Agendas term 3 spanish 1


Agenda: el 19 de marzo 2012 Español 1

Bell Activity:

Have homework out ready to check.


 Go over the crossword

 Take notes on numbers 200-1000

 Practicamos con los números:

1. 300 -trescientos

2. 587 - quinientos ochenta y siete

3. 603 - seiscientos tres

4. 1015 - mil quince

5. 1999 - mil novecientos noventa y nueve

6. 345 -trescientos cuarenta y cinco

7. 790 - setecientos noventa

8. 811- -ochocientos once

9. 5000- cinco mil

10. 1982 – mil novecientos ochenta y dos

Practicamos con la fecha (the date) y los cumpleaños (birthday)

 Communicate

Homework: WB pg. 91, 99

Objectives: I can say numbers 0-10,000 in Spanish. I can explain when events take place by using the words today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow.


 Communication Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

 Connection Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.

 Comparisons Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

Notes: Numbers 100 +

Los números:


150-ciento cincuenta










2.000-dos mil


from 3/20/12

Agenda: el 20 de marzo 2012 Español 1

Bell Activity:

On a piece of paper, write out the following math problems in word form and provide the answer in both number and word form:


99 + 1 = + más, x por, =son


175 + 25 =


10 x 10 =


300 x 2 =


598 + 76 =


 Review numbers 200


 Check homework

 Take notes on direct object pronouns

 Practice using direct object pronouns

Homework: Translate 10 sentences with direct object pronouns. You will be given these sentences in class.

Objectives: I can use numbers beyond 200 in Spanish. I can translate using direct object pronouns.


 Connection Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language.

 Communication Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.

Homework sentences for 3/21:


I have it (el libro).- Yo lo tengo.


He has it (el lápiz).él lo tiene


We have them (los boletos).nosotros los tenemos


They have them (las respuestas).Ellos las tienen.


I have them (los zapatos).yo los tengo.


I see her. – yo la veo


She sees him.ella lo ve


We see them (boys and girls).

nosotros los vemos


They see us.ellos nos ven.


Pass me the ball (la pelota).

Agenda: el 22 de marzo 2012 Español 1

Bell Activity: On a scrap piece of paper, write down all the Spanish and/or Hispanic holidays you know of.


 Go over homework

 Read about Spanish holidays

 Read pages 208-213 for review

 Practice using “venir”, pg. 204-205

Homework: No hay tarea

Objectives: I can discuss major Spanish holidays. I can talk about the months/days/weeks of the year. I can use the verb “venir” and explain what a stem-changing verb is.


 Communication Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.

 Comparisons Standard 4.1: Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of the language studied and their own.

 Comparisons Standard 4.2: Students demonstrate understanding of the concept of culture through comparisons of the cultures studied and their own.





PG. 6 E-IE




1,048, 576- un millón cuarenta y ocho mil, quinientos setenta y seis

B. 1,073, 741, 824 – un billon, setenta y tres millón, setecientos cuarenta y uno mil, ochocientos veinticuatro

Agenda: el 23 de marzo 2012 Español 1

Bell Activity:

Clear your desks and take out a pencil and your verb books.

Feliz ciento mil enero noviembre

Joven doscientos abril febrero el año octubre Mayor trescientos agosto julio la fecha pasado mañana Menor cuatrocientos septiembre Pasado quinientos el año nuevo junio celebrar Poquito seiscientos anteayer marzo venir Primero setecientos ayer mayo a veces Rápidamente ochocientosel cumpleaños el mes la idea Viejo novecientos diciembre la Navidad


 Pre-test for term 3

 Review chapter 5

 Chapter 5B bingo

Homework: No hay tarea

Objectives: I can discuss my birthday and events during a calendar year.

I can count up to one thousand in Spanish.


Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Agenda: el 26 de marzo 2012 Español 1

Bell Activity:

Pick up a book, house packet, and vocabulary list. Start labeling parts of a house- make sure to write clearly. Use page 267 for help.


