2015 Schedule and Invited Guests - San Antonio Women's Chamber


2015 Schedule and Invited Guests

January 29 – Assessing Our Leadership Skills

February 26, March 26, April 23, May 28, June 25

Level 5 Leaders

Time: 8:00am to 12:00pm

Location: Petroleum Club, 8620 N. New Braunfels Ave., Suite

700, San Antonio, TX 78217

2014 Guest Speakers: Janie Barrera, President and CEO, Accion

Texas Inc.; Doyle Beneby, President and CEO, CPS Energy; Hon.

Hope Andrade, Commissioner, Texas Workforce Commission and Former Secretary of State; Elaine Mendoza, CEO,

Conceptual Mind Works; and Doug Cross, President and CEO,

Zulu Investment Corporation

2015 Invited Guest Speakers: Sheriff Susan Pamerleau, Sheriff,

Bexar County; Janie Barrera, President and CEO, Accion Texas

Inc.; Gordon Hartman, Founder, Gordon Hartman Foundation;

Harvey Najim, Executive Chairman, Sirius Computer Solutions;

Doyle Beneby, President and CEO, CPS Energy

Application Process

Applications for the Level 5 Leadership Development Program will be accepted until January 9, 2015.

Program Cost: Chamber Member - $400

Non-Member $525

(Payment plans are available. Fee includes breakfast at each session and the book, GOOD TO GREAT)

All applications shall be submitted through the Chamber website: www.sawomenschamber.org

For information, contact:

Cindy Libera, 299-2636

Dr. Yvonne Katz, 408-6778

Board of Directors


Dr. Yvonne Katz

Superintendent (Ret.)


Tracey Ritchie, Vice President & GM

United Central Control, Inc.


Stacey Isenberg, Chief Internal Audit

San Antonio Water System

Vice-Chair Business Development

Dr. Dianna Carmenaty, President & CEO

C 3 Creating Catalyst for Change

Vice-Chair Committee Involvement

Dr. Sandy Neubert

Education Administration (Ret.)

Vice-Chair Communications

Rebecca Hughes, CEO

Hughes Financial Consulting

Co-Vice Chair Education – Smart Women Series

Esther Foster, CCO

Foster Creative

Co-Vice Chair Education – Smart Women Series

Diane Polanco, Partner

Trans National Advisors

Vice Chair Education - Leadership

Dr. Velma Villegas

Superintendent (Ret.)

Vice-Chair Events

Cindy Taylor, CEO

The Cindy Taylor Group

Vice-Chair Membership

Sarah Becher. Design Eng. & Reg. Dir. of Oper.

Visual Innovations Company Inc.

Director Communications

Kristen Villarreal, Coll. Services Specialist


Director Events - Gala

Gabrielle Gelo, Partner and LTC Specialist

ACSIA Partners

Director Events - Mixers

Rosalind Reeder, Assistant to Assistant Vice Pres.


Director Events – POWERhour! Luncheons

Angelica Docog, Executive Director

Institute of Texan Cultures

Director - Membership

Belinda Gavallos, Principal

Mora-Gavallos Fine Art & Antiques

Director at Large

Gina Garcia, Business Manager

Coca Cola Refreshments

Director at Large

Lori Johnson Leal, Director Corp. Responsibility

CPS Energy

Office Manager

Cindy Libera


”Level 5” Leadership Development Program Series

Based on the Book



Jim Collins

San Antonio Women’s Chamber of Commerce


To promote the business, economic and leadership development of women.

Purpose of the Leadership Development Program (LDP):

To help leaders and future leaders in our community identify and develop Level 5 leadership skills such as:

Making productive contributions through talent, knowledge, skills, and good work habits,

Contributing individual capabilities to the achievement of group objectives and working effectively with others in a group setting,

Organizing people and resources toward the effective and efficient pursuit of predetermined objectives,

Being a catalyst to commitment and vigorous pursuit of a clear and compelling vision, stimulating higher performance standards,

Building enduring greatness through paradoxical blend of personal humility and professional will.

Structure of Leadership Sessions:

The program will consist of six morning sessions, which includes breakfast, focusing on specific skills and knowledge exemplified by top CEOs in highly successful companies and positions. The participants will also be exposed to San Antonio leaders who have excelled in moving their companies forward and who are held in high regard by the San Antonio community for their leadership contributions in and outside the business world.

Benefits of Leadership Development


Participants will:

Learn about the attributes of Level 5 leaders through discussions in sessions,

Enjoy networking with other business professionals,

Hear Level 5 CEOs from San Antonio spotlight their

leadership attributes in their individual firms/positions,

Become accountable for results in the work environment,

Create a personal plan for continued development of leadership skills,

Understand the process of developing and executing

core values within your sphere of influence,

Learn the art of celebration for results in the work place.

The Level 5 Spotlight speakers will be prominent state and local experts who will share their perspectives and insights on Level 5

Leadership and engage in lively question and answer dialogue with the participants.

Eligibility for the Program:

All applications will be reviewed by a Selection Committee and participants will be notified in mid-January 2015. Payment of fee is required for participation in the program.


Sessions will be highly interactive with sharing among participants, group work, querying presenters, etc.

Lead facilitator is Dr. Yvonne Katz – Superintendent (Ret.);

President, Vision Into Action Associates; Chair, Women’s

Chamber of Commerce.
