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Experimental design and
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Part Two: Quantitative Methods
Experimental design and rationale (Tim)
Scale construction (Tim)
Designing studies with children (Morag)
Cognitive Neuroimaging (Mante)
Single-case studies (Thomas Bak)
Great topics…
Raising Human Capital & Well-being
Educational outcomes
Mental Illness
What is schizophrenia? Why do some people become depressed after
Why do some people lack self-control? What is addiction? How can we
cure it?
How can we increase life-span cognitive function?
Understanding the mind
Status, trust, religion, forgiveness, reading, comprehension, memory,
Human Nature, Human potentials
The problem we have…
“A series of novel and amusing figures
formed by the hand”
A world without Science
Bad science is dangerous
Should firefighters be literate?
Will increasing tax decrease the well-being of people on
£40,000/yr? Or make them less likely to grow their business?
Do children differ only in their learning styles? Almost
certainly harming children
Rohrer, D., & Pashler, H. (2012). Learning styles: where's the
evidence? Med Educ, 46(7), 634-635. doi: 10.1111/j.13652923.2012.04273.x
Should we teach reading via whole language?
The research topic
The research question
Theory generation; Hypothesis formulation
Validity: Reverse causation, confounding, causality
Problems of poorly designed studies
We wish to build correct theories of mental
mechanisms underlying behavior
If we correctly understand causal mechanisms then
intervening will necessarily change behavior.
How can we best understand mechanisms?
If there’s one thing I’d like you to “take away” it is this:
Ask: “What mechanism makes this happen?”
Theory necessarily goes beyond observation, or even a
catalogue of observation.
It makes testable predictions about observations yet to
be made. Therefore, it can informative, and can be
Contrast with:
1929 Vienna Positivism: The idea that knowledge can
only be what we observe and is provable.
Social constructionism and Post-modernism: The idea
that we have only narratives, largely socially constructed.
Why theory can be wrong
As a consequence of going beyond observation,
theories can be wrong.
Theories posit non-observable entities (latent constructs,
like “episodic memory” “phoneme buffer”, or
“agreeableness”) and relations among these (mechanism
and process) to explain observations:
That’s why they can be wrong
We can only subject theory to the risk of falsification
by testing predictions, so theory must make
Progress toward truth
We cannot know when we have an eternally true theory.
We can know which of two competing theories is closer to the
Rather than showing that one theory passes a test or fails a test,
we see which of two competing theories passes all/more tests
Experiments are imperfect tests of theory.
The art in research is making experiments as honest diviners
between competing theories.
Makes deriving hypotheses very important for supporting a theory
Most people are not great at formulating ideas in terms of
hypotheses: it seems not to be a natural human faculty
Takes practice.
If we can be wrong, how can
we choose between theories?
We can know the least wrong theory
Model fitting & model fit
Interestingly, then, though we cannot know what the
true theory is (even if we have it), we can objectively
improve our theories
Successive comparisons leave us closer to the true model
Lee, James J. (2012). Common Factors and Causal
Networks. European Journal of Personality, 26(4), 441-442.
doi: 10.1002/per.1873
So far…
Test the best theory against its strongest competitor
Requires that the two theories make distinct
predictions: You test which gets these right
Next: What and how should I study using this
awesome new science culture we have learned?
Being a Scientist
Read biographies of Nobel winners:
“Avoid Boring People” by James Watson
“Dancing in the Mind Field” by Kary Mullis
“What do you care what other people think?” Richard
All about £.01 + shipping on Amazon
Generating ideas
Learn what exists already
Humans uniquely have a generative culture
Attend talks, Conferences, ask staff about their interests
/ projects, read journal articles
Observe, people watch, read classic literature: This is
what Shakespeare did
Keep a notebook: Make concrete suggestions to yourself
about possible projects
Do something: Run an experiment! That’s an awesome
place to get ideas because you are confronted by reality
Understand your Topic!
You will need to understand something similar to what
a paper gives you in its introduction:
What is the core question?
Why does this matter?
What are the core concepts and theories?
Key texts and authors on the general area
History of the topic
What current argument will you resolve?
Lesson 1: Practice
Your experiment can
Replicate a paper: {Doyen, 2012}
Test a prediction: {Martin, 2011, 55-62}
Contrast two theories {Lewis, 2012, 1623-1628}
Make a new theory
“those who refuse to go beyond the facts, rarely get as far.”
