RCPN Case Study for May 2012 Events

Case Study
Jim Parsons is the new pastor Caleburg Community Church.
Jim is in his early 30s and has experience as a Youth Pastor in a larger city church. He is used to a
large staff and secretarial support. His ministry has been focused primarily on the Grade 7-9 youth.
He is married and has two boys, age 7 & 12. His wife is very interested in being involved in the
church and in the community. His wife Anne’s hobby is pottery.
He prefers Starbucks and Boston Pizza, but those aren’t included in the local dining options.
As a teenager, Jim played some soccer. He likes working with youth.
He has now arrived in Caleburg with a strong desire to make a difference in the community through
the church and through his own efforts.
The Church:
CCC is a church of 75 people, many in their senior years. The Elders Board consists of four men,
three of whom are retired farmers and the fourth is a 45 year old oil worker.
The church is about to celebrate their 60th Anniversary. The elders don’t expect much from Jim. As
long as there is a service on Sunday, Bible Study on Wednesday, and the bills are paid, they are
happy. They realize their church is aging and need more young families in their church but are not
too open to a lot of change.
The Community:
Caleburg is a small rural town of 1500 people. Most people are either farmers or grew up on the
farm. Many of the men are at the coffee shop in the morning and in one of the three bars at night.
The hockey arena is busy most nights, as is the four lane bowling alley next to it. Summer opens up
the outdoor swimming pool.
There is one public school, K-12 as well as a Catholic school for the same grades. Basketball and
volleyball are their two sports. A regional championship banner from
a decade ago still hangs
proudly in the gymnasium.
The community has a volunteer fire department.
There is a ministerial which does services in the local lodge as well as a joint Christmas songfest.
Apart from the community church there two other churches in town with much the same
Questions To Consider (45 Minutes)
Some of us have been in the same place for quite a while. We may have to work at it to get into the
“new in town” mindset. Others are brand new and would love the help.
You are Jim’s Community Connectedness Coaching Team. You will be working with him for the
first 6 months to guide him in his desire to make a difference in the community,
1. Who should he talk to? What kind of activities should he engage in? Would it be good to
volunteer or serve in some way?
2. As he connects with the community, what should be his agenda? To get people to church? To
be friends? To help make a positive difference in the community? Etc.
3. How much time should he reasonably spend in the church office? How much time with
church people?
4. How much effort should he put into connecting with the community himself and how much
effort should he put into getting the church on board with him? How willing should he be to
partner with individuals or groups who don’t believe quite the same as he or his church does?
10:45 Present the Case Study
10:50 Discuss Case Study
11:35 Share Discussion with Group
5 Minutes
45 Minutes
25 Minutes