Vocab Unit 3 2nd Collab

Vocab Unit 3
2nd block collaborative
Definition: (V.) To regard with
intense aversion or loathing; abhor.
Synonyms: Loathe, Abhor,
Despise, and Detest
Antonyms: Relish, Savor, Esteem,
and love
Sentence: According to Hindu religion, consumption of meat of
the cow is seen as an abomination.
Definition: (N.) a process
in which members of
one cultural group adopt
the beliefs and behaviors
of another group.
Synonyms: Acclimatization,
Nationalization, naturalization,
and assimilation
Antonyms: No
antonyms exist for this
Sentence: The criminal law was an crucial
part of his experience and the process of
his acculturation into American society
Definition: (adj.)
Resulting from chance
rather than from an
inherent cause or
Medical definition:
arising sporadically or in
other than the usual
Synonyms: Accidental,
Extrinsic, Alien,
Extraneous, and
Antonyms: Inherent, Innate, and
Sentence: The proposal also
that adventitious contamination cannot
be totally avoided.
(V.)To credit or assign, as to
a cause or source; attribute;
Synonyms: Attribute,
Impute, and Credit
Disbelieve, Discredit,
and Mistrust
Sentence: While you can
sometimes ascribe these
symptoms to allergies, I’m
pretty sure you have a fullfledged cold.
Circuitous (adj.)
• Roundabout, not direct
Synonyms: indirect, meandering,
Antonyms: straight, direct, as the
crow flies
Rivers are often uneven, untidy and take circuitous
• To sympathize with,
have pity or sorrow for,
share a feeling of
Synonyms: feel sorry for,
Antonym: feel no
sympathy for
Today, we commiserate with those who have
lost loved ones in the war.
• To direct or order; to
prescribe a course of action in
an authoritative way; to
Synonyms: bid, charge, adjure
Antonyms: allow, permit
After my father learns I failed all of my exams,
he will probably take steps to enjoin me from
using my credit cards.
Definition (v.)to make easy cause to progress faster
Synonyms: accelerate,
facilitate, speed up
Antonyms: hinder, hamper,
impede, obstruct
Fedex expedited my shipment, and it
arrived three days earlier than expected.
Expiate (v.)
To make amends, make up for; avert
Though he lacked in general intelligence,
Lu Bu expiated his low knowledge with
his god-like strength and mastery of the
martial arts.
Synonyms: redeem, make amends for, make reparation
(n.) a state of great excitement, agitation or turbulence
(v.) to be in or work into such a state; to produce alcohol by chemical reaction
Dozens of volunteer fighters had signed up for battle in the ferment of the Yellow
Turban Rebellion.
Synonyms: commotion, turmoil, unrest
Antonyms: peace and quiet, tranquility, placidity
Inadvertent (adj.)
Resulting from or marked by lack of attention; unintentional, accidental
In a fit of rage fueled by his sworn
brother’s death, Liu Bei had inadvertently
killed Wu’s leader, Sun Quan.
Synonyms: accidental
Antonyms: deliberate, intentional
Nominal (adj.)
Existing in name only, not real; too small to be considered or taken seriously
Though they are nominal outside of China, Liu Bei, Cao Cao and Sun Jian
will always exist in Chinese history as
the three great leaders of the Late Han Dynasty.
Synonyms: titular, inconsequential
Antonyms: actual, exorbitant
Sangfroid (n)
Composure or coolness, especially in trying
Synonyms- poise, self assurance, equanimity
Antonyms- excitability, hysteria
Even as the building fell around him, the fireman
maintained his sangfroid and rescued the little girl.
Definition: (n.) a natural habitual inclination or tendency (especially of human
character or behavior)
Synonyms: Penchant, Propensity
Antonyms: Inability, Incapacity
Sentence: Curious, patient, and found
Of long walks outdoors, she soon
displayed a Proclity in nature study.
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
(adj.) not decisive or definite;
unwilling to take a clear position
We questioned her quietly, carefully,
and at length but her answers
remained noncommittal.
Synonyms: cagey, uninformative, playing it safe, playing it
close to the vest.
Antonyms: positive, definite, committed
QuickTime™ and a
are needed to see this picture.
(adj.) not decisive or definite;
unwilling to take a clear position
We questioned her quietly, carefully,
and at length but her answers
remained noncommittal.
Synonyms: cagey, uninformative, playing it safe, playing it
close to the vest.
Antonyms: positive, definite, committed
Seditious ( adj. )
• Resistant to lawful authority; having the purpose
of overthrowing an established gov.
Synonyms – Mutinous, rebellious, subversive
Antonyms – Supportive, faithful, allegiant
The man thought being seditious would help the country become more
Tenuous ( adj. )
• Thin, slender, not dense; lacking clarity or sharpness;
slight importance; lacking a sound basis.
Synonyms – flimsy, insubstantial, vague, hazy
Antonyms – strong, solid, substantial
The man was so tenuous, he could not rock climb
to save his life.
Vitriolic (adj.)
• Bitter, sarcastic; highly caustic or biting (like a strong acid)
Synonyms – withering, acerbic, mordant
Antonyms – bland, honeyed, sugary
The vitriolic boy lied to the teacher about
stealing the girls pencil, just so he could flirt
with her.
Wheedle (v.)
• To use coaxing or flattery to gain some desired end
Synonyms – inveigle, soft-soap, sweet-talk
Antonyms – coerce, browbeat, intimidate
The president used his money to wheedle the info
on the aliens.