ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Chapter 6 The Skeletal System 206 _________ bones bone Osseous - __________ One of the hardest __________ material in the body The Skeleton is 2 divided into _______ divisions. Axial Skull, vertebral column, bony thorax Appendicular Limbs and girdles We will also talk about: Joints Point where two bones meet We will also talk about: Cartilage Connective tissue that protects or connects. We will also talk about: Tendons Connects muscles to muscles or muscles to bones Functions of the Skeletal System Support Legs support the body when we stand. Ribs support thorax Functions of the Skeletal System Protection Skull protects brain. Ribs protect heart, lungs. Functions of the Skeletal System Movement Muscles attach to bones by tendons. Bones are used as levers Functions of the Skeletal System Storage Bones store fat and mineral such as calcium and phosphorus Functions of the Skeletal System Blood cell formation Hematopoiesis. In the narrow cavities of the bones Classification of Bones according to Tissue type Compact dense Spongy Lots of open spaces Classification of Bones according to size and shape Long bones Mostly compact Usually longer than wide Usually have a shaft with heads at both ends All the bones of the limbs except wrist and ankles. Classification of Bones according to size and shape Short bones Generally cubed shape Mostly spongy bone Wrists and ankles Classification of Bones according to size and shape Flat bones Thin, flat and usually curved Spongy bone sandwiched btw 2 thin layers of compact bone Skull, ribs, sternum Classification of Bones according to size and shape Irregular bones Mostly compact Bones that do not fit other categories Vertebrae, Hip bones Structure of a Long Bone Shaft Made of compact bone Covered by membrane called periosteum diaphysis Structure of a Long Bone Diaphysis The internal cavity called the medullary canal is a storage area for: adipose or fat yellow marrow Structure of a Long Bone Ends epiphysis Made of thin layer of compact bone enclosing spongy bone Covered with articular cartilage ( a smooth slippery surface Contains red marrow Structure of a Long Bone Epiphyseal line Left over from epiphyseal plate Structure of a Long Bone Epiphyseal Plate Flat plate of hyaline cartilage seen in young growing bones This plate is replaced by bone when growth is complete 1. epiphysis. 2. diaphysis 3. epiphysis 4. Articular cartilage 5. Spongy bone 6. Compact bone 7. Medullary canal 8. Yellow marrow 9. Compact bone 10. periosteum Bone Markings Crest 2. Narrow ridge, usually prominent Bone Markings Epicondyle 1. Raised area on a condlye Bone Markings Trochanter 3. Very large, irregularly shaped, located on femur Bone Markings Head 2. Bony expansion carried on a narrow neck Bone Markings Condyle 1. Rounded articular projection Bone Markings Fissure 3. Narrow slit like opening Bone Markings Sinus 2. Cavity within a bone Bone Markings Foramen 1. Round or oval opening through a bone Bone Markings Foramen 1. Round or oval opening through a bone 2. Label 1. Greater trochanter Head 3. Greater trochanter 7. 8. Neck crest 4. Lesser Trochanter 9. crest Condyle Condyle 6. 5. condyle 11. 10. epicondyle Microscopic Anatomy Osteocytes – mature bone cells Microscopic Anatomy Lacunae – tiny cavities within the matrix of compact bone Microscopic Anatomy Haversian Canals: Run length wise thru bone. Carry blood vessels and nerves to bones Microscopic Anatomy Calcium gives the bone its strength Microscopic Anatomy Organic parts provide for the bone flexibility example: collagen fibers Protein found in connective tissue Bone Formation and Growth Skeleton starts out as cartilage but is replaced by bone in most places. Exceptions? Bridge of nose, parts of ribs, joints Bone Formation and Growth Process of bone formation is ossification Bone forming cells are called osteoblasts Bone Formation and Growth Bones change in response to: Calcium levels in blood Pull of gravity and muscles on the skeleton Bone Formation and Growth Osteoclasts Bone destroying cells Bone Formation and Growth Rickets A disease of children