Back to Basics: Gynecology Dr. John Lamensa Assistant Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Ottawa March, 2015 Overview ► Normal Menstruation Sexual development Menstrual cycle ► ► Amenorrhea Abnormal uterine bleeding PCOS Menopause Contraception Infertility Pelvic Pain Dysmenorrhea Endometriosis Menstrual Abnormalities ► ► ► ► ► ► Pelvic Mass Ectopic pregnancy Pap smears Vaginal/pelvic infections A mother is concerned that her 12 year old daughter has not had her period yet (the other girls in her daughter’s class have already started theirs). She also thinks her daughter does not show signs of puberty yet. Knowing the first sign at the onset of puberty, you should ask which of the following questions? a) Has her daughter had any acne? b) Has her daughter started to develop breasts? c) Does her daughter have any axillary or pubic hair? d) Has her daughter started her growth spurt? e) Has her daughter had any vaginal spotting? The sequence of events in normal pubertal development are: a) Peak growth, pubic hair, breast budding, menarche b) Breast budding, pubic hair, peak growth, menarche c) Breast budding, menarche, pubic hair, peak growth d) Pubic hair, breast budding, menarche, peak growth Female Sexual Development ► In infancy and pre-puberty, FSH and LH levels are high or low ? ► Prior to onset of puberty, FSH and LH levels increase or decrease? ► This stimulates ovaries to produce estrogen A 9 year old girl presents for evaluation of regular vaginal bleeding. History reveals thelarche at age 7 and adrenarche at age 8. Which of the following is the most common cause of this condition in girls? a) Idiopathic b) Gonadal tumors c) McCune-Albright syndrome d) Hyperthyroidism e) CNS tumors The most common cause of delayed puberty is: a) b) c) d) e) Turner syndrome (45,X) Craniopharyngioma Constitutional delay Anorexia nervosa Primary hypothyroidism Normal Menstrual Cycle The initial work-up for a patient with 2° sexual characteristics and 2° amenorrhea include all of the following except: a) b) c) d) e) Pregnancy test Pelvic ultrasound Prolactin level Thyrotropin level Assessment of endogenous estrogen status (progestational challenge) Amenorrhea Primary Amenorrhea ► No menses by age 13 in the absence of development of secondary sexual characteristics or ► No menses by age 15 regardless of presence of normal growth and development Secondary Amenorrhea ► No menses for a length of time equivalent to a total of at least 3 of the previous cycle intervals or ► > 6 months of amenorrhea Amenorrhea A logical approach to the woman with either primary or secondary amenorrhea is to consider disorders based upon the level of control of the menstrual cycle: hypothalamus and pituitary, ovary, and uterus/vagina. ► all causes of secondary amenorrhea can also present as primary amenorrhea. ► Primary is usually a genetic or anatomic abnormality. ► Amenorrhea - Etiology PREGNANCY ALWAYS NEED TO RULE OUT! Hypothalamus Extreme stress, Anorexia nervosa, Tumors, Infection, Congenital (Kallman’s syndrome) (20%/35%) Pituitary (5%/20%) Ovary (50%/40%) Prolactin adenomas, 1o hypopituitarism, Sheehan syndrome, (Thyroid) Gonadal dysgenesis, Premature ovarian failure (autoimmune, infection, irradiation, surgery, chemo) Anovulation (PCOS, tumors) Uterus/vagina (20%/5%) Congenital Absence, Imperforate hymen, Transverse vaginal septum, Asherman’s syndrome Others Drugs (Metoclopramide, neuroleptics) Premature ovarian failure may be due to any of the following except: a) Turner’s syndrome b) Autoimmune dysfunction c) Hyperandrogenism d) Radiation exposure A 15 year old female is brought to the ED because of very heavy vaginal bleeding. Her Hb level is 90 g/L. Each of the following diagnoses should be considered except: a) b) c) d) e) Anovulatory, dysfunctional bleeding Coagulopathy Pregnancy Endometrial polyps Thyroid dysfunction A 45 year old female is brought to the ED because of very heavy vaginal bleeding. Her Hb level is 90 g/L. What is the least likely diagnosis? a) b) c) d) e) Anovulatory, dysfunctional bleeding Coagulopathy Pregnancy Endometrial polyps Thyroid dysfunction A 14 year old girl is brought to the ED by her mother because she has been bleeding heavily for the past 2 weeks. She experienced menarche 6 months ago and has been very irregular. She denies any other medical