Vocabulary Workshop Unit 1 English 9 Name________________ Across 4. n. a standstill resulting from the opposition of two equal forces or factions; (v) to bring to such a standstill 6. scattered fragments, wreckage 7. an antonym for perennial 15. an antonym for admonish 18. a synonym for relinquish 20. another synonym for opinionated 21. an antonym for relinquish 22. an antonym for cumbersome 23. a synonym for deadlock 26. a synonym for salvage 27. a synonym for cumbersome 28. a synonym for perennial 29. (v) to save from fire or shipwreck; (n) property thus saved 30. stubborn and often unreasonable in holding to one’s own ideas, having a closed mind Word Bank warn ponderous rescue cinch retain reasonable manageable praise abandon rubble brief agreement disperse enduring surrender standoff obstinate pickle concentrate pigheaded Down 1. an antonym for opinionated 2. a difficult or perplexing situation or problem 3. to caution or advise against something; to scold mildly; to remind of a duty 5. clumsy, hard to handle; slowmoving 8. a synonym for dilemma 9. a synonym for admonish 10. v. to spread or scatter freely or widely; (adj) wordy, long-winded, or unfocused; scattered or widely spread 11. a synonym for opinionated 12. (adj) lasting for a long time, persistent; (n) a plant that lives for many years 13. an antonym for dilemma 14. an antonym for deadlock 16. a synonym for diffuse 17. to let go, give up 19. an antonym for salvage 24. an antonym for diffuse 25. a synonym for debris Word Bank Admonish Cumbersome Deadlock Debris Diffuse Dilemma Opinionated Perennial Relinquish Salvage