Thomas Henry Huxley (1825-95) English biologist
Kurt Gödel proved that this will require creativity on your
part: There can never be an automatic system for
expanding the system
From Topic to Research
Formulate the research question
Have you posed a question? An hypothesis is a
conjecture – a testable proposition about relations
between two or more phenomena or variables
(Kerlinger & Lee, 2000, p.15)
It should derive from (be a prediction of) some larger
theory or proto-theory
Good hypotheses have clear implications for testing the
stated relations between variables.
e.g. “If attention is driven by interest, then positive emotions
should narrow attention.”
Practical issues about where to
invest your time
Specify relationship(s) to be examined
For practicality’s sake: Are the relationship(s) empirically
Consider participant availability
If you research in this area, will it make any difference to
human well-being or knowledge?
Is this the place that you can best exert your labour? Is it
ready to move? Will this be a significant result?
Hypothesis checklist
1. Does your hypothesis:
1. Name two or more variables?
2. State a relationship between these variables?
3. State the nature of the relationship?
2. Is it stated in a testable tense?
1. Does it imply the research design to be used?
2. Define the population to be studied?
3. Will it generalise appropriately?
1. Stipulate relationships among variables rather than names of
statistical tests?
2. Free of unnecessary methodological detail?
4. Distinguish predictions from competing theories?
Cone and Foster (2006), p.73
Hypotheses - examples
Close: The gene KIBRA mediates forgetting (but not learning)
Better: Controlling for initial learning, delayed recall on
paired associate learning will be associated with rs3987823
Close: Teacher’s understanding of their material improves
their pupil’s learning and retention of information.
Better:“When teachers are randomly assigned to students,
Teacher’s knowledge (final grade) will be positively associated r > .3
with year-5 pupil final grades”.
Personality (NEO PI-R) accounts for the heritable component
of happiness (SWBS) scores
“There is an innate language mechanism”
What, exactly, is it predicting? Need to define innate
Part 2: Testing causes in social
Fundamental to psychology
We are trying to learn what causes behavior
Causal Designs
Subjects: Random/representative
Measured causes (Independent Variables)
Measured consequences (Dependent Variables)
“Minimize” Confounds
Confound is an unmeasured IV
We don’t know what some confounds are: they are the IVs
of a better theory (which we don’t know about!)
Example Causal Model:
What causes wealth?
Ritchie, S. J., & Bates, T. C. (2013).
Enduring links from childhood
mathematics and reading achievement to
adult socioeconomic status. Psychological
Science, 24(7), 1301-1308. doi:
What’s wrong with measuring just
my cause and my effect?
“SES causes IQ scores”
“Exercise relieves Depression”
“Media causes anorexia”
They’re “obviously” the causes and cures, right?
If you find your self saying “it makes sense”, like 99% of
people you are using just System-I (Kahnman). You are
saying we don’t need to test.
So we get this
“Taking Vitamin C reduces car
accidents by 40% …”
Almost every claim in epidemiology is wrong
True even after controlling for all major covariates
99% of these are false positives riding on health
gradients linked to ability and capability
Davy Smith et al. (2009)
Why do we see this over and over in the press and in
scientific articles?
Social and structural factors in the (bad) business of
doing science (Ioannides, 2010)
Case in point: Breastfeeding
Smart Mums: IQ & FADS2
Caspi et al. 2007
Promotor region of fatty acyl
desaturase 2.
IQ advantage of 6.4 to 7 IQ points for
breast-fed versus non-breast-fed infants
That’s a massive effect!
More than wipe-out effects of
status on ability
No main effect: Only among
children carrying one or more
C alleles of the rs174575 SNP,
but that was 90% of kids
(No) interaction effect of rs174575
status with breastfeeding
Bates et al 2010;
Martin et al 2011
No effect
N= 3,067
Steer et al. (2010)
Reverse effect
Judea Pearl and Causality
“Look: the Mud made it rain last night!”
“No, the rain caused the mud!”
A correlation is an unresolved causal nexus
What we need is P(rain|do(mud))
Do(mud)  Get(rain)
Randomized Control Trial
Read this paper (and the commentaries to)
Lee, J. J. (2012). Common Factors and Causal Networks.
