University of Management and Technology Course Outline Course code…EE504………………...... Program Course title……Linear Systems…… MS Electrical Engineering Credit Hours Three Duration One semester: 16 weeks Prerequisites Linear Algebra Resource Person Dr Sajjad Shami Counseling Timing (Room# 3C-15 Wed, Fri 5:30 to 6:30 pm ) Contact 0343-4995535 Chairman/Director signature…………………………………. Dean’s signature…………………………… EE504 Date…………………………………………. Page 1 Learning Objectives and Outcomes: This course is intended as a first semester graduate course on linear systems theory, design and implementation with application to signal processing, communications, estimation and control. The objective is to present a comprehensive coverage of the basic tools needed by an electrical engineering graduate student specializing in the above areas. Upon completion of the course, the students will be able to : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Define and explain linear spaces and linear operators Develop mathematical descriptions of systems Discuss and explain state-space models, solutions and realizations Identify and utilize controllability and observability of linear systems Work with Minimal realizations and coprime fractions Differentiate among state feedback, state estimators and observers Explain stability parameters of linear and non-linear systems Develop expertise in MATLAB with respect to theory and design of linear systems Learning Methodology: Lectures with powerpoint slides, interactive sessions, participative discussions, plus handson work on MATLAB. Grade Evaluation Criteria Following is the criteria for the distribution of marks to evaluate final grade in a semester. Marks Evaluation Quizzes Marks in percentage 20% Assignments Mid Term 30% Attendance & Class Participation Term Project Presentations Final exam Total EE504 50% 100% Page 2 Recommended Text Books: Linear System Theory and Design by Chi-Tsong Chen (1999/2012) Reference Books: Linear Systems Theory by João P. Hespanha (2009) Linear Algebra and its Applications by G. Strang (2006) EE504 Page 3 Calendar of Course contents to be covered during semester Course code…EE504………………...... Week Course title……Linear Systems…… Course Contents Introduction to linear systems 1 Reference Chapter(s) Ch 1. Overview of course. Brief discussion on concepts in the course. Mathematical description of Systems Ch 2. Causality, lumpedness 2 Linear Time-invariant systems, Op amp circuit implementation Linearization Ch 2 Examples 3 RLC networks Discrete time systems Review of Linear Algebra Ch 3 Basis, representation, orthonormalization 4 EE504 Page 4 Linear algebraic equations, diagonal and Jordan form Ch 3 Square Matrix 5 Lyapunov Equation Ch 3 Singular Value Decomposition, Norms of Matrices 6 State space solutions Ch 4 Solution of LTI State equations 7 Discretization Solution of discrete time state equations Mid Term Exam - 8 Equivalent State Equations Ch 4 Canonical Forms, Realizations 9 Solution of LTV equations Equivalent Time varying equations EE504 Page 5 Intro to Stability Ch 5 Input-output stability 10 Internal stability Lyapunov theorem Ch 5 Stability of LTV systems 11 Controllability, observability and indices Ch 6 Canonical decomposition 12 Discrete time state equations Controllability after sampling State feedback 8.1 – 8.5 Regulation and Tracking 13 Feedback from estimated states Intro to minimal realizations 7.1 – 7.2 Coprime factors 14 Implications of coprimeness Intro to Pole placement and model matching 9.1 – 9.3 Unity feedback configuration, pole placement 15 EE504 Implementable transfer functions Page 6