SPCC Accounting Training Session

Payment Overview
 The bill is paid each month
from a clearing account
and is paid exactly as
billed. By the 15th of each
month an entry is prepared
by Accounting and
Financial Reporting to
record the transactions on
Payment Overview
o Only items paid for with state funds may be
purchased using this card.
o Agency, local, SGA, Foundation and Club funds
may not be used with this card.
o Personal items, cash advances, and business
expenses are not allowed (with the exception of air
and rail tickets).
Log Sheets
 A log sheet must be
started on the 16th day
of each month.
 This log is to be filled
out as items are
 The log sheet is
Log Sheets
 Date
 Department Name
 Card Holder
 Banner Index
 Date Ordered
Vendor Name
Account Code
eVA Information
Account Codes
 Account codes are specific to the type of expense.
 The Hierarchy Report in the Banner Chart of Accounts
lists the specific account codes.
 The CAPP Manual at the Department of Accounts also
gives a list of available codes. This list gives an
explanation of each one.
Log Sheets
 The log sheet will be completed on the 16th of each
 Complete a separate log sheet for each Banner account
that has purchases.
 If an item is on the log sheet and not on the bill
highlight and note on the log sheet (NOS) and make a
copy of the log sheet to use for next month.
Log Sheets
 Note any discrepancies directly on the log sheet.
 Attach all packing slips, invoices,notes,etc. to back
of log sheet.
 Each transaction must have some type of
documentation that shows a detail of what was
purchased and what price was charged.
 eVA documentation must be kept with your copies
but you do not need to send to Accounting with
your package.
Cover Sheet
 Dept Name/Phone
 Cardholder
 Closing Date
 Total Amount
Cover Sheet
 Fill in total amount of each Banner Index
adding like account codes.
 Fill in eVA information on bottom of form.
 Sign as Cardholder.
 Have your Supervisor approve.
VISA Card Package
 Assemble the package in the following
1. Cover Sheet
2. Log Sheet
3. Invoices or packing slips, notes, PO
copies, RTA, etc.
4. Purchasing check off sheet
VISA Card Package
 Send the entire
original package to
Sylvia Schutt in
Accounting and
Financial Reporting by
the 7th of the month.
VISA Card Package
 If your paperwork is not received in Accounting by the
7th of the month and you have not given prior notice
that your report will be late you will be notified by an
email that will also be sent to your Supervisor as well
as the Vice President for Administration and Finance.
VISA Card Package
 If your paperwork is still not received in a timely
manner the email will be resent and will also go to your
area Vice President.
 Keep a copy of the entire package for your records.
 It is the cardholder’s responsibility to notify the
vendor of any problems with the order or
 You may contact VISA Bank of America directly at
 Purchases on this card are tax exempt with the
exception of air/rail fares and special hotel charges.
 It is the cardholder’s responsibility to ensure that any
tax charged in error is credited.
 Please charge all registration fees for conferences,
etc. to the VISA Card. The approved RTA must
accompany the VISA Card package.
Air/Rail Tickets
 Use your VISA Card to purchase Air or rail tickets.
 A copy of the itinerary or ticket must be attached to
the package as well as a copy of the RTA.
Special Hotel Arrangements
 No tax is allowed except for on air/rail tickets or
special hotel arrangements.
 Special hotel arrangements refers to speakers or
candidates housed in Farmville.
 This may be secured by sending an email to
hillda@longwood.edu with the date, hotel,
purpose and name of person housed.
Special Hotel Arrangements
 If you use this card for
special hotel
arrangements you
must have a copy of the
release and the
approved RTA with
your package.
Special Hotel Arrangements
 If your hotel charges exceed the state rate you must
attach a copy of the approved overage documentation
from the RTA.
Aramark Invoices
 Please use this card for all Aramark purchases made
with state funds.
 Meal payments require a list of names of all persons
 Only business meals are reimbursable and there must
be documentation showing the nature of the business.
 Per diem rates must be adhered to.
Aramark Invoices
 For invoices involving refreshments include the
announcement/invitation if a list of persons is not
 Remember refreshments are allowed only when an
outside person is present.
 A reason for the function is also required.
Internet Purchases
 Items may be purchased
over the internet through a
secure site.
 This is noted by the site
address as “HTTPS”.
 This will not appear until
you get to the ordering
screen. A screen print of
the secure site must be
included in your package.
 Credits must be
documented with a
copy of the invoice and
credit and any notes
you may made.
 If you have a $0.00
balance you don’t turn
in any paperwork.
Special Helps
 Your package is due on
 Securely staple your
the 7th of each month.
 The amount on your
package must match the
 If you have a $0.00
balance you do not send
in any paperwork.
package together.
 Only one cover sheet is
allowed per cardholder.
Special Helps
 We are tax exempt.
 You may purchase over the internet.
 Use this card for Air/rail purchases.
Special Helps
 Document any unusual
purchases directly on
the log sheet.
 Make sure your
paperwork is approved.
 Documentation is of
the greatest
Special Helps
Card sharing is not allowed.
 Faxing of your account number is not
 Do not email your account number.
Special Helps
 If you can’t make
the 7th deadline,
Policy on Web
 The policy and procedures for the VISA Bank of
America Card may be viewed at: