Bellarine Fire Brigades Group Standard Operating Procedures

Bellarine Fire
Brigades Group
(Version V1, 2nd November 2014)
Group Standard Operating Procedures
The Groups Role in the prevention of fires and incidents………… 4
Operational Members…………………………………………….
Responsibilities of Group Personnel………………………………….
Role of the Group Officer/Duty Officer at Major Fire/Incidents……..
Operations Sub-Committee……………………………………………
Vehicle and Equipment Readiness…………………………….
Command and Control Vehicles………………………………………
Driver Endorsement Code 1 & 3………………………………………
Readiness and Response Plans………………………………..
Strike Teams………………………………………………………
Communications Equipment…………………………………….
Call Conferencing (Spectrum)…………………………………………
Trigger Points…………………………………………………......
Notification and Dispatch………………………………………..
Support Calls…………………………………………………………….
Dispatch of Strike Teams………………………………………………
Strike Teams responding to Assembly Area…………………………
Strike Teams responding to Fire / Incident..………………………….
IMT and Group HQ Personnel…………………………………………
Dispatch of Relief Crews ………………………………………………
The Groups Role in recovery from Fires and Incidents……………..
Attachment 1.0……………………………………………………………. 16
Appendix 1 – Assembly and Staging Areas…………………………… 18
Appendix 2 – Communications within Bellarine Group……………..... 19
Bellarine Group Standard Operating Procedures (GSOP’s) V1 2nd November 2014
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
These Group Standard Operating Procedures (GSOP’s) are to be read in conjunction with:
Chief Officers Standing Orders (CO SO)
Chief Officers Standard Operating Procedures (CO SOP)
District Standard Operating Procedures
The Group Standard Operating Procedures contain locally tailored variations to the above
The Group Standard Operating Procedures follow the principles of Prevention, Preparedness,
Response, and Recovery.
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
1 Prevention
This Group Standard Operating Procedure applies toprevention
The following definitions apply to this Group Operating Procedure:
Fire Danger Period A length of time proclaimed by each
municipality during summer, when fires in the open air are
restricted. Restrictions stay in place until 30 April, unless stated
Stakeholder Those people and organisations who may effect,
be effected by, or perceive themselves to be effected by, a
decision or activity (AS/NZS 4360:1999).
To provide Bellarine Group with procedures for common
Prevention activities throughout the Group.
1.1 The Groups role in the prevention of fires and
incidents shall be:
Safety notes
Represent the group on the various fire prevention committees
Provide input into the introduction & termination of the fire
danger period;
Provide brigades, with assistance where needed, in the
planning for and implementation of community safety and
community education programs;
Identify significant hazards within the group area in conjunction
with brigades and District HQ; and
Coordinate the planning and implementation of fuel reduction
burning programs within the group area in consultations with
the brigades and adjoining groups.
Bellarine Group & Brigades shall comply with CO SOP 11.09
Traffic Management.
Roadside burning to comply with Roadside Fire
Management Guidelines: CFA 2001
CFA Environment Strategy
Consult CFA Herbicide Policy
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
2 Preparedness
This Group Standard Operating Procedure applies to Preparedness
The following definitions apply to this Group Operating Procedure:
Code 1 Emergency vehicle status, Primary response, is
permitted to use flashing lights & a siren when required.
Code 3 Non-emergency vehicle status, flashing lights and
sirens must not be used.
Fire Danger Index (FDI) A numerical index obtained from a
"Fire Danger Rating" system, which quickly gives: (a) Potential
fire danger for the prevailing conditions; (b) Rate of spread; and
(c) Estimated suppression difficulty.
Readiness Levels (RL)
(Green) Low to Moderate FDI 0-11
(Blue) High FDI 12-24
(Yellow) Very High FDI 25-34
(Yellow) Very High FDI 35-49
(Orange) Severe Forrest FDI 50-74 Grass FDI 50-99
(Red) Extreme Forrest FDI 75-99 Grass FDI 100-149
(Dark Red hatched) Code Red Forrest FDI 100 +
Grass FDI 150+
Crew Leader Member with Crew Leader qualifications and
endorsed by the Operations Manager
Readiness and Response Plan Sometimes referred to as Pre
Incident Response Plans (PIPs), is a documented plan that is
prepared for a specific site or precinct and indicates risks,
preferred response strategies, tactics, resources.
