PSD Lesson Plan Template (EATS) Teacher: 3rd Grade Course/Level: Reading Lesson 6 The Babe and I Week Of: Sept 22-26, 2014 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Focused Standard/ Element (s) ELA3R1- fluency ELA3R2 f vocabulary ELA3R3-e, f, n comprehension ELACC3RF4- Fluency ELA3R1- fluency ELA3R2 f vocabulary ELA3R3-e, f, n comp ELACC3RF4- Fluency ELACC3:4L5c,5L5c syn.,ant. ELA3R1- fluency ELA3R2 f vocabulary ELA3R3-e, f, n comp ELACC3RF4- Fluency ELA3R1- fluency ELA3R2 f vocabulary ELA3R3-e, f, n comp ELACC3RF4- Fluency ELA3R1- fluency ELA3R2 f vocabulary ELA3R3-e, f, n comp ELACC3RF4- Fluency WIDA Standard WIDA: Standard 2 English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the area of language arts. WIDA: Standard 2 English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the area of language arts. WIDA: Standard 2 English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the area of language arts. WIDA: Standard 2 English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the area of language arts. WIDA: Standard 2 English language learners communicate information, ideas, and concepts necessary for academic success in the area of language arts. Essential What is realistic nonfiction? How are graphic organizers used? Why is learning new words important? How do readers discover the meaning of new words? What is a synonym and an antonym? What is the difference between a synonym and antonym? What resource book helps me find synonyms and antonyms? What is a synonym and an antonym? How does a reader know the difference between a fact and an opinion? How do readers discover the meaning of new words? What strategy may I use to help understand informational text? What is a biography? How do readers locate specific information? How do readers discover the meaning of new words? Question Activating Strategy The genre study this week Smartboard activity is historical fiction. Watch Synonyms and antonyms What is historical fiction? (9th one down) /watch?v=7uNQJaJ5hbc Ask students EQ- What is a fact and an opinion? Record responses. Review meanings of vocabulary words and use in a sentence. Remind the students about testing procedures for test. Teaching Opening (10-15 min) Our story goes back in history. Before reading the story, research on IPad who Babe Ruth was. Use notebook app on Ipad and record 2 facts. Discuss how this story is written in first person. We do not know who the boy’s name that is telling the story. Look on page 161 and begin reading. Aloud or using CD. Throughout story pause and ask Monitor Comp ques. from TE. Students practice using interactive practice from smartboard activity Smartboard lesson FACTS AND OPIONIONS (10TH one down) /games/factsopinions/ Reread The Babe and I in small groups or partners. Practice fluency. Remind the students about testing procedures for test. Students create book writing definitions of synonym and antonym. Use a thesaurus to look up 4 examples of synonym and antonyms for book. On ipads use the site below to read and complete activities over fact and opinion. Complete study guide as a class. Look in story for answers. Reading/Vocabulary Test Lesson 6 Work-Time Activities (45-55 min) When work completed students may play game http://www.studyzone.or g/testprep/ela4/o/factopi nion4l.cfm Complete Quiz Complete graphic organizer. for synonyms and antonym practice Give each student a copy of voc words and definitions. Vocab PowerPoint. Students read and highlight “meat” in meanings of words. *Remember only nonyms_antonyms.htm estprep/ela4/o/factopinion4 p.cfm cover the 6 from the story.* Differentiation Offered Summarizing Closure Activity (2030 min) Reading partner, Highlight “meat” of voc definitions, Share graphic organizer with elbow partner HW-Read story and study vocabulary. peer partner small groups Discuss the difference between a synonym and an antonym. HW- Synonym or antonym acorns Check for correct answers from EQ responses at beginning of class. Type answers to study guide on smartboard Play synonym/antonym with a partner. One partner gives synonym and other partner has to respond correctly. Do same with antonym. Remind about test tomorrow over story, voc, and skills. Highlight 3 choices instead of 4 Check test before turning in to be graded.