problems. She has never been sexually active. She has normal secondary sexual development. Her BP is 100/60 and her pulse is 100. She is 5 ft tall and weighs 95 lbs. Her abdomen is benign. She will not let you perform a speculum or pelvic exam. Which of the following is not indicated in the evaluation of this patient? a) b) c) d) e) HCG Bleeding time CBC Type and Screen Estradiol level Approach to Abnormal Bleeding Abnormal Bleeding Investigations: • HCG • CBC, ferritin • TSH, prolactin, coagulation profile • Rule out organic diseases: H&P • Endometrial biopsy (esp. if > 40 years old) • + Ultrasound * Menopausal bleeding is endometrial cancer until proven otherwise – need tissue diagnosis Acute DUB Treatment Mild: • OCP • Cyclic Medroxy Progesterone Acetate (Provera) Severe: • Stabilize patient as required (ABC’s) • Premarin IV 25 mg q4-6h or high dose OCP • + Add OCP or Provera for maintenance • D&C if severely ill or unresponsive to medical therapy DUB Longterm Treatment Hormonal Manipulation of Cycle • Combined Contraceptives • Progesterone only • Progesterone IUD (Mirena) • GnRH analogue Control of Menorrhagia • NSAIDs for menorrhagia • Anti-fibrinolytic agents (Cyklokapron) Surgical • endometrial ablation • hysterectomy A 26 year old G0P0 complains of being too hairy. Her menses have always been irregular occurring every 2 to 6 months. She also complains of acne and is seeing a dermatologist for this. She denies any other medical problems. She is 5’ 5’’ tall, weighs 200 lbs, and her BP is 100/60. On exam, there is sparse hair around the nipples, chin and upper lip. There is no galactorrhea, thyromegaly, or temporal balding. Pelvic examination is normal. Which is the most likely condition in this patient? a) b) c) d) e) Idiopathic hirsutism Polycystic ovarian syndrome Late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia Sertoli-leydig cell tumor of the ovary Adrenal tumor PCOS ► Features: Menstrual irregularity (typically oligomenorrhea/anovulation) Possible androgen excess (clinical: acne, hirsutism, male-pattern hair loss)± biochemical. ± polycystic ovaries Metabolic issues/cardiovascular risks ( BMI; insulin resistance; DM2; dyslipidemia) Rotterdam Criteria In a woman with PCOS, a systemic manifestation that is the direct effect of the hyperinsulinemic state is: a) hirsutism b) obesity c) acanthosis nigricans d) hyperprolactinemia PCOS - pathophysiology insulin ↑estrogen ↓FSH + ↑LH anovulation ↑peripheral estrogen ↑androgens from ovary oligomenorrhea obesity HIRSUTISM INFERTILITY Treatment of PCOS Cycle Control ► ► ► Weight loss: diet, exercise & behavioural interventions are key Cyclic progesterone or OCP to prevent endometrial hyperplasia/ cancer Metformin to insulin levels & ? reduce risk of progression to type 2 diabetes Infertility ► ► ► Ovulation induction: Clomiphene, FSH, GnRH, etc. Ovarian drilling ART, Metformin to sensitize to ovulation induction Treatment of PCOS/Hirsutism - OCP (specifically Diane-35, Yaz) antiandrogenic - + spironolactone (inhibits steroid receptor) - Finasteride (5α reductase inhibitor) - Flutamide (androgen receptor reuptake inhibitor) - Mechanical removal of hair The Ferriman-Gallwey score The following statements are true except: a) Menopause occurs at ~51 years of age as a result of a genetically determined depletion of ovarian follicles responsive to gonadotropins. b) Menopause occurs earlier in smokers. c) Loss of ovarian function results in absolute estrogen deficiency. d) Hormone replacement therapy should not be used for prevention of cardiovascular disease or dementia Definitions Menopause (Early and Late) after 12 consecutive months of amenorrhea, resulting from the loss of ovarian follicular activity Menopause occurs with the final menstrual period which is only known with certainty retrospectively one year or more after the event. Perimenopause (Menopausal Transition) the period immediately prior to menopause when clinical, biological, and endocrinological features of approaching menopause commence. The “climacteric” old. Early and Late too. Clinical Conditions In Menopause Vasomotor symptoms 75% of women > 1 year in 80% of women Primary indication for ERT/HRT SSRI, clonidine, gabapentin, black cohosh Urogenital atrophy Lubricants, moisturizers, local estrogen therapy Osteoporosis Ca, Vit D, smoking cessation, exercise