Spelling, Roots, & Vocab HONORS UNIT 2 REVIEW Root Meaning CERT to sift, judge, decide CONCERT, CERTIFY, CERTIFICATE Root Meaning LYS to loosen ANALYSIS, PARALYSIS, DIALYSIS Root Meaning CERN to sift, judge, decide DISCERNING, CONCERNED, INDISCERNIBLE Root Meaning CRET to sift, judge, decide INDISCRETION, DISCRETIONARY, SECRET Root Meaning CAS to fall or die OCCASIONALLY, CASCADING, CASUALTY Root Meaning PET to seek, to rush at, to go toward IMPETUOUS, PETULANT, APPETITE Root Meaning CID to fall or die ACCIDENT, INCIDENTALLY, COINCIDENCE Root Meaning SOLV to loosen RESOLVE, SOLVE, SOLVENT Root Meaning CRIT to sift, judge, decide CRITICAL, CRITICISM, CRITIC, DIACRITICAL Root Meaning CAD to fall or die CADAVER, CADENCE, CADENZA Root Meaning LYZ to loosen PARALYZE, ANALYZE, PSYCHOANALYZE Root Meaning SOLUT to loosen SOLUTION, RESOLUTION, ABSOLUTELY Correct or Incorrect? absolve C Correct or Incorrect? irresollute irresolute Correct or Incorrect? impetuous C Correct or Incorrect? perpetuate C Correct or Incorrect? accidently accidentally Correct or Incorrect? ocasionally occasionally Correct or Incorrect? hypocrit hypocrite Correct or Incorrect? disconcerting C ABSOLVE Meaning: to hold clear of guilt or blame Synonyms: pardon, acquit, forgive, vindicate Antonyms: accuse, blame, charge Context: Saying “I’m sorry” will not absolve you for stealing my sweater. IRRESOLUTE Meaning: unsure of how to act or proceed Synonyms: undecided, doubtful, hesitant, uncertain Antonyms: resolute, decisive, determined, obstinate Context: My decision is irresolute; do not bother me again. IMPETUOUS Meaning: having sudden, forceful energy or emotion Synonyms: impulsive, abrupt, eager, impassioned Antonyms: calm, cautious, reflective, circumspect Context: You may regret your impetuous decision. PERPETUATE Meaning: to continue indefinitely Synonyms: maintain, keep going, sustain Antonyms: discontinue, give up, cease, halt Context: Why do you want to perpetuate this lie? ACCIDENTALLY Meaning: happening by chance Synonyms: unintentionally, unexpectedly Antonyms: purposely, intentionally Example: I stepped on your feet accidentally. OCCASIONALLY Meaning: every now and then Synonyms: infrequently, irregularly Antonyms: often, usually, repeatedly Example: Fred occasionally takes the train to work. HYPOCRITE Meaning: a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs Synonyms: phony, deceiver, falsifier Antonyms: defender, upholder, man of his word Example: Kate’s a hypocrite for wearing fur when she is a member of PETA. DISCONCERTING Meaning: disturbing the composure of Synonyms: frustrating, unsettling, perturbing Antonyms: encouraging, comforting, calming Example: We heard disconcerting news that five homes were lost in the fire. DISCREETLY vs. DISCRETELY DISCREETLY vs. DISCRETELY DISCREETLY vs. DISCRETELY TOWARD vs. TOWARDS AMOUNT or NUMBER? KINDNESS (amount) BUILDINGS (number) PEOPLE (number) SAND (amount) PAST vs. PASSED WHO vs. WHOM Ellen lost her cat. Ellen is the subject, so ask Who lost her cat? WHO vs. WHOM I called Ellen. Ellen is the direct object, so ask Whom did I call? or, I called whom? I shall say that him (whom) is calling. ? I shall say that he (who) is calling. *correct (The cartoon is wrong!!) KIND OF or SORT OF are too informal: BETWEEN YOU and ME BETWEEN is a PREPOSITION “You and me” is the object of the preposition. OBJECTS of a preposition are used in the OBJECTIVE case: me, you, her, him, it, them, us BETWEEN YOU and ME A pronoun that serves as the OBJECT of a PREPOSITION is used in the OBJECTIVE case: me, you, her, him, it, them, us Give the pen to me. I told the shopper to go around us. Ron will drive with Bob and me. BETWEEN YOU and ME BETWEEN Keep IS A PREPOSITION, so… it between you and me. Between him or her, I choose him. I cannot come between them.