"Trigger Point" A predefined minimum standard requiring
some action to be taken once that minimum has been reached.
Vehicle Any vehicle owned by CFA, any Group, or any
Service Hose Log Book A document used to record faults and
testing of fire hoses.
Training Records A document used to record details
associated with Brigade training activities.
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
Total Fire Ban As declared by the Chief Officer under section
40 of the CFA Act.
OIC (Officer-in-Charge) Brigade The Captain or CFA
appointed officer in charge of a brigade.
To provide Group with procedures for common Preparedness
2.1 Operational Members
2.1.1 Responsibilities of Group Personnel
The Group Officers will abide by such Acts, Regulations, Chief
Officers Standing Orders and Standard Operating Procedures that
exist and in operation at the time. The Group Officers will operate
within the constraints of the District Operations Procedures valid at
the time.
In the absence of the Group Officer, the duties of the Group
Officer will devolve to the Group Duty Officer or the most senior
available Group personnel.
2.1.2 Role of the Group Officer/Duty Officer at Major
The Group Officer/Duty Officer, after assessing the situation, may
at his/her discretion, ensure that:
necessary (e.g. to cover areas of the Group by step-up).
he Group respond as directed, to perform such roles
as requested by the Incident Management Team (IMT), or to
perform such other duties as necessary.
Incident Controller
or has spread to cover portions of more than one Brigade area,
the Group Officer/Duty Officer will assist the Incident Controller
in establishing an IMT to take overall control – refer to CO SOP
8.04 Transfer of Control.
2.1.3 Operations Sub-Committee
Prior to and immediately after the Fire Danger Period, a meeting of
Operations Sub-Committee of the Group (usually the Brigade
OIC’s or delegates and Group Officers) should be conducted to
pre-plan or evaluate activities.
2.2 Vehicle and Equipment Readiness
2.2.1 Command and Control Vehicles
Outside of the declared Fire Danger Period, Brigade FCV
response / turnout will be limited to their Brigade area and will
follow the response / turnout rules of their respective Brigade,
unless varied by the Incident Controller, an Officer of the Group or
District Duty Officer (RDO).
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
During the declared Fire Danger Period on days of Extreme and
Code Red, Brigades are requested to respond their FCV for use
as Command and Control vehicles. This response / turnout will be
limited to their Brigades normal Support Area, unless varied by the
Incident Controller, an Officer of the Group or District Duty Officer
2.2.2 Driver Endorsement Code 1 & 3
The OIC of the Brigade (this responsibility cannot be delegated)
must endorse any member under their control, before they are
permitted to drive any CFA vehicle during operational activities
under Code 1 or Code 3 conditions. A Newly appointed OIC must
review this process upon taking up their position - refer to CO
SOP 12.03 Driving and Travelling in CFA Vehicles.
The OIC may utilise the expertise of suitably qualified members
(Accredited CFA Drivers) to assist in this process. It is
recommended that brigades appoint a number of Driver
Observers, appropriate to the needs of their brigade who are
recognised by the Brigade Management Team as an experienced
member who has the necessary knowledge, skills and experience.
Any CFA member who drives or may be required to drive CFA
vehicles during operational activities shall advise their brigade
OIC (this responsibility cannot be delegated) if:
Their licence is varied, cancelled, disqualified or suspended
They have any medical condition that may affect their ability
to drive or operate any CFA vehicle
Where there is a dispute in relation to the determination by the
brigade OIC, the Operations Manager shall resolve the dispute.
CODE 3 Non-Emergency Response Status
Drivers must drive in accordance with Road Safety Road Rules
2008 at all times. Flashing lights and/or sirens shall not be used.
To be endorsed to drive or operate any CFA vehicle under Code 3
conditions, a driver must hold a current licence for the vehicle
being driven and comply with the following requirements.