 Review last week’s material

 Begin chapter 6 o Read pages 224-229

 Kitchen vocabulary, dialogue, Exploring Venezuela


Study guide for chapter 5- extra credit, not mandatory. Study chapter 5 materials. Test tomorrow on months of the year, numbers beyond 100, calendar vocab,

“venir” and “tener”, telling the date, direct object pronouns, and some 5A vocab.

Objectives: I can describe items in a kitchen in the target language. I can discuss main facts about Venezuela.


Communication Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken

Cultures language on a variety of topics.

Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

Agenda: el 27 de marzo 2012 Español 1

Bell Activity: Clear desks and take out a pen or pencil and your verb books. Also, fold a sheet of paper in half the long way like a hot dog. Number 1-25 on the left and 26-50 in the middle.


 Take chapter 5 test

 Continue coloring/labeling house packet- whatever you don’t finish is for homework.

 Also, fill in chapter 6 verbs in your verb book

Homework: Finish coloring/labeling the house packet.

Objectives: I can describe the rooms in a house and items within those rooms.


Communication Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken

Cultures language on a variety of topics.

Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

Agenda: el 28 de marzo 2012 Español 1

Bell Activity: Recojan un libro. Lean (read) las páginas 262-263 “La

Casa de Mis Sueños.” Contesten (answer) las preguntas #1-9 con frases completas.


 Check house packets…any questions??

 Write about and sketch your dream house

 Around the world- house words

Homework: Finish drawing and writing about your dream house.

Objectives: I can describe the rooms in a house and items within those rooms.


Communication Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Communication Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.

Cultures Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

-sketch a drawing of your dream house

-describe it in Spanish in 8-10 sentences

Answers (las respuestas) pg. 263.


El dibujo de la casa es de Santiago.


Los cuartos de la casa son grandes.


Hay libros que le gustan a Santiago en la biblioteca.


La computadora y los videojuegos están en un cuarto al lado de la sala.


Hay una cama grande, muchos posters en la pared y un equipo de sonido en el cuarto de Santiago.


El lugar foavirto de los padres de

Santiago es la cocina.


Los padres hacen o preparan comida exquisitas.


En el jardin hay muchos jasmines.


El ajiaco es una sopa de Colombia.

La casa de mis sueños:

La casa de mis sueños es muy grande- es una mansion! Tiene una piscina grande y un campo de tenis. También hay un cine de casa dónde puedo mirar todas de mis películas favoritas. Hay un biblioteca con muchísimos libros interesantes. La casa de mis sueños tiene un jardín muy grande. La cocina es buenísima con todos los útiles modernos.

Tengo un cocinero professional y un ayundante professional, también. Esta es la casa de mis sueños.

Agenda: el 29 de marzo 2012 Español 1

Bell Activity: Finish filling in your verb books with chapter 6 verbs.


P e dir- to ask for Rep e tir- to repeat

P i do Pedimos Rep i to Repetimos

P i des Rep i tes

P i de P i den Rep i te Rep i ten


 Fill in verb books- chapter 6 verbs

 Notes on “pensar” pg. 231 and practice

 Verb worksheet #26-50- practice using stem-changing verbs

Homework: front side of verb worksheet #1-25

Objectives: I can define a stem-changing verb. I can state my opinion using



Communication Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Agenda: el 2 de abriil 2012

Bell Activity: No bell work today


 Check homework from last week

Español 1

 Review stem-changing verbs and pensar

 Continue with chapter 6-items on a kitchen table

Homework: No hay tarea

Objectives: I can describe items on a kitchen table. I can express my opinion.


Communication Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Agenda: el 3 de abriil 2012 Español 1

Bell Activity:

Take out your stem-changers packet. With your group, double check your answers on page 3- “pensar.”


 Review “pensar” and other stem-changers (update verb books)

 Go over chapter 5 tests

 Continue with chapter 6- items in a kitchen, pgs. 234-237 o

Items on a kitchen table o

Dialogo o

Cultura viva: arepas venezolanas

 Flyswatter- 6A vocabulary

Homework: No hay tarea

Objectives: I can express my opinion. I can identify items on a kitchen table. I can describe a Venezuelan food, la arepa.


