Kaplan University

Kaplan University
Welcome to Unit 4!! 
Unit 3 recap
Graded items:
Discussion Board
Matching Project
Unit 4 graded items
• Discussion Board
• Seminar
• Quiz
Unit 4 Discussion Board
Discussion Board Question
• Miranda v Arizona
• Must go to these websites to read about Miranda:
Miranda v Arizona
Must have TWO things for Miranda to apply:
1. Person is “in-custody” – arrest or just being
detained and not free to leave
2. Person is being interrogated – being asked
questions that are incriminating
Unit 5 Midterm PPT
In Unit 3, chapter 6 you learned about the 5 core
operational strategies and 1 ancillary operational
strategy that are employed by law enforcement
agencies to fight and reduce crime.
Unit 5 Midterm PPT
There are five core operational
strategies, each with unique features:
1. Preventive patrol
2. Routine incident response
3. Emergency response
4. Criminal investigation
5. Problem solving
Additionally, there is a 6th ancillary
operational strategy: support services.
Preventive Patrol
Patrol is designed to:
1. Deter crimes
2. Interrupt crimes in progress
3. Position officers for quick response to
4. Increase the public’s feeling of safety and
Routine Incident Response
Routine incident responses include restoring order,
documenting information, or provide another
immediate service to the parties involved in routine
occurrences such as minor traffic accidents.
This is the second most common police
 Having a good response time is strongly
linked to citizen satisfaction.
Emergency Response
Emergency responses (or critical incidents) occur in
response to crimes in progress, serious injuries,
natural disasters, and other situations in which
human lives may be in jeopardy.
Criminal Investigation
Criminal investigations dominate media attention but
constitute a relatively small proportion of police work.
An investigation involves discovering, collecting,
preparing, identifying, and presenting evidence to
determine what happened and who is responsible.
Problem Solving
Problem solving policing requires:
Gathering knowledge of problem
Developing solutions in partnership
with the community
Responding with a workable plan
Assessing the progress
Support Services
Support services are ancillary
services such as dispatch, training,
personnel, property control, and
record-keeping that keep agencies
Unit 5 Midterm PPT
PPT MUST cover 2 things:
1. Identify and summarize the five core
operational strategies and one ancillary
operational strategy of law enforcement
2. Explain how these strategies are used by law
enforcement agencies to achieve their crime
fighting goals.
Unit 5 Midterm PPT
In Unit 5 you will see a link that says Midterm
PowerPoint Project. Click on that link and you will
be able to read all of these directions. You will also
be able to scroll down and read about all the
wonderful PPT resources, including a Template that
you can use.
• During Unit 5 you will take the SQ survey. Your
access code is in the Announcement section.
• If you don’t have one or if it doesn’t work, you
must email the help desk at:
• You will be discussing your strengths in the Unit 6
DB question. 