Bisphosphonates, ERT/HRT, SERMs (raloxifene) HRT ► Good relief of vasomotor and GU symptoms Increases BMD, decreases fracture risk Decrease colorectal cancer ► Bad Increases VTE, CAD, stroke ► ► ? Increased risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, and dementia No increased risk of endometrial cancer A 42 year old G4P4 woman states her cycles are regular and denies any STIs. Currently she and her husband uses condoms, but they hate the hassle of a coital dependent method. She is interested in a more effective contraceptive method. They do not want any more children. She reports occasional migraine headaches, has had a serious allergic reaction to anesthesia as a child. She is a social drinker and smoker. She weighs 70 kg, her BP is 142/88. Which is the most appropriate method for this patient? a) b) c) d) e) Combination OCP Diaphragm Transdermal patch Intrauterine device Bilateral tubal ligation Contraception ► Combined Hormonal OCP, Patch, Ring • Cyclic, extended, continuous • ► Progestin Only Progestin only pill (Micronor) • DMPA (Depo-Provera) • ► Intrauterine Devices • • ► Barrier Methods • ► Copper IUD (Nova-T) Hormonal IUS (Mirena) Male and female condom, diaphragm, cervical cap, sponge Permanent Sterilization • • Male Female (laparoscopic and hysteroscopic) Hormonal Contraception Absolute contraindications ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► Pregnancy Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding Thromboembolic disease Estrogen dependent tumors Coronary/cerebrovascular disease Impaired liver function Uncontrolled hypertension Migraines with neurological symptoms Smoker, age >35 Relative contraindication ► ► ► ► ► ► Migraines (non-focal) Controlled hypertension Hyperlipidemia Sickle cell anemia Gallbladder disease SLE Method-related Pregnancy Pill-Related Problems bloating, nausea, and breast tenderness ► breakthrough bleeding ► amenorrhea ► goal of continuous or extended bothersome for cyclic regimens ► post-pill amenorrhea median time for menses was 32 days and ≤90 days for 99% consider amenorrhea w/u. Combined hormonal contraceptives: a) Decrease the risk of stroke and VTE b) Should only be started on the first day of a menstrual period c) Suppress ovulation mainly through an estrogen dominant effect d) Is contraindicated in women >35 years old e) Decrease dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia and acne In combined hormonal contraceptives, which of the following is the primary contraceptive effect of the estrogenic component? a) b) c) d) e) Conversion of ethinyl estradiol to mestranol Atrophy of the endometrium Suppression of cervical mucus secretion Suppression of LH secretion Suppression of FSH secretion A 38 yo G3P3 would like to restart the birth control pill. Her PMHx is significant for hypertension, well controlled with a diuretic, and a seizure disorder. Her last seizure was 12 years ago and currently is on no anti-epileptic medications. She complains of stress related headaches that are relieved with over the counter pain medications. She is divorced, smokes 1 pack of cigarettes per day, drinks 3-4 alcoholic beverages per week. On exam, she weighs 90 kg, her BP is 126/80, and pelvic exam is normal. She has some lower extremity non-tender varicosities. She has taken birth control pills in the past and would like to restart them as they help with her menstrual cramps. Which of the following would contradict the use of combination oral contraceptives in this patient? a) b) c) d) e) Varicose veins Tension headaches Seizure disorder Smoking in a woman over 35 years of age Hypertension True or False about OC ► ► ► ► ► ► The combined OC reduces the risks of ovarian and endometrial cancer. Women on the combined OC should have periodic pill breaks. The combined OC affects future fertility The combined OC causes birth defects if a woman becomes pregnant while taking it The combined OC must be stopped in all women over 35 The combined OC causes acne. ► True ► False ► False ► False ► False ► False 27 yo nulligravid student was “celebrating” with her male partner after passing her exams. Immediately after intercourse she noticed that the condom was broken. Her LMP was 12 days ago. She has regular 28 day cycles with molimina. She normally takes Alesse but had stopped 6 months ago. She pages you, her