Culture Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and perspectives of the cultures studied.




 Stem-changing means that you need to change the vowels when you conjugate a verb

 There are 4 types of stem-changing verbs: e-ie, e-i, o-ue, u-ue

Example: p e nsar (e-ie)- to think

P ie nso pensamos

P ie nsas

P ie nsa p ie nsan

Example: rep e tir (e-i)- to repeat

Rep i to Repetimos

Rep i tes

Rep i te Rep i ten



Pienso que- “I think that….”- stating your opinion


Pienso- “I plan on” or “I intend” to do something


Pienso en- “I’m thinking about…”

Agenda: el 4 de abriil 2012 Español 1

Bell Activity:

Pick up a crossword and work on it- 6A vocabulary.

Use your vocab list on the back for help.


 6A crossword

 KWL- La Pascua y La Semana Santa

 Photos- La Semana Santa

 Read about La Semana Santa y las tradiciones de Pascua o Compare/contrast to U.S.

 Springtime vocabulary partner game and create bingo boards

Homework: no hay tarea

Objectives: I can describe how Easter is celebrated in Spanish-speaking countries.

I can compare that to how Easter is celebrated in the U.S.


Culture Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

Agenda: el 5 de abriil 2012 Español 1

Bell Activity:

Pick up a springtime wordsearch and Easter crossword and due both sides.


 Go over bell work

 Make a Felices Pascuas card

 La primavera y La Pascua Bingo

Homework: No hay tarea- ¡ felices vacacciones!

Objectives: I can discuss how Easter is celebrated in Spain. I can talk about the season of spring.


Communication Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions.

Culture Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the cultures studied.

Agenda chapter 7B Wednesday May 11 th :

Bell activity- review weather vocabulary using overhead transparencies

Read pages 310-311 and discuss sports of the Spanish-speaking world to U.S. sports/pastimes

Finish filling in –AR verbs for chapter 7

Esquiar- to ski

Montar en patineta- to skateboard

Patinar sobre hielo- ice skate

Enviar- to send

Continuar- to continue

Alquilar- to rent

Apagar- to turn off

Dibujar- to draw

Communicate about what we like to do in each season

Review chapter 6 tests

*Homework: study for vocab quiz 7b words

Objectives (Students will be able to…)

• Discuss various weather patterns in Spanish

Discus similarities/differences of sports in the United States and in Spanish-speaking countries

• Identify various athletes using Spanish

Agenda chapter 7B Thursday May 12 th :

Bell activity- do section 17 on page 299 to review weather and section 24 on page 302 #1-8 to review athletes.

Take vocab quiz 7b

Practice with ordinal numbers pgs. 304-305

Read about “El juego del pato” pg. 288


Objectives (Students will be able to…)

Identify the ordinal numbers 1 st

-10 th

in Spanish


Define “el juego del pato” and describe its history and how it’s played

Agenda chapter 7B Friday May 13 th

Bell activity- work on a packet to review sports/leisure games

Watch a video about jai alai and describe how it’s played

Read about “el juego del pato” pg. 288 and discuss

Take notes on DAR y PONER

Dar- to give

Doy Damos


Da Dan

Poner- to put




Play Bingo using 7b vocab words to review





• Define “el juego del pato” and describe its history and how it’s played

• Discuss activities they like or don’t like to do in Spanish

Describe the game of jai alai

Agenda chapter 7A Monday May 16 th

(New seats)

Bell activity- work on a packet to review sports/leisure games (continue packet from Friday)

Read pages 270-273 in the book and do the exercises out loud

Take notes on O-UE and U-UE stem-changing verbs, Poder y Jugar

Poder- can, be able to

Puedo Podemos


Puede Pueden

Jugar- to play sports, games

Juego Jugamos


Juega Juegan

Watch Travel Channel videos related to Argentina

Homework: Worksheet 7A


Identify various leisure activities and pastimes in Spanish

Know how to use an o-ue and u-ue stem-changing verb

Agenda chapter 7A Tuesday May 17 th

Bell activity- Do section 8 on page 274 to practice o-ue stem-changing verbs

Check our homework from yesterday (wks pg. 121-123, 126)

Review what we know about Argentina

Watch slideshow/videos from Travel Channel about Argentina

Listening- 1. Los pasatiempos 2. La Argentina

Homework: “Mi autobiografia”. Write about what sports/activities you like or don’t like to play. Write 7-8 good sentences.


