Heroes and Hades and Creatures… Oh, My! Underworld Three parts: Fields of Punishment, Isle of the Blest, and Elysium Tartarus Lowest region; wicked sent there Charon Mans the ferry on the River Styx River Styx River of Hades that the souls of the dead cross on their journey from the realm of the living People swear oaths on the river when making a promise River Lethe River of forgetfulness the souls drink from when arriving in the Underworld https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/d6/63/75/d6637512e5c80bf9a53cfce85f5316ea.jpg Kindly Ones AKA Furies Winged women with serpent hair who punish http://www.dagonbytes.com/gallery/jeff/hell/furies.gif people Cerberus 3-headed dog that guards the entrance of the Underworld Sisyphus King that disrespected Zeus As punishment, he was sent to Tartarus to roll a http://www.greekmythology.com/images/mythology/cerberus_106.jpg boulder up a hill… Only to have it roll down again… and the process repeats and repeats and repeats… Erebus Son of Chaos and the personification of darkness http://www.mythweb.com/encyc/zooms/sisyphus.gif Fates 3 sisters of destiny and life https://www.wpclipart.com/house hold/chores/sewing/scissors_and_ thread.png One spins the thread of life, one measures it, and one cuts it Circe Enchantress who lives on an island, where she tricks sailors and changes them into beasts Procrustes Known as “the stretcher” Stretches or cuts off legs of victims to make them fit on a bed http://orig09.deviantart.net/5adf/f/2014/050/1/5/amycl rce_by_pernastudios-d774ulh.jpg Echidna http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_Qr nebW0mqo8/TMbK9LZ4n1I/A AAAAAAAAJ8/ndYTdYd4lNQ /s400/chimera3sm.jpg Mother of all the monsters Chimera Female monster with the head of a lion, the body of a goat, and the tail of a serpent Harpies Winged women with sharp claws who snatch food, objects, or people Titan Early gods from which Olympian gods were originated Overthrown by the Olympians Perseus & Medusa Hero who killed Medusa (the woman with the snake hair and one of the Gorgons) Jason & the Golden Fleece Hero who sailed with the Argonauts to get the Golden Fleece (a ram’s fleece guarded by a dragon that never sleeps) Theseus & the Minotaur Hero who killed the Minotaur (the half- man half-bull who lived in the labyrinth) http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/n ewmonster/images/9/97/Minotaur.jpg/r evision/latest?cb=20140331210652 Centaur Half-man half-horse (kind of wild) Chiron Centaur who trained heroes Satyr Half-man half-goat Nymph Beautiful female (minor) deities of nature Naiad A nymph of water, streams, and fountains Nereid Sea nymph Garden of Hesperides http://www.mythweb.com/encyc/gallery/hesperides_c.html Garden where Hera’s golden apples are kept; guarded by a dragon Zephyr West wind personified Ichor Blood of the gods (usually gold-colored) http://www.myt hweb.com/ency c/gallery/oracle _c.html Oracle at Delphi Answers Qs/gives prophecies Argus 100-eyed monster Cyclopes 1-eyed giant Sphinx https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f0/Cyclopskin.JPG http://www.theoi.com/image/img_sphinx.jpg Creature that kills people who cannot answer her riddles Eventually is killed b/c someone solved her riddle “What walks on four feet in the morning, on two at noon, and on three in the evening?” The name also refers to other monsters that have the body of a lion, the head and bust of a woman, and wings