Contribution to the Carnegie Initiative on the Doctorate (CID)
Department of Chemistry
Howard University
Washington, D.C.
Carnegie Initiatives on the Doctorates
(CID): Partial List of Partner Departments
Duke University
Howard University
The Ohio State University
University of Colorado at Boulder
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
University of Texas at Austin
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Department of Chemistry,
Howard University (CID Leadership Team)
Jesse M. Nicholson
Paul F. Hudrlik
Folahan O. Ayorinde
D. Raghavan
Yilma Gultneh
Charles Hosten
Vernon Morris
John Harkless
Josh Halpern
Robert Rosenberg
Helen deClercq
Jason Matthews
Oladapo Bakare
Galina G. Talanova
Nicole John
Ainsley Gibson
Olamide Onakoya
Ramsey Smith
Flexible Curriculum
Early transition to research enterprise
Student-specific curriculum
Opportunity for interdisciplinarity.
Early Assessment of Commitment and
Competency (Quality Control)
Summer Workshop for incoming graduate students
Placement Examinations
Special Courses to Enhance Preparedness for Graduate
Integration of Professional Development into
The Department of Chemistry at Howard University has a deep historical commitment to the training of African
Americans and others of African descent. However, we actively recruit and train talented students from all communities, on both the undergraduate and graduate level.
The Department fully dedicates itself to developing confident scholars through research, mentoring, professional development, and networking in order for them to excel in the global community. At the graduate level, we seek out promising students who can benefit from the Howard
University experience by providing training in funded, and nationally competitive research projects that will prepare them for leadership roles in industrial, government, or university careers.
To build upon a national recognition as a leading graduate chemistry program as perceived by peer institutions, the
National Research Council , the American Chemical Society, and other relevant professional organizations.
To develop students who can demonstrate excellent theoretical knowledge, think critically, as well as communicate basic chemistry knowledge and research findings to scientists and students through oral presentations, lectures, peer-reviewed publications, communicate effectively, and supervise undergraduate and graduate research projects.
To maintain and build upon the role of the
Department as a leading provider of doctorate education to students of African descent and other groups that are underrepresented in the chemical profession.
Increase graduate student enrollment by 100 percent over a 5-year period
Increase Howard’s contribution of the nation’s annual production of African American Ph.D.s from its current
10% to about 15% in a 5-year period (this would depend on the national average production remaining constant)
To educate and develop students who are capable of future leadership roles as demonstrated by their ability to formulate new ideas, expand on existing ideas, as well as having the capacity to propagate the vigor and intellectual integrity of the chemistry profession and related fields ( Developing future Stewards of the Profession ).
Increase the annual production of African
American doctorates to 7 by 2010
To provide significant opportunities in graduate education to those students whose level of preparation may not reflect their true potential.
To develop an environment that will foster scientific integrity, and promote collegial atmosphere that enables open exchange of intellectual ideas, and good work ethics.
Introduction of Standardized
Placement Examinations in Analytical,
Inorganic, Organic, and Physical
Use ACS exams as placement exams for in-coming graduate students. Students must pass all 4 exams to demonstrate competency of undergraduate material.
Early assessment (quality control) of students’ commitment and competency
Failure in any ACS sub-discipline exam
Special graduate courses will be offered to enhance preparedness for graduate studies in the sub-discipline
Students must pass the ACS exam at the end of the 1 st Semester
Failure to pass ACS exams in the 4 subdisciplines at the end of first semester
Student would be placed in the Master’s Program
After passing all ACS exams
15 Hours of Required Advance Chemistry
Choice of Interdisciplinary Courses
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Teaching and Communication
Student to join research group end of
2 nd Semester
Selection of Advisory Committee end of 2 nd Semester
Encouraging Group Mentoring through an Advisory Committee
An Advisory Committee consisting of a Research Advisor and 2 other faculty, at least one must be from a different sub-discipline
The Advisory Committee will be included in the Dissertation
Student to give an “Original Idea”
Presentation to the Advisory Committee in the 3 rd Semester. This shall be on a topic other than the students’ research
Student to give a defense of thesis proposal to the Advisory Committee.
Thesis proposal to be written in form of a grant application, which could be used as a basis for the application for candidacy.
Encouraging greater participation in
Friday’s Seminar Series
Replacement of Comprehensive
Exams with Cumulative Exams
The cumulative exams will be based on suggested literature topics and/or topics from departmental seminars.
Brown-bag, Coffee, Snacks get-together prior to seminar to foster collegial interaction between students and faculty
Workshop on business presentation to be sponsored and offered by an
Industry Partner (Monsanto, Colgate-
Palmolive were past sponsors)
Oral Presentation Skills
Resume Preparation
Interview Skills
Each student must enroll in a Professional
Development Course that includes workshops in
Responsible Conduct of Research
Ethical Case Studies
Oral Presentation Skills
Library Resources
Writing Proposals
Writing Manuscripts
Students will be encouraged to enroll in Howard’s Preparing Future Faculty
(PFF) Program
Teaching and Learning as a Scholarly
Activity (GPFF 403)
A series of Lectures and Activities focusing on the Pedagogies of Teaching and Learning
Summer Academic Enhancement
Workshop for In-coming Graduate
4 weeks of Academic Enhancement in the Core Chemistry Sub-disciplines
Preparation for the Placement Exams
Pro-active Recruiting in Collaboration with the Alliance for Graduate Education and the
Professoriate (AGEP)
The goal is to increase the graduate student enrollment from the current 34 to 60 over a 5-year period, and consistently produce over 5 African
American Doctorates per year
On-Campus Visitation by Prospective Students
Campus Visitation by Chemistry Faculty and Students
Completion of placement exams
Affirmation of basic knowledge
Completion of required courses
Broad and basic knowledge
Completion of cumulative exams
Exposure to current research literature
Presentation of Original
Demonstrate ability to formulate new ideas
Research Experience
Beyond the “technician” stage
Oral defense of Research
Depth in knowledge base
Contribution to knowledge base
Application for Ph.D.
Professional development