The Wizard's Bowl

The Wizards Bowl
Hogwarts vs Roke
J.K. Rowling
Born Joanne Kathleen Rowling on July 31,
1966 in Chipping Sudbury near Bristol,
Graduated from Exeter university then
worked as a secretary and later spent time
teaching English in Portugal.
She eventually moved to Edinburgh,
Scotland with her daughter.
Rolling first thought up Harry Potter in his
full form on a train in 1990.
Thought she thought up Harry Potter in the
1990 she didn't put together the pieces until
the mid-90’s.
Not being able to afford even a typewriter she
started the earliest drafts of Harry Potter and
The Sorcerer’s Stone in longhand.
Rowling never expected the book to take off
as well as they did.
She also understands why adults like the
books as much as children do because she
writes the stories for herself.
103 million books in print.
Each title has been # 1 on the wall street
Journals, USA today and the New York
Times Best sellers lists.
The sixth title Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince set a new world record for a
first printing, with 10.8 million copies.
Rowling has won many awards some
being the Hugo Award, the Bram Stroker
Award, the Whitbread Award for the Best
Children’s Book and a special certificate
for being a three time winner of the
Smaties Prize.
Sales from the books as well as the
royalties from the films and merchandise
have made Rowling a billionaire and the
620 wealthiest person in the world.
Rowling has also been named an officer of
the British Empire.
Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone was published in 1997.
Renamed Harry Potter and the Sorceress Stone for its American release in 1998.
The series has exceeded any other series of books with world wide sales exceeding 300
million copies.
Initially targeted for the age group of 9 to 15 year olds, the book are popular in all age
Each book chronicles approximately one year in Harry potters life at the Hogwarts
There are seven books planned for the series each book a little darker then its
predecessor as Harry ages and his nemesis, lord Voldemort gains power
Harry Potter
The first three books The Sorcerers Stone, The Chamber of Secretes, the Prisoner of Azkaban all
won the Nestle Smarties Book prize for the 9-11 age group.
By the time the fourth book, Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire was published in 2000 the series
had become well known and the released received more publicity then the usual new book
In 2001 the first movie was released on the first book and was accompanied by video games and
other merchandise.
The next two Publications in the series The order of the phoenix and the Half-Blood Prince with
midnight launch parties hundred of bookstores in the UK and around the English Speaking World.
Order of the Phoenix became the first English-language book to top the booksellers list in France
The second and third movies based on the second and third books were also blockbuster hits
Harry Potter
Harry Potter and the Philosophers (Sorcerers) Stone 1997 (UK) 1998 (US) 17 million
copies sold in the US.
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 1998 (UK) 1999 (US) 14.7 million in US sales.
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 1999 (UK/US) 123.8 million in US sales .
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 2000 (UK/US) 12.3 million in US sales .
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 2003 (worldwide) 13.7 million in US sales. 5
million in the first 24 hours.
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince 2005 (worldwide) 20 million in US sales. 7 million in
the first 24 hours, initial printing 10.8 million copies( world record)
Ursula K. Le Guin
An American author born on October 21,
Le Guin lives in Portland, Oregon.
Although she is written novels, poetry,
children’s books and essays she is known
for her science fiction and fantasy novels.
Her mother Theodora Kroeber was a
writer and her father Alfred L. Kroeber
was a anthropologist.
Interested in literature at an early age she
submitted her first story to Astounding
Science Fiction at the age of eleven,
which was rejected.
She attended Harvard university’s
Radcliffe college and Columbia university.
She is known for her exemplary style and
for her exploration of Taoist anarchist
feminist, psychological and sociological
Le Guin is Regarded as one of the best
modern science fiction authors.
Le Guin received several Hugo and
Nebula Awards.
She was awarded the Gandalf Grand
Master award in 1979.
In 2003 she received the Science Fiction
and Fantasy writers of America Grand
Masters Award.
Hogwarts vs Roke
The hero
Harry Potter
Parents, both very powerful in the
craft, were killed at a young age.
