ISSUES IN WOMEN’S HEALTH (WS 280, 4 credit hrs.) Fall 2011, M/W/F 12:35-1:45 in Noble Hall 115 PROFESSOR: Marcy Jung, PhD OFFICE HOURS: Monday 2-5pm (4-5 pm in G&SRC, 710 BH); Wednesday and Friday 11:15-12:10; or by appointment TELEPHONE: 7516 OFFICE: 137 Whalen Gymnasium E-mail: COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will examine women’s health as it relates to the wellness of body, mind, and spirit. Class discussion and lecture along with community leaders as guest speakers will focus on a holistic approach to our own health as women. The course welcomes discussion about social and historical factors that have affected women as health care clients and providers. Throughout the course, we will acknowledge the interplay between women’s status in society and their role definitions as participants in the health care system. Finally, particular attention will be given to the study of stress and women as we advance our confidence as caregivers and carereceivers with strong voices. COURSE GOALS *Each student will expand her (his) personal definition of health as the semester develops. *Students will study wellness from a holistic perspective and broaden their curiosity of health issues important to women as they consider their own personal health strategies among various cultural influences. *Students will learn to take charge of their own health through reading, sharing, and exchanging ideas with each other, the professor, and invited guests. *Students will contemplate and explore “where they are from and where they are going” in their own respective wellness journeys. *Students will actively relate course content with their own maturing awareness of women’s health issues through written, creative, and reflective assignments. TEXTBOOK: Northrup, Christiane (2010). Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom. New York, NY: Bantam Books. EVALUATION: (points) REQUIRED FOR EVERYONE: 100 Engaged Classroom Participation - ( 4 written, reflective, critical thinking assignments.) 100 Mid-Term Exam 100 Final Experience, Monday, December 13th from 9:45-11:45am. (Week of October 10th) MENU OF OPTIONS: You will select one….by Wednesday, September 14th 200 Work in Progress A: “My Cycle, My Life” Wednesday, December 7th Work in Progress B: “This is Me” Wednesday, December 7th Work in Progress C: “Tend & Befriend” “Wednesday, December 7th Work in Progress D: “Me In Touch” “Wednesday, December 7th Work in Progress E: “The Ecofeminist Alternative” “Wednesday, December 7th OR 200 OR 200 OR 200 OR 200 FINAL GRADING CRITERIA: 450-500 = A; 400-449 = B; 350-399 = C; 300-349 = D; 0-299 = F POLICIES: 1. Attendance is a basic expectation. We all learn from each other and, by being in class, you contribute to your own learning. I do, however, encourage WELLNESS DAYS that will allow you to revitalize and refresh your enthusiasm. Two WELLNESS DAYS have been scheduled for you (Wednesday, September 14th and Monday, October 3rd) to take class time to do something special for YOURSELF. For 3 points of extra credit – let me know what you will do just for yourself, to pamper yourself on each of those days. 2. “Fort Lewis is committed to providing all students a liberal arts education through a personalized learning environment. If you think you have or you do have a documented disability which will need reasonable academic accommodations, please call, Dian Jenkins, the Coordinator of Disability Service, 280 Noble Hall, 247-7459, for an appointment as soon as possible. 3. Academic integrity is expected in this class. I trust your sincere personal efforts toward success in this class. Fort Lewis College Policy Concerning Student Academic Dishonesty, Cheating and Plagiarism will be enforced in all phases of this course. 4. Assignments (including reading) are to be complete at class time. Late assignments will not be accepted unless prior arrangements are made with the professor. Make-up exams are given only when pre-arranged with the professor. 5. It is your responsibility, as a student, to ensure that you are properly enrolled in this course. It is not possible to add courses after census date (September 13th). To check your enrollment status, use WEBOPUS and click on Student-Detail-Schedule. Last day to drop this course w/ a W is Wednesday, Oct. 19th COURSE OUTLINE Below is the start of your course outline – due to scheduling and planning for a variety of guest speakers, the 15 week outline will be complete and ready to distribute asap. COURSE OUTLINE (Addendum to “Women’s Health Issues” syllabus) WEEK # 1 JUMP START: Monday, August 29: Connect; Voice interests and concerns in BODYMINDSPIRIT health of women! Wednesday, August 31: Hands on: Personal mission statement AND “Where I’m From” Friday, September 2: Health defined – an evolution of its own: Northrup discussion – aha’s and examples! READING ASSIGNMENT: Northrup – Introductions and Chapter 1 WEEK #2: Monday, September 5: Work in Progress – menu options; Due: Personal Mission Statement & “Where I’m From” Wednesday, September 7: Why groups? Why Participation? Why Service? “Tend and Befriend” Friday, September 9: Stress and Women READING ASSIGNMENT: Northrup – Chapter 4, 5 and 15 COURSE COMMITMENT CONTRACT – Issues in Women’s Health Based on the design of this course, I understand that it is my responsibility to determine how I will be evaluated in this class by following the directions and selecting from the menu of options. I recognize that parts of the evaluation criteria are required, but I also have choices that might best accommodate my style of learning and my personal study interest. REQUIRED FOR EVERYONE: 100 Engaged Classroom Participation - ( 4 written, reflective, critical thinking assignments.) 100 Mid-Term Exam (Week of October 10th ) 100 Final Experience, Monday, December 13th from 9:45-11:45am. MENU OF OPTIONS: You will select two….by Wednesday, September 14th 200 Work in Progress A: “My Cycle, My Life” Wednesday, December 7th Work in Progress B: “This is Me” Wednesday, December 7th Work in Progress C: “Tend & Befriend” “Wednesday, December 7th Work in Progress D: “Me In Touch” “Wednesday, December 7th Work in Progress E: “The Ecofeminist Alternative” “Wednesday, December 7th OR 200 OR 200 OR 200 OR 200 DIRECTIONS: Please consider your options wisely by reviewing ideas like how you learn best; how you express yourself best; previous experience with various types of evaluation; self-motivation; course load and therefore other course expectations and timelines; etc. Select ONE of the menu options above by sharing with me via e-mail your selection by Wednesday, September 14th at 5pm. “My Cycle, My Life” ______ “This is Me” ______ “Tend & Befriend”______ “Me in Touch”_______ “The Ecofeminist Alternative”_______ SIGNED, SEALED, COMMITED! I have identified my evaluation options by initialing two choices from the menu. I understand that it is my commitment and it cannot be changed once submitted. Finally, my signature acknowledges that I have read and understand the course syllabus and my responsibilities toward successful completion of Issues in Women’s Health. ________________________________ Print name __________________________________ Signature DUE: Wednesday, September 17th by 5pm at my office – 137 gymnasium ____________ Date