European Journal of Personality, 26(4), 441-442. doi:
“To find out what happens to a system when
you interfere with it you have to interfere with
it (not just passively observe it)”
(George Box, 1966)
Twins and other models give us a way to use randomly
varying genes and environments to look for causal
Randomized Control Trial
In an experiment, the experimenter can subject random
people to random treatments and measure the results:
We can very seldom do this in psychology
Partly we don’t know how
For instance, to change someone’s extraversion or
language acquisition skill
Partly though we know how, we can’t in practice
For instance allocating babies to breast-feeding or not
Adding educational exposure
This seldom happens at random
Testing environmental effects:
Discordant MZ twin Design
Genes can both
Cause behavior
So need to be measured when testing causal social theory
Influence the dose of the environment (G x E
MZ differences:
Does exercise reduce depression?
Extremely powerful, and underused design
Can test directly in twins
DeMoor et al, Arch Gen Psychiatry (2008)
Genetic correlations between .2 and .4
Environmental causal pathway
from exercise to affect = 0
Part III:
False Positive Psychology
We often run small experiments
If the theory is right, what is chance p will be < .05?
If the theory is wrong, what is the chance p will be
What is the chance of 1 experiment “working” by
chance if you conduct 20 experiments?
plot (1 –
.95 )
1 - 0.95^n
Bad Science
p-hacking (Simmons, 2011)
Non-double-blinded scientists influence their data
Bargh (1996) example
Funder-priorities & publicity bias what questions get asked and what people hear
White hat bias (look it up on Wikipedia)
Scientists cheat
Fame: Stapel & Hauser examples
Scientist’s values influence their teaching, their reviewing of papers and grants, and their
hiring policy for new colleagues
Psych Science special issue on improbable numbers of liberals in Psychology
Scientists make mistakes in logic
Eliminating the race-gap on SATs by giving only items that have no bias
p-hacking: Just don’t do it!
Because researchers control their experiment, they can cause
anything they want to be significant
How many subjects
When to stop collecting
What variables to measure and which to exclude
How to analyse the results. etc.
Simmons et al (2011)
Almost all published studies are significant (Sterling, 1959)
Most studies have moderate power at best (Cohen, 1962).
Failed studies must be not being published.
“Ask to see the Meta-analysis”
Stereotype Threat case study
Paulette Flore, & Wicherts, J. M. (2015). Does stereotype threat influence performance
of girls in stereotyped domains? A meta-analysis. J Sch Psychol, 53(1), 25-44. doi:
What to do?
Do bigger experiments, and aggregate replications
Don’t be afraid to try and replicate
It is very valuable
You need the practice
A major theory might well be false, and you’ll be
More multi-experiment studies
replicate than expected by chance
“High quality” journals require multiple experiments
But… most experiments are under-powered.
One more more should, therefore, fail.
But they don’t {Franks, 2012}
Most Psychology results published in Science are false;
Possibly most findings are false
Ioannidis, J. P. (2005). Why most published research findings
are false. PLoS Medicine, 2(8), e124. doi:
LESSON: Don’t be afraid of a null result
6 studies “show” people would be
less greedy if we cut their pay
Piff, P. K., Stancato, D. M., Cote, S., Mendoza-Denton,
R., & Keltner, D. (2012). Higher social class predicts
increased unethical behavior.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA,
109(11), 4086-4091. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1118373109
Extremely unlikely set of underpowered positives suggest
publication bias {Francis, 2012, E1587}
Values: Your Professors are
Inbar and Lammers (2012)
“in choosing between two equally qualified job candidates for one
job opening, would you be inclined to vote for the more liberal
candidate (i.e., over the conservative).”
Over 1/3 said they would discriminate against the
conservative candidate!
Far more said their colleagues would
Similar effects for reviewing papers and grants
“Usually you have to be pretty tricky to get people to say they’d
discriminate against minorities.”
Unreplicated but sexy claims
“Exposure to money makes you greedy”
The psychological consequences of money. Science
{Vohs, 2006,1154-1156}
Failure to replicate
Unconscious thought theory
Unconscious thought (UT) is better at solving complex
tasks, where many variables are considered, than
conscious thought
Unreplicated but sexy claims
L:arge-scale replication yield 0 evidence for
Unconscious Thought Theory
meta-analysis showed that previous reports of the UTA
were confined to underpowered studies that used
relatively small sample sizes
Nieuwenstein, et al.. (2015). On making the right
choice: A meta-analysis and large-scale replication
attempt of the unconscious thought advantage. Judgment
and Decision Making, 10(1), 1-17
It’s not a straight world out
Diederik Stapel
Mark Hauser
May even be normative
{John, 2012, 524-532}
Detecting Fraud: {Simonsohn, 2011, 2013}
Smeesters fraud
Fraud: 20 +
Fraud: Hauser
Experimenter Expectation
Why do we need things to be double blinded, really?
