generally
very satisfied with Grove House services.
3.3 Thanks
Clive also added a big “thank you” to Clare and the surgery staff on behalf of GHPG for the
professional way that the recent accident had been handled and services maintained.
Clive also thanked Clare for her 10 year service to The Surgery and in particular for her very
effective liaison with the GHPG over that time (particularly over the past two years getting the
new GHPG into action). He was looking forward to the group working just as effectively with
Jemma once she arrives. He presented Clare with a card and cheque from the Patients Group and
wished her a very happy and fulfilled retirement.
James added that Clare has been very dedicated to the Surgery. Her link to the Group has been
extremely valuable to them as well.
3.4 Miscellaneous Surgery matters.
Clare advised that a Report on Patient Involvement 2014-15 had been produced and it is
on the website on the Patient Group page. It talks about the group and the results of the
questions asked at GHPG Meetings. The Surgery has also received a Certificate of
Excellence 2015 based on the feedback from surgery patients given on the iwant great
care, Friends and Family test questionnaires. The certificate is displayed with pride in
reception. The Patient involvement enhanced service 2014-2015 has been terminated, but
no doubt a new approach will evolve which the new Surgery manager will need to
establish in conjunction with the GHPG
There has been an ongoing problem with the security of the letterbox at the Arthur
Griffiths’ Surgery and a solution can only be achieved by changing the front entry point.
This is being addressed
There seems to be a problem (identified with a number of GHPG members) with the two
monthly system used by The Surgery / Pharmacists dealing with prescriptions on behalf of
patients. Patients are finding that they have too much medication. There is a question as to
whether the lower cost of administering the bi- monthly system is worth the
excessive/wasteful cost of oversupply of medicines. The Surgery agreed to review the
Clive advised that because of recent issues outlined in the Surgery Report there has been limited
progress on the First Quarter of The Plan. He advised that there would be a full half year review of
the plan at the next meeting. Some matters arose as the Plan items were considered:
One more Committee Member required to hit target of 40 (additional member asked for
sign up form at the end of the meeting) - WILL BE ACHIEVED
We have approximately 20 drivers at present, but hope to raise that to at least 30.
Fundraising Coordinator and NAPP CCG Coordinator are in place. – ACHIEVED
Surgery meetings – need two dates from Surgery for balance of year.
First Co-odinators meeting (with GHPG officers) still to be established before next
New GHPG Leaflet had been awaiting event dates etc but now needs to be produced
urgently for use during the balance of the year. Ken Greenaway offered to try and produce
a new leaflet with surgery photos in liaison with Clive Bennett ACTION: KEN/CLIVE
4 GHPG Meetings are arranged for 2015 – WILL BE ACHIEVED
Surgery Survey mechanism for 2015 undefined
Need LINK Statistics and survey to be established
Allocation of £4000 now dependent on Telephone System outcome
Speakers for Two Health Talks have been identified but dates still not agreed
Flu Vaccination Clinics will continue.
Bernie (who with Mandy who was absent from the meeting carrying out Grandfather duties
to his newly born twin grandchildren) had provided a brief treasurers Report as follows:
2014 Accounts. Have been examined and approved.
Current finance state as at end February.
Brought forward:
In hand
£ 5,406.19
£ 928.61
£ 452.18 (Including purchase of stainless steel trolley)
£ 5,912.62
Clive recorded thanks to Bernie and congratulated him on the safe arrival of the twins.
Still more drivers needed but existing drivers doing a great job.
Trips to surgery: February 30 March (so far) 25. (so should hit 300 in year)
Great patient response with more donations to The Funds.
Chris Seward (in her absence had provided a report which Jill Ellis read out. (see APPENDIX 2)
There was a brief discussion about the reluctance of LINK Coordinators to talk to patients and it
was agreed that once the leaflets are available coordinators need not sit at the desk but can
circulate and ask/ advise patients about the work of GHPG which can then open up the LINK
Jan Tunnell had also produced a report for the meeting (see APPENDIX 3)
She had written to Pagham Pram Race and she is due to pick up a cheque on the 24th March. Mill
Farm have taken us as their charity for this year. The first event in April had to be cancelled due
to lack of support.
