European Imperialism continues in the Middle decades!!!

European Imperialism continues in the Middle
East from 1920s –WWI- for approximately three
During this time, nationalist movements grow!!
Hussein Ibn Ali Arab Nationalist who was deceived by
the British during WWI
On May 19, 1916, Great Britain and France secretly reach an accord,
the Sykes-Picot agreement.
Sykes-Picot agreement, by which most of the Arab lands under the rule of the
Ottoman Empire are to be divided into British and French spheres of influence with
the conclusion of World War I.
European Mandate System overArab
British Mandate in Palestine….creates
future problems…
British also promised
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 was the first significant declaration by a world
power in favor of a Jewish "national home" in what was known as Palestine.
Jews migrate to Palestine after Holocaust
British- Arabs and Jewish people the same land!
Israel / Palestine: Arab / Jewish
Population (1914-2005)
Arab resentment and anger at the British & Europeans for not
living up to promise made during WWI!
British promised the Jewish a homeland in Palestine, while
indicating they would allow Arabs independence in Palestine!
All of the Arab/African peoples are unhappy about European
Colonialism & begin a Nationalism Movement & struggle against
Europeans Dominance/ Imperialism.!!!
1- Arab
Nationalism; revolts and
2- World War II weaken the
European Powers
French Colonization of Algeria was the most
brutal and lasted the longest- 1848-1962
Ahmed Ben Bella
Independence Leader against France in Algeria
Ben Bella becomes the first Algerian President with independence in 1962.
Gamal Nasser in Egypt
Nasser led the Egyptian Revolution of 1952 & becomes the 1st President of Egypt.
Prince Faysal was
an Arab nationalist
since WWI.
Third son of Hussein ibn Ali.
Hussein Ibn Ali Sonsbecame King of Jordan
King Faisal of Iraq
Abdullah 1st of Jordan
After decades of revolution
Independence of Middle Eastern Countries
After WWII is usually the date associated with end of colonial rule in Middle East.
After the British leave Palestine
Partitioned into two states
Jewish State and Arab State