Surely only liars need that to stop them cheating?
Experimenter Expectation
Stereotype priming Bargh et al, (1996)
Cited hundreds of times
Participants primed non-consciously
Exposed to ageing-related words in a scrambled sentence
DV: Walking speed
Subjects primed by elderly stereotypes walked away from
a psychology lab more slowly
Experimenter Expectation
Doyen et al (2012) doubled the number of participants:
More power
Timed speed with infra-red beams
(Bargh had an RA use a stop-watch).
Null results
Expt 2
Experimenters knowing the expected result and which condition participants had
been allocated to
Slowing effect was observed.
Expt 3
Experimenters told to expect participants to walk away faster
Now data supporting this reverse-effect were recorded (if they used a stop-watch)
Double-blind: Bargh’s
Authors are ‘incompetent and ill-informed’
PLoS One allows researchers to 'self-publish' their studies
without appropriate peer review for money
“Experimenter expectancies could not have interfered with the
post is now deleted, but linked here
Double-blind: Bargh’s
'gross' methodological changes invalidate the Doyen
Participants told to ‘go straight down the hall when leaving’
While he let participants 'leave in the most natural way’.
In fact
Doyen: ‘participants were clearly directed to the end of the
Bargh told that ‘the elevator was down the hall’.
Double-blind: Bargh’s
Replicated 'dozens if not hundreds' of times
In fact no actual replications
Hull et al. 2002 “showed the effect mainly for individuals
high in self consciousness”
Cesario et al. 2006 showed the effect “mainly” for
individuals who like (versus dislike) the elderly.
Solidly embedded in theories across multiple
But that’s bad if this is wrong?
Experimenter Expectation:
Harold Pashler’s response
Attempt another replication
Also failed
Is this a one off?
Williams and Bargh (2008)
Participants plot a single pair of points on a piece of graph
Given coordinates which are “close”, “intermediate”, or “far”
apart in the space on graph paper
DV: How close are you too members of your family?
Participants who graphed a distant pair reported themselves
as being significantly less close to members of their own
Expt 2: Same spatial distance prime
DV = Caloric content of foods
Significant prime
Pashler et al. (2012)
Direct replications of both results attempted
Ensured the experimenter did not know what
condition the participant was assigned to.
“No hint of the priming effects reported by Williams and
Bargh (2008).”
[Pashler, 2012, e42510]
Figure 1
Focus on mechanisms and causation
Correlation is an unidentified causal nexus: Identify it
Work with the most famous person you can
Skill pays off:
Invest in learning concepts and facts: Use these in daily conversation
Practice collecting, analyzing, and writing
You can’t have a theory without creativity and knowledge
Come to the journal clubs, talk with staff and PhD students: Get
involved early
You can improve by iterating:
1. Try  2. Learn  3. Adapt ideas  Try
Summary Tips
Systematic Time on task pays off: Get started early; Work hard
You can’t make a breakthrough in an arm chair
Get data: That’s what Aristotle did (see Aristotle’s Lagoon), and
it is still necessary
Ideas come from analysed data: The more times you go through the cycle,
the better your product will be.
No experiment is a failure: The person with “failed” data can find why;
The person with no data can’t know anything
“Fortune favors the brave” and “God is on the side of the big battalions”
and “the meek shall inherit the earth”
If you believe in iteration, you won’t be afraid to fail
Aim for a good publication out of your Y4!
Bargh, J. A., Chen, M., & Burrows, L. (1996). Automaticity of social behavior: direct effects
of trait construct and stereotype-activation on action. J Pers Soc Psychol, 71(2), 230-244.
Underlying Ingroup Favoritism. Psychological Science, 21(11), 1623-1628. doi:
Bates, T. C., & Lewis, G. J. (2012). Towards a genetically informed approach in the social
sciences: Strengths and an opportunity. Personality and Individual Differences, 53(4), 374380. doi: 10.1016/j.paid.2012.03.002
Martin, N. W., Benyamin, B., Hansell, N. K., Montgomery, G. W., Martin, N. G., Wright, M.