They must also have read and have an understanding of CO
SOP’s Driving CFA and Brigade Owned Vehicles - 12.01,
12.02, 12.03, 12.05, 12.06 and 12.08.
Current Volunteer Members:
Volunteer members need to complete a driving exercise based
around their local brigade area. This can be developed by the
brigade’s Driver Observers in consultation with their Training
Officer. Completion of this would enable members to drive under
Code 3 conditions within their brigade area only.
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
Volunteer members who wish to have an unrestricted
endorsement will be required to complete the following course to
experience high volume traffic conditions. This route will be a
requirement for a Code 1 endorsement:
Travel west along the Portarlington Rd
Turn left into Boundary Rd. and on the hill perform a handbrake
Turn right onto Bellarine Highway.
Continue along Ryrie St and turn right into Moorabool St.
Turn left into Brougham St
Turn left at Mercer St and into Malop St
Continue along Malop St and at the Swanston St roundabout
complete a 180 turn and head back along Malop St.
Turn left into Moorabool St and continue up to McKillop St
Turn left into McKillop St and head back to your brigade
This assessment needs to be supervised by one of the Brigade‘s
Driver Observers who will then make a recommendation to the
OIC. If a member is deemed ‘Not Yet Competent’, further driving
practice is required, after which they must be assessed by a Driver
Educator ( Refer to Group Training Officer) or an Assistant Driving
Instructor (refer to Catchment Officer).
New Volunteer Members:
New Volunteer members cannot seek a driver endorsement until
after they have completed their 6 months probationary period.
During this period, it is recommended that they complete at least 5
hours of logged supervised driving, with an accredited CFA driver.
At least 1 hour should be at night. Once probation has been
completed and a suitable skill level has been reached (refer to On
Road Driving Checklist) the brigade Driver Observer can take
them on the same practical assessment as current members
undertake. The observer will then make a recommendation to the
Emergency Response Status
Responding under flashing lights and/or sirens (as
appropriate) as per response rules detailed in CO SOP 12.04
and in accordance with Road Safety Road Rules 2008 with
specified exemptions
To be endorsed to drive or operate any CFA vehicle under Code 1
conditions, a driver must hold a Code 3 endorsement. They must
also have read and understood CO SOP 12.04. Drivers on a
probationary licence shall not drive a CFA vehicle to an incident
under the provisions of a Code 1 response.
From July 2014, a Code 1 endorsement will only be given to a
member who has successfully completed the “Driving Vehicles
Under Operational Conditions” (On Road) accredited course. To
achieve this, the Group will conduct two “On Road” driving courses
each year until June 2014.
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
Current Volunteer Members:
The OIC must endorse members to drive Code 1 based on
existing knowledge and experience. This should be done in
consultation with the brigade’s Driver Observers. Drivers will need
to complete the Code 3 practical assessment.
New Volunteer Members:
It is recommended that new members undertake a minimum of a
further 2 hours of supervised driving with an accredited CFA
driver. Once a desired level of competence has been reached the
brigade Driver Observer needs to make a recommendation to the
brigade OIC.
When responding to calls, where an accredited driver is available,
they must be the driver. Where possible, newly endorsed drivers
should be given every opportunity to drive Code 1 and be
mentored by more experienced Code 1 drivers. This is important
as typically the same group of personnel usually drive because of
their proximity to the station.
Where a member has a concern about a driver, they must raise
this with the OIC who has seven (7) days in which to address the
issue. Captains may wish to consult their Catchment Officer for
advice. As a result of the investigation, the driver may be stood
down from driving until reinstated by the OIC.
Following any accident involving a CFA vehicle, the Rostered Duty
Officer (RDO) is to be notified. The driver will be immediately
stood down from driving pending an investigation – refer CO SOP
As part of skills maintenance, all endorsed drivers will need to
undertake a practical drive with their Brigade’s Driver Observer,
the frequency to be determined by the Brigade OIC.
2.3 Readiness and Response Plans
The Group Operations Sub-Committee will together with Brigades,
prepare Operational Pre-Plans for the purposes of combating fires
in the Bellarine Group area. These plans will be largely based on
existing Brigade Pre-Plans.
