U.S. Health and Human Services Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT Standards & Interoperability Framework Public Health Reporting Initiative Data Harmonization Profile Version 2.0 February 13, 2013 1 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Table of Contents Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................... 2 Summary of Tables ............................................................................................................................ 4 Table of Figures ................................................................................................................................. 5 Acknowledgements............................................................................................................................ 6 Executive Summary............................................................................................................................ 7 1. Introduction to Public Health Reporting Initiative – Data Harmonization Profile.............................. 8 S&I Public Health Reporting Initiative.............................................................................................. 8 Intent of Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile ....................................................... 8 In Scope ................................................................................................................................ 9 Out of Scope ......................................................................................................................... 9 Approach to Development............................................................................................................. 10 Data Element Categorization.............................................................................................. 11 Potential Impact of Data Element Categorization .............................................................. 15 Use of S&I Framework Clinical Element Data Dictionary (CEDD) ....................................... 16 Use of Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) ............................................................. 17 Data Harmonization Profile Principles ............................................................................... 17 Users Guide .................................................................................................................................... 18 2. Organization of Public Health Data Harmonization Profile Document ........................................... 18 Domain Definition Table ................................................................................................................ 18 Object Definition Table .................................................................................................................. 19 Data Element Definition Table ....................................................................................................... 20 Use of Additional Information/Data Elements .............................................................................. 21 Public Health Reporting Value Sets and Vocabularies ................................................................... 21 Public Health Reporting Data in the FHIM ..................................................................................... 21 3. Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile: Categorization of Data Elements .................. 22 Allergy / Adverse Event .................................................................................................................. 27 Employment information............................................................................................................... 30 Encounter / Patient Visit ................................................................................................................ 32 Exposure / Injury ............................................................................................................................ 34 Facility ............................................................................................................................................ 36 Family History ................................................................................................................................ 37 Health Problem / Diagnosis ........................................................................................................... 39 Immunization ................................................................................................................................. 42 Medical Devices ............................................................................................................................. 45 Medication ..................................................................................................................................... 47 Order / Diagnostic Test .................................................................................................................. 51 Patient Contact Information .......................................................................................................... 52 Patient Information........................................................................................................................ 53 Payer Information .......................................................................................................................... 55 Physical Exam ................................................................................................................................. 56 Procedure....................................................................................................................................... 58 Provider Information ..................................................................................................................... 59 Report MetaData ........................................................................................................................... 61 Result ............................................................................................................................................. 63 Social History.................................................................................................................................. 65 Specimen........................................................................................................................................ 66 2 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Vital Sign Indicator ......................................................................................................................... 68 4. Public Health Data Harmonization Profile – Domain Considerations ............................................. 70 Summary of Selection Criteria by Domain ..................................................................................... 70 Adverse Event ................................................................................................................................ 72 Child Health/ Newborn Screening ................................................................................................. 72 Chronic Disease .............................................................................................................................. 72 Communicable Disease .................................................................................................................. 72 Infrastructure, Quality and Research ............................................................................................. 73 5. Data Harmonization Profile - Implementation Alignment ............................................................. 73 ISDS Syndromic Surveillance Recommendation Alignment........................................................... 73 CSTE Workgroup Recommendation Alignment ............................................................................. 74 HITSP C83 Content Modules Alignment ........................................................................................ 76 FHIM Implementation Alignment .................................................................................................. 77 Consolidated CDA Alignment ......................................................................................................... 78 6. Limitations, Lessons Learned, and Next Steps ............................................................................... 79 Data Harmonization Limitations .................................................................................................... 79 Lessons Learned ............................................................................................................................. 79 Next Steps ...................................................................................................................................... 81 Appendix A – Summary of Data Element Optionality......................................................................... 83 Data Element Optionality....................................................................................................................... 83 Examples of NULL Flavors .............................................................................................................. 83 Entity Optionality ................................................................................................................................... 83 Appendix B – Acronyms ................................................................................................................... 86 Appendix C – References .................................................................................................................. 88 Appendix D – Submitted User Stories ............................................................................................... 90 Appendix E – Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) ................................................................... 92 3 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Summary of Tables Table 1 – Defining Core, Report Type, and Implementation Specific Data Elements ................12 Table 2 – Potential Impact of Data Element Classification ........................................................16 Table 3 – Quick Reference Guide .............................................................................................18 Table 4 – Current Public Health Reporting Domains .................................................................19 Table 5 – Summary of Object Definition Table ..........................................................................20 Table 6 – Summary of Data Element Definition Table ...............................................................20 Table 7 – Summary of Terminology Sources Used ...................................................................21 Table 8 – Allergy / Adverse Events Object Summary ................................................................27 Table 9 – Allergy / Adverse Events Data Elements ...................................................................29 Table 10 – Employment information Object Summary...............................................................30 Table 11 – Employment Information Data Elements .................................................................32 Table 12 – Encounter / Patient Visit Object Summary ...............................................................33 Table 13 – Encounter / Patient Visit Data Elements ..................................................................34 Table 14 – Exposure/Injury Object Summary ............................................................................35 Table 15 – Exposure Data Elements .........................................................................................36 Table 16 – Facility Object Summary..........................................................................................37 Table 17 – Facility Data Elements .............................................................................................37 Table 18 – Family History Object Summary ..............................................................................38 Table 19 – Family History Data Elements .................................................................................39 Table 20 – Diagnosis Object Summary .....................................................................................40 Table 21 – Health Problems Data Elements ..............................................................................42 Table 22 – Immunization (Vaccination) Object Summary ..........................................................43 Table 23 – Immunization Data Elements ...................................................................................45 Table 24 – Medical Devices Object Summary ...........................................................................46 Table 25 – Medical Devices Data Elements ..............................................................................47 Table 26 – Medication Object Summary....................................................................................47 Table 27 – Medication Data Elements.......................................................................................50 Table 28 – Order/ Diagnostic Test Object Summary .................................................................51 Table 29 – Order / Diagnostic Test Data Elements ...................................................................52 Table 30 – Patient Contact Information Object Summary ..........................................................52 Table 31 – Patient Contact Information Data Elements .............................................................53 Table 32 – Patient Information Object Summary .......................................................................54 Table 33 – Patient Information Data Elements ..........................................................................55 Table 34 – Payer Information Object Summary .........................................................................56 Table 35 – Payer Information Data Elements ............................................................................56 Table 36 – Physical Exam Object Summary .............................................................................57 Table 37 – Physical Exam Data Elements.................................................................................58 Table 38 – Procedure Object Summary ....................................................................................59 Table 39 – Procedure Data Elements .......................................................................................59 Table 40 – Provider Information Object Summary .....................................................................60 Table 41 – Provider Information Data Elements ........................................................................61 Table 42 – Report MetaData Object Summary ..........................................................................62 4 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Table 43 – Report MetaData Data Elements .............................................................................63 Table 44 – Result Object Summary...........................................................................................64 Table 45 – Result Data Elements ..............................................................................................65 Table 46 – Social History Object Summary ...............................................................................65 Table 47 – Social History Data Elements ..................................................................................66 Table 48 - Specimen Object Summary ......................................................................................67 Table 49 – Specimen Data Elements ........................................................................................68 Table 50 – Vital Sign Indicators Object Summary .....................................................................69 Table 51 – Vital Sign Indicators Data Elements.........................................................................69 Table 52 – Summary of Selection Criteria by Domain ...............................................................71 Table 53 - Summary of Implementation Alignments ..................................................................73 Table 54 - ISDS Syndromic Surveillance Recommendations - Alignment to Data Harmonization Profile .......................................................................................................................................74 Table 55 - CSTE Workgroup Recommendations - Alignment to Data Harmonization Profile .....76 Table 56 - HITSP C83 Content Module Alignment View............................................................77 Table 57 - Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) Alignment ................................................78 Table 58 - Consolidated CDA Alignment ...................................................................................79 Table 59 - Summary of Data Element Optionality......................................................................83 Table 60 - Summary of Conformance Criteria ...........................................................................85 Table 61 - Definitions and Acronyms Used in Data Harmonization Profile.................................87 Table 62 - Data Harmonization Profile References ...................................................................89 Table of Figures Figure 1 - Data Harmonization Process.....................................................................................11 Figure 2 – Content of Public Health Report (Example) ..............................................................13 Figure 3 – Core Common, Report Type, and Implementation Specific Data Elements (Cancer Report Example) .......................................................................................................................14 Figure 4 - Example of Creating a Chronic Disease Public Health Report (using survey questions) .................................................................................................................................14 Figure 5 - Core Common (Overlap across Public Health Reporting Domains)...........................19 5 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Acknowledgements The Public Health Reporting Initiative would like to thank the leaders and members of the Data Mapping Subworkgroup for their participation and work to discuss and develop the common core data elements for public health reporting described in this Data Harmonization Profile. Nikolay Lipskiy (CDC) and Riki Merrick (APHL) co-led the Data Mapping Sub-workgroup with support from a technical writing team led by Erik Pupo (Deloitte Consulting, LLC). Anna Orlova Brian Castor Cynthia Vinion Dina Dickerson Eileen Storey Erik Pupo Galen Mulrooney Genny Luensman Hwa-Gan Chang John Abellera John Eichwald John Stinn Kelly Friar Kerry Souza Kevin McAloon Lindsay Brown Lise Stevens Lura Daussat Maiko Minami Margaret Filios Michael Coletta Michelle Williamson Nikolay Lipskiy Riki Merrick Rita Altamore Robert Savage Seth Foldy Sheila Abner Steven Wagner Sundak Ganesan Susan Terrillion Therese Hoyle Wendy Blumenthal Wendy Scharber Public Health Data Standards Consortium (PHDSC) Deloitte Consulting, LLC Northrup Grumman Corporation Oregon Health Authority Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Deloitte Consulting, LLC Federal Health Architecture (FHA) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Deloitte Consulting, LLC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Partners Healthcare Analytics Deloitte Consulting, LLC Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Oz-Systems HLN Consulting Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) Washington Department of Health Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Federal Health Architecture (FHA) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Agency for Health Research and Quality (AHRQ) Public Health Informatics Institute (PHII) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Registry Widgets 6 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Executive Summary The Standards and Interoperability (S&I) Framework Public Health Reporting Initiative (PHRI) is a community-led project focused on streamlining public health reporting and ensuring EHR interoperability with public health information systems. In pursuit of this goal, the PHRI has developed this data harmonization profile to reflect the common core data elements for public health reporting, including harmonized data element names, descriptions, formats, and value sets. The common core data elements are those elements that are widely used across public health reporting programs; however the common core data elements are not necessarily required by all public health reporting programs, nor does the common core set of data elements include every data element needed for most public health report – many public health reports will use additional data elements in addition to the common core. (Note that such “report type specific” or “implementation specific” data elements are defined but are outside the scope of this document. This Data Harmonization Profile identifies data elements that can be represented identically across multiple types of public health reports and may be extended in the future.) To enhance public health reporting, the PHRI envisions a scenario in which EHR systems would be able to create and capture all of the common core data elements described in this document, allowing public health reporting programs to select required elements among the common core to meet specific business needs. To identify the common core data elements, the PHRI first solicited user stories and reporting scenarios across the public health community. These stories were analyzed and discussed in small working groups organized around the public health domains of adverse events, child health, chronic disease, communicable disease, and infrastructure, quality and research. Through domain specific discussions, data elements specific to each user story reporting scenario were requested and examined. These submitted user story data elements were evaluated for commonality and re-usability across user stories to determine common core data elements for public health reporting. These submitted elements were also mapped to reusable clinical elements identified in other S&I Framework activities, documented in the S&I Framework Clinical Element Data Dictionary (CEDD). The Data Mapping Subworkgroup examined the names and definitions of each of these data elements and spent a considerable amount of time identifying, discussing, and harmonizing applicable value sets, referencing the Public Health Information Network (PHIN) Vocabulary Access and Distribution System (VADS), for the common core data elements. The outcome of this work is presented in this Data Harmonization Profile. The Data Harmonization Profile documents the common core data elements (organized into objects), their alignment to International Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS) and Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) recommendations as well as Healthcare Information Technology Standards (HITSP), Federal Health Information Model (FHIM), and Clinical Document Architecture (CDA) concepts, and includes information about public health domain usage of these elements. Finally the document outlines the key limitations, lessons learned, and next steps identified by the PHRI throughout the process of harmonization. These limitations include the availability of dedicated resources and the limited scope of the first phase of the PHRI. Next steps include determining maintenance of this harmonized set of common core data elements, defining implementation guidance and pilots based on these concepts, and broadening the scope of the public health reporting scenarios in the future. 7 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology 1. Introduction to Public Health Reporting Initiative – Data Harmonization Profile S&I Public Health Reporting Initiative The S&I Framework Public Health Reporting Initiative (PHRI) is a community-led project focused on simplifying public health reporting and ensuring Electronic Health Record (EHR) interoperability with public health information systems. PHRI hopes to create a new public health reporting objective for Meaningful Use (MU) Stage 3 that is broader than the current program-specific objectives and will lay the ground work for public health reporting in the future. The work of this PHRI and contained in this document is based on User Stories and Use Cases that were submitted by public health (PH) practitioners in the field articulating the business processes used to achieve their goals across five public health domains: Communicable Disease, Chronic Disease, Child Health/Newborn Screening, Adverse Events and Infrastructure, Quality and Research (IQR). By looking across these five domains of public health and identifying specific areas of commonality, this profile will be helpful as the Public Health Reporting Initiative moves into its next phase of development, which is focused on a common implementation guide format for public health reporting domains. Note that user stories from the Infrastructure, Quality, and Research domain were deemed out of scope for the first phase of the PHRI and as such are not addressed in this document. A full list of user stories and the domains into which they are classified can be found at http://wiki.siframework.org/PH+Reporting+User+Stories. Intent of Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile The Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile serves as a tool for implementers to use in defining public health data to be used in support of reporting requirements. This alignment analysis serves as one building block within the larger Public Health Reporting Initiative technical approach, and is intended to give implementers a foundation to work from when constructing public health data reporting guides and specifications. For those specifications that will be developed to support the PHRI, this profile may enhance the speed of development of these new guides by providing information about harmonized data elements. For those specifications that have already been created, this profile may provide additional clarity for structuring those specifications to support structured data. This tool documents the data needed to support public health reporting in a variety of formats. Working examples are provided to assist implementers and vendors in structuring source data to support public health reporting. This Data Harmonization Profile is focused on providing content for the Public Health Reporting domains, their alignment, and on identifying gaps in public health data representation as compared to common clinical record data formats (such as HITSP C83 and the EHR-FM (Functional Model)). 8 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Because the Public Health Reporting harmonization approach intends to support multiple implementation paths, this “map and model” driven approach allows for common data elements to be mapped to the underlying implementation representations, and creates models and supporting documentation to help implementers and vendors ensure alignment to the Public Health Reporting specifications. This document includes information to support not only the PHRI but also any public health reporting program, or implementation of activities such as continuity of care communication or quality reporting, that wishes to leverage these harmonized data elements. The Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile is not intended to be prescriptive to any public health reporting program, but rather serve as a resource for programs to help encourage interoperability and reduce variability in reporting requirements. The document will focus on data elements that can be used across many public health reporting domains, while acknowledging the need for more specific data elements to support individual, specific reporting processes) A companion document, the PHRI Functional Requirements1, describes the business processes associated with public health reporting. In Scope The following activities are in scope for the Data Harmonization Profile document: Identifying and reviewing public health data needs through user stories and PHRI member input (i.e., reviewing the “Data Element Spreadsheets”) Aligning user story needs to public health data elements Classifying public health data elements as “core common” data elements for public health reporting and proposing definitions as well as recommending value sets, formats, and standards to support these data elements and reduce variability Out of Scope The PHRI anticipates that generic types of reports (e.g., a tuberculosis report) might contain additional “report type specific” data elements and specific implementations (e.g., tuberculosis reporting in California) may require “implementation specific” data elements. The concept of “report type” and “implementation” specific data elements will be defined below, but the identification of these data elements is out of scope for this Data Harmonization Profile. Additionally, the alignment of data elements to any specific content exchange format, for example HL7 Consolidated CDA, is also out of 1 The PHRI Functional Requirements can be found online at http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI+Harmonization+and+Standards+Materials 9 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology scope for this document.2 However, an indirect mapping to consolidated CDA may be possible as the CEDD is mapped to consolidated CDA. Approach to Development The PHRI collected information from the public health community in the form of reporting programspecific user stories – each representing a specific public health reporting process and set of requirements. These user stories were harmonized across workflow, functional requirements, and common processes in the PHRI Use Case and Functional Requirements documents.3 Each user story submitter was also asked to provide the data elements required to support the reporting process, including the name, description, format, and value set for each element. The collected elements were mapped to the S&I Framework Clinical Element Data Dictionary (CEDD) and the Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) as a framework for analysis and assessment of commonality. The PHRI categorized data elements into three groups: Core Common Data Elements – harmonized data elements that are widely shared across several report types. Expect EHR systems to be able to produce these data elements but public health systems may choose to receive these elements at their discretion. The core common data elements are the primary focus of this Data Harmonization Profile. Report Type Specific Data Elements – harmonized data elements (although variance is allowed where necessary) that are broadly required across public health for a specific report type (e.g., a communicable disease case report for Tuberculosis (TB), a birth record report, etc.). Special effort should be taken to harmonize elements between different report types, but this is a secondary effort of the PHRI at this time. Where possible, report type data elements are detailed and harmonized within this document, but future companion documents may be required to cover data elements for various types of reports. Implementation Specific Data Elements – additional, relatively unique, or non-harmonized data elements required by a particular jurisdiction or public health program (e.g., a TB report in California). Defining these elements is out of scope for the Data Harmonization Profile. The following figure, Figure 1, describes how core common data elements were derived and the role of core common, report type and implementation specific data elements in the creation of implementation guides. 