Dates booked and confirmed. (though the June event will now be on a different date see Item 2.2)
Jan has written to schools asking if they have any events at which we could display a board.
Ken Greenaway advised that Mill Farm hold various events and we could possibly display a board
The Parish Council have asked Jan to fill in a form in July.
Margaret Wallace reported on N.A.P.P and CCG. (See APPENDIX 4)
She had attended a CCG meeting in January re Drivers for Hospital Appointments. (Details
available on request) Apparently ambulance drivers of patient transport are not told where they are
going until the day. It was agreed that GHPG do not want to get involved with Hospital Transport
and will just continue to promote SAMMY Community Transport.
She did note that Dementia friendly training is given to drivers and wondered whether this might
be appropriate for GHPG
She also noted that a CCG End of Life care session on the 12th January had suggested that
solicitors and accountants should be present at any health talk on End of Life care. Review at June
meeting. Whether this is a topic that we ought to consider for GHPG.
NAPP Bulletin details are available on request and it was noted that there is a NAPP Annual
Conference at Leamington Spa on Saturday 6th June 2015 but this will now overlap our LINK
Clare suggested a talk for the future on Self Care. This was noted.
Clive thanks the co-ordinators for their reports and work between meetings. It was much
Clive thanked everyone for attending and the meeting closed at 8.35pm.
Creating a greater sense of community and care between the patients and the Surgery
Acceptance of last meeting Minutes (16th March 2015)
Matters Arising (not on agenda)
2015 Plan Progress
2015 Quarter 2 Finances
Drivers’ Co-ordinator’s Report / Issues
LINK Co-ordinator’s Report / Issues
Events Co-ordinator’s Report / Issues
CCG/NAPP Co-ordinator’s Report
Surgery Report
Date of Next Meeting: 21st September 2015
Report for PPG, Grove House Surgery
Meeting of 16th March 2015
Attended a further meeting of CCG on End of Life care on 12th January, 2015. One of the good ideas
that came out of the session was to create a communication pack which can be taken and used by
attendees, who wish to raise awareness of the project and its aims to raise the profile of End of Life at
their various local group meetings e.g. WI, Probus, U3A, just a few organisation that could be
approached . We discussed the national initiative Dying Matters and it is possible to access the website
There will be a Dying Matters Awareness Week from 18th-24th May and our current thoughts are to
incorporate the ideas and literature available from the website to reinforce our communication pack
and support this initiative. The theme of this year’s annual Dying Matters Awareness Week is 'Talk,
Plan, Live'. It is possible to access the website by following the above link.
I was unable to attend the next meeting which was held on 16th February. The purpose was to define
the content and format of this pack. I have asked for feedback and any printouts emanating from the
As far as I’m aware, there were two attendees from Bognor Regis willing to talk to various groups,
myself and Dr Sandra Sedgwick. As previously suggested, we ought to hold a session as one of our
education evenings. I think it might add to the event by inviting a solicitor and possibly an accountant,
both should be specialists in areas relevant to End of Life planning.
I also attended a meeting in Horsham on 19th January 2015 about patient transport. The presenters
were; Kim Rickard and Jackie Brown from Coastal CCG and Jane ~Williamson and Marie Shelton.
This really related to the SE Coast and 999 ambulance services, plus community transport providers;
e.g. Red Cross. It did not touch on the home to surgery transport as provided by the volunteers for
Grove House surgery. Attached is the feedback from that meeting. Certain aspects discussed could
relate to the Grove House Patient Transport service, advising patients who their driver will be and for
the driver to contact the patient the day before so that the patient isn’t stressed by worrying whether or
not they will get to their appointment on time. Having spent just one day on organising transport for
patients, I know that these points are well covered. Another point worth consideration was the
suggestion that the volunteer drivers attended Dementia Friends training.
I decided not to attend the Billingshurst’s first Dementia Open Forum on Thursday 5 March 2015 as
this is a specialised area and I thought it would be better if someone with knowledge or experience of
the subject were to attend. If anyone has a particular interest, if they let me know, preferably by email,
I will forward any future information.
Margaret-Anne Wallace