2.4 Strike Teams
The Group if called upon shall provide Strike Teams as required
and brigades will be requested to supply crews and / or equipment
for these situations.
Strike Teams leaving the Group Area will be under the command
of a Strike Team Leader who has been endorsed by the District
Operations Manager.
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
Crews supplied by Brigades shall be properly attired with
protective clothing and be suitably trained and experienced to
conduct major fire fighting operations. Crews should be selfsufficient in food and drink for the initial 5 hours and be prepared
to be away for a minimum of 12 hours.
Each Sunday in the Fire Danger period, all Brigades are to be
notified by pager and radio of the duty trucks, Strike Team
Leader’s vehicle and Command and Control vehicles for the
following week. This truck roster is to be pre-planned. The
message should be sent via "EAS" paging to the "Bellarine Group
All" (Paging Number 70654).
The message should be in the format: "The Strike team duty
tankers for this week commencing midnight tonight are (e.g.)
Barwon Heads, Drysdaleand Leopold FCV. From Group Duty
Officer – (Insert phone number)".
2.5 Communications Equipment
2.5.1 Radio
The Group shall conduct a radio schedule on each Sunday at
0915 hours and at other times as arranged. Brigades should
ensure that they have personnel on duty to carry out radio checks
during these schedules or advise the Group Communications
Officer prior to the Schedule.
2.5.2 Call conferencing (Spectrum)
The Spectrum Call Conferencing System is used as a back-up
system in the event of a failure of the EAS paging network, a
backlog in the 000 system or a failure in the CAD Dispatch
The Group Management Team can be engaged in a Conference
Call to discuss urgent matters. The Group will ensure that the
appropriate people are included in the Spectrum list for Group 4 as
2.5.3 Pager
Routine and administrative pager messages should be restricted
to the hours of 1700 to 2000 hours to minimise disruption to shift
2.6 Training
Bellarine Group Training Committee, in conjunction with Bellarine
Group Brigades will conduct a Group Training Day annually.
Content of the training day should address any pre fire season
requirements. Bellarine Group Training Committee will also
coordinate various training courses as required.
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
2.7 Trigger Points
Each afternoon in the Fire Danger Period a message is broadcast to
the Group by pager from the District HQ declaring the coding for the
following day for Readiness Levels 3 & above.
The Group Duty Officer is responsible for the following actions:
Ph: 03 8633 0306.
Conduct roll call and check availability of key people
Confirm Command and Control Vehicles & STL Car
Confirm Local Command Facility / Group HQ staff
FCV’s are available to respond
If the Fire Danger Code is Extreme / Code Red / TFB then the
following message is appropriate and should be sent via "EAS"
paging to the "Bellarine Group Brigades":
"Tomorrow 1/1/2005 Fire Danger Code is Extreme / Code Red /
TFB Day. From Group Duty Officer - (Insert Phone Number)".
The Group Duty Officer is to notify the District HQ of the list of
tankers and Strike Team Leader by 0900 hours the following day.
NOTE: When career staff are involved in a Strike Team a career staff
representative must also be seated in the Strike Team Vehicle. It is the
responsibility of the integrated brigade to provide the career person.
Safety notes
Requirements for Driving Vehicles
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
3 Response
This Brigade Operating Procedure applies to response activities.
The following definitions apply to this Brigade Operating Procedure:
CAD Assignment Area Identifies the response area/s of a
brigade. This is not to be confused with the Brigade Area.
CAD Deployment Table Identifies the brigades who will be
initially responded to a particular type of call in each
Assignment Area.
Control Agency An agency nominated to control the
response activities to a specified type of emergency
(Emergency Management Manual Victoria 1997).
Control Point The location where Incident Control is
established. This is given a Control Point title.
FIRS Fire and Incident Reporting System
Primary Brigade The brigade whose assignment area the fire
or incident occurs in.
Principles of Dynamic Risk Assessment The continuous
process of identifying hazards, assessing risk, taking action to
eliminate or reduce risk, monitoring and reviewing, in the
rapidly changing circumstances of an operational incident.