2 The PHRI Implementation specification, currently under development by the PHRI, will include guidance about a content exchange format as discussed by a select group of public health reporting programs. More information about the implementation specification can be found here: http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI+Implementation+Guide 3 The PHRI Use Case is available here: http://wiki.siframework.org/PH+Reporting+User+Stories and the functional requirements are available here: http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI+Harmonization+and+Standards+Materials 10 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Figure 1 - Data Harmonization Process For the purposes of Implementation Guides, Report Type Specific and Implementation Specific Data Elements (defined by specific reporting programs) may be developed to expand the core common set of data elements into a set that satisfies all of the requirements for a particular public health report type.4 The Data Harmonization Profile will present a set of core common data elements based on collaborative work across the Public Health Reporting Initiative and guidance from the Data Mapping Subworkgroup. Data Element Categorization The categorization approach creates a clearer picture to harmonize public health data elements and to align them to implementable standards. The core common data elements may simplify the development and enhancement of implementation guides for eventual inclusion into current regulatory processes, such as Meaningful Use Stage 3. In the following table (Table 1), the rules related to defining data elements in the Data Harmonization Profile are described. 4 For example, a “hearing screening report type” may include objects not presented in this document which contain report type specific data elements. Defining the full set of report type specific data elements for each user story is out of scope for this document. 11 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology What are they? Core Common Data Elements Report Type Specific Data Elements ImplementationSpecific Data Elements What rules are used to define them? Core Common Data Elements meet at least one of the following criteria: Exist across at least 2 of the 5 domains defined within PHRI Exist across at least 3 user stories defined as part of PHRI Are already included in a published set of core data elements (e.g., CSTE and ISDS) Were recommended by the Data Mapping Subworkgroup or Stage 3 Sprint Subworkgroup of the PHRI Note that section 4 provides an overview of the user stories that utilize each core common object. Report type specific data elements may be harmonized within particular domains (e.g., communicable disease case reporting) and serve to ‘extend’ or add to the core common data element to meet the requirements of specific programs. Report type specific data elements (which are out of scope for this document) may pull from harmonized elements developed in future phases. Specific only to 1 public health report How do we test for them? Conformance (e.g., required or optional) may vary across domains or specific types of PH reports depending on the standard used to represent the public health report An example of a core data element is “patient name”. Conformance is specific to domains and public health reports. Conformance within a domain may still vary, but EHR/HIT vendors are encouraged to include these data elements or interfaces in the first or subsequent releases of their product(s). For example, cancer reports will have tighter constraints on cancer diagnoses and how they are coded than an occupational health report. Conformance is specific only to 1 public health report, for example in a given jurisdiction. Table 1 – Defining Core, Report Type, and Implementation Specific Data Elements The following figure, Figure 2, describes how core common, report type, and implementation specific data elements combine to create a specific public health report. 12 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Figure 2 – Content of Public Health Report (Example) The example in the figure below (figure 3) uses a specific example around cancer reporting to show how different levels (core, report type, and implementation specific) can be used to classify data elements; the classification allows for requirement traceability from a user story to an implementation. 13 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Figure 3 – Core Common, Report Type, and Implementation Specific Data Elements (Cancer Report Example) One consideration for the Data Harmonization Profile is capturing and representing forms or questionnaire responses (or question and answer situations in a clinical setting) in implementation guides. For many user stories, there is an expectation that data elements may be expressed in a clinical setting as a question and associated answer. The data harmonization profile highlights that the expected answer would be a coded value, indicating that a diagnosis or condition is present. The only time this rule does not apply is when a coded value is not available for representation. The following figure, figure 4, depicts an example of a question and answer situation in a clinical setting, with coded information distilled from the encounter and sent to a public health agency. Figure 4 - Example of Creating a Chronic Disease Public Health Report (using survey questions) 14 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Potential Impact of Data Element Categorization The PHRI recognizes that the classification of data elements into core common, report type, and implementation specific may affect participants in the public health reporting process, including regulatory bodies responsible for Meaningful Use, EHR vendors, public health information system vendors, national, state, local, tribal, and territorial programs, as well as the PHRI membership. The following table summarizes potential impact to each of these groups: Community Core Common Data Elements Legislative (MU Stage 2 & 3) EHR vendors Public Health Information System Vendors National, State, local, tribal, and territorial public health programs S&I PHRI Potential Impact Include in MU certification criteria for PH reporting, updating test procedures and conformance rules Products must support these data elements and interfaces to support PH reporting Products meet requirements of PH program. Should be aware of what is available in EHR for inclusion in PH report, and potentially PH system. Harmonization was performed based on contributed user stories which may differ across jurisdictions, thus harmonized elements may differ from those in local use elsewhere. Serve as primary content for harmonization across participating PH domains (captured in this Data Harmonization Profile) Report Type Specific Data Elements (not included in this Data Harmonization Profile) Legislative (MU Stage 2 & 3) Include for domain-specific MU objectives developed directly by programs (e.g., Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI), Cancer), updating test procedures and conformance rules EHR vendors Support these data elements and/or interfaces Public Health Information System Vendors Products meet requirements of PH program. Should be aware of what is available in EHR for inclusion in PH report, and potentially PH system. National, State, local, tribal, and territorial public Harmonization out of scope for this Data health programs Harmonization Profile, but may be considered in future phases S&I PHRI Harmonization out of scope for this Data Harmonization Profile, but may be considered in 15 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Community Potential Impact future phases Implementation Specific Data Elements (not included in this Data Harmonization Profile) Legislative (MU Stage 2 & 3) May not be part of EHR requirements in MU; Potential Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) requirement to accommodate jurisdictional specificity that should be reflected in products EHR vendors Encouraged to support, but requires continual monitoring and understanding to determine if alignment and inclusion is possible. Public Health Information System Vendors Products meet requirements of PH program. Should be aware of what is available in EHR for inclusion in PH report, and potentially PH system. National, State, local, tribal, and territorial public Harmonization out of scope for this Data health programs Harmonization Profile, but may be considered in future phases S&I PHRI Harmonization out of scope for this Data Harmonization Profile, but may be considered in future phases Table 2 – Potential Impact of Data Element Classification Use of S&I Framework Clinical Element Data Dictionary (CEDD) To build the Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile, the S&I Framework CEDD5 and its repository of data elements and their corresponding definitions and attributes were leveraged. The S&I CEDD lists the data elements and corresponding definitions that are used by a variety of stakeholders comprising functional and technical experts within the S&I Framework, and includes clinical and administrative data elements. Wherever possible, the Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile specifically reuses data elements defined within other S&I Framework initiatives and within healthcare standards such as the Health Level 7 (HL7) Clinical Care Document (CCD), HL7 Consolidated CDA, and controlled vocabularies such as Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine – Clinical Terms (SNOMED-CT®). 5 The CEDD can be found here: http://wiki.siframework.org/file/view/S%26I%20Framework%20%20Clinical%20Element%20Data%20Dictionary%20%28Public Health Domain Data Alignment%29%20%20Value%20Set%20Index%20-%20Version%200.1.docx 16 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Use of Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) The Federal Health Information Model, part of the Federal Health Architecture (FHA) project, was utilized to model the common core data elements for public health reporting developed by the Public Health Reporting Initiative and elaborated in this document. The FHIM Model can be found here: https://www.fhims.org. The FHIM supports the core common data elements by modeling them as part of the overall health information model, thereby integrating and harmonizing them with all of the other content in the model, including content from federal partners representing providers, payers, researchers, regulatory organizations and public health organizations and content from standards organizations such as HL7 and HITSP. This harmonized information can then be used to generate health information exchange standards for public health information by leveraging a model driven architecture approach. Data Harmonization Profile Principles Several principles underlie development of the Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile. They are listed here to help implementers and vendors understand the context of how this specification was developed: The Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile is designed to support the requirements outlined in the S&I Framework Public Health Reporting Use Case, with a focus on supporting multiple public health domains and report types. The Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile will reuse existing data types, models, and data elements wherever possible. The Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile is built to be transparent, intuitive, welldocumented, and easily understood by stakeholders. Supporting examples, code, and models may be provided to assist implementers and vendors in piloting Public Health Reporting specifications. The Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile leverages evolving healthcare coding standards and maps to existing information modeling efforts, such as the FHIM and the Clinical Information Modeling Initiative (CIMI). Existing implementations should be leveraged as best practices for the Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile, to minimize any direct implementation-specific modifications or transitional changes. To make these principles actionable, the S&I Framework Public Health Reporting initiative focused work on the Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile in the following areas: Examine data elements defined in the S&I Framework Public Health Reporting user stories and show how they align across multiple domains. Leverage the cumulative experience of vendors, implementers and other organizations involved in public health reporting. Rely on existing and standardized coding schemas and ontologies, and be compatible with existing implementations. 