• Articles of Incorporation https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Corporation Formation 1 Generally, a corporation files articles of incorporation with the government, laying out the general nature of the corporation, the amount of stock it is authorized to issue, and the names and addresses of directors. Once the articles are approved, the corporation's directors meet to create bylaws that govern the internal functions of the corporation, such as meeting procedures and officer positions. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Subsidiary 1 An operating subsidiary is a business term constantly used within the United States railroad industry. In the case of a railroad, it refers to a company that is a subsidiary but operates with its own identity, locomotives and rolling stock. In contrast, a non-operating subsidiary would exist on paper only (i.e. stocks, bonds, articles of incorporation) and would use the identity and rolling stock of the parent company. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Types of business entity - State, Territory or Commonwealth incorporated Oregon For private corporations it shall contain one or more of the words “corporation,” “incorporated,” “company” or “limited” or an abbreviation of one or more of those words; shall not contain the word “cooperative.” For non-profit corporations there is no specific requirement except the name cannot imply a purpose not dictated in its articles of incorporation and cannot contain the word "cooperative" or the phrase "limited partnership." Oregon Revised Statutes 60.094 for Private Corporations; ORS 65.094 for NonProfit corporations 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Private foundation - Description Provisions for the amendment of the statutes or articles of incorporation 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html OCLC - History 1 The group first met on July 5, 1967 on the campus of The Ohio State University to sign the articles of incorporation for the nonprofit organization https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Non-profit organization - Functions * Provisions for the amendment of the statutes or articles of incorporation. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Non-profit organization - Formation and structure In the United States, nonprofit organizations are formed by filing bylaws and/or articles of incorporation in the state in which they expect to operate. The act of incorporating creates a legal entity enabling the organization to be treated as a corporation by law and to enter into business dealings, form contracts, and own property as any other individual or for-profit corporation may do. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Non-profit organization - Canada 1 Other provinces (such as Alberta) permit incorporation as of right, by the filing of Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Association. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Non-profit organization - Canada 1 It allows for incorporation as of right, by Articles of Incorporation; does away with the ultra vires doctrine for nonprofits; establishes them as legal persons; and substantially updates the governance provisions for nonprofits https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Series B - Stages in a venture round :*Amended and restated articles of incorporation — formalize issues like authorization and classes of shares and certain investor protections 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Ageism - Advocacy campaigns 1 The National Youth Rights Association started in 1998 to promote awareness of the legal and human rights of young people in the United States,National Youth Rights Association (2001).[http://www.youthrights.org/docs/nyraa rticlesofinc.pdf] National Youth Rights Association Articles of Incorporation (Partial) and the Freechild Project was formed in 2001 to identify, unify and promote diverse opportunities for youth engagement in social change by fighting Ageism. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Certificate of incorporation - Commonwealth systems 1 The certificate of incorporation, or articles of incorporation, form a major constituent part of the constitutional documents of the corporation https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Joint venture - Company incorporation 1 A Certificate of Incorporation or the Articles of Incorporation is a document required to form a corporation in the US (in actuality, the State where it is incorporated) and in countries following the practice. In the US, the 'constitution' is a single document. The Articles of Incorporation is again a regulation of the Directors by the stockholders in a company. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html 501(c)(3) - Obtaining status Unlike for-profit corporations that benefit from broad and general purposes, non profit organizations need to be limited in powers to function with tax exempt status, but a non profit corporation is by default not limited in powers until it specifically limits itself in the articles of incorporation and/or nonprofit corporate bylaws 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Immortalist Society On October 20, 1985, the Articles of Incorporation were amended once more to change the name to Immortalist Society. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Alcor Foundation - History 1 In 1977, articles of incorporation were filed in Indianapolis by the Institute for Advanced Biological Studies (IABS) and Soma, Inc https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Identity theft - Identity protection by organizations * Failure of governments, when registering sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations, to determine if the officers listed in the Articles of Incorporation are who they say they are. This potentially allows criminals access to personal information through credit rating and data mining services. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Trust law - Overview 1 This is particularly evident in the Delaware business trust, which could theoretically, with the language in the Articles of Incorporation|governing instrument, be organized as a cooperative corporation, limited liability corporation, or perhaps even a nonprofit corporation, although traditionally the Massachusetts business trust has been commonly used https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Insurance - Insurance companies Most states require that excess line insurers submit financial information, articles of incorporation, a list of officers, and other general information 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html High-occupancy vehicle lane - Compliance, enforcement and avoidance 1 In January 2013, a motorist tried to claim that the Articles of Incorporation of his business – which had been placed unbuckled on the driver’s seat, constituted a person, citing the principle of corporate personhood and California's state Vehicle Code, which defines a person as “natural persons and corporations.” This argument was subsequently rejected in Traffic court, which commented that Common sense says carrying a sheath of papers in the front seat does not relieve traffic congestion. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Mormon Times - The Deseret News Publishing Company 1 Its articles of incorporation, filed with the Salt Lake County Clerk, provided for 500 shares of stock, all retained by the Church (with the exception of the qualifying directors' shares). https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Triple bottom line - Legislation Some businesses have voluntarily adopted a triple bottom line as part of their articles of incorporation or bylaws, and some have advocated for state laws creating a Sustainable Corporation that would grant triple bottom line businesses benefits such as tax breaks. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html California Bluegrass Association 1 The Articles of Incorporation further state that the organization is formed to promote, encourage, foster, and cultivate the preservation, appreciation, understanding, enjoyment, support, and performance of American roots music|traditional instrumental and vocal music of the United States. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Companies' Creditors Arrangement Act - Approval of the compromise or arrangement Negotiated compromises and arrangements may deal with any matter, including claims against directors and amendments to the articles of incorporation or letters patent incorporating the company. When they have been approved by each participating class of creditors (by a two-thirds vote by value of the claims involved) the court may then approve it, and it will be binding on all persons, including trustees in bankruptcy. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html California State Students Association - Member organizations 1 * Associated Students, California State University, Bakersfield, Inc.[http://www.csub.edu/asi/index.html Associated Students, California State University, Bakersfield, Inc.] was originally organized as an unincorporated association named [http://www.csub.edu/ASI/files/governing_articles.doc Associated Students, California State College, Bakersfield.] It later changed its status from an unincorporated association to a [http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgibin/displaycode?section=corpgroup=05001-06000file=51105111 California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation] in accordance with [http://www.leginfo.ca.gov/cgibin/displaycode?section=corpgroup=05001-06000file=51205122 California Corporations Code Section 5121.] Its articles of incorporation were filed on December 21, 1987 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html California State Students Association - Member organizations * Associated Students, Chico|Associated Students of California State University, Chico[http://www.aschico.com/ Associated Students of California State University, Chico] was incorporated on March 20, 1942. Its [http://www.aschico.com/images/cm s/211_11_AS_Articles_of_Incorp.pdf Restated Articles of Incorporation] were filed on October 2, 1990. — (California State University, Chico) 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Limited company - Canada 1 In Canada, a person wishing to register a limited company must file Articles of Incorporation with either their provincial government or the federal government.[http://www.bdc-canada.com bdc-canada.com] https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Telcordia Technologies - History 1 The company was created on October 20, 1983, as 'Central Services Organization, Inc.'[http://assignments.uspto.gov/assignm ents/assignment-tm-1931-0213.pdf Restated Articles of incorporation of Bell Communications Research, Inc.] as part of the 1982 Modification of Final Judgment that broke up the Bell System https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Philippine Christian University - History On January 11, 1947, the Articles of Incorporation was registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The original name of the institution was Manila Union University; this was later changed to Philippine Christian College. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Everett, Washington - History 1 On November 19, 1890, the Articles of Incorporation for the Everett Land Company were filed, with Henry Hewitt Jr. as president. On November 26, 1890, the Rucker Brothers transferred of property on the Everett peninsula to Hewitt. Three days later, The Remarkable Document was drafted, setting the terms by which the Rucker Brothers would donate half their remaining holdings to Hewitt in exchange for promises of specific https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Charitable organization - Federal tax relief These include the organization being organized as a corporation, trust, or unincorporated association, and the organization’s organizing document (such as the articles of incorporation, trust documents, or articles of association) must limit its purposes to being charitable, and permanently dedicate its assets to charitable purposes 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Statutory auditor - Japanese usage 1 A kabushiki kaisha must have at least one statutory auditor, unless the transfer of shares is restricted in the articles of incorporation https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Articles of Association (law) In corporate governance, a company's 'articles of association' (called articles of incorporation in some jurisdictions) is a document which, along with the memorandum of association (in cases where the memorandum exists) form the company's constitution, defines the responsibilities of the directors, the kind of business to be undertaken, and the means by which the shareholders exert control over the board of directors. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Articles of Association (law) - Other countries 1 The term 'articles of association' of a company, or ' articles of incorporation', of an American or Canadian Company, are often simply referred to as 'articles' (and are often capitalized as an abbreviation for the full term) https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Joint-stock companies - United States Corporations are created by filing the requisite documents with a particular state government. The process is called “incorporation,” referring to the abstract concept of clothing the entity with a veil of artificial personhood (embodying, or “corporating” it, ‘corpus’ being the Latin word for ‘body’). Only certain corporations, including banks, are chartered. Others simply file their articles of incorporation with the state government as part of a registration 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Bylaws - Corporate bylaws Corporate and organizational bylaws regulate only the organization to which they apply and are generally concerned with the operation of the organization, setting out the form, manner or procedure in which a company or organisation should be run. Corporate bylaws are drafted by a corporation's founders or directors under the authority of its Charter or Articles of Incorporation. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Non-stock corporation - Types A company can always switch from stock to non-stock and vice-versa at any time, usually by paying a small fee to change the articles of incorporation, and potentially a stock fee if the corporation changes from non-stock to stock 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Non-stock corporation - Types Note this fee is in addition to the fee charged for the yearly renewal of articles of incorporation|the corporation's charter. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html AFL-CIO - Allied groups 1 Others, like American Rights at Work, are independent in name only; they are nonprofit, nonpartisan organizations with their own articles of incorporation, charter, governance structure, etc., but are funded largely by the AFL–CIO, and their boards are dominated by its directors https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Law school - Taiwan Once a non-citizen is approved to practice law in Taiwan, he or she must abide by all statutes related to the legal practice, Codes of Legal Ethics, and the Articles of Incorporation of the Bar Association to which they are members.[http://law.moj.gov.tw/Eng /LawClass/LawAll.aspx?PCode=I0020 006 Attorney Regulation Act, Article 46] 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Western Governors University - History 1 In January 1997, 13 governors were on hand to sign the articles of incorporation formally beginning the new university. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland In accordance with its Articles of Incorporation, the IDW does not operate as a commercial business and is a not-forprofit organisation 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants - Aims # To develop a treaty of friendship among its members.[http://www.picpa.com.ph/ About-PICPA/Sec-Articles.aspx PICPA Articles of Incorporation dated April 25, 1947], as amended in 1996 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Ultra vires - Corporate law 1 In corporate law, ultra vires describes acts attempted by a corporation that are beyond the scope of powers granted by the corporation's objects clause, articles of incorporation or in a clause in its Bylaws, in the laws authorizing a corporation's formation, or similar founding documents. Acts attempted by a corporation that are beyond the scope of its charter are void (law)|void or voidable. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Articles of incorporation 1 The Articles of Incorporation (sometimes also referred to as the Certificate of Incorporation or the Corporate Charter) are the primary rules governing the management of a corporation in the United States and Canada, and are filed with a state or other regulatory agency. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Kabushiki gaisha - Formation 1 Additionally, the articles of incorporation must contain the following if applicable: https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Kabushiki gaisha - Formation 1 Other matters may also be included, such as limits on the number of directors and auditors. The Corporation Code allows a K.K. to be formed as a , or a (so-called) , in which case the board of directors must approve any transfer of shares between shareholders; this designation must be made in the articles of incorporation. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Kabushiki gaisha - Receipt of capital In a direct incorporation, each incorporator receives a specified amount of stock as designated in the articles of incorporation. Each incorporator must then promptly pay its share of the starting capital of the company, and if no directors have been designated in the articles of incorporation, meet to determine the initial directors and other officers. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Dominican University of California - Early history 1 In 1890 the Congregation of the Most Holy Name, under the auspices of Mother O’Donnell, filed Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State of California https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Nevada corporation - Legal benefits 1 Nevada (unlike other states) permits the corporation's articles of incorporation to vest authority to adopt, amend or repeal bylaws exclusively in the directors, so that shareholders would not be able to change the corporation's bylaws. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Nonprofit corporation - Religious corporation 1 Religious corporations are formed like all other nonprofit corporations by filing articles of incorporation with the state https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Sausalito, California - Service organizations and clubs 1 Articles of Incorporation, Section 2 May 29, 2009 Some activities of the foundation include the Sausalito Lighted Boat Parade and Fireworks, Opening Day on the Bay celebration, Youth Sailing Program, Burning Woman Artists Waterfront Exhibit, Kids Waterfront Day-in-the-Park and Jazz Blues On-the-Waterfront. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html De facto corporation and corporation by estoppel - De facto corporation #:For example, if the articles of incorporation were mailed to the appropriate office, but addressed to the wrong person, lost in the mail, or not filed by the corporation by the time the corporation began acting in an official capacity. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html 501(c) - Obtaining status 1 Unlike for-profit corporations that benefit from broad and general purposes, non profit organizations need to be limited in powers to function with tax exempt status, but a non profit corporation is by default not limited in powers until it specifically limits itself in the articles of incorporation and/or nonprofit corporate bylaws https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Business corporation - Constitution 1 The memorandum of Association (or articles of incorporation) is the primary document, and will generally regulate the company's activities with the outside world https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Council on Chiropractic Education – USA - History In January 2005, the Board of Directors (BOD) established “membership” into the structure of CCE, with “members” being representatives of the accredited DCPs, in accordance with the CCE Articles of Incorporation. As a provision of this change, the member programs elected the majority of the BOD and voted, along with the BOD, 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Incorporation (business) - Steps required for incorporation 1 The 'articles of incorporation' (also called a charter, certificate of incorporation or letters patent) are filed with the appropriate state office, listing the purpose of the corporation, its principal place of business and the number and type of shares of stock.[http://www.lawserver.com/maps/statecorporation-departments Interactive map of U.S. state corporation departments], LawServer A registration fee is due, which is usually between $25 and $1,000, depending on the state. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Registered agent - Designating a registered agent For example, a person forming a corporation in the State of Nevada or Delaware, would designate the registered agent along with the agent's address on the articles of incorporation filed with the Nevada Secretary of State or Delaware Secretary of State respectively 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Delaware General Corporation Law - History General incorporation allowed anyone to form a corporation by simply raising money and filing articles of incorporation with the state government's secretary of state. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html C corporation - Forming a corporation 1 Most state corporate laws require that the basic governing instrument be either the certificate of incorporation or formal articles of incorporation https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Architectural Woodwork Institute Moments after the officers were selected, Robert Hoe, Jr., the director from Poughkeepsie, handed the new treasurer his company check for the first year’s dues, and the Architectural Woodwork Institute was on its way. Shortly thereafter, AWI was incorporated as a non-profit organization under the laws of the state of Illinois. Articles of Incorporation were recorded on December 17, 1954. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Canadian corporate law - History Current Acts (such as the Canada Business Corporations Act) generally provide for formation by articles of incorporation, but Prince Edward Island still retains the letters patent procedure and Nova Scotia provides for incorporation by memorandum of association. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Canadian corporate law - Board of directors The articles of incorporation can provide for different classes of shares (which may carry the right to elect separate directors). Like most of the Commonwealth and Europe, the one share, one vote principle prevails in public companies, but cumulative voting can occur where the articles of incorporation so provide. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html American Registry for Internet Numbers ARIN opened its doors for business on December 22, 1997[http://www.arin.net/about_us/history. html About ARIN] after incorporating on April 18, 1997.[http://www.arin.net/about_us/corp_d ocs/artic_incorp.html Articles of Incorporation ] ARIN is a nonprofit corporation with headquarters in Chantilly, Virginia|Chantilly, Virginia, USA.[http://www.arin.net/contact_us.html Contact Us] 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Armour Research Foundation - History of IITRI 1 The file name is currently under the entity of IIT Research Institute, which would have been done by filing a change of name as an amendment to the articles of incorporation at a later date, thus allowing retention of the original Armour incorporation date https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Housing cooperative 1 The corporation's articles of incorporation and bylaws as well as occupancy agreement specifies the cooperative's rules. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Astronomical Society of the Pacific - Past Presidents 1 *1892 William Montgomery Pierson (San Francisco attorney; drew up Society's articles of incorporation) https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Religious corporation 1 Religious corporations are formed like all other nonprofit corporations by filing articles of incorporation with the state https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences - History Between that evening and when the official Articles of Incorporation for the organization were filed on May 4, 1927, the International was dropped from the name, becoming the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.Osborne, Robert 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Red herring prospectus - Contents 1 #copies of the articles of incorporation of the issuer. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Specialized investment fund - Valuation of the Assets Unless otherwise provided for in the issuing document, the Valuation (finance)|valuation of the assets must be based on fair value, determined in accordance with the procedures laid down in the management regulations (FCP) or articles of incorporation (SICAV-SICAF). 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html FiveThirtyEight.com - Partnership with The New York Times: 2010-2013 1 The blog would be listed under the Politics tab of the News section of the Times.Megan Garber, Articles of Incorporation: Nate Silver and Jim Roberts on the NYT's Absorption of FiveThirtyEight, [http://www.niemanlab.org/2010/06/articles -of-incorporation-nate-silver-and-jimroberts-on-the-nyts-absorption-offivethirtyeight/ NiemanJournalismLab, https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Non-profit group - Canada 1 Other provinces (such as Alberta) permit incorporation as of right, by the filing of Articles of Incorporation or Articles of Association. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Constitutional documents - Companies 1 *the 'Memorandum of Association' (in some countries referred to as the 'Articles of Incorporation') is the primary document, and will generally regulate the company's activities with the outside world, such as the company's objects and powers. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html American Anthropological Association - History 1 ...promote the science of anthropology, to stimulate and coordinate the efforts of American anthropologists, to foster local and other societies devoted to anthropology, to serve as a bond among American anthropologists and anthropologic[al] organizations present and prospective, and to publish and encourage the publication of matter pertaining to anthropology.AAA Articles of Incorporation https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Subsidiaries An 'operating subsidiary' is a business term constantly used within the United States railroad industry. In the case of a railroad, it refers to a company that is a subsidiary but operates with its own identity, locomotives and rolling stock. In contrast, a 'non-operating subsidiary' would exist on paper only (i.e., stocks, bonds, articles of incorporation) and would use the identity and rolling stock of the parent company. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Outline of geography - Man-made geographic features *** City ndash; relatively large and permanent settlement. In many regions, a city is distinguished from a town by attainment of designation according to law, for instance being required to obtain articles of incorporation or a royal charter. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Funding round - Components of a round 1 *Various subsidiary or related agreements such as a buy-sell agreement, investor rights agreement, proxy agreements, and proposed amendments to a company's articles of incorporation https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Green Bay Packers - Public company Based on the original Articles of Incorporation for the (then) Green Bay Football Corporation put into place in 1923, if the Packers franchise were to have been sold, after the payment of all expenses, any remaining money would go to the Sullivan-Wallen Post of the American Legion in order to build a proper soldier's memorial 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Narcotics Anonymous - Resurgence A World Service Office was officially opened in 1977.[http://web.archive.org/web/20041 024183104/http://www.nahistory.org/WSO_Incorporation_Papers _1977.html Articles of incorporation] of the World Service Office in 1977 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Mutual of Omaha - History 1909 (March 5) – Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association filed articles of incorporation with the Nebraska Insurance Department. V. J. Skutt, Mutual of Omaha, the good neighbor. (Newcomen Society in North America, 1961) p11 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html US West Communications - Acquisition by Qwest 1 Because USWEST's stock was trading at very high prices during the dot-com bubble, Qwest was able to purchase the larger firm, and the Bell Operating Company was renamed 'Qwest Corporation'.[http://www.sos.state.co .us/biz/ViewImage.do?masterFileId= 19871054618fileId=20001132502 Articles of Amendment to the Articles of Incorporation, July 5, 2000, Colorado Secretary of State] https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Godo kaisha - Basic structure 1 Following ratification of the agreement, the GK's articles of incorporation and corporate seal must be registered with the . Once the bureau processes the registration, the company may open a bank account, seal contracts, and engage in other activities as a Juristic person|legal entity. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Godo kaisha - Distinguishing characteristics * All members must consent to amendment of the articles of incorporation, unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise. (In a KK, only a supermajority of shareholders is required.) 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Godo kaisha - Distinguishing characteristics * All members must consent to any transfer of ownership, unless the articles of incorporation provide otherwise. (In a KK, the transfer of shares is unlimited by default.) 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Alternative DNS root - Open RSC 1 The organization posted bylaws and articles of incorporation outlining ORSC's position following extensive public discussion regarding the manner in which the DNS was operated. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html HOV - Compliance, enforcement, and avoidance 1 In January 2013, a motorist tried to claim that the Articles of Incorporation of his business, which had been placed unbuckled on the passenger’s seat, constituted a person, citing the principle of corporate personhood and California's state Vehicle Code, which defines a person as natural persons and corporations. This argument was rejected in traffic court, which commented, Common sense says carrying a sheath of papers in the front seat does not relieve traffic congestion. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html European Financial Stability Facility The Facility's headquarters are in Luxembourg City,[http://www.etat.lu/memorial/memorial/ 2010/C/Pdf/c1189086.pdf#Page=2 Etat.lu] Articles of Incorporation of the EFSF established as a public limited liability company under the laws of the GrandDuchy of Luxembourg 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html John Muir - Co-founding the Sierra Club 1 On May 28, 1892, the first meeting of the Sierra Club was held to write articles of incorporation https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - Overview The conclusion of the articles of incorporation creates a legal capacity subject, the company prior registration. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - Overview The second step requires the full payment of the share capital as codified by the articles of incorporation. Where required the payment includes the agreed surplus over the nominal value of the company share.Cf. Oplustil in Liebscher/ Zoll (2005): Einführung in das polnische Recht, 2. Teil § 15 Rn. 7; Kidyba (2010): Kodeks spółek 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - Content of the articles of incorporation The articles of incorporation must contain information about the name of the company, place of business, the subject of the activity, the amount of registered capital, an indication of whether a shareholder is allowed to take over one or more company shares, the number and the nominal value of the company shares of each of the shareholders are taken and the duration of the company, if it is determined.Cf 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - Costs of formation 1 Finally, within 14 days after formation of the articles of incorporation, the so-called tax on civil law transactions (PCC) is to pay https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - Capital raising and capital maintenance 1 The shares can either be of equal or unequal height, depending on the articles of incorporation https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - Change in the share capital amount Without changing the articles of incorporation, the capital increase can be carried out only if this is expressly permitted by the articles of incorporation 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - Change in the share capital amount The capital reduction of share capital requires changing the articles of incorporation in general as well. The shareholders may decide either the recovery of shares or the reduction of the share value. The reduction decision has to determine the amount of the share capital reduction and the way by which the capital should be reduced.Cf. Brockhuis/ Schnell (2002): Gesellschaftsrecht in Polen, S. 59. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - The Board of Directors The board consists of one or more individuals. To the board may be appointed both shareholders and third parties. Board members may be foreigners or persons resident abroad.Cf. Bogen/ Siekierzyński (2006): Länderbericht Polen, S. 26 Rn. 117. The members of the Board are appointed and dismissed by resolution of the shareholders, unless the articles of incorporation provides otherwise, such as 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - The Board of Directors 1 Unless otherwise agreed in the articles of incorporation, a board member can be dismissed at any time. However, the claims arising from the employment relationship persist.Cf. Kidyba (2010): Kodeks spółek handlowych: TOM I: Komentarz do art. 1-300, § 203 Nr. 1. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - The Board of Directors 1 The Board conducts the business of the sp. z o.o. and represents it externally. The legal representative of a board member cannot be confined in an external legal effect.Cf. Kidyba (2010): Kodeks spółek handlowych: TOM I: Komentarz do art. 1300, § 204 Nr. 1. The articles of incorporation certainly may determine the way of representation. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - Other bodies at a glance Otherwise the shareholders are responsible for an agreement in the articles of incorporation on the appointment of a supervisory board or audit commission 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - Rights and obligations of shareholders 1 Under the special relation of the articles of incorporation may accrue the following duties: acquisition of administrative or supervisory duties, the obligation to recurring contributions in kind (Art https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - Rights and obligations of shareholders 1 Deviation from the equality in principle envisaged in terms of rights and duties of all shareholders may be prerogatives recognized under the special relation of the articles of incorporation. In particular, those prerogatives may affect the right to vote (more than three votes per share) and the right to dividend (maximum of 150% of the dividend to be paid to a nonprivileged share).Cf. Brockhuis/ Schnell (2002): Gesellschaftsrecht in Polen, S. 61. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością - Liquidation and Insolvency 1 Causes for dissolution may result from the law as well as the articles of incorporation https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Arrow Development 1 Similarly named Arrow Dynamics, eventual successor to Arrow Development, was incorporated in Delaware on January 10, 1986 by Ron Toomer, Otis Hughes, David Klomp, Ray Crandall and Brent Meikle.State of Utah Division of Corporations and Commercial Code Database - Articles of Incorporation #131482 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Arrow Development - Post Disney era transition into Arrow Dynamics and SS Arrow 1 On January 6, 1986, restated articles of incorporation, changing the name of Arrow Huss to Arrow Dynamics, Inc. were filed in Delaware. On March 10, 1987, Ron Toomer, Otis S. Hughes and Brent H. Meikle would file an application for certification of authority for Arrow Dynamics, Inc., also in Delaware. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Arrow Development - Post Disney era transition into Arrow Dynamics and SS Arrow 1 On May 27, 1987 Toomer, Hughes and Meikle would draft articles of incorporation for Arrow Dynamics as a Utah corporation https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Budapest Stock Exchange - 1864–1914: An Exchange is born 1 After a few years of slow growth, 1872 saw the first significant market boom, when the Minister of Trade approved the articles of incorporation of 15 industrial and 550 financial companies whose shares were then listed on the exchange. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Budapest Stock Exchange - 1914–1948: From one world war to another 1 In 1942 the government applied stricter measures for the BSCE articles of incorporation, prohibited private trading in equities, required specific reporting obligations on equity portfolios, and set maximum values on daily price changes https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Pi Kappa Phi - Expansion 1 Kroeg developed Articles of Incorporation and the name Pi Kappa Phi became legally registered in the state of South Carolina on December 23, 1907. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Metropolitan Community Church - General Conference 1 Internationally, the government of the UFMCC is vested in the tri-annual General Conference, subject to the provisions of the Fellowship Articles of Incorporation, its bylaws, or documents of legal organization https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Metropolitan Community Church - Local congregations 1 Each affiliated member church of MCC is a self-governing, legally Autonomous entity|autonomous body, is vested in its congregational meeting which exerts the right to control all of its affairs, subject to the provisions of the UFMCC Articles of Incorporation, bylaws, or documents of legal organization, and the General Conference https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Kazakhstan Stock Exchange - KASE shareholders KASE's Articles of Incorporation stipulate a Golden share|golden share, which is held by the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan. It carries the right to veto decisions made by KASE bodies on issues of currency regulation and regulation of Kazakhstan government bonds market. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Lobster trap (finance) 1 In a lobster trap, the target firm issues a Articles of Incorporation|charter that prevents individuals with more than 10% ownership of convertible security|convertible securities (includes convertible bonds, convertible preferred stock, and warrants) from transferring these securities to Voting interest|voting stock https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html TV5 (Philippines) - Pre-Martial Law (1960-1972) New stockholders led by broadcast veteran Edward Tan and Chino Roces's son Edgardo then began the arduous task of resuming broadcasts. The Securities and Exchange Commission granted their application for an increase in capitalization and amendments to ABC’s articles of incorporation and by-laws. They were subsequently granted a permit to operate by the National Telecommunications Commission 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Business organizations - Greece *I.K.E. (Idiotiki kefaleouhiki Eteria / Ιδιωτική Κεφαλαιουχική Εταιρεία) = Private Company, minimum capital=€1. The shares do not take the form just of capital but also warranties, labor offer etc. This form is a composite form between A.E. E.P.E and O.E. which is greatly affected by the Articles of Incorporation. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Boston Vegetarian Society 1 * All Food at BVS is vegan and alcoholfree, according to the earliest documents (bylaws and articles of incorporation) of the Boston Vegetarian Society. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Sdn Bhd - Greece *I.K.E. (Idiotiki kefaleouhiki Eteria / Ιδιωτική Κεφαλαιουχική Εταιρεία) = Private Company, minimum capital=€0. The shares do not take the form just of capital but also warranties, labor offer etc. This form is a composite form between A.E. E.P.E and O.E. which is greatly affected by the Articles of Incorporation. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Bank of Korea - Executive and Auditor 1 The Senior Deputy Governor assists the Governor and is appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Governor. The Deputy Governors are appointed by the Governor and undertake their respective duties in the manner stipulated in the Articles of Incorporation of the Bank of Korea. The term of office of the Senior Deputy Governor and each of the Deputy Governors is three years and they may https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Not-for-profit organization - Functions * Provisory for the amendment of the statutes or articles of incorporation. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Philippine National Bank - Privatization of PNB 1 In 1995, PNB moved to its headquarters to the PNB Financial Center, Central Boulevard (now Diosdado Macapagal Boulevard), Pasay. In 1996, the Securities and Exchange Commission (Philippines)|Securities and Exchange Commission approved the Bank's new Articles of Incorporation and by-laws and the change in the status of PNB from a government-based to a private corporation with the control of the government reduced to 46 per cent. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Red Carpet Inn - History 1 In May 1955, articles of incorporation were issued by the State of Colorado for Tasha Oil and Uranium Co., with a subsequent name change in 1978 to Broadway Enterprises, Inc.), and 1979 to Hotel RentA-Car Systems. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Legal translation Legal translation may also involve, certificates of accuracy, witness statements, deposition (law)|depositions, trusts, will(law)|wills, articles of incorporation, pleadings|litigation documents, immigration documents, property/exhibit labels and in some cases attendance in court by the translator(s). 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Walter Alvarez - Big History Alvarez helped organize a meeting of Big Historians at the Geological Observatory at Coldigioco in Italy in 2010[http://ibhanet.org/page-1252419 Origins of the International Big History Association] which resulted in the establishment of the International Big History Association. In 2011, the IBHA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.[http://ibhanet.org/Resources/Do cuments/IBHA_Articles_of_Incorporation.pdf International Big History Association Articles of Incorporation] 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Phillips Academy - History 1 John Hancock, the famous signer of the United States Declaration of Independence, signed the school's articles of incorporation https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html History of the Green Bay Packers - Public company Based on the original Articles of Incorporation for the (then) Green Bay Football Corporation put into place in 1923, if the Packers franchise was sold, after the payment of all expenses, any remaining monies would go to the Sullivan-Wallen Post of the American Legion in order to build a proper soldier's memorial 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Alaska Native Regional Corporations - Text of the Act 1 The articles of incorporation shall include provisions necessary to carry out the terms of this chapter. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html International Council of Graphic Design Associations - 2000s 1 Highlights from the GA included the ratification of update definition of the profession from ‘Graphic Design’ to ‘Communication Design', approval of revisions to Regulations and best practice for organizing design awards competitions, the introduction of Icograda best practice statement on soliciting work from professional communication designers, substantial revisions to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws include a ‘one member one vote’ system and granting of voting rights to Education Members (excluding on professional practice issues), establishment of an IDA Taskforce to explore options for future development, launch of INDIGO (Indigenous Design Network) ashttps://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html part of IDA portfolio lead by Icograda Deutsche Flugsicherung - Running Costs and Fees According to the articles of incorporation|Gesellschaftsvertrag, DFS is a not-for-profit company. Any surpluses generated must also be repaid in accordance with the internationally accepted principles for the collection of air navigation charges to airspace users. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Southeastern University (Florida) - Campus growth In 2012 Southeastern approved the addition of a nursing program and the Board of Trustees also signed off on a new mission and vision statement for the university, approved a new faculty handbook, and adopted articles of incorporation and bylaws for the University Foundation 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Martin Harris (Latter Day Saints) - Split with Joseph Smith 1 In 1838, Smith called the Three Witnesses Cowdery, Harris, and Whitmer too mean to mention; and we had liked to have forgotten them.B.H. Roberts, ed. History of the Church (Joseph Smith)|History of the Church (Salt Lake City: Deseret News, 1905), '3': 232. Parrish's church in Kirtland took control of the Kirtland Temple|temple and became known as The Church of Christ. In its 1838 articles of incorporation, Harris was named one of the church's three trustees. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Alpha Phi Alpha - Consolidation and expansion 1 On January 29, 1908, the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity was incorporated in the state of New York. The purpose and objective of the fraternity within the articles of incorporation were declared educational and for the mutual uplift of its members. The fraternity has established Alpha Phi Alpha Archives at Howard University's Moorland-Spingarn Research Center to preserve the history of the organization. https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html Tierra Verde, Florida - History On June 30, 1961, the Tierra Verde Community Association Articles of Incorporation were filed with the State of Florida, and the original Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants were recorded in public records in August that same year. 1 https://store.theartofservice.com/the-articles-of-incorporation-toolkit.html For More Information, Visit: • https://store.theartofservice.co m/the-articles-ofincorporation-toolkit.html The Art of Service https://store.theartofservice.com