in which the bones fail to calcify Due to lack of calcium or vitamin D. (Vitamin D needed to absorb calcium) Causes: Poor nutrition in poverty areas Bone Fractures A fracture is a break in a bone Simple Bone breaks clean. No broken skin. Closed Compound Comminuted Greenstick Bone protrudes through skin. Open Bone breaks in many fragments. Common in elderly Bone breaks incompletely. Common in children Green stick Comminuted Simple Compound Bone Fractures Fractures are treated by reduction Open Reduction Surgical incision. Reduce fracture. Position bone with pins or wires. Closed Reduction Bones brought back into place by physician’s hands. Immobilized with cast Bone Fractures Open reduction and internal fixation ORIF Bone Fractures Closed Reduction Bone Repair Repair involves 4 events •A hematoma is formed (bleeding occurs when bone broken) •The break is splinted by a fibrocartilage callus that close the gap •The bony callus is formed made of spongy bone •A strong and permanent patch is formed Axial Skeleton Divided into 3 parts Skull Vertebral column Thorax BLUE Skull Formed by 2 sets of bones Cranium: encloses and protects the brain Facial bones: hold eyes in anterior position and allow muscles to show feelings thru facial expressions Skull Cranium is made of 8 large flat bones: Frontal 1 forehead 1 Skull Parietal 2 superior and lateral wall 2 Skull Temporal 2 inferior to parietal 4 Skull Occipital 1 posterior. Floor and back wall of cranium 3 Skull Sphenoid 1 butterfly shaped. KEYSTONE bone. Floor of cranium. Full of sinuses 5 5 Sphenoid Sphenoid Sella turcica – holds pituitary P Skull Ethmoid 1 anterior to sphenoid Forms roof of nasal cavity and medial orbits 6 6 Ethmoid O Ethmoid Has cribiform plate Holds olfactory receptors to the brain Skull 12 parietal 1 11 temporal frontal sphenoid 2 3 ethmoid 4 5 10 6 occipital 7 9 8 Facial Bones Made of 14bones. 12 paired Maxilla 8 2 upper jaw bone KEYSTONE BONE All facial bones except mandible join this bone Facial Bones Palatine 2 posterior to maxilla Hard palate 12 Facial Bones Palatine Hard palate 12 Facial Bones Zygomatic 2 cheek bones 9 Facial Bones Lacrimal 2 medial wall of orbit Passage way for tears 11 Facial Bones Nasal 7 2 nose Facial Bones Vomer 1 means “plow” Median line of nasal cavity Forms septum 14 Vomer 14 Facial Bones Inferior Concha 2 lateral wall of nasal cavity 13 Facial Bones Inferior Concha 13 Facial Bones Mandible 1 lower jaw bone Largest and strongest facial bone 10 Facial Bones Hyoid 1 only bone that does not articulate with another bone Suspended in mid neck region serves as a movable base for the tongue Horse-shoe shaped Cribiform plate Sphenoid Sella turcica Foramen magnum B Sagital Suture D E C A glabella Infra orbital foreman F G Mental foramen Fetal Skull Contains fontanels these are fibrous membranes that have yet to be converted to bone. They connect the cranial bones. Also called Soft spots 1. Anterior fontanel Anterior fontanel 1. 2. Posterior fontanel 2. Posterior fontanel Vertebral Column Extends from the skull to the pelvis Made of 26 irregular bones Running thru the central cavity of the vertebral column is the spinal cord Vertebral Column Cervical 7 neck Thoracic 12 chest Lumbar 5 back Sacrum 5 fused bones Coccyx Tailbone 3-5 fused bones 1. 1. cervical C-4 2. T-6 2. thoracic 3. L2 3. Lumbar 4. Sacrum 5. Coccyx 4. Sacrum 5. Coccyx Vertebral Column Vertebrae are separated by Intervertebrael disc They cushion and absorb shock Vertebral Column Abnormal spine curvatures: Can be caused by congenital, disease, poor posture, unequal muscle pull Scoliosis Lateral curvature Lordosis anterior curvature Kyphosis posterior curvature Kyphosis Lordosis Scoliosis 1 foramen 3 Atlas 2 Absence of body 1 Body of vertebrae 3 Axis 2 Odontoid process Bony Thorax Sternum, ribs and thoracic vertebrae Sternum Breastbone Made of 3 parts: Manubrium Body Xiphoid process Bony Thorax Sternum, ribs and thoracic vertebrae Ribs 12 _________ pairs True ribs 1st 7 pairs False ribs 5 total Floating ribs 2 of the 5 1 True rib manubrium 5 2 body 3 Xiphoid process False rib 6 Floating rib 7 4 Intercostal cartilage