17 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Users Guide A quick reference to the location of specific sets of data elements, content and mapping to FHIM is included in Table 3, below: Data Element Location Public Health Reporting Core Common Data Elements – data elements found across public health reporting user stories, organized into objects, including location in the FHIM. References to submitted user stories and their specific data elements Assessment of gaps, lessons learned, and next steps Screenshots of FHIM content Section 3 Section 4 Section 6 Appendix E Table 3 – Quick Reference Guide 2. Organization of Public Health Data Harmonization Profile Document The Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile is designed to highlight commonality across the different domains, as well as showcase commonalities at a domain level. Links to recommended value sets are also defined within the Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile, where available, to help with the alignment of data elements. The use of the word entity in the Data Harmonization Profile means “an object that holds data element”. The use of the word entity and object is synonymous. Domain Definition Table Table 4, below, describes the report types associated with each of the domains that contributed to the data elements contained in the Data Harmonization Profile. Domain Adverse Events Child Health / Newborn Screening Chronic Disease Communicable Disease User Story Data Elements Adverse Drug Events (ADE) Spontaneous Triggered Event Reporting (ASTER) 1 ASTER D Individual Case Safety Reports (ICSR) R2 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Common Formats Immunization Vital Records Newborn Hearing Screening Cancer Genetics Cancer Reporting Occupational Health National Hospital Care Survey (NHCS) Communicable/Syndromic – Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) & 18 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Domain User Story Data Elements Infrastructure, Quality, and Research International Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS) Healthcare Associated Infections (HAI) Currently out of scope for PHRI Table 4 – Current Public Health Reporting Domains The following graphic (Figure 5) shows how the public health reporting domains contribute to and share a set of core common data elements. Additionally, each domain has specific data elements utilized only by that domain that remain outside the core common data elements. The information in section 3 describes which domains use which objects. There is also a table in section 5 that describes which user stories, organized into domains, use which objects, based on submitted data elements. Figure 5 - Core Common (Overlap across Public Health Reporting Domains) Object Definition Table Objects are defined in this Data Harmonization Profile (with details provided in Section 3) as a foundational building block for future public health reporting standardization. For each object, there is a core set of data elements (that are defined regardless of domain); the objects can be extended by adding data elements to meet specific programmatic, report type, or implementation specific requirements (e.g., adding data elements to the encounter object to characterize a pregnancy visit). The Core Common Data Elements are categorized into objects; table 5 summarizes how the Object Definition Table is structured for each object presented in Section 3 of this profile: References Used The references used to create this object and the domain alignment analysis Public Health Domains The specific domains that would require this object. This is where Supported specific conformance language is also listed, specific to that object. 19 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Implementation Models / Modules Supported If the word “Required” is not used, then conformance language is included for SHOULD or MAY. The different implementation models / modules that this object is also represented in. There may be multiple models listed, including: Alignment to HITSP C83 Content Modules Alignment to EHR – Functional Model Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAI) Content Module ISDS/CSTE Communicable Diseases Content Module Child Health/Immunization Content Module Chronic Diseases Content Module Adverse Events (FDA) Content Module Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) Table 5 – Summary of Object Definition Table Data Element Definition Table Each object within the Data Harmonization Profile will contain one or more data elements. Each of the data elements is represented with the following values: Data Element Name The name of the data element Data Element Definition A definition of the data element – specifically focused on its context of use within public health Data Element Format Identifies if the data element is a coded value, a string, a date/time, an integer, or a physical quantity. It is important to note that the formats used may vary depending on context (a format in one domain may differ from formats in other domains) and data exchange mechanism. These differences will be noted. Vocabulary / Value Set Examples and Guidelines FHIM Mapping Data Element Formats in the context of this profile are not prescriptive but recommended. A recommended vocabulary is proposed that may be drawn from existing sources of information on standards-based value sets for this data element. The Public Health Information Network (PHIN) Vocabulary Access and Distribution System (VADS) is used as a primary reference source Examples and guidelines are provided from both the clinical and technical perspective to assist with the representation of the data element (as needed for clarity). Identifies the location of the data element in the FHIM Table 6 – Summary of Data Element Definition Table 20 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Use of Additional Information/Data Elements For many public health report types, additional requirements may exist depending on the context of the report. For example, a report type may require additional information to be included depending on the age of the patient/subject, or the specific diagnosis or procedure of the patient/subject. Also, there are report type specific data elements that cannot be ignored to implement specific reporting requirements (i.e., Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) Type & Date for Immunization reporting). The Data Harmonization Profile acknowledges that extensions to the set of common core data elements may be required by public health reporting programs in the form of report type or implementation specific data elements. Public Health Reporting Value Sets and Vocabularies This Data Harmonization Profile includes multiple vocabularies and value sets defined in current implementations in use for population health reporting. This includes vocabularies and value sets that may have already been defined as part of PHIN VADS, Unified Medical Language System (UMLS), and HITSP, as well as other value sets specific to Standards Development Organizations, such as HL7 and Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE). Each of these value sets was identified as part of this domain alignment analysis, and included in both this analysis and in the CEDD Value Set Index. This index of value sets allows for potential reuse by other S&I Framework initiatives which have similar functional or information interchange requirements. Most existing vocabularies for Public Health Domain use are collected and maintained by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the PHIN VADS. The Public Health Reporting Initiative has suggested that this process should be continued and additional data elements and value sets will be added to PHIN VADS as a result of the initiative’s assessment. The CEDD Value Set Index is located at: The PHIN VADS browser is located at: http://wiki.siframework.org/file/view/S%26I%20Framework%20%20Clinical%20Element%20Data%20Dictionary%20%28Public Health Domain Data Alignment%29%20%20Value%20Set%20Index%20-%20Version%200.1.docx http://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/SearchHome.action Table 7 – Summary of Terminology Sources Used Public Health Reporting Data in the FHIM Public Health Reporting data for all the core common data elements described in the next section has been modeled in the FHIM. Modeling the information (and associated terminologies and value sets) in the FHIM ensures that the information is harmonized and integrated with data that has already been modeled to support other types of health organizations at the federal government level such as providers, payers, research, regulators, and public health. The FHIM leverages PHIN VADS to store its value sets which is consistent with the approach used by the PHRI. Modeling the Public Health Reporting information in the FHIM provides an added advantage. The FHIM is integrated with a set of 21 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology open source implementation modeling tools called Model Driven Health Tools (MDHT) and leverages this integration and a model driven architecture (MDA) process to generate standardized health information exchange (HIE) implementation guides. The models, implementation tools and MDA processes are all freely available to the PHR Initiative for use in generating their standardized HIE implementation guides as the PHR Initiative moves forward. 3. Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile: Categorization of Data Elements Each of the entities listed below were analyzed as part of the Public Health Reporting initiative, and further detail was provided based on analysis work done in the Data Mapping Sub-Workgroup. For the purpose of this analysis, the term “object” is used to group data, and then individual data elements are defined for each entity. The CSTE core common data elements document, for example, refers to these specific objects as “categories.” The S&I Framework CEDD uses the word “object” to define entities. FHIM also uses the term “entity” and “attribute” to describe the data structures it defines in its model(s). The following objects organize the core common set of data elements for the Public Health Reporting Initiative: Allergy / Adverse Event Employment Information Encounter / Patient Visit Exposure / Injury Facility Family History Health Problem / Diagnosis Immunization Medical Devices Medication Order / Diagnostic Test Patient Contact Information Patient Information Payer Information Physical Exam Procedure Provider Information Report Metadata Result Social History Specimen Vital Sign Indicator 22 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Note that there is not a PHRI Object for “Risk Factors” because "Risk factors" are condition-dependent and may be found in the social history, family history, health problem, exposure, and/or other existing objects. Specific risk factors may be described in report type specific requirements/elements. The following sections describe in detail data elements associated with these core objects. Each section includes a discussion of the specific object and includes only those harmonized data elements associated with that object. For each data element there is information about the location of that element in the FHIM in the “FHIM Mapping” column from the Section 3 tables (see the table header below). To access the complete set of reports within the FHIM model, visit: http://www.fhims.org/content/420A62FD03B6_root.html The following example describes how to find a specific data element, in this example Allergy/Adverse Event Reaction, which is contained within a common core object. Data Element Name Allergy / Adverse Event Code Data Element Description Code describing the allergy/ adverse event diagnosed for the subject of the report (e.g., fever, headache, rash, etc.) Data Element Format Coded Value Vocab / Value Set Value set depends on the “Allergy/ Adverse Event Type” Guidelines FHIM Mapping As an example: Vaccination Reactions (IIS) use a subset of values found in the IIS Vaccine Reaction Codes AdverseReactionR eportingEvent.Int oleranceObservat ion.Reaction.Reac tion The rightmost column displays the data element name which can be found in the FHIM model: AdverseReactionReportingEvent.IntoleranceObservation.Reaction.Reaction. The first part of the data element name identifies the report where the data element can be found (AdverseReactionReportingEvent), the second part identifies the table in which data elements describing the adverse event can be found (IntoleranceObservation) including a field for reactant category code, the third part identifies the (Reaction) table that links to the reactant category code, and the fourth part identifies the data element (Reaction) within the Reaction table. To locate this specific data element requires the following steps: 1. Go to the FHIM model at http://www.fhims.org/content/420A62FD03B6_root.html to see the complete set of reports available. 23 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology 2. Select AdverseEventReporting to display data elements within that object. Locate the IntoleranceObservation table. Note that it is linked to the Reaction table through reactant category codes. 3. Click on the Reaction field within the Reaction table to see the list of constraints on the element. 24 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology 4. Click on Observation_Reaction to see the human-friendly version of the Reaction class. All other data elements referenced in the object tables below can be found in the FHIM model using the same methodology as described for Adverse Event reaction. 25 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology The Public Health Reporting Initiative operates under the following principles concerning the data elements detailed below: Coded Values will always be sent with information to identify the coding system and humanreadable value associated with the code (e.g., coding system name, coding system value, and coding system human readable description of the code) and the original text Addresses include all information pertinent to an address (e.g., address type, street address, zip code, city, state, etc.) and may be repeated Names include all information pertinent to a name (e.g., first name, last name, middle initial, title, etc.) Numeric values / measures will always be sent with the unit of measure (e.g., mL, lbs, inches, etc.) 26 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Allergy / Adverse Event The Allergy / Adverse Event object contains elements specific to the reporting of an allergy/ adverse event as part of a public health report. Although not all allergies are adverse events, and vice versa, the data elements associated with an allergy or an adverse event are similar. Thus, one object includes data elements relevant for both Allergies and Adverse Events. A summary of the allergy / adverse event object is provided in the table below (Table 8). References Used Public Health Reporting Initiative Recommended Vocabulary SNOMED-CT How is the allergy / adverse events object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Optional Chronic Disease Optional Child Health/Newborn Screening Optional Adverse Events Required How does the allergy / adverse events object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 The elements for allergy / adverse event type and date are supported within HITSP C83 ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements There are no specific recommendations within ISDS regarding allergy / adverse for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance events CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations There are no specific recommendations within CSTE regarding allergy / adverse events FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 8 – Allergy / Adverse Events Object Summary The following table (Table 9) describes the core common data elements in the allergy / adverse event object: Data Element Name Data Element Description Allergy / Adverse Event The code associated with the allergy or adverse event causal Data Element Format Coded Value Vocab / Value Set Medication Brand Name Value Set (RxNorm), Medication Guidelines FHIM Mapping AdverseReactionReporti ngEvent.intoleranceObse 27 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Description Causal Agent agent (e.g., medication name, food allergy, etc.) Allergy / Adverse Event Type The type of allergy/adverse event (e.g., ) as pertains to the patient. Allergy/ Adverse Event Code describing the allergy/adverse event diagnosed Data Element Format Coded Value Coded Value Vocab / Value Set Clinical Drug Value Set (RxNorm), Medication Drug Class Value Set (NDF-RT ), Ingradient Value Set (Unique Ingredient Identifier,UNII), SNOMED Food Allergy subtype hierarchy, Environmental allergies (TBD) SNOMED CT, Consolidated CDA Table 48+ environmental allergy Value Set dependent on the "Allergy / Adverse Event Type" Guidelines FHIM Mapping rvation.reactant 420134006 SNOMED CT Propensity to adverse reactions (disorder) 418038007 SNOMED CT Propensity to adverse reactions to substance (disorder) 419511003 SNOMED CT Propensity to adverse reactions to drug (disorder) 418471000 SNOMED CT Propensity to adverse reactions to food (disorder) 419199007 SNOMED CT Allergy to substance (disorder) 416098002 SNOMED CT Drug allergy (disorder) 414285001 SNOMED CT Food allergy (disorder) 59037007 SNOMED CT Drug intolerance (disorder) 235719002 SNOMED CT Food intolerance (disorder) 2675004019 Environmental allergy (disorder) As an example: Vaccination Reactions (IIS) use a subset of values - these are found in AdverseReactionReporti ngEvent.intoleranceObse rvation.intoleranceCateg ory AdverseReactionReporti ngEvent.intoleranceObse 28 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Description Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set Code for the subject of the report (e.g., fever, headache, rash, etc.) Allergy/ Adverse Event Date/Time Allergy/ Adverse Event Free Text Date/time of adverse event Date/Time String Allergy/ Adverse Event Status A free text description about the event. Used to capture reporter comments or other pertinent information about the event that has not been captured in other sections of the report The status of the allergy/adverse event (e.g., active, inactive, resolved) Severity Free Text Level of severity of reaction to product String Coded Value Guidelines FHIM Mapping the IIS Vaccine Reaction and Adverse Event6 codes (https://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/ViewValue Set.action?id=CD050AE1-A9B9-DF119BDD-0015173D1785) rvation.reaction.reaction AdverseReactionReporti ngEvent.eventDateTime HITSPProblemStatus, SNOMED Any noted intended or unintended effects of the product. For example: full body rash, nausea, rash resolved. These are captured as text. AdverseReactionReporti ngEvent.intoleranceObse rvation.reaction.reaction .originalText 55561003 SNOMED CT Active 73425007 SNOMED CT Inactive 413322009 SNOMED CT Resolved AdverseReactionReporti ngEvent.intoleranceObse rvation.status AdverseReactionReporti ngEvent.intoleranceObse rvation.reaction.severity. originalText Table 9 – Allergy / Adverse Events Data Elements 6 For the purposes of this document, a reaction, side effect or adverse effect to a medication or biologic product is defined as one having a causal relationship to the product (i.e., exposure to the product caused or contributed to the reaction, side effect or adverse effect). Adverse events, on the other hand, are characterized as events that occur in temporal association with the product (i.e., exposure to the product preceded the event). Adverse events following a medication or vaccine may or may not be causally associated. However, unlike a reaction, side effect or adverse effect, in the case of an adverse event no causal relationship is implied. Due to historical naming conventions, Value Set Codes involving vaccinations contain the term reaction. In this guidance, to specify that health events occurring after receipt of vaccination may or may not be causally associated with a vaccine, Value Set Name and Value set Description also contain the term “adverse event” to indicate that no causal association between vaccination and the health outcome should be assumed. 29 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Employment information The Employment information object allows for the description of employment information within a public health report. Employment information is part of the recommendations of CSTE and is listed as a distinct object for this domain alignment. A summary of the employment information object is provided in the table below (Table 10). References Used Public Health Reporting Initiative Recommended Vocabulary Bureau of Census Industry and Occupation Codes How is the employment information object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Required Chronic Disease Required if Known Child Health/Newborn Screening Optional Adverse Events Optional How does the employment information object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 There is no information defined for employment in the HITSP C83 Content Modules ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements Employment Information is not included with the ISDS recommendations for Public for Core Processes and EHR requirements for Public Health Syndromic Health Syndromic Surveillance Surveillance. The International Society for Disease Surveillance (ISDS) recommended Industry and Occupation as “future” data elements in their 2012 recommendations for electronic syndromic surveillance using hospital inpatient and ambulatory clinical care electronic health record data (http://www.syndromic.org/uploads/files/RevisedGuidelinesforSS.pdf). CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Employment category FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 10 – Employment information Object Summary The following table (Table 11) describes the core common data elements in the employment information object: 30 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Employer Address Employer Name Employer Phone Employment Status Industry Type, Current Code Industry Type, Current Free Text Industry Type, Current Title Industry Type, Usual Code Industry Type, Usual Free Text Industry Type, Usual Title Data Element Description At the time of the report, the physical address of the of the subject’s workplace At the time of the report, the name of the subject’s current employer(s) At the time of the report, the phone number of the subject’s current employer(s) The current status of employment At the time of the report, the industry type(s) of the subject’s occupation(s) (e.g., accommodation and food services, beer and ale merchant wholesalers, etc.) At the time of the report, the industry type(s) of the subject’s occupation(s) - text value Title (text descriptor) associated with the coded value. Industry type of the report subject’s longest held occupation (e.g., accommodation and food services, beer and ale merchant wholesalers, etc.) Industry type of the report subject’s longest held occupation - text value Title (text descriptor) associated with the coded value. Data Element Format Address Vocab / Value Set Entity Name Telephone Number String Coded Value Bureau of Census Industry Codes String String Coded Value Bureau of Census Industry Codes Guidelines FHIM Mapping NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.asEmployee.employer.org anization.address NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.asEmployee.employer.org anization.name NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.asEmployee.employer.org anization.phone NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.asEmployee.employment Status NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.asEmployee.employer.ind ustryClassification.code NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.asEmployee.employer.ind ustryClassification.originalText NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.asEmployee.employer.ind ustryClassification.text NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.usualIndustry.code String NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.usualIndustry.originalText String NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.usualIndustry.text 31 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Occupation, Current Code Data Element Description Occupation, Current, Free Text At the time of the report, the subject’s occupation(s) - text value Title (text descriptor) associated with the coded value. Report subject’s longest held occupation (e.g., accountant, actor, etc.) Report subject’s longest held occupation - text value String Title (text descriptor) associated with the coded value. Number of years in usual occupation (i.e., “occupation held for greatest number of years) Number of years in current occupation String Occupation, Current Title Occupation, Usual Code Occupation, Usual Free Text Occupation, Usual Title Years of Employment in Usual Occupation Years of Employment in Current Occupation At the time of the report, the subject’s occupation(s) (e.g., accountant, actor, etc.) Data Element Format Coded Value Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping Bureau of Census Occupation Codes If multiple current occupations, suggest report type specific data element to capture which occupation is the main occupation (i.e., person works the most hours per week in that occupation) NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.asEmployee.occupation.c ode NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.asEmployee.occupation.o riginalText NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.asEmployee.occupation.t ext NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.usualOccupation.code String Coded Value Bureau of Census Occupation Codes String NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.usualOccupation.originalT ext NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.usualOccupation.text Integer Can be stored as discrete value or computed NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.yearsInUsualOccupation Integer Can be stored as discrete value or computed NotificationReport.reportSubject. subject.yearsInCurrentOccupatio n Table 11 – Employment Information Data Elements Encounter / Patient Visit Encounter / patient visit information may be included as part of the common core set of data elements for public health reporting. Note that the base set of data elements for encounters is considered an encounter code (type is included as a possible additional flag to be descriptive). A summary of the encounter / patient visit object is provided in the table below (Table 12). 32 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology References Used Recommended Vocabulary Public Health Reporting Initiative ICD-9 ICD-10 How is the encounter / patient visit object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Chronic Disease Required Required Child Health/Newborn Screening Required Adverse Events Required How does the encounter / patient visit object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 Encounter ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements Supported through recommendation for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Supported through recommendation FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 12 – Encounter / Patient Visit Object Summary The following table (Table 13) describes the core common data elements in the encounter / patient visit object: Data Element Name Admission Date/Time Admission Source Admission Type Chief Complaint Discharge Data Element Description Date of admission (inpatient only) The source for the admission (e.g., clinic referral, transfer from a hospital, emergency room, etc.) Type of admission (e.g., accident, labor & delivery, emergency, routine, urgent, elective, newborn) The patient's stated reason for seeking care (or as stated by the patient's representative). (i.e., patient's own words) Date of discharge Data Element Format Date/Time Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping Admission Source (HL7 2.x) To be updated based on UB04 (PHIN VADS) NotificationReport.ecounterE vent.admissionDate NotificationReport.ecounterE vent.admissionSource Coded Value Coded Value Admission type (HL7 2.x) To be updated based on UB04 (PHIN VADS) NotificationReport.ecounterE vent.admissionType String NotificationReport.ecounterE vent.chiefComplaint Date/Time NotificationReport.ecounterE 33 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Date/Time Discharge Disposition Data Element Description Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping Information recorded at discharge or end of visit (can be used for outpatient or inpatient; e.g., admitted as inpatient to this hospital, discharged/transferred to a federal health care facility, etc.) Coded Value L7 Discharge Disposition (HL7 User Defined Table 112) To be updated based on UB04 (PHIN VADS) vent.discharge.date NotificationReport.ecounterE vent.discharge.disposition National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC 04) – Patient Status Discharge Facility Name Encounter Code Encounter Type Patient Visit Date/Time Reason for Visit Name of the facility the patient was transferred to (if discharge disposition = transferred) A procedure code describing the encounter - in terms of evaluation and management (e.g., diagnosis or procedure associated with the encounter) Type of encounter (e.g., phone call, outpatient, etc.) String Date/Time of the Patient Visit (outpatient, same day surgery, etc.) The provider's description of the reason for the patient's visit. (e.g., entry from problem list, well care visit, research monitoring) Date/Time Coded Value CPT-4 (9920099299) Coded Value PHRI Encounter Type: Phone Call, Outpatient, Inpatient, Other Coded Value May use problem list NotificationReport.ecounterE vent.discharge.dischargeToLo cation.name NotificationReport.ecounterE vent.encounterBillingType NotificationReport.ecounterE vent.encounterType NotificationReport.ecounterE vent.duration.low NotificationReport.ecounterE vent.reasonForVisit Table 13 – Encounter / Patient Visit Data Elements Exposure / Injury This information is derived from occupational health subject matter experts and captures specific information relative to exposure by an individual to a substance or agent as well as information about an injury. Additional elements were derived from discussions across user stories and the data elements below may be relevant for other domains. A summary of the exposure / injury object is provided in the table below (Table 14). 