medical student best-friend , at 2 am. She does not want to get pregnant. What would be the appropriate management(s) to offer this couple? (You may chose up to three answers) Contraception a) Urgent pregnancy test (serum) b) Suggest expectant management and wait to see if she misses a period c) If she still has her Alesse tablets, take 5 of these now, and another 5 in 12 hours d) Insertion of copper containing IUD e) 0.75 mg Levonorgestrel po now and again in 12 hours f) Suggest doing a handstand q hourly x 48 hours to prevent implantation Emergency Contraception Yuzpe Method within 72 hours of intercourse 2 Ovral tablets q12h x 2 doses (with Gravol!) 100 µg estradiol + 500 µg levonorgestrol (LNG) EACH dose. 6-8% chance of pregnancy decreases to 2% with Yuzpe recent estimate of pregnancy 3.2% ‘Plan B’ within 72 hours of intercourse 0.75 mg (LNG) every 12h x 2 doses (less nausea) or 1 double dose of the LNG EC regimen (1.5 mg) may be used, as they have similar efficacy with no difference in side effects. increase in efficacy compared to Yuzpe with 1.1% pregnancy rate. beware BMI>30. Copper IUD Insertion most effective within 5 days of intercourse (extended up to 7 days in Canada) 1% failure rate Ovral And Substitutions Brand Pills/Dose EE (μg)/Dose LNG (μg)/Dose Ovral 2 100 500 Alesse 5 100 500 Triphasil 4 yellow 120 500 Triquilar 4 yellow 120 500 Minovral 4 120 600 Follow Yuzpe, therefore, repeat dose in 12h. An 18 yo university student recently became sexually active and is complaining of severe dysmenorrhea which is not responsive to heating pads and mild analgesics. She does not want to get pregnant. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment for this patient? a) b) c) d) e) NSAIDS Narcotic analgesics Short acting benzodiazepines Combined hormonal contraceptive Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) A 27 yo woman complains of mood swings, depression, irritability, and breast pain each month in the week prior to her menstrual period. She often calls in sick at work because she cannot function with these symptoms present. Which is the best option for treating this patient? a) b) c) d) e) NSAIDS Narcotic analgesics Short acting benzodiazepines Combined hormonal contraceptive Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) Continuous & Extended Hormonal Contraception Commonly used to various degrees worldwide ► Consider offering it to women for contraception, medical reasons, and personal preferences ► As effective as cyclic regimens ► Fewer total days bleeding and similar BTB pattern compared to cyclic. Both improving over time. ► Short-term safety data similar to cyclic ► Continuous & Extended Hormonal Contraception ► Non-contraceptive benefits Pain suppression (endometriosis) Bleeding suppression (fibroids, bleeding diathesis) Suppression of withdrawal symptoms (PMS) Suppression of menstrual migraine Management of perimenopausal symptoms Pelvic Pain: Differential Diagnosis ACUTE: • • Adnexal: • • Mittelschmerz Ovarian cysts, rupture, torsion • Hemorrhage into ovarian cyst or neoplasm Uterine: • • • • Degenerating fibroids Torsion of pedunculated fibroid Pyometra/hematometra CHRONIC: • • • • • • • • • Endometriosis/adenomyosis Dysmenorrhea (cyclic pain) Ovarian cysts Chronic PID Adhesions Uterine prolapse Cancer invasive (late) Fibroids Pelvic congestion syndrome Infectious • • Acute PID Endometritis ** RULE OUT PREGNANCY!** A 39 yo G3P3 complains of severe, progressive, secondary dysmenorrhea and menorrhagia. Pelvic examination demonstrates a tender, diffusely enlarged uterus with no adnexal tenderness. Endometrial biopsy was normal. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis? ► ► ► ► Endometriosis Endometritis Adenomyosis Leiomyoma Endometriosis • Abnormal growth of endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity • Pathogenesis is unknown • Infertility • Dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, dyschezia • On pelvic exam: • Tender nodules especially over uterosacrals • Uterine retroversion with decreased mobility • Adnexal enlargement with tenderness • May also be normal Diagnostic Laparoscopy For Pelvic Pain Should Be Performed To: a) Evaluate women with cyclic pain who respond to NSAIDs or OCP b) Initially evaluate women with chronic non-cyclic pelvic pain c) Biopsy and treat endometriotic