Introduction and Expectations

Welcome to Global 9
Bell ringer
• Find your seat.
• Bell ringer
• Agenda and objectives
• Introduction to Global Studies 9 and the Regents
• Expectations, procedures, and grading
• Closure
• Begin pre-assessment
Objectives: Students will be
able to…
• Describe the contents of the Global Studies 9 course
as well as the contents and format of the Global
History & Geography Regents.
• Identify where the essential learnings and targets are
located in the room and explain what they are.
• List class expectations and procedures.
• Explain the grading policy.
• Identify when I am available for help.
Miss Barlow
• School – Windsor, Elmira College, Binghamton
• Subjects – Global Studies 9, AP World History
• Extracurriculars – Student Council
Objectives: Students will be
able to…
• Describe the contents of the Global Studies 9 course
as well as the contents and format of the Global
History & Geography Regents.
Global Studies 9
• Course Description: A study of world history and
geography, from early civilizations through the Age
of Absolute Monarchs. Major emphasis will be on
classical Greece & Rome, growth of religion, the rise
of Europe, (Middle Ages, Enlightenment, and
Reformation). Special attention will be given to
thematic and Document Based essays. Final exam is
given by the department. Required to Graduate. At
the end of 10th grade, students will take a state
Regents examination that combines 9th and 10th
grade material.
Regents Exam
• Global Studies is a 2 year course and you will take a
Regents Exam at the end of 10th grade
• The Regents exam contains the following three
• 50 multiple choice
• 1 DBQ Essay with documents
• 1 Thematic Essay
Objectives: Students will be
able to…
• Identify where the essential learnings and targets are
located in the room and explain what they are.
Essential Learnings, Targets,
and Objectives
• Essential Learnings are the major topics that you
will be learning this year.
• Targets are the most important points that you will
be learning about those major topics.
• Objectives describe what you will be able to do by
the end of each lesson.
Objectives: Students will be
able to…
• List class expectations and procedures.
Class Expectations
• Listen and be respectful to me and others
• Everyone has something to contribute and everyone will
contribute during each class
• Follow directions – we have material to cover, so don’t
waste time
• There will be consequences for misbehavior and
• Lunch detention
• After school
• Write-up
• Be on time
Class Expectations (cont’d)
• Absolutely no cell phones
• Ladies – your purses do not need to be on your desks
• No food or drinks except water
• This includes items from the café
• Watch your language
• Bathroom
• Don’t ask to go during notes
Class Expectations (cont’d)
• Everyday you will need your:
• Packet
• Paper
• Pen or pencil
• If you come unprepared, I will not send you back to your
• Participate – get involved during each class
• Ask questions!
• Learn something and get interested!
More Expectations?
• Everyday . . .
• Pick up a Senteo and complete the bellringer – (you have
until 3 minutes after the bell rings). Keep the Senteo at your
• Mondays will be extended bellringer days – paragraph or
more m.c.
• Notes and discussion
• Class work
• Homework
• Friday quizzes
• Essays, readings, projects, etc. will change the routine
Objectives: Students will be
able to…
• Explain the grading policy.
Homework and class work assignments (5-20 pts.)
• Late assignments will result in deductions
Bellringers (2-18 pts./week)
• Mondays: 10 points, Tuesday-Friday: 2 points/day
• If you are late you will not receive bellringer credit.
Weekly Friday quizzes (20-30 pts.)
Quarter exams (200 pts.)
Essays (50-100 pts.), research paper (pts TBD)
Points you receive/total number of points x 100 = quarter average
• eSchool
• Homework Center
Objectives: Students will be
able to…
• Identify when I am available for help.
• Fire drills
• Attendance policy
• Computer lab and library
• If you need help, please see me!
• Passes will be available mods 3 and 9
• Before school, after school
• Pre-assessment
Closure: Essential Questions
• What will be covered in Global Studies 9?
• What courses are tested on the Global History &
Geography Regents?
• Where are the essential learnings, targets, and objectives
located in the room? What are each of these?
• What do you need to bring to class everyday?
• Tell me one thing about my grading policy.
• If you need help, when am I available?