J., & Bates, T. C. (2011). Cognitive function in adolescence: testing for interactions between
breast-feeding and FADS2 polymorphisms. Journal of the American Academy of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, 50(1), 55-62 e54. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2010.10.010
Bones, A. K. (2012). We Knew the Future All Along: Scientific Hypothesizing is Much More
Accurate Than Other Forms of Precognition--A Satire in One Part. Perspectives on
Psychological Science, 7(3), 307-309. doi: 10.1177/1745691612441216
Caspi, A., Williams, B., Kim-Cohen, J., Craig, I. W., Milne, B. J., Poulton, R., . . . Moffitt, T.
E. (2007). Moderation of breastfeeding effects on the IQ by genetic variation in fatty acid
metabolism. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 104(47), 18860-18865.
Pashler, H., Coburn, N., & Harris, C. R. (2012). Priming of social distance? Failure to
replicate effects on social and food judgments. PLoS One, 7(8), e42510. doi:
Piffa, P. K., Stancatoa, D. M., Côtéb, S. p., Mendoza-Dentona, R., & Keltnera, D. (2012).
Higher social class predicts increased unethical behavior. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Science USA. doi:
Cesario, J., Plaks, J. E., & Higgins, E. T. (2006). Automatic social behavior as motivated
preparation to interact. J Pers Soc Psychol, 90(6), 893-910. doi: 10.1037/00223514.90.6.893
Roediger, H. L., 3rd, & Butler, A. C. (2011). The critical role of retrieval practice in long-term
retention. Trends Cogn Sci, 15(1), 20-27. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2010.09.003
Doyen, S., Klein, O., Pichon, C. L., & Cleeremans, A. (2012). Behavioral priming: it's all in
the mind, but whose mind? PLoS One, 7(1), e29081. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0029081
Simmons, J. P., Nelson, L. D., & Simonsohn, U. (2011). False-positive psychology:
undisclosed flexibility in data collection and analysis allows presenting anything as
significant. Psychological Science, 22(11), 1359-1366. doi: 10.1177/0956797611417632
Francis, G. (2012a). Evidence that publication bias contaminated studies relating social
class and unethical behavior. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science USA,
109(25), E1587; author reply E1588. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1203591109
Francis, G. (2012b). The Same Old New Look: Publication Bias in a Study of Wishful
Seeing. i-Perception, 3(3), 176-178.
Simonsohn, U. (2012). It Does Not Follow: Evaluating the One-Off Publication Bias
Critiques by Francis (2012a,b,c,d,e,f), from
Steer, C. D., Davey Smith, G., Emmett, P. M., Hibbeln, J. R., & Golding, J. (2010). FADS2
polymorphisms modify the effect of breastfeeding on child IQ. PLoS One, 5(7), e11570. doi:
Hull, J. G., Slone, L. B., Meteyer, K. B., & Matthews, A. R. (2002). The nonconsciousness of
self-consciousness. J Pers Soc Psychol, 83(2), 406-424.
Vohs, K. D., Mead, N. L., & Goode, M. R. (2006). The psychological consequences of
money. Science, 314(5802), 1154-1156. doi: 10.1126/science.1132491
John, L. K., Loewenstein, G., & Prelec, D. (2012). Measuring the prevalence of
questionable research practices with incentives for truth telling. Psychol Sci, 23(5), 524532. doi: 10.1177/0956797611430953
Lewis, G. J., & Bates, T. C. (2010). Genetic Evidence for Multiple Biological Mechanisms
Yong, E. (2012). Replication studies: Bad copy In the wake of high-profile controversies,
psychologists are facing up to problems with replication. Nature, from!/menu/main/topColumns/topLeftColumn/pdf/48
Useful references
Breakwall, Hammond and Fife-Schaw (Eds.) Reserch Methods in Psychology. 2nd Ed.,
Sage Publications.
Cone and Foster (2006), Dissertations and Theses from Start to Finish. 2nd Ed.,
Washington, DC: APA.
Kerlinger and Lee (2000) Foundations of behavioural Research. 4th Ed. Harcourt Inc.
Fort Worth.
Tabachnick and Fidell (2007). Using Multivariate Statistics, 5th ed., Boston: Ally and
Practical advise from successful Scientists
James Watson “Avoid Boring People”
Kary Mullis: “Dancing naked in the Mindfield”
H.J. Eysenck “Rebel with a cause”