lesions d) Lyse all adhesions Which Of The Following Statement(s) Is/Are True? a) Women with endometriosis always have dysmenorrhea or chronic pelvic pain. b) Minimal or mild endometriosis should only be treated medically and never surgically. c) The degree of pelvic pain correlates with laparoscopic findings. d) Medical treatment of endometriosis includes OCP, progestins, GnRH analogues (Lupron), Danazol. e) Medical treatment of endometriosis results in long term disease suppression and pain relief after cessation of therapy. Your 43 yo patient would like to get pregnant but is concerned that she may be too old to get pregnant. You recommend that she have her gonadotropin levels tested. Which day of the menstrual cycle is best to test this? Which day would be best to check her progesterone level to confirm ovulation? (cycle interval 28 days) a) b) c) d) e) Day 3 Day 8 Day 14 Day 21 Day 26 Infertility - Etiology Tubal/Pelvic Pathology (35%) Sperm Problems (35%) Ovarian Problems (15%) Unexplained (10-15%) Infertility Investigations 1. Ovaries • • • • Day 3 FSH LH kits, Day 21 progesterone. USS $$ TSH, Prolactin Basal Body Temperature 2. Testes • Semen analysis x 2 3. Tubes • • HSG/SIS (saline infusion sonohysterography)/ Tubal Patency testing (ie. Echovist – starch solution with saline, shaken to form millions bubbles) Laparoscopy (with chromopertubation) 4. Sex • • Timing Frequency Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) HSG Saline Sonohysterography Images of sonohysterography. The uterine wall and saline in the uterine cavity are seen as black or “empty” space. A fibroid is seen in the uterine cavity in the image on the right. Laparoscopy 31 y.o. woman complains of sudden onset of RLQ pain. • pain is constant and worse with movements. • no nausea/vomiting. • bowel movements are normal. Her LMP was 7 weeks ago, and she has been actively trying to get pregnant. Past medical history is positive for PID requiring hospitalization for IV antibiotics for 4 days. Her vitals are stable, and she is afebrile. She is having mild vaginal bleeding (<1 pad) that started today. The abdomen is tender with guarding. What is the most likely diagnosis? a) b) c) d) e) Ruptured ectopic pregnancy Appendicitis Incomplete abortion Ovarian torsion Hydatidiform mole Location of Ectopic Pregnancy What 3 initial investigations would be most appropriate? a) CBC b) pelvic ultrasound (endovaginal and transabdominal) c) flat plate (x-ray) of abdomen d) quantitative HCG e) sigmoidoscopy with possible colonoscopy f) IVP with delayed films In order to help distinguish an IUP from an ectopic pregnancy, the change in hCG levels over 48 hours is observed. What percentage rise in hCG represents the lower limit of normal values for viable IUP? a) 33% b) 50% c) 66% d) 100% Investigations • Hx & P/E • HCG quantitative, CBC, blood T&S • Pelvic Ultrasound and the Discriminatory Level - an intrauterine pregnancy should be seen if - HCG > 1 500 – 2 000 IU/L (transvaginal) - HCG > 6 500 IU/L (transabdominal) • Serial HCG - normal doubling time is about 2 days - inadequate doubling suggests abnormal pregnancy • Laparoscopy: definitive diagnosis Treatment 1. Medical (Methotrexate): • 50 mg/m2 (1/10th chemo dose) • serial HCG; weekly F/U • 10-15% failure rate, 25% require 2nd dose • Criteria: • patient clinically stable • no FHR • hCG <5000 • <3.5cm unruptured ectopic pregnancy • no hepatic/renal/hematologic disease • compliance and F/U essential 2. Surgical • Laparoscopy vs laparotomy • Salpingectomy vs salpingostomy Ectopic Pregnancy A 60 year old woman presents with a pelvic mass. What percentage of ovarian neoplasms in post-menopausal women are malignant: a) 5% b) 10% c) 30% d) 50% Ovarian Neoplasms 1. 21 yo G2P2 with increasing hair growth, more acne, with a 7cm left adnexal mass. 2. A 23 yo woman undergoing laparoscopy for a 5 cm solid right ovarian mass. Pathology shows hair, sebum and thyroid tissue. 