EOSDIS Alternate Architecture Study Jim Gray McKay Fellow, UC Berkeley, 1 May 1995, gray @ crl.com 1. Background - problem and proposed solution 2. What California proposed Co workers: Mike Stonebraker: Producer / Director / Script Writer / Propeller Head Bill Farrell: Ramrod and Computer-literate DirtBag Jeff Dozier: Godfather Special effects: Earth Science: Frank Davis, C. Roberto Mechoso, Jim Frew Computer Science: Reagan Moore, Jim Gray, Joe Pasquale Administration: Claire Mosher Writing: Stephanie Sides 1 Prototypes: many-many....people Jim Gray What’s The Problem? Antarctica is melting -- 77% of fresh water liberated => sea level rises 70 meters => Chico & Memphis are beach front property => New York, Washington, SF, LA, London, Paris Let’s study it! Mission to Planet Earth EOS: Earth Observing System (17B$ => 10B$) 50 instruments on 10 satellites 1997-2001 Plus Landsat (added later) EOS DIS: Data Information System: 3-5 MB/s raw, 30-50 MB/s processed. 4 TB/day, 15 PB by year 2007 Issues How to store it? Jim Gray How to serve it to users? 2 What Happened? 1986: Mission to Planet Earth 1989: Bids from Hughes & TRW 1993: Contract Grant, Public Review: customers do not want it (tape/mainframe centric) 1994: Alternate Architecture Three “outside teams” Wyoming: Maryland: California: Internet 20,000,000 Software Engineering DB centric One “home team” CORBA & Z 39.50 & UNIX 1995: Drifting in the Sequoia direction 3 Jim Gray The Hughes Plan 8 DAACs (Data Active Archive Centers) = Bytes (one per congressional district?) N SCFs (Scientific Computation Facilities) = MIPS (typically instrument or science teams) Thin wires among them 90% of DAAC processing is PULL building standard data products fixed pipeline: calibrate, grid, derive Typical subscriber gets tapes or CDroms (standard data products) One “chauffeur” per 10 customers (high ops costs) Build everything (operations, HSM, DBMS,...) from scratch CORBA and Z 39.50 is the glue. 4 Criticism: not evolvable, not open, not online, not useful. Jim Gray What California Proposed 0. Design for success: expect that millions will use the system (online) 1. DBMS centric design automates discovery, access, management 2. Object relational databases enable Automate access to data so that the NASA 500, Global Change 10,000 and Internet 20,000,000 can use system. Cache popular results, not all results (saves 3x or more) Compute on demand (saves lots of storage and cpu). Emphasize pull processing rather than push processing. Use parallelism to get scaleup. Do Batch as a data pump 3 Be Smart Shoppers: Use COTS hardware/software (saves 400M$) Just-in-time acquisition (saves 400M$) Use workstation not mainframe technology (gives 10x more stuff) Depreciate over 3 years (ends in 2007 with "fresh" equipment) 4. 2 + N node architecture 2 Super DAACs for fault tolerance and for growth. Unify the 2 "big" data storage centers with 2 big data analysis centers. Allow many “little” peer-DAACs at science/user groups 5 Jim Gray Meta-Model for Sequoia Proposal Be technological optimists: couldn’t build it today, count on progress. ride technology wave (= not water cooled) Buy or Seed, do not build. Use COTS where possible Fund 2 or more COTS vendors if need product OR DBMS HSM Operations. Replace people with technology (= OR DBMS): automate data discovery, access, visualization 6 DBMS Centric view. Jim Gray DBMS Centric View This is a database problem (no kidding)! This is not a file system problem (file wrong abstraction) a rpc problem (CORBA wrong abstraction) a Z 39.50 problem (Z 39.50 is a FAP). This is a operations problem Hierarchical storage management Network management Source code control client-server tools. You can BUY all this stuff. Fund COTS. 7 BUILD AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE Jim Gray What California Proposed 0. Design for success: expect that millions will use the system (online) 1. DBMS centric design automates discovery, access, management 2. Object relational databases enable Automate access to data so that the NASA 500, Global Change 10,000 and Internet 20,000,000 can use system. Cache popular results, not all results (saves 3x or more) Compute on demand (saves lots of storage and cpu). Emphasize pull processing rather than push processing. Use parallelism to get scaleup. Do Batch as a data pump 3 Be Smart Shoppers: Use COTS hardware/software (saves 400M$) Just-in-time acquisition (saves 400M$) Use workstation not mainframe technology (gives 10x more stuff) Depreciate over 3 years (ends in 2007 with "fresh" equipment) 4. 2 + N node architecture 2 Super DAACs for fault tolerance and for growth. Unify the 2 "big" data storage centers with 2 big data analysis centers. Allow many “little” peer-DAACs at science/user groups 8 Jim Gray Design for Success: Expect Lots of Users Expect that millions will use the system (online) Three user categories: NASA 500 -- funded by NASA to do science Global Change 10 k - other dirt bags Internet 20 m - everyone else Grain speculators Environmental Impact Reports New applications => discovery & access must be automatic Allow anyone to set up a peer-DAAC & SCF Design for Ad Hoc queries, Not Standard Data Products If push is 90%, then 10% of data is read (on average). => A failure: no one uses the data, in DSS, push is 1% or less. => computation demand is 100x Hughes estimate 9 Jim Gray (pull is 10x to 100x greater than push) The Process Flow Data arrives and is pre-processed. instrument data is calibrated, gridded averaged Geophysical data is derived Users ask for stored data OR to analyze and combine data. Can make the pull-push split dynamically Pull Processing Other Data Push Processing 10 Jim Gray The Software Model: Global View SQL* is the FAP and API. Applications use it to access data. It includes stored procedures (so RPC) GC class libraries Computation is data driven Gateways for other interfaces HTTP, Z 39.50, Corba & COM TP or TP-lite manages workflow client program other protocol client program SQL– gateway * SQL– COTS middleware SQL– SQL– * COTS SQL-* local DBMS on peerDAAC or superDAAC * gateway other protocol non-SQL– DBMS on peerDAAC or superDAAC or non-EOSDIS system * 11 Jim Gray * Automate access to data Invest in: Design global change schema. cooperate with standards groups. OR DBMS class libraries for GC datatypes Develop browser to do resource discovery Community will develop access & vis tools OR DBMS will do PUSH processing: triggers and workflow PULL processing: query optimization. (some assembly required). 12 Jim Gray How Well Did SQL Work? Bill Farrell and others did 30 user scenarios schema, application, SQL, performance Snow cover, CO2, GCM,... Avg ad hoc scenario generated about 30% of EOSDIS baseline processing => validated PULL over PUSH demand SQL was indeed a power tool: Many scenarios became a few simple SQL queries: Need a spatial & temporal SQL. Personal view: It’s great!, much better than Farrell or I expected. 13 Jim Gray Compute on demand 90% of data is NEVER used (according to Hughes). Some data is used only once. Data is often re-calculated repair hardware/software bugs, new & better algorithms Optimization: store only popular data. Compute this based on past use (of this data and related data) Balance two costs: 1. Re_Compute_Cost / Re_Use_Interval 2. Storage_Cost x Re_Use_Interval Recompute is often cheaper (saves 3x we think). 14 Jim Gray Use parallelism to get scaleup. Many queries look at 100s or 1,000s of data tiles. e.g. Berkeley weekly Landsat images since 1972. = 1000 tape accesses. = 4,000 tape minutes = Done 1,000 way parallel: = 6 days. 4 minutes. Disk & tape demands are huge: multi-GOX Computation demands are huge: tera-ops. Only solution: Use parallel execution Use parallel data access SQL* does this for you automatically. 15 Jim Gray Data Pump Compute on demand small jobs less than 1,000 tape mounts less than 100 M disk accesses less than 100 TeraOps. (less than 30 minute response time) For BIG JOBS scan entire 15PB database once a day /week Any BIG JOB can piggyback on this data scan. DAAC in 2007: 10-TB RAM 500 nodes 1 PB of Disk 10,000 drives Jim Gray 15 PB of Tape Robot 1,000 robots 16 What California Proposed 0. Design for success: expect that millions will use the system (online) 1. DBMS centric design automates discovery, access, management 2. Object relational databases enable Automate access to data so that the NASA 500, Global Change 10,000 and Internet 20,000,000 can use system. Cache popular results, not all results (saves 3x or more) Compute on demand (saves lots of storage and cpu). Emphasize pull processing rather than push processing. Use parallelism to get scaleup. Do Batch as a data pump 3 Be Smart Shoppers: Use COTS hardware/software (saves 400M$) Just-in-time acquisition (saves 400M$) Use workstation not mainframe technology (gives 10x more stuff) Depreciate over 3 years (ends in 2007 with "fresh" equipment) 4. 2 + N node architecture 2 Super DAACs for fault tolerance and for growth. Unify the 2 "big" data storage centers with 2 big data analysis centers. Allow many “little” peer-DAACs at science/user groups 17 Jim Gray Use COTS hardware/software (saves 400M$) Defense contractors want to build (and maintain) stuff. (they do it for the money) Fund SQL* (SQL-2007): Object-Relational (extensible) supports Global Change data types Automates access Reliable storage Tertiary storage Parallel data search (automatic) Workflow (job control) Reliable Fund Operations software companies (Tivoli...) 18 Jim Gray Use workstation technology (NOW) Use workstation hardware technology, not Super Computers 0.5$/MB of disk vs 30$/MB of disk 100$/MIPS vs 18,000$/MIPS 3k$/tape drive vs 50k$/tape drive Processor, Disk, Tape ARRAYS: connected by ATM a NOW Gives 10x (?100x) more stuff for same dollars Allows ad hoc query load Allows a scaleable design Allows same hardware: SuperDAACs = PeerDAACs 19 Jim Gray Use workstation technology (NOW) Study used RS/6000 and DEC 7000 as workstation (they are 100k$/slice). Should have used Compaq. Price for 20GFlop, 24 TB disk, 2PB tape TODAY Type of platform M ax number of days to read archive Number of data servers Number of comput e servers WS/NTP 27.7 18 106 Vector/NTP 27.7 2 Compaq/dlt 1 100 Number of tap e robots Data server cost ($M ) Disk cache cost ($M ) Archiv e tape cost ($M ) Compute platform cost ($M ) Total hardware cost ($M ) 8 $29.5 $31.5 $12.8 $55.7 $129.5 4 8 $31.0 $31.5 $12.8 $128.0 $203.3 200 1000 $4 $12 $6 $8 $30 Compaq/DLT prices computed by Gray. 10% Peer DAAC costs 3M$ today, 1% Micro DAAC (200TB) costs 300K$ 20 Jim Gray Just-in-time acquisition (saves 400M$) Hardware prices decline 20%-40%/year So buy at last moment Buy best product that day: commodity Depreciate over 3 years so that facility is fresh. (after 3 years, cost is 23% of original). 60% decline peaks at 10M$ EOS DIS Disk Storage Size and Cost (assume 40% price decline/year and 10% on disk.) 5 10 10 10 10 Data Need TB 4 3 2 Storage Cost M$ 10 1 Jim Gray 1994 21 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 What California Proposed 0. Design for success: expect that millions will use the system (online) 1. DBMS centric design automates discovery, access, management 2. Object relational databases enable Automate access to data so that the NASA 500, Global Change 10,000 and Internet 20,000,000 can use system. Cache popular results, not all results (saves 3x or more) Compute on demand (saves lots of storage and cpu). Emphasize pull processing rather than push processing. Use parallelism to get scaleup. Do Batch as a data pump 3 Be Smart Shoppers: Use COTS hardware/software (saves 400M$) Just-in-time acquisition (saves 400M$) Use workstation not mainframe technology (gives 10x more stuff) Depreciate over 3 years (ends in 2007 with "fresh" equipment) 4. 2 + N node architecture 2 Super DAACs for fault tolerance and for growth. Unify the 2 "big" data storage centers with 2 big data analysis centers. Allow many “little” peer-DAACs at science/user groups 22 Jim Gray 2+N DAAC architecture 2 Super-DAACs Have 2 BIG sites which Each store ALL the data (back each other up) no other way to archive these 15 PB databases Each service 1/2 the queries and run a data pump Each produces 1/2 the standard data products Each has a BIG MIP farm next to the Byte farm (a SCF science computation facility). N Peer-DAACs Each stores part of the data (got from a super DAAC) Can be NASA sponsored or private. Same software and hardware as Super-DAACs Super-DAACs are “banks”, Peer-DAACs are “pubs” Jim Gray careful 23 anything goes Minimize Operations Costs Reduced sites (DAACs) have reduced costs Use Mosaic, Email, Telephone user support model Count on vendors to provide: Network management (NetView & SMTP) Data replication Application software version control Workflow control Help desk software More reliable hardware/software 24 Jim Gray Unify data storage centers with data analysis Data analysis (Science Computation Facilities) need quick & high bandwidth access to DB. WAN technology is good but not that good. WAN technology is not free. => Co-Locate DAACs and SCFs. => two super SCFs, many peer SCFs. Instrument teams often find a bug or new algorithm => reprocess all the base data to make new data set. => ripple effect to data consumers => must track data lineage. 25 Jim Gray Budget We had a VERY difficult time discovering a budget. So we did our own. It was less. Big savings in operations and development Hardware savings could give bigger DAACs Hughes Sequoia COTS 108 52 Development 207 50 Operations 260 120 Other 193 100 total 766 SCFs 312 DAACs 158 SuperTotal 1236 10-year costs 800 COTS 700 Operations 600 Development 500 Other 400 300 200 100 0 Jim Gray Hughes Sequoia 26 What California Proposed 0. Design for success: expect that millions will use the system (online) 1. DBMS centric design automates discovery, access, management 2. Object relational databases enable Automate access to data so that the NASA 500, Global Change 10,000 and Internet 20,000,000 can use system. Cache popular results, not all results (saves 3x or more) Compute on demand (saves lots of storage and cpu). Emphasize pull processing rather than push processing. Use parallelism to get scaleup. Do Batch as a data pump 3 Be Smart Shoppers: Use COTS hardware/software (saves 400M$) Just-in-time acquisition (saves 400M$) Use workstation not mainframe technology (gives 10x more stuff) Depreciate over 3 years (ends in 2007 with "fresh" equipment) 4. 2 + N node architecture 2 Super DAACs for fault tolerance and for growth. Unify the 2 "big" data storage centers with 2 big data analysis centers. Allow many “little” peer-DAACs at science/user groups 27 Jim Gray Challenging Problems Design the Global Change Schema Understand data lineage Build discovery, analysis, visualization tools Build an OR DBMS Including distributed, parallel, workflow lazy-eager evaluation tertiary storage, SQL workflow Build a decent & reliable HSM Build a way to operate a 1,000 node NOW. 28 Jim Gray