

Bullying Issues

Act 681 of 2003

Northwest Arkansas Child Care

Resource & Referral Center

614 E. Emma, Suite # 135

Springdale, AR 72764

479-751-3463 www.nwachildcare.org



Carolene Thornton Ed.D

Bullying is

Repeated hurtful behavior by one or more persons toward another person or persons

BULLYING Behaviors:

Bullying behavior may include:

 physical,

 verbal,

 written and/or

 emotional abuse

 intended to be intimidating

 threatening

 harmful to another person.

Bullying occurs whenever one or more persons enjoys using power to repeatedly and consistently harm one or more people.

ACT 681

In 2003 the 84 th General Assembly of the

Arkansas State Legislature enacted House Bill

#2274 as Act 681 of 2003

Requires every school to adopt anti-bullying policies.

Requires publishing notice of the policy.

Requires mandatory reporting.

Recommends staff training.

Requires filing of policy with ADE.

Anti-Bullying Policy Required

Every school and school district is required to adopt an anti-bullying policy including:

A definition of bullying,

Age appropriate consequences,

A plan for publishing the policy,

Provide training

Policy to be Posted

Bullying posters and consequences must be posted in every:


 Cafeteria




School Bus

Policy Notification

In addition, copies of this policy are to be given to:



School Volunteers

School Employees

Mandatory Reporting

All school employees must report any incident of bullying.

All incidents of bullying are to be reported to the school principal.

The employee is immune from tort liability.


The local school board may provide opportunities for school employees to participate in programs or other activities designed to develop the knowledge and skills to prevent and respond to acts covered by this policy.

District Required to File

The school district must file a copy of their policies with the Arkansas Department of


The Department of Education must review the policy and may make recommendations for changes or improvements.

To be Considered Bullying:

There must be:

Repeated and consistent negative actions.

Imbalance of power between the child who bullies and the target child.

Contrasting feelings between the child who bullies and the target child as a result of the bullying.

4 Types of Bullying






Physical bullies hurt people and/or damage property.


Verbal bullies use humiliation and insulting comments


Relational bullies (often girls) influence their peers to reject or exclude another child.


The movie: Mean Girls


 Using technology to:

* Threaten

* Intimidate

* Scare

* Gossip

* Rumor

* Demean

* Harass

Recent Bully Research

Research suggests today that bullies tend to have:

Inflated self esteem

Need to feel powerful

Family history

Who are the Victims?

Research studies have indicated that 1 in every 10 students are regularly harassed or hurt by bullies.

A survey reflected that 87% of the 4 th graders responding to a survey had been bullied.

 An ‘unscientific’ survey by a local northwest

Arkansas educator found similar results.

Anti-Bullying Programs

We encourage all school districts to develop and implement a school-wide bullying program.

Some suggested curriculum and books;

Second Step

BullyProofing Your Schools

The Bully Free Classroom

Set Straight on Bullies (video)

How to Identify a Problem

 How do you know if bullying is a problem?

 Ask the students

 Perform a survey

 Have the students write essays

 Put up a suggestion box

 Use ‘silent’ complaint forms

MYTHS about Bullying

All bullying is physical.

Bullying is just playing around.

Bullying is normal peer conflict.

 Bullying is only a boy’s issue.

Bullying has no lasting effects.

Bullying behavior is seen only in children.

Being bullied toughens you up


Bullying Bystander:

Implied Approval; The Silent Majority

Why do children allow others to bully?

Fear of being targeted

Feel helpless


How Bullying Affects the

Target Child

Low selfconfidence


 Depression


Possible Future Problems

for the target child

Academic Problems

Social Isolation

Mental Health Issues

Substance Abuse

Clinical Depression

How does Bullying Behavior

Affect the Bully?



Low Self Confidence

Projectionpsychological defense of one’s own unwanted characteristics.

Possible Future Problems for the child who Bullies

Academic Problems

 Vocational Difficulties

Social Isolation

Legal Problems

 Violence and Crime

Warning Signs that Your Child is the Target of Bullying

 Any change in normal behavior

Reluctance to attend school or peer-centered activities at school.

 Unexplainable drop in academic performance

 Torn clothing

Headaches, stomachaches, or other unexplainable illnesses.

Waking frequently, sleeping more than normal, or other changes in sleep patterns.

 Avoiding peers and social groupings at school.

 Avoiding the school cafeteria or playground.

 Avoiding extracurricular activities.

 Loss of interest in activities formerly enjoyed.

 Sad and depressed demeanor.

Reluctance to walk to or from school.

 Reluctance to talk about what’s happening at school.

What Teachers of Target

Children Can Do to Help

Teachers must be:

 Accessible

 Trustworthy



Provide supervision

Be supportive

 Accept the student’s feelings

 Role play responses

Help them determine possible solutions.

Reporting Bullying

All school employees must report any bullying incidences to the school principal.

School employees cannot be sued for reporting



Solutions with the Students

When Should Parents Contact the School?

 When you’ve worked with him/her at home, but the problem remains serious

 when his/her academic performance is failing.

 when he/she is physically threatened.

When the child seems to be depressed

Contacting the School

Gather as much information about the bullying episodes as possible.

Schedule a meeting to discuss the problem with the teacher, counselor, and/or administrator.

Develop an action plan.

Put the plan into action.

Have a follow up meeting to evaluate the action plan and discuss changes in behavior.

Warning Signs Your

Student/Child is a Bully

 Enjoys putting down other people.

 Doesn’t care whether others’ feelings are hurt.

 Shows a disrespect for authority.

 Shows a fascination with neo-

Nazism or racial supremacy.

 Shows disrespect for the opposite sex.

 Makes jokes about rape or other violence against women.

 Enjoys fighting.

 Believes “everything should go my way”.

 Won’t admit mistakes.

Lies frequently to get out of trouble.

Thinks rules are stupid.

 Deliberately hurts pets or other animals.

 Believes other people aren’t to be trusted.

 Refuses to admit fear.

Uses anger to get what he/she wants.

Has an attitude of superiority over other children.

What Teachers / Parents of

Bullies Can Do?

Teach your child/student to care about others.

Teach your child/student to be a peacemaker.

Teach your child/student to be responsible.

Know when to seek professional help.

Teach Your Students/Child to Care About Others

Ask your children how they feel.

Provide unconditional love.

Focus on similarities and discuss differences between your child and others.

 Refuse to laugh at cruel or demeaning jokes.

Be kind.

 Show kindness to animals.

Follow the Golden Rule.

Teach Your Students/Child to be a Peacemaker

Use respectful discipline techniques.

Use healing words

 “Thank you”

 “I love you”

 “I forgive you”

Teach Your Students/Child to be Responsible

Have a positive attitude.

Be a model of honesty at all times.

Provide good supervision.

Be cooperative and supportive.

Admit your mistakes.

Empower your children to determine the classroom rules.

Role model good behavior.

Bullying Can be Stopped if We:

Learn to identify the problem

Intervene effectively

Build self esteem

Teach problem-solving skills in children who are targeted by bullying.

Encourage empathy, responsibility, and kindness in children who bully.

Recognize and change insidious social myths about bullying.

Take positive steps that will make more confident, better-behaved children to build a happier future.

When do You Contact a


When you see serious signs of:



Post-Traumatic Syndrome

When do You Contact the

Legal Authorities?

Ask yourself the question:

Has a delinquent act been committed?

Know When to Seek

Professional Help

If your child’s serious behavior problems continue despite your best efforts, professional help may be necessary

Encourage parents to contact a:


Social Worker


Feel Safe and Secure

Every student/child has a right to a safe school.

Free to learn without threats, aggression or intimidation.