Lives with his rich uncle here he is
treated poorly.
Brought to the Hogwarts school of
wizardry by Hagred
Magic comes naturally to Him
Well mannered child who listens to his
Chased by Voldemort, the evil wizard
who killed his parents, who is looking
to finish him off.
Takes on many adventures agents evil
to save himself, his friends and the
Sparrowhawk (Ged)
Born with the name Duny.
Lives with his father.
Studies magic at a young age with
his aunt the town witch.
Saves his town from a massacre.
Magic comes naturally to him.
He has trouble understanding what
his masters are trying to teach him.
Always tries to prove himself to
other people by attempting to
perform magic that he can not
Chased by a shadow who is looking
to destroy him.
Attends the wizards school on Roke
Hogwarts vs Roke
The hero’s friend
Ron Weasley
A shy and clumsy both
Comes from a poor background
He is loyal to Harry and accompanies
him on his adventures.
Lacks the charisma that Harry has.
Several family members of his family
that practice magic.
A fellow prentice in the school
He is a level above Ged.
He is the only student how really
speaks to Ged when he comes to visit
him at his bed side.
Loyal to Ged and accompanies him on
his Adventure to find and destroy the
Hogwarts vs Roke
Father like figure
Rubeus Hagrid
A giant who is the grounds keeper at
the school.
He is very close to nature. He tends to
the animals in the school.
Is sent out into the Forbidden wood to
collect Herbs and Roots needed by the
He is always willing to sit and speak
with Harry.
He cares very Deeply for Harry. We
see this when he shed tears as he
leaves Harry as a baby with his Aunt
and Uncle.
Ogion the Silent
A great wizard who has stopped an
earthquake and saved many people.
He is very close to nature. Knows alos
of the herbs, flowers and animals.
Know to take long walks through the
country side to observe nature.
He was trained to only speak when
absolute necessary.
Try's to pass this philosophy on to
He cares for Ged very much. When
Ged says you are my master Ogion
replies no You are mine.
Hogwarts vs Roke
Evil enemy
Lord Voldemort
Killed Harry Potter’s parents.
Was a Powerful Wizard who went bad.
Looking to destroy Harry to finish what he
started years earlier.
Gave Harry a scare of lightning bolt on
Harry’s forehead.
He is trying to escape death and regain his
Travels around as a shadow whispering to
He doesn’t understand love so he can’t
physically touch Harry because there is still
love left in Harry from his mother.
The shadow
Was release into the world because
Ged tries to do magic that is to
advanced for him to control
Is actually part of Ged and share his
Scares up Ged’s face during one of his
He is trying to consume Ged and take
his power for evil.
Is in the shape of shadow and
whispers to Ged
Was finally defeated when Ged calls
him by his name and he is consumed
by Ged.
Hogwarts vs Roke
Nenemisis at school
Draco Malfoy
An arrogant, rich snob from a long line
He feels he is better then the poorer
students because of his background
He is jealous of Harry.
He gets progressively meaner
throughout the stories
We see he may turn out to be the next
An arrogant, Rich Snob who comes
from royalty.
He feels that he is better then the
poorer and the younger prentices
He is jealous of Ged’s Power
He feelers that Ged shouldn’t try to
understand where he comes from
because he comes from a poor
Hogwarts vs Roke
Home life of the hero
Life with the dursleys
Comes from a unloving home.
Lives with his rich uncle Vernon, Aunt
Petunia and Cousin Dudley
Petunia Dursley is the sister of Harry’s
mother who was jeoluse of her sisters
Lily’s powers and takes it out on Harry.
They blame Harry for everything that
goes wrong and punishes him.
life with father
Comes from a unloving home
Lives with his father and spends time
with his aunt who is the town witch.
His father doesn’t want Ged to waist
time with magic and wants him just to
learn the bronze-smiths trade.
When Ged is trying to conger up the
spell to save his town his father yells
at and hits him. He tells Ged that he
should stop making noise and go hide
in the corner somewhere.