ARAB-ISRAELI CONFICT TIMELINES 1917-1945 1896 THEODRO HERZL wrote ‘THE JEWISH STATE’ Pre 1917 : Break up of Ottoman Empire 1908 Young Turk movement revolution so evdeicne of weakening Ottoman Empire. 1914-1918: World War 1 1915-1916: MacMahon-Hussein Correspondence 1916: Sykes-Picot Agreements 1916 June Arab Revolt 1917 Balfour Declaration 1917: General Allenby leads British occupation of Jerusalem 1917 Russian Revolution increased immigration 1918 Collapse of the Ottoman Empire 1919: King Crane Commission and Versailles Peace Conference 1920 San Remo Conference 1920 France handed the Mandate in Syria and Lebanon, Britain handed the mandate in Palestine and Iraq 1920 Arab Executive formed to fight Zionism 1921: Haganah created 1921 Disturbances in Jaffa (Jaffa Riots) 1922 Churchill White Paper 1922 Increase in Jewish immigration 1929: Economic crisis 1929 Wailing Wall riots 1930 Jewish immigration doubles 1931 : Irgun group created. 1933: Hitler rises to power and so leads to great increase of Jewish immigration in Palestine 1935: The preparations for the Arab Revolts 1935: Aladi al-Quassan new leader of the Arabs 1935: Aladi al-Quassan killed by British soldiers 1936-39 Great Arab Revolt 1937: Peel Report – to Partition Palestine 1939 White Paper 5rejected by both Arabs and Jews) 1939-1945 World War 2 1940 : 30% of population in Palestine is Jewish 1942: Biltmore Programme 1945: Holocaust is discovered 1945 Lehi and Haganah and Irgun form United Resistance 1946 King David Hotel Bombed (8) 1947 GB declares it will withdraw the Mandate in 1 year’s time 1947 April Deir Yassin massacre 1947 2 British soliders kidnapped by Irgun 1947 July: GB refuses Exodus (boatfuml of Jexwish refugees) 1947: 29 November UN vote for Partition of Palestine 1948 May 15th GB withdraws 1948-1949 1st Arab Israeli War