• Know how to use an o-ue and u-ue stem-changing verb

Tell 5 facts about the country of Argentina

Agenda chapter 7A Wednesday May 18 th

Bell activity- word scramble worksheet

Check our homework from yesterday by sharing what we wrote out loud and then collect

Listen to the University of Iowa pronunciation of Argentine “ll” and describe

Take notes on the present progressive tense (see me if you need a copy)

Practice using present progressive on the overhead

Finish listening activity from yesterday and do #4,7

Homework: Study for vocabulary quiz 7A


Form regular present-progressive ar, er, ir verbs

• Express what their hobbies/interests are in writing and verbally

• Describe the Argentine pronunciation of “ll”

Agenda chapter 7A Thursday May 19 th

Bell activity- Review for the vocab quiz with a partner

Take vocabulary quiz 7A

Read pages 276-278 and 282- do section 22 #1-6

Finish listening activity from yesterday and do #4,7

Homework: 7A G/V wks pg. 91, 93, 98, 99


Explain and apply present progressive verbs

Explain and apply listening skills for learning a foreign language

Agenda chapter 7A Friday May 20 th

(Awards assemblies; meet in media center)

Check and collect homework

Work on study guide for chapter 7- test is Wednesday May 25 th

Agenda Chapter 8B Tuesday May 31 st

-Go over chapter 7 tests

-Stations playing memory and battleship, and quizzing a partner with ch. 8 flashcards

- Culture notes pages

-Homework: food packet- do sections B, C, E


Identify three fruits and three vegetables in Spanish

Tell three facts about the history of Spain

Agenda Chapter 8B Wednesday June 1 st

-Bell activity: finish culture fill-in-the-blank notes from yesterday and go over the answers

-Check homework

-Read pages 338-341

-Walk and talk about foods you like and don’t like



• Identify three more fruits and three more vegetables in Spanish

• Discuss what chores are like in Spain and compare how they are similar/different to chores in the United States

Agenda Chapter 8B Thursday June 2nd

-Bell activity- word search of fruits, vegetables and food. Find the words and draw a picture of each food and label it in Spanish.

-Check homework from Tuesday

-We will learn comparison words phrases pg. 342- pick up a notes page

-We will continue to learn more food vocab. Read pg. 342-343

-Walk and talk. Exchange ingredients for recipes.

-Homework: Study for vocab quiz tomorrow 8B



State foods you like or don’t like in Spanish (3 of each)

State which foods you like better than others using comparison vocab

Agenda Chapter 8B Friday June 3 rd

Bell activity- review with a partner for the vocab quiz

Class talk- discuss foods, practice speaking Spanish

Take 8b vocab quiz- fruits, vegetables, and other foods

Fill in ch. 8 verbs in verb book

Take notes on comparison words

Same objectives as 6/2

Agenda Chapter 8B Monday June 6 th

Bell activity- fill in a bingo board with chapter 8b words

Play bingo

Practice using comparisons with a partner. Read pages 342-344 and do section 10

#1-6 on page 344.


Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students should be able to compare which fruits and vegetables they like more or less.

Agenda Chapter 8B Tuesday June 7 th

Bell activity- in partners, finish section 10 page 344 and go over together as a class

Go outside- vocabulary review- co-centric circles

Finish filling in chapter 8 verbs in verb books

Verb review- practice ‘oir’ do section 26 of 8A in the book


-Be able to use the correct present tense form of ‘oir’

- be able to use at least three new words from chapter 8

Agenda Chapter 8B Wednesday June 8 th

Bell activity-

Introduction to preterite tense verbs – take notes , practice “lavar” 8A- section 29

(p. 110 teacher’s book)