Situation Report Allows the Incident Controller to provide
information to VICFIRE that will enable them to give an
accurate appraisal of what is occurring on the fire ground. A
“sitrep” must be received for any significant change on the fire
Support Brigade The brigade(s) responding in support of the
primary brigade.
Tabard A vest with a name describing a functional role.
VICFIRE CFA’s Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) Centre.
Word back A precise definition of the type and status of the
To provide Brigade with procedures for common Response
3.1 Notification and Dispatch
3.1.1 General
All turnouts to reported fires and incidents within the Group Area shall
be as per the assignment rules and areas previously lodged with
VICFIRE, unless varied by the Incident Controller, an Officer of the
Group or the RDO.
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
3.1.2 Support Calls
Brigades (excluding Staff) responding to a call for support to another
Brigade area will respond only one unit (subject to modification by
2.2.1) as appropriate to the nature of the call or dictated by availability
e.g. Pumper to a structure fire, Tanker to a non-structure fire. This
may be varied by local arrangements between brigades, the Incident
Controller, an Officer of the Group or the RDO.
Other appliances from a support brigade may call VicFire to notify
them that if required, they are manned & available to respond.
3.1.3 Dispatch of Strike Teams
By the Group
Normally Strike Teams are paged directly by VICFIRE. But in the
event that an Officer of the Group is required to dispatch the Bellarine
Group Strike Team the Officer shall, whenever possible, call the ESTA
Operational number (1800 452544) and supply them with:
 Name, Rank and contact number of person calling
 Strike Team Number (usually ST0702) & Name
 Name of each brigade appliance to be notified
 Location of assembly area to go to map reference (see
‘Appendix 1’ - Assembly Areas)
 Incident name or area name that Strike Team is going to ;
 Whether the team should assemble Code 1 or 3
If the Officer of the Group is unable to contact ESTA by phone, then
the Strike Team should be requested through VICFIRE via CH21. The
same information will be required by the operator. Due to possible
radio congestion, this should only be done if contact by phone is not
The Group Duty Officer then notifies the RDO that the team is
assembling and has been dispatched.
3.1.4 Strike Teams responding to Assembly Area
Appliances responding to assembly areas will proceed Code 3 unless
otherwise advised.
Appliance crews will check in with a turnout message to VICFIRE on
‘Channel 21’ D7 VF as per normal but will then switch the main radio
to ‘Channel 22’ to receive additional instructions from the Group Duty
Officer if necessary.
The Appliance portable will be switched to ‘Channel 21’ D7 VF to
monitor VICFIRE until arrival at the assembly area.
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
3.1.5 Strike Teams responding to Fire / Incident
The Strike Team Leader will allocate a travel channel (normally 22).
Appliance main radios will be set to this channel and portables will be
turned off to conserve batteries.
The Strike Team Leader will monitor Ch21 & Travel Channel and turn
on trunking radio if available.
3.1.6 IMT and Group Personnel
When the Group Duty Officer or Communications Officer is organising
IMT or Group HQ staff, the individual’s home Brigade Duty Officer is
When 4 or more brigades respond to a fire/incident, Group Officers (if
available) will respond to the scene to assist the incident controller.
The Group Duty Officer may respond FCV’s & personnel to assist the
incident controller to manage the fire/incident.
3.1.7 Dispatch of Relief Crews
When the Group Duty Officer is organising relief crews, the individual
Brigades are to be notified by pager. The message should be sent via
"EAS" paging to the relevant brigades (e.g.) "Mannerim,
B/Headsand Leopold Brigades". The message should request:
"Brigade Duty Officer to contact Group Duty Officer ASAP
- (Insert phone number)".
Alternatively to the above arrangement the Duty Officer may use the
Spectrum conferencing system.
It is the Bellarine Groups intent to ensure that an initial responding
Strike Team (not Pre-planned), will be replaced within 12 hrs.
Safety notes
Safety of Fire Fighters and the public is paramount. Suppression
or control shall be achieved as efficiently as possible without
Endangering personal safety or damaging equipment.
A Fire Fighter shall only be allocated tasks, which he/she is
equipped and competent to undertake.