3. A 56 yo postmenopausal woman with enlarged uterus, vaginal bleeding, and a 6 cm right adnexal mass. 4. A 10 yo healthy young girl with LLQ pain and left ovarian mass. 5. A 17 yo woman with primary amenorrhea with a pelvic mass. Karyotyping revealed a mosaicism of sex chromosomes (45, X/46, XY) ► ► ► ► ► Granulosa tumor Germ cell tumor Gonadoblastoma Sertoli Leydig cell tumor Mature teratoma (dermoid cyst) Ovarian Cysts/Tumors Benign vs. malignant ► Benign ► Physiological (follicular cysts, corpus luteal cysts, hemorrhagic cysts) Endometrioma Benign adenomas Germ cell tumors (dermoid cysts) Ultrasound:Ovarian Tumors A 30 yo woman came to your office because her 70 yo grandmother recently died from ovarian cancer. You discuss with her the risk factors and prevention of ovarian cancer. Which of the following can decrease a woman’s risk of ovarian cancer? a) b) c) d) e) Use of combination OC therapy Menopause after age 55 NSAIDS Nulliparity Ovulation induction medications Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines (2012) Question 2005 Guidelines Updated Cytology Guidelines (2011) Primary HPV guidelines (2011) Initiation Within 3 years of 1st vaginal sexual activity (with cytology) Age 21 years with cytology in sexually active women Age 30 years with primary HPV screening Interval (after a negative test) Annual until 3 consecutive negative cytology tests, then every 2-3 years Every 3 years Age ≥ 30: every 5 years Cessation Age 70 (if adequate negative screening history in previous 10 years (≥ 3 negative tests) No change Age 65 years if adequate negative screening history and final negative HPV test at age 65 years Follow-up (after a positive test) • ASCUS (age ≥ 30): triage with HPV • ASCUS (age < 30): repeat cytology at 6 mos. intervals over 12 mos. •ASC-H, HSIL, sq. ca., adenoca. Refer to colposcopy •AGC, atypical endocervical cells, atypical endometrial cells. Refer to colposcopy ± endometrial sampling •LSIL: repeat cytology at 6 mos. Intervals over 12 mos. Or refer to colposcopy. No change Age ≥ 30: • HPV +ve: triage with cytology • HPV +ve/cytology +ve (≥ASCUS): refer to colposcopy • HPV +ve/cytology –ve: repeat HPV test at 12 mos. Refer HPV +ve results to colposcopy. A 45 yo G4 P4 presents for her well-woman examination. She has had 4 vaginal deliveries. Her LMP was 1 year ago and she still has occasional vasomotor symptoms. Past health is notable for conization of the cervix for adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) performed 5 years ago. All of her PAP smears have been normal since. How often should she undergo PAP smear testing? a) b) c) d) e) Every 3 months Every 6 months Every year Every 2 years Every 3 years Colposcopy 1° HPV Management Algorithm HPV testing in women age 30-65 years Positive Negative Cytology test Repeat HPV testing at 5 year intervals until age 65 Negative Repeat HPV testing at 12 months Negative Positive (≥ ASCUS) Colposcopy Positive 1° HPV Screening Disconnect between the Science and Reality: • Clear evidence for primary HPV screening but conventional PAP/cytology is sole modality so far • HPV test not currently publicly-funded in Ontario • Currently more of a co-test • Should implement primary HPV screening within organized program • • OCSP not fully organized – underway with patient correspondence starting summer 2012 ? implementation in 2015-2016. A 21 yo woman is seen for a Pap smear showing HSIL, colposcopy confirms a cervical lesion. Which of the following HPV types is often associated with this type of lesion? A 20 yo woman complains of bumps around her vaginal opening which have been getting bigger. On physical exam, there are multiple 2-10 mm lesions around her introitus. Her cervix has no gross lesions. A Pap test showed ASCUS. Reflex HPV testing showed no high risk HPV. Which of the following HPV types is often associated with this? a) b) c) d) e) HPV type 6 HPV type 11 HPV type 16 HPV type 42 HPV type 44 HPV Immunization ► Prevents 2 high-risk (HR) Types that cause 80% of cervical cancer 16, 18 most likely assocaiated with cancer. ► Immunized women continue to need screening A 29 yo G0 complains of a vaginal discharge that is thin, grayish white color. She noticed a slight fishy vaginal odor. She denies vaginal or vulvar pruritis or burning. She is sexually active, but denies STIs in the past. She is on OCP. Last month, she took a course of amoxicillin for a sinus infection. What is the most likely diagnosis? a) b) c) d) e) Physiologic discharge Candidiasis Bacterial vaginosis Trichomoniasis Chlamydia Parameter Normal Findings Vulvovaginal candidiasis Bacterial vaginosis Trichomoniasis Symptoms None or mild, transient Pruritus, soreness, change in discharge, dyspareunia Malodorous discharge, no