34 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology References Used Public Health Reporting Initiative Recommended Vocabulary How is the exposure/injury object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Chronic Disease Child Health/Newborn Screening Adverse Events How does the object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations FHIM No vocabularies could be identified Optional Required if Known Optional Optional There is no information defined for exposure/injury within HITSP C83 Not included in recommendations Not included in recommendations Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 14 – Exposure/Injury Object Summary The following table (Table 15) describes the core common data elements in the exposure / injury object: Data Element Name Activity at time of Exposure / Injury Data Element Description Activity setting at time of Exposure / Injury Exposure / Injury Agent Indicates whether the activity was due to work, both civilian and military, volunteering, or leisure The name of the agent the patient was exposed to Coded value Exposure / Injury Circumstances Exposure Agent / Description of the circumstances surrounding the exposure The agent the patient was exposed to or the String The activity at the time of the exposure or injury Data Element Format Coded Value Vocab / Value Set For Injury: ICD-9-CM E-001 through E030 codes, ICD-10-CM Y-93 through Y-99 codes. ICD-9-CM E-000 code, ICD-10-CM Y-99 code. String Coded Value Guidelines NotificationReport.expos ure.activity NotificationReport.expos ure.injuryContext May support coded value in specific implementations. For Injury: ICD-9-CM E-codes, FHIM Mapping NotificationReport.expos ure.agent.originalText NotificationReport.expos ure.circumstances NotificationReport.expos 35 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Injury Cause Exposure Duration Data Element Description Exposure Type The type of exposure (e.g., chemical, biological, physical, other) Coded Value Place of Exposure / Injury Indicates the place where the exposure / injury occurred (e.g., workplace, farm, etc). Coded value cause of the injury Describes a timing effect of exposure (e.g., acute, intermediate duration and chronic) Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set Guidelines ICD-10-CM V through Y-codes String May support coded value in specific implementations. 1)chemical, 2)physical, 3)biological and 4) other agent For Injury: ICD-9-CM E-849 codes , ICD-10-CM Y-92 codes FHIM Mapping ure.agent.code NotificationReport.expos ure.exposureDuration.ori ginalText NotificationReport.expos ure.category NotificationReport.locati on Table 15 – Exposure Data Elements Facility A facility can be represented as an organization that serves several roles. The facility can have several states within public health domains, including the sender, the receiver, or an intermediary. For public health reporting, the facility may also have various “states”, such as the “ordering” facility and the “receiving” facility. A summary of the facility object is provided in the table below (Table 16). References Used Public Health Reporting Initiative Recommended Vocabulary There are no recommended vocabularies used to describe a facility. How is the facility object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Required Chronic Disease Required Child Health/Newborn Screening Required Adverse Events Required How does the facility object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 There is no concept of a facility within HITSP C83 ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements Does support the concept of a facility and defines associated data elements for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Ordering Facility - CSTE classifies a facility as “ordering” facility FHIM Facility supported through the modeling of several FHIM entities (an 36 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology example would be Blood Bank) Table 16 – Facility Object Summary The following table (Table 17) describes the core common data elements in the facility object: Data Element Name Facility Address Facility ID Data Element Description Facility Name Name of the facility where care was provided to the subject of the report. Phone number of the facility where care was provided to the subject of the report. Type of facility that the patient visited for treatment (e.g., hospital, school, clinic, etc.) Facility Phone Facility Type Address of the facility where care was provided to the subject of the report. Identifier of the facility where care was provided to the subject of the report. Data Element Format Address Vocab / Value Set Composite ID National Provider Identifier (NPI); CLIA number, etc. (Any unique identifier can be used here) Entity Name Telephone Number Coded Value Guidelines This section does not exist in ISDS document. Compared to ISDS Treatment Facility Identifiers. HL7 Table 0440 FHIM Mapping ServiceDeliveryLocation.addres s ServiceDeliveryLocation.id ServiceDeliveryLocation.name ServiceDeliveryLocation.phone Healthcare Service Delivery Location (HL7) ServiceDeliveryLocation.locatio nCategory Table 17 – Facility Data Elements Family History Family history is included in the Data Harmonization Profile to provide a base set of data elements to describe each of the family relationships within a public health report. A summary of the family history object is provided in the table below (Table 18). References Used Recommended Vocabulary How is the family history object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Chronic Disease Child Health/Newborn Screening Adverse Events Public Health Reporting Initiative HL7 FamilyRelationshipType HL7 Administrative Gender CDC Race and Ethnicity Required Required Required Required 37 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology How does the family history object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 Family History ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements Family History for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Family History FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 18 – Family History Object Summary The following table (Table 19) describes the core common data elements in the family history object: Data Element Name Family Member Date of Birth Family Member Ethnicity Data Element Description Data Element Format Date/Time Vocab / Value Set Detailed ethnicity of the family member (e.g., Canadian, Mexican, Cuban, etc.) Coded Value Family Member Ethnicity Group Ethnicity group of the family member (i.e., "Hispanic or Latino", "Not Hispanic or Latino"). Coded Value CDC Race and Ethnicity (Detailed Ethnicity) CDC Race and Ethnicity (Ethnicity Group) Family Member Name Family Member Observation Family Member Observation Duration Family Member Observation End Date/Time Family Member Observation Start Date/Time Family Member Name of the family member. Person Name Observation about the family member. Coded Value Family Member Observation Duration Date/Time Family Member Observation End Date/Time Date/Time FamilyHistoryConcern. duration.high Family Member Observation Start Date/Time Date/Time FamilyHistoryConcern. duration.low Status of the observation. Coded Value Date of birth for the family member. SNOMED-CT SNOMED-CT Guidelines FHIM Mapping Can be rolled up into ethnicity group. FamilyHistoryConcern.relative. person.dateOfBirth FamilyHistoryConcern.relative. person.ethnicityDetailed Can be created by rolling up detailed ethnicity into ethnicity group. FamilyHistoryConcern.relative. person.ethnicityGroup FamilyHistoryConcern.relative. person.legalName FamilyHistoryConcern. healthConcern FamilyHistoryConcern. duration FamilyHistoryConcern.status 38 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Observation Status Family Member Race Data Element Description Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping Detailed race information about the family member (e.g., Alaska Indian, Central American Indian, Croatan, French, Lebanese). Coded Value Can roll up to race category from detailed race information from CDC Race and Ethnicity Hierarchy. FamilyHistoryConcern.relative. person.raceDetailed Family Member Race Category Race category of the family member (e.g., Asian, White, Other, etc.) Coded Value Can roll up to race category from detailed race information from CDC Race and Ethnicity Hierarchy. FamilyHistoryConcern.relative. person.raceCategory Family Member Sex Sex of the family member (i.e., female, male, undifferentiated). Coded Value Family Relationship Type Value describing the type of family relationship (e.g., genetic relationship, in-law, foster child, etc.) Coded Value CDC Race and Ethnicity (Detailed Race) CDC Race and Ethnicity (Race Categories) HL V3 Administrativ e Gender HL7 FamilyRelatio nshipType FamilyHistoryConcern.relative. person.administrativeGender FamilyHistoryConcern.relative.r elationshipCategory Table 19 – Family History Data Elements Health Problem / Diagnosis The Health Problem / Diagnosis object includes information related to “diagnosis” and “problem list”. For the purposes of public health reporting, health problem was utilized to capture commonalities at a higher level. As the following data elements indicate, a “health problem” includes a diagnosis, finding, complaint, condition, functional limitation, symptom, problem, and/or problem act. This information is included as part of each of the public health reporting domains and their associated reporting requirements. ISDS also defines the need for a “diagnosis code” (in the language of PHRI, a “health problem / diagnosis name”) as part of syndromic surveillance reporting requirements. Within the S&I Framework Public Health Reporting Use Case, 9 user stories make some use of the health problem object, including primary usage of health problem / diagnosis codes. The vocabulary to use for all diagnoses is SNOMED-CT, in alignment with the recommendations of the Health IT Standards Committee. Public health reporting domains MAY also use International Classification of Diseases (ICD) ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes for reporting. A summary of the health problem / diagnosis object is provided in the table below (Table 20). 39 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology References Used Public Health Reporting Initiative Recommended Vocabulary SNOMED-CT (HITSC Recommendation) ICD-9 ICD-10 How is the health problem / diagnosis object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Required Chronic Disease Required Child Health/Newborn Screening Required Adverse Events Required How does the health problem / diagnosis object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 The concept of health problems is referenced within the HITSP C83 Content Modules as a Problem/Condition (reference “diagnosis”) ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR The concept of health problems is referenced in this ISDS recommendations Requirements for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance (reference “diagnosis”) CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations The concept of health problems is referenced in the CSTE recommendations (reference “diagnosis”) FHIM The concept of health problems can be represented in the FHIM. Table 20 – Diagnosis Object Summary The following table (Table 21) describes the core common data elements in the health problem / diagnosis object: Data Element Name Health Problem / Diagnosis Date/Time Health Problem / Diagnosis Free Text Data Element Description Date and time the health problem was diagnosed A free text description about the diagnosis. Used to capture diagnoses that are not associated with a specific Data Element Format Date/Time or Timestamp (TS) String Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping NotificationReport.healthConce rn.dateDiagnosed Note: Contraindications and precautions free text can be expressed using the “Health NotificationReport.healthConce rn.healthConcern - or (for contraindications/ 40 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Description Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set code. Health Problem / Diagnosis Onset Date/Time Date and time the health problem began (e.g., onset of symptoms) Date/Time or Timestamp (TS) Health Problem Status Current status of this diagnosis (e.g., active, inactive, resolved) Coded Value Health Problem Type Description of the type of health problem (e.g., finding, complaint, diagnosis, problem) Coded Value Health Problem/ Diagnosis Certainty A contextual qualifier for a health problem / diagnosis to indicate diagnosis certainty (e.g., definite, probable) A contextual qualifier for a health problem / diagnosis to indicate diagnosis finality (e.g., working, final, Coded Value SNOMED CT values Active, Inactive and Resolved Finding Complaint Diagnosis Condition Functional limitation Symptom Problem Problem Act (Consolidated CDA Value Set: Problem Type 2.16.840.1.1138 7.2 ) SNOMED-CT Coded Value SNOMED-CT Health Problem/ Diagnosis Finality Guidelines FHIM Mapping Problem / Diagnosis Free Text” element. precautions) – MedicationAdministrationEven t.contraIndication.healthConce rn.healthConcern.originalText NotificationReport.healthConce rn.dateOfOnset - or (for contraindications / precautions) – MedicationAdministrationEven t.contraIndication.healthConce rn.dateCreated NotificationReport.healthConce rn.status Note: Contraindications and precautions date / time can be expressed using the “Health Problem / Diagnosis Onset Date / Time” element. A Health Problem/Problem Observation is required to be wrapped in an act wrapper in locations such as the Problem Section, Allergies Section, and Hospital Discharge Diagnosis Section, where the type of Problem needs to be identified or the condition tracked. A Problem Observation can be a valid "standalone" template instance in cases where a simple Problem observation is to be sent. NotificationReport.healthConce rn.category Constrain to allow the value set to apply to all types of health problems. NotificationReport.healthConce rnEntry.healthConcern.certaint y Constrain to allow the value set to apply to all types of health problems. NotificationReport.healthConce rnEntry.priority 41 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Health Problem/ Diagnosis Principality Health Problem/ Diagnosis Name Data Element Description revised, etc.) A contextual qualifier for a health problem / diagnosis to indicate diagnosis principality (e.g., principal, primary, secondary, etc.) Indicates a specific disease or problem (e.g., a history of vaccine preventable disease, diabetes, injury, etc.) Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping Coded Value SNOMED-CT Constrain to allow the value set to apply to all types of health problems. NotificationReport.healthConce rnEntry.ranking Coded Value SNOMED-CT ICD-9 (including E Codes) ICD-10 Note: Contraindications and precautions can be expressed using the “Health Problem / Diagnosis Name” element. For example Immunization program may use Vaccine Contraindications, found here: https://phinvads.cdc.gov/vads/Vie wValueSetConcept.action?id=89A 1552F-9F75-4CCF-A82AD39D467617A7. NotificationReport.healthConce rn.healthConcern - or (for contraindications/ precautions) MedicationAdministrationEven t.contraIndication.healthConce rn.healthConcern Table 21 – Health Problems Data Elements Immunization Immunization information included as part of this document will be closely aligned to the HL7 Immunization Domain Analysis Model (DAM). The intent is to reuse the work done in modeling the Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) immunization domain, and in analysis of the 3500 form. Vaccination information is included within this Data Harmonization Profile as part of the Immunization object. A summary of the immunization object is provided in the table below (Table 22). References Used Recommended Vocabulary Public Health Reporting Initiative HL7 Immunization Domain Analysis Model (DAM) Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) HL7 Version 2.5.1 Implementation Guide: Immunization Messaging (Release 1.04) Supported by HL7 Tables 42 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology CVX MVX How is the vaccination object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Required Chronic Disease Required if Known Child Health/Newborn Screening Required Adverse Events Optional How does the vaccination object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 Represented by HITSP as Immunization ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements Can be supported by current ISDS recommendations for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Can be supported by current CSTE recommendations FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 22 – Immunization (Vaccination) Object Summary The following table (Table 23) describes the core common data elements in the immunization object: Data Element Name Date/Time of Exemption/Parent Refusal of Vaccine Product Type Administered Date/Time of History of Vaccine Preventable Disease Exemption(s)/ Parent Refusal(s) of Vaccine Product Type Administered Vaccination Data Element Description Date of Exemption/Parent Refusal of Vaccine Product Type Administered Data Element Format Date/Time Date of History of Vaccine Preventable Disease Date/Time The reason that the patient or responsible person refuses a particular vaccine (i.e., parental decision, patient decision, religious exemption, other) Coded Value Vaccination Administration Date Date/Time Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt.exemption.dateAsserted Substance Refusal Reason (IIS) ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt.immunityStatus.evidenceOfImm unity.relevantDate ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt.exemption.reason ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i 43 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Administration Date/Time Vaccination Event Information Source (admin vs. history) Vaccine Administering Provider Name Data Element Description Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt.startDateTime ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.informationSo urce Historical Vaccination Record (with source of record specified). String Must be able to identify the clinician administering the vaccine by full name or ID. If identification is by ID the Assigning Authority Identifier is Required. Vaccine Expiration Date Person Name ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt.administeringProvider.practition er.asPerson.legalname Date/Time Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) Date Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) Date Date/Time Note that VIS Type and Date are always grouped together. Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) Type Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) Type String Note that VIS Type and Date are always grouped together. Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) Date given to patient Vaccine Lot Number Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) Date given to patient Date/Time ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt. administeredDrug.productInstance. manufacturingLot.expirationDate ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt.patientDocumentPresentation.va ccineInformationStatement.dateOf Publication ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt.patientDocumentPresentation.va ccineInformationStatement.docum entTitle ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt.patientDocumentPresentation.da teOfPresentation Vaccine lot number String Vaccine The manufacturer of the vaccine (e.g., Coded Value Vaccine Expiration Date/Time Manufacturers of ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt.administeredDrug.productInstan ce.manufacturingLot.lotId ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i 44 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Manufacture Name Data Element Description Vaccine Ordering Provider Name Must be able to identify the clinician ordering the vaccine by full name or ID. If identification is by ID the Assigning Authority Identifier is Required. The product administered to the patient (e.g., adenovirus type 4, anthrax, cholera) The route the vaccine was administered, for example: Intradermal, intramuscular, nasal, etc. Person Name The body site where the vaccine was administered. Vaccine Product Type Administered Vaccine Route of Administration Vaccine Site of Administration Data Element Format Aviron, Baxter Healthcare Corporation, etc.) Vocab / Value Set Guidelines vaccines (MVX) Coded Value Vaccines administered (CVX) Coded Value Route of Administration (IIS) Coded Value Administrated Site (IIS) Many programs use their own codes for approach site and route of administration Many programs use their own codes for approach site and route of administration FHIM Mapping mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt.administeredDrug.productInstan ce.packagedMedicinalProduct.man ufacturer.mvx ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt.medicationAdministrationPromis e.healthcareOrder.author ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.vaccinationEve nt.administeredDrug.vaccineCode ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.VaccinationEve nt.bodySite ImmunizationRegistrySubmission.i mmunizationHistory.VaccinationEve nt.route Table 23 – Immunization Data Elements Medical Devices Medical devices is a broad concept used to define any type of medical equipment (durable and non-durable) that is associated with the provision and delivery of care. A summary of the medical devices object is provided in the table below (Table 24). References Used Recommended Vocabulary How is the medical devices object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Chronic Disease Child Health/Newborn Screening Allergy / Adverse Events Public Health Reporting Initiative FDA N/A Optional Optional Required Required 45 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology How does the medical devices object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 N/A ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements N/A for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations N/A FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 24 – Medical Devices Object Summary The following table (Table 25) describes the core common data elements in the medical devices object: Data Element Name Data Element Description Device Brand/Trade/Proprietary Name The trade or proprietary name of the suspect medical device as used in product labeling or in the catalog (e.g., Flo-Easy Catheter, Reliable Heart Pacemaker, etc.). This information may 1) be on a label attached to a durable device, 2) be on a package of a disposable device, or 3) appear in labeling materials of an implantable device." The exact number as it appears in the manufacturer's catalog, device labeling, or accompanying packaging The date the procedure was performed to remove the device from the patient. The date the procedure was performed to implant the device in the patient. Name of the person or organization who produced the device Device catalog number Device explant date Device implant date Device manufacturer name Device model number Device serial number The exact model number found on the device label or accompanying packaging The serial number assigned by the manufacturer and should be specific to Data Element Format String String Date / Time Date / Time String String String Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping Encounter.patientImplantObservat ion.deviceInstance.device.name Encounter.patientImplantObservat ion.deviceInstance.device.catalogI d Encounter.patientImplantObservat ion.explantDate Encounter.patientImplantObservat ion.implantDate Encounter.patientImplantObservat ion.deviceInstance.device.manufac turer.name Encounter.patientImplantObservat ion.deviceInstance.device.modelId Encounter.patientImplantObservat ion.deviceInstance.id 46 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Description Reprocessed Device Indicator Reused Device Indicator each device An indicator used to convey that the device is a reprocessed device An indicator used to convey that the device is a reused device Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set Coded Value (Boolean) Coded Value (Boolean) Yes / No Guidelines FHIM Mapping Encounter.patientImplantObservat ion.isReprocessedDevice Encounter.patientImplantObservat ion.isReusedDevice Yes / No Table 25 – Medical Devices Data Elements Medication This object is used to capture general information about medications in a public health report. A summary of the medication object is provided in the table below (Table 26). References Used Recommended Vocabulary Public Health Reporting Initiative RxNORM HCPCS II How is the medication object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Required Chronic Disease Required Child Health/Newborn Screening Required Adverse Events Required How does the medication object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 Medication is included in HITSP C83 ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements Not included within the ISDS Recommendations for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Recommendation asks for Test/Result FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 26 – Medication Object Summary The following table (Table 27) describes the core common data elements in the medication object: Data Element Name Data Element Description Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping 47 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Description Active Ingredient Code The code for an active ingredient (i.e., any component that provides pharmacological activity or other direct effect in the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease) Active Ingredient Code Description The text description associated with the coded value. String Active Ingredient Free Text A free text field to capture active ingredients not included in the coded values. String Administration Timing An abbreviated prescription (Sig) Component: defines a specific administration or use time. Can be a text string (Morning, Evening, Before Meals, 1 Hour After Meals, 3 Hours After Meals, Before Bed) or an exact time. Data prescription was dispensed (fulfillment history) String The amount of medication to be given, including unit of measurement. An abbreviated component of a prescription (sig) that describes a medication dose frequency (i.e., how often the medication is to be Physical Quantity Interval/Timesta mp Dispense Date/Time Dose Dose Frequency Data Element Format Coded Value Date/Time Vocab / Value Set Unique Ingredient Value Set, Unique Ingredient Identifier (UNII) Guidelines FHIM Mapping NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyPromise.dispens e.dispensedDrug.productInstanc e.packagedMedicinalProduct.me dicinalProduct.ingredient.ingredi ent.uniqueIngredientIdentifier.c ode NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyPromise.dispens e.dispensedDrug.productInstanc e.packagedMedicinalProduct.me dicinalProduct.ingredient.ingredi ent.uniqueIngredientIdentifier.t ext NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyPromise.dispens e.dispensedDrug.productInstanc e.packagedMedicinalProduct.me dicinalProduct.ingredient.ingredi ent.uniqueIngredientIdentifier.o riginalText NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyRequest.sig NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyPromise.dispens e.dateTimeDispensed NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyRequest.dosage NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyRequest.frequen cy 48 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Indication Lot Number Data Element Description administered) An abbreviated prescription (Sig) Component: The medical condition or problem intended to be addressed by the ordered product (e.g., burn, abdominal pain, etc.) An identification number assigned to a medication by manufacturer Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set Coded Value ICD-9 Diagnosis Guidelines NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyRequest.indicatio n.indicationCode String Manufacturer Name Name of the manufacturer of the substance or product as ordered or supplied (e.g., Aviron, Baxter Healthcare Corporation, etc.) Coded Value Medication Code A unique drug identifier (code) Coded Value Federal Medications Terminology Standards (accessible through NCI) RxNorm Medication Dosage A description of a dosage form (e.g., Coded Value FDA Codes - FHIM Mapping We expect different value sets may be used to meet programmatic needs. RxNorm incorporates NDC listings from major data sources, including FirstDataBank, FDA Structured Product Labels, etc. and represents the most complete and updated listing of NDC. Additionally, We expect different value sets may be used to meet programmatic needs. For example, Cancer Registry CDA Implementation uses the Medication Clinical Drug Name Value Set (from RxNorm) found here: https://phinvads.cdc.gov/va ds/ViewValueSet.action?id=2 39BEF3E-971C-DF11-B3340015173D1785 NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyPromise.dispens e.dispensedDrug.productInstanc e.manufacturingLot.lotId NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyPromise.dispens e.dispensedDrug.productInstanc e.packagedMedicinalProduct.ma nufacturer.name NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyPromise.dispens e.dispensedDrug.productInstanc e.packagedMedicinalProduct.: ndc -ormedicinalProduct.code -ormedicinalProduct.genericMedici ne.code (RxNorm, NDF-RT) NotificationReport.medicationHi 49 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Description Form liquid dosage form, solid dosage form and semisolid dosage form) Medication Series Number Indicates, which in a series of administrations a particular administration represents (e.g. "hepatitis B vaccine number 2 was administered on Feb 07, 2004). Date/time medication was administered Integer ImmunizationRegistrySubmissio n.immunizationHistory.vaccinati onEvent.evaluation.targetDose.d oseNumber Date/Time Medication Type Type of Medication (e.g., Prescription, Over the Counter) Coded Value HITSP Medication Type Route of Administration An abbreviated prescription (Sig) Component: indicates how the medication is received by the patient (e.g., by mouth, intravenously, topically, etc.) Coded Value HL7 Route of Administration NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyRequest.startDat eTime NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyPromise.dispens e.dispensedDrug.productInstanc e.packagedMedicinalProduct.me dicinalProduct.ingredient.isOver