Tragedy - MRSS Library

Drama where the central character(s) suffer
disaster/great misfortune
A drama in which a character (usually a good and noble person of
high rank) is brought to a disastrous end in his or her
confrontation with a superior force (fortune, the gods, social
forces, universal values), but also comes to understand the
meaning of his or her deeds and to accept an appropriate
punishment. (The Norton Introduction to Literature, 7th ed)
Tragic Hero
The tragic hero is a man of
noble stature.
“high position” usually means a king,
duke, prince, company owner, etc.
He is not an ordinary man, but a
man with outstanding quality
and greatness about him.
He is good—but not “too
good”—so the audience can
identify with him.
Tragic Hero
His own destruction is for a greater cause or principle—i.e. it
proves a point.
It should be noted that the hero's downfall is his own fault as a
result of his own free choice, but his misfortune is not wholly
Usually his death is seen as a waste of human potential.
Characteristics of a Tragic
According to Aristotle:
Usually of noble birth
Hamartia – a.k.a. the tragic flaw that eventually leads to his
downfall; often this leads to a mistake in judgment.
Peripeteia – a reversal of fortune brought about by the hero’s
tragic flaw; this is often also influenced by “fate” or the gods.
His actions result in an increase of self- awareness and selfknowledge…though he may not choose to act on this!
The audience must feel pity and fear for this character.
The “tragic flaw”
The “flaw” in the character is a defect which
keeps him/her from being aware of the situation
around him/her. The character does not
understand (for much of the story) his/her part
of creating the situation.
Ex: Pride (“Hubris”)
Skywalker thinks he is
so good, he can take on an
experienced Jedi all by himself.
Examples of Flaws
Obsession with one thing
Lack of patience
Easily influenced
The Hero’s Understanding
"A man cannot become a hero until he can see the
root of his own downfall.“
The tragic hero has a “moment of enlightenment” near the end of
the story.
He/she finally understands what he/she has done wrong—how he/she
contributed to the tragic situation.
 The story often ends with the death of the tragic hero.
 His death usually is not a pure loss, because it results in greater knowledge and
Shakespearean Tragic Plot
Act I: Exposition
This is where the setting,
characters, and conflicts are
Act II: Rising Action
Act III: Turning Point (Climax)
This is where the reversal of fortune occurs and it all starts to go badly for
the tragic hero.
Act IV: Falling Action
Act V: Catastrophe/Resolution
The conflicts are resolved; chaos returns to order.
Shakespeare’s Tragic Heroes
Aristotle wrote down these characteristics of a tragic hero for
classical Greek tragedy plays. However, Shakespeare plays are
often noted for their excellent portrayals of tragic heroes.
Macbeth is an example of a principal Shakespeare character who
is regarded as a tragic hero.
Macbeth's fatal flaw, as seen by Aristotle, would be his lust for power
Unlike classical tragic heroes,
however, Macbeth is well aware
of his fatal flaw from the
beginning - he constantly
questions himself on why he
continues to delay the fulfillment
of his desires.
 This is slightly different from the Aristotliean
classical tragedies such as Oedipus Rex where the
hero is not aware of his flaw until the very end.
Shakespeare’s Quirks
Shakespeare often represents abnormal
conditions of mind: insanity, somnambulism,
hallucinations (like, perhaps, Macbeth)
Shakespeare also introduces the supernatural:
ghosts, witches, etc. who have supernatural
Shakespeare, in most of the tragedies, allows
"chance" in some form to influence some of
the action - e.g. the timing in Romeo and Juliet
It’s Like She Read the Classics…
In the Harry Potter series, Sirius Black and could be considered a
tragic hero!
Sirius Black of the Harry Potter Series, actually suffers from his
fatal flaws several times. His hot headiness is what got him framed
for murdering his best friend, cause him to serve
years in Azkaban.
Who else might be a tragic hero?
Features of a Shakespearean Tragedy by Shmoop (3:08mins):