BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S MEETING September 27, 2012 FORT BRAGG REGIONAL ALLIANCE Establish Quorum Call to Order Chairman’s Remarks Approve June 28, 2012 Minutes for the FBRA & AADC New Business DIRECTOR’S REPORT Annual Yellow Book Audit is complete ADC Impact Aid Using Lessons Learned to Address the Resource Challenges of Today DIRECTOR’S REPORT Wayne County Resolution – Action? Sequestration BRAC 2015? NC BRAC Effort Second Meeting Today at 2PM DIRECTOR’S REPORT Annual Meeting is Dec. 7th at 10 am BOD Meeting Dec. 7th at 9 am Appoint Nominating Committee for Board Officers WORKFORCE & HEALTH PROGRAMS Tim Moore Health Planner/Workforce Program Director WORKFORCE & HEALTH PROGRAMS Mental Health Planning and Coordination • With assistance from OEA, working on hand-offs between Womack and VAMC and other providers Behavioral Mental Health Collaboration Group • Attending meetings of and coordinating efforts with: Behavioral Health Professionals Association Give an Hour (Community Blueprint Network) Governor’s Military Task Force Governor’s Focus on Servicemembers, Veterans, & Families VA’s NC Homeless Veterans Summit WORKFORCE & HEALTH PROGRAMS 501 (c)(3) - Lifelong Learning & Literacy • • • • Part of the mission of the AADC, Inc. as approved by the IRS Identifying potential funding sources ‘Ask’ letter and Letter of Inquiry drafted Regional WDB collaboration supports concept but external funding needs to be procured for any campaign WORKFORCE & HEALTH PROGRAMS All American Gateway Workforce Region Collaborative • Directors of partner entities met on 9/10 • Agreed to continue the collaboration including: website programmatically resource and knowledge sharing support for All American Literacy Consortium periodic in-person meetings (CWDB hosts in November) PIPELINENC • Per Futures Inc. – 8,000 jobs (Wal-Mart, Target, etc.) recently added – Brings total direct jobs open on PipelineNC to 28,000 • We are working to keep PipelineNC on the radar screen for the platform decisions expected from NC DOC/DWS REGIONAL PLANNING UPDATE John Harbison Deputy Director REGIONAL PLANNING UPDATE Updates on 2012 OEA Projects 1) FAMPO Multi-modal Congestion Management Plan for SW Cumberland/NE Hoke County • • • • • FAMPO Plan for expanded Study Area underway 2/8/12 CDM Smith (formerly Wilbur Smith Associates) selected as consultant OEA funding not required for this project 9/20/12 Steering committee postponed until 10/6/12 2) Bragg Boulevard Corridor Planning • City Council reviewed the Bragg Corridor Plan 9/24/12 • Adopted Bragg Boulevard Corridor Plan with an amendment to include the feasibility of bicycle lanes as a strategic goal. REGIONAL PLANNING UPDATE Updates on 2012 OEA Projects (cont’d) 1) HOKE County Educational Facilities Capital Needs Assessment • • • • Draft Report presented to Hoke County Superintendent 12 June Recommends new middle school opening 2014-2015 School growth projections exceeded CRGP by 200 students Report completed – final presentation to Hoke County 20/27 Oct 2) WLPP Status – Moore County • • WLPP has passed Soil & Water, Farmland Preservation, & Planning Board Moore County commissioners passed plan 4 Sep 12 REGIONAL PLANNING UPDATE Updates on Recommended 2012 OEA Projects (cont’d) 5) Landowner Engagement & Outreach Strategy • • • • Regionally coordinated strategy to mitigate encroachment by informing and assisting landowners of ‘strategically vital’ lands Estimated Cost: $100,000 ($10,000 matching funds required) Element in Governor’s Land Compatibility Plan Awaiting determination if we can access State funds for the match REGIONAL PLANNING UPDATE Governor’s Land Compatibility Task Force Update • Advancing Working Lands, Conservation, and National Defense – An Outline for Action • • • • • • Governor’s Summits identified land compatibility with military installations as critical issue NCDENR /NC Working Lands Group developing Land Compatibility Plan Two Main Focus Areas: 1) Strengthening/Coordinating with Existing Trust Funds 2) Using Market-Based Conservation Strategies Governor approved document – released Executive Order 124 • Posted on Alliance website NCDENR/NC Working Lands Grp working first four recommendations Met 30 August – next meeting scheduled 30 October REGIONAL PLANNING UPDATE Working Lands Transition Program Update • Joint proposal to NC ADFP Trust Fund - NOT selected! • Since then, MOC received USDA Risk Management Agency grant for farm transition workshops. • Bragg Alliance – a key partner • To promote the regional and county workshops and provide meeting space as needed • Opens door for resubmission of grant app to ADFP Trust Fund BRAGG BLVD CORRIDOR STUDY Bragg Blvd Corridor Study Lindsay Maurer Planning Communities MARKETING/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Marketing Partnership with NC Southeast & RTRP Bart Richardson Marketing Research Manager for NCSE MARKETING/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Key Points: Active Projects update MARKETING/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Key Points: AUSA – 15 representatives for the alliance are booked including the secretary of commerce. Brochure has been approved by marketing committee and content has been edited. RTRP is developing the survey of existing defense firms in the region and expanding our contacts list for email campaigns. NCSE is developing a new template and general slideshow for the regional alliance to match marketing brochure and email campaign designs. Presentation to the Holly Springs Chamber of commerce 9/14 DISCUSSION Next Executive Committee Meeting: Thursday, October 18th, 2012 (Webinar) Next Board of Directors Meeting: Friday, December 7th, 2012 9:00am Immediately followed by Annual Meeting Location: Snyder Memorial Baptist Church ADJOURN