Police are responsible for Traffic Management. Consideration
should be given to the notification of VicRoads or the Municipality
to assist with traffic management - refer CO SOP 9.30 Traffic
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
4 Recovery
This Group Operating Procedure applies to recovery activities
The following definitions apply to this Group Operating
Significant Fire or Incident: A level 2 or 3 Incident
Level 2 (2) Incident: Level 2 incidents are more complex in
size, resources or risk. They are characterised by the need for:
- Deployment of resources beyond the initial response;
- Sectorisation of the incident; or
- The establishment of functional sections due to the
levels of complexity; or
- A combination of the above
Level three (3) incident: Level 3 incidents are characterised
by degrees of complexity that may require the establishment of
Divisions for effective management of the situation. These
incidents will usually involve delegation of all functions.
To assist the District and Brigades within the Group in recovery
operations following a significant Fire or Incident.
4.1 The Groups role in recovery from fires and incidents
shall be:
Conduct debriefs, when appropriate, of fires and incidents
attended by brigades from the group;
Assist in the conduct of operational analysis of significant fires
and incidents attended by brigades within the group;
Assist the Operations Manager in the collection of records and
documents produces by IMT and others during significant fires
and incidents; and
Consider the ongoing welfare needs of CFA members within
the group in consultation with the Operations manager and
Safety notes
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
Attachment 1.0
This attachment to the Group Operating Procedure applies to all
brigade activities etc. that may fall outside of the scope of these
Group Operating Procedures.
To provide the Group with a record of all activities, processes,
procedures that may affect the effective operation of the brigade.
1.0 Loan of Equipment
No items of equipment belonging to this Group are to be loaned or
borrowed by any member or other personnel without the specific
approval of the Officer in Charge (OIC).
NO OPERATIONAL equipment is to be loaned or borrowed by Group
members or other personnel.
Group Headquarters keys shall not be loaned to other members
without the approval of the Group OIC (similarly, key pad security
Safety notes
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
Appendix 1 - Assembly and Staging Areas
Assembly Area
1. 2. 1
Melway Ref
Staging Area
Melway Ref
Leopold Fire Station
468 D3
Leopold Memorial Park (Ovals)
482 D2
Barwon Heads Fire
Corio Fire Station
497 A1
Barwon Heads Fire Station
497 A1
441 K2
Wallington Recreational Reserve
483 D1
Queenscliff Ferry
District 7 HQ
487 B11
Mannerim Fire Station
471 J4
441 J6
Lake Lorne Reserve (Drysdale)
470 G1
Drysdale Recreation
456 H11
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Group Standard Operating Procedures
Appendix 2 Communications within Bellarine Group
E A S Pager messages:
Phone 1800 609 511
Paging number 70654
Paging number 70655
Paging number 187285
Paging number 190768
Paging number 189176
Paging number 207669
Paging number 190437
Go to channels for Bellarine Group
The normal channel for fire traffic is Channel 21 (D7 VICFIRE)
In the event of a large fire/incident requiring significant radio traffic, the following channels are to
be used.
Go to channels in escalating order
Fire Ground
Channel 1
Fire Ground
Channel 24
Fire Ground
Channel 77
Fire Ground
Channel 6
Fire Ground
Channel 74
Fire Ground
Channel 23
Channel 226
Trunking Numbers for Bellarine Group
All District 7 are 240-4001
Bellarine Group SMR
Group Officer
Staging Area Manager Trailer
Drysdale FCV
Leopold FCV
Ocean Grove FCV
Portarlington FCV
Queenscliff FCV
Wallington FCV
Telstra Conferencing for Bellarine Group & Spectrum 4
The Bellarine Group has the Telstra Conferencing System available for it to use when required, if
necessary. The Group also use Spectrum 4 for spectrum calls to key personnel within the Group. The
Spectrum 4 phone number is 03 8633 0306.
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Related Documents
Chief Officers
Chief Officers
Other Links and
CFA Act 1958
CFA Regulations
Region 7 ROMP
Chief Officers
Standing Orders
Date to be
Date to Cease:
Date Endorsed:
Endorsed By:
Operations Officer:
Group Officer:
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