dyspareunia Malodorous, purulent discharge, dyspareunia Signs Normal vaginal discharge: white/ transparent, thick, mostly odorless Vulvar erythema, edema, fissure . Thick, white, adherent, “cottagecheese” Thin, homogeneous, gray, malodourous discharge Purulent, greenishyellow discharge, vulvovaginal erythema Vaginal pH 4.0 - 4.5 4.0 - 4.5 > 4.5 5.0 - 6.0 Amine Test Negative Negative Positive (about 7080%) Often positive Saline microscopy PMN:EC ratio <1; rods dominate; squames +++ PMN:EC ratio <1; rods dominate; squames +++;pseudohyphae (about 40 percent); budding yeast for nonalbicans Candida PMN:EC <1; loss of rods; increased coccobacilli;clue cells (>90 percent) PMN ++++; mixed flora; motile trichomonads (60 percent) 10% KOH Negative Pseudohyphae (about 70 percent) Negative Negative Culture if microscopy negative Culture of no value If microscopy negative perform culture or rapid antigen/nucleic acid amplification tests Other Differential Diagnosis Physiologic leukorrhea Contact irritant or allergic vulvar dermatitis, chemical irritation, focal vulvitis (vulvodynia) Purulent vaginitis, DIV, atrophic vaginitis, erosive lichen planus GENERAL DIAGNOSTIC APPROACH ► Office-based tests are under-utilized: Microscopy not performed in 37% pH not measured in >90% Whiff testing not performed in >90% Medication prescribed in 54% without clinical evaluation. Vulvovaginitis Treatment Candida Intravaginal OTC azole ovules and creams (clotrimazole, miconazole) Fluconazole 150 mg po single dose Bacterial Vaginosis Metronidazole 500 mg po BID for 7days Metronidazole gel 0.75%, 5g pv OD for 5 days • Clindamycin cream 2%, 5g pv OD for 7 days (oil-based) • • Alternatives • • Metronidazole 2 g PO single dose (85% cure but higher relapse) Clindamycin 300 mg PO for 7 days Trichomonas Metronidazole 2 g po single dose Metronidazole 500 mg BID for 7 days 19 year old G0 woman presents to the ER with lower abdo/pelvic pain for 2 days. She had developed a fever today and a vaginal discharge. She has recently become sexually active and is not using contraception. A pregnancy test is negative. What is the most likely diagnosis? a) early appendicitis b) chlamydial cervicitis c) disseminated herpes d) PID e) trichomonas vaginitis PID Clinical diagnosis • ascending infection to endometrium, tubes, peritoneum • spectrum of severity • 2/3 asymptomatic, many subtle or mild symptoms. Common: • • • • fever > 38.3 C lower abdominal/pelvic pain and tenderness (adnexal) cervical motion tenderness on bimanual exam abnormal discharge: vaginal or cervical. Uncommon: • nausea, vomiting • dysuria • irregular vaginal bleeding • RUQ pain (Fitz-Hugh-Curtis) Reasons for Hospitalization • pregnancy • failed outpatient management of oral antimicrobials • unable to tolerate oral meds • tubo-ovarian abscess • severe illness, nausea/vomiting, high fever • immunocompromised • previous instrumentation • unreliable for follow up or compliance A 50 yo woman complains of leakage of urine. In addition to genuine stress urinary incontinence (GSI), which of the following is the most common cause of urinary leakage? a) b) c) d) e) Detrusor dyssynergia Urethral diverticulum Overflow incontinence Mixed incontinence Fistula A 65 yo woman presents for evaluation of pelvic prolapse. She has a history of well controlled chronic hypertension. She has had 3 SVD, the last baby weighed 9 lbs and required forceps for delivery. She has a Hx of chronic constipation and uses a laxative regularly. She has smoked for 30 years and has a smoker’s cough. She is postmenopausal and has never been on HT. Which of the following is the LEAST important in the subsequent development of genital prolapse in this patient? a) b) c) d) e) chronic cough chronic constipation chronic hypertension childbirth trauma menopause Pelvic relaxation Predisposing Factors • age • pregnancy and vaginal childbirth • menopause (↓ estrogen) • changes in pelvic anatomy (surgery) • obesity • chronic cough • chronic constipation • connective tissue disorders Treatment 1. Conservative • • • • • • Pessary (not useful for rectocele) Kegels weight loss stool softeners HT smoking cessation 2. Surgical • • • • Vaginal Hysterectomy (for uterine prolapse) Vaginal Repair (anterior, enterocele, and/or posterior repair) Vault suspension Anti-incontinence procedure Good Luck!! Any questions?