TheCounter NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyRequest.route Site An abbreviated prescription (Sig) Component: The anatomic site where the medication is administered (e.g., left gluteus maximus, right naris, etc.) Coded Value SNOMED (Body Site) Medication Start Date/Time Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set Guidelines Medication Product Dosage Form FHIM Mapping story.pharmacyRequest.doseFor m Immunization uses a subset of these codes, found here: https://phinvads.cdc.gov/va ds/ViewValueSet.action?id=1 E042B59-15B8-DF11-9BDD0015173D1785 Immunization uses a subset of codes found in the IIS Administrative Site list of values: https://phinvads.cdc.gov/va ds/ViewValueSet.action?id=9 8257779-17B8-DF11-9BDD0015173D1785 NotificationReport.medicationHi story.pharmacyRequest.sig Table 27 – Medication Data Elements 50 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Order / Diagnostic Test The order / diagnostic test object is used to capture information about orders that are placed.7 A summary of the order / diagnostic test object is provided in the table below (Table 28). References Used Public Health Reporting Initiative Recommended Vocabulary LOINC How is the order / diagnostic test object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Required if Known Chronic Disease Required if Known Child Health/Newborn Screening Required if Known Adverse Events Optional How does the order / diagnostic test object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 Order / diagnostic test is included in HITSP C83 ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements for Order / diagnostic test is not included in the ISDS recommendations Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Information on an order/ diagnostic test is included in the CSTE recommendations FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 28 – Order/ Diagnostic Test Object Summary The following table (Table 29) describes the core common data elements in the order / diagnostic test object: Data Element Name Data Element Description Order / Diagnostic Test The order code for the requested observation, test, Data Element Format Coded Value Vocab / Value Set LOINC Guidelines FHIM Mapping ObservationRequest.ordere 7 Note that information about “results” and the “specimen” tested are available in following objects (section 3.19 and 3.21). PHRI includes the data elements in separate objects as not all information must be captured/ associated for every event. An order / diagnostic test is also related to a facility and/or provider that performs the test or completes the order. 51 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Description Code and/or battery. Note: This can be based on local and/or standardized order codes The date and time of the order transaction (observation request) Order / Diagnostic Test Date / Time Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set CPT SNOMED Guidelines Date/Time FHIM Mapping dObservation ObservationRequest.dateTi meOrdered Table 29 – Order / Diagnostic Test Data Elements Patient Contact Information Primary contact information is included to outline immediate patient contact information (e.g., an “emergency contact”) for a subject/patient. A summary of the patient contact information object is provided in the table below (Table 30). References Used Public Health Reporting Initiative Recommended Vocabulary HL7 Relationship Type How is the primary contact object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Required Chronic Disease Required Child Health/Newborn Screening Required Adverse Events Unknown at this time How does the primary contact object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 Support ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements Not listed explicitly as a recommendation for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Patient Contact Information category FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 30 – Patient Contact Information Object Summary The following table (Table 31) describes the core common data elements in the patient contact information object: 52 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Contact Address Contact Email Contact Name Contact Phone Contact Relationship Data Element Description Address of the authorized contact(s) for the subject of the report Email address of the authorized contact(s) for the subject of the report. Name of the authorized contact(s) for the subject of the report Phone number of the authorized contact(s) for the subject of the report The relationship of the authorized contact(s) to the subject of the report (Note: this represents the type of support provided; for example, immediate emergency contact, next of kin, family relations, guardians, agents, etc) Data Element Format Address Vocab / Value Set Guidelines Network/Emai l address Person Name Telephone Number Coded Value Personal Relationship (HL7) This is unique from the relationship concept in the family history object. HL7 2.5 User Table 2 FHIM Mapping NotificationReport.reportSubject.c ontactParty.primaryHomeAddress NotificationReport.reportSubject.c ontactParty.primaryHomeEmail NotificationReport.reportSubject.c ontactParty.legalName NotificationReport.reportSubject.c ontactParty.primaryHomePhone NotificationReport.reportSubject.c ontactParty.relationshipCategory -orNotificationReport.reportSubject.c ontactParty.contactCategory Table 31 – Patient Contact Information Data Elements Patient Information Patient information can be represented in many ways as part of public health reporting activities. A focus of this domain alignment was to look across different reporting methods for submitting patient information (which may also be referred to as subject information) and determine what core elements would need to be exchanged for public health reporting regardless of the type of patient/subject being referenced by the public health domain. A summary of the patient information object is provided in the table below (Table 32). References Used Public Health Reporting Initiative HITSP C83 Recommended Vocabulary CDC Race and Ethnicity Code Sets How is the patient information object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Required Chronic Disease Required Child Health/Newborn Screening Required Adverse Events Unknown at this time How does the patient information object align with other interoperability initiatives? 53 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology HITSP C83 ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations FHIM Patient Information is a module within HITSP C83 Patient information is captured, including identifying information such as demographics Covered in CSTE recommendations as part of “Subject of Report” Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 32 – Patient Information Object Summary The following table (Table 33) describes the core common data elements in the patient information object: Data Element Name Language Marital Status Medical Record Number Data Element Description Subject’s primary or spoken language (e.g., three-letter identifiers for all known human languages). Status of marriage (e.g., single, married, separated, unknown, unreported, etc.) Patient medical record number Data Element Format Coded Value Vocab / Value Set ISO 639-2 Coded Value HL7 Marital Status Guidelines String Patient Address Address of the subject of the report, including Address Type Address Patient Age Age of the subject of the report at the time of diagnosis (includes units) Quantity Patient Date of Birth Patient Email Date of birth (DOB) of the subject of the report Email address of the subject of the report Date/Time Patient Ethnicity Detailed ethnicity of the subject of the report (e.g., Canadian, Mexican, Cuban, etc.) Coded Value There may be multiple addresses associated with an address type. For example, work address vs. home address. Can be a calculated value. Includes 'age units' (e.g., for children under 2 years of age, can include months). Network/Emai l address CDC Race and Ethnicity (Detailed Ethnicity) Can be rolled up into ethnicity group. FHIM Mapping NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.languageCapability .language NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.maritalStatus NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.patientId -orNotificationReport.encounter. accountId NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.primaryHomeAddr ess NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.age NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.dateOfBirth NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.primaryHomeEmai l NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.ethnicityDetailed 54 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Patient Ethnicity Group Patient ID Patient Name Patient Phone Patient Race Patient Race Category Patient Sex Data Element Description Ethnicity group of the subject of the report (i.e., "Hispanic or Latino", "Not Hispanic or Latino"). Identifier for the subject of the report (e.g., Patient ID) Name of the subject of the report (including first, middle, and last) Phone number of the subject of the report Data Element Format Coded Value Vocab / Value Set CDC Race and Ethnicity (Ethnicity Group) Guidelines FHIM Mapping Can be created by rolling up detailed ethnicity into ethnicity group. NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.ethnicityGroup Composite ID Person Name Telephone Number Detailed race information about the subject of the report (e.g., Alaska Indian, Central American Indian, Croatan, French, Lebanese). Race category of the subject of the report (e.g., Asian, White, Other, etc.) Coded Value CDC Race and Ethnicity (Detailed Race) Coded Value CDC Race and Ethnicity (Race Categories) Current sex of the subject of the report (i.e., female, male, undifferentiated) Coded Value HL7 Administrative Gender Can roll up to race category from detailed race information from CDC Race and Ethnicity Hierarchy. Can be created by rolling up detailed race category from detailed race information from CDC Race and Ethnicity Hierarchy. NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.patientId NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.legalName NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.primaryHomePhon e NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.raceDetailed NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.raceCategory NotificationReport.reportSubj ect.subject.administrativeGen der (HL7 v2 table 001) Table 33 – Patient Information Data Elements Payer Information Payer information is included within the core common specifically to document the insurance type that is applicable to a patient. A summary of the payer information object is provided in the table below (Table 34). References Used Public Health Reporting Initiative 55 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Recommended Vocabulary Source of Payment Typology or X12 Data Element 1336 Insurance How is the primary contact object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Optional Chronic Disease Optional Child Health/Newborn Screening Optional Allergy / Adverse Events Optional How does the primary contact object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 Payer Information ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements N/A for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations N/A FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 34 – Payer Information Object Summary The following element (Table 35) is core to exchanging payer information as part of a public health report: Data Element Name Insurance Type Data Element Description Type of insurance related to visit (e.g., Auto Insurance, Managed Care, HMO, Blue Cross / Blue Shield, etc.) Data Element Format Coded Value Vocab / Value Set Guidelines Source of Payment Typology or X12 Data Element 1336 Insurance Type Code FHIM Mapping HealthPlan.insuranceType Table 35 – Payer Information Data Elements Physical Exam Physical exam is information that is associated with the specific capture of detailed diagnoses and vital signs through a variety of exams that may be performed on a patient. A summary of the physical exam object is provided in the table below (Table 36). References Used Recommended Vocabulary How is the physical exam object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Public Health Reporting Initiative CMS Evaluation and Management Guidelines - 1997 Optional 56 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Chronic Disease Optional Child Health/Newborn Screening Optional Allergy / Adverse Events Optional How does the physical exam object align with other interoperability initiatives? Includes Physical Exam section that is meant to conform to IHE Physical HITSP C83 Exam ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations FHIM N/A N/A Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 36 – Physical Exam Object Summary The following table (Table 37) describes the core common data elements in the physical exam object: Data Element Name Physical Exam Component/Device Physical Exam Narrative Physical Exam Observation Data Element Description Device used by the clinician to make observation/assessment (e.g., blood pressure cuff) Direct observations made by the clinician Data Element Format Coded Value Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping String Defines a set of observable data (normally presented as questions/checklist) under each section according to CMS Evaluation and Management Guidelines of 1997 Coded Value Physical Exam Observation Result Defines a set of observable data answers with its qualifiers under each section according to CMS Evaluation and Management Guidelines of 1997 Coded Value Physical Exam Sections Defines the system/Body Areas according to CMS Evaluation and Management Guidelines of 1997 Coded Value See appendix PE according to CMS Evaluation and Management Guidelines of 1997 See appendix PE according to CMS Evaluation and Management Guidelines of 1997 See appendix PE according to CMS Evaluation and Management May be a string or an integer depending on the observation. 57 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Description Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping Guidelines of 1997 Table 37 – Physical Exam Data Elements Procedure The general concept of a procedure is captured in this section. A summary of the procedure object is provided in the table below (Table 38). References Used Vocabulary How is the procedure object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Chronic Disease Child Health/Newborn Screening Public Health Reporting Initiative JCIH-EHDI Risk Indicators for Hearing Loss ICD-9 codes or SNOMED codes for congenital anomalies-clinical disorder Joint Commission Medical Reason JCIH-EHDI Procedure Declined JCIH-EHDI Reason for no Hearing Loss Diagnosis Screening JCIH-EHDI Newborn Hearing Loss Reason for no Follow-up Patient Reason Hearing Loss Diagnosis or Screening Newborn Hearing Loss Referrals Physical Examination Review of Systems Coded Care Plan JCIH EHDI Hearing Screen Left Value Set JCIH EHDI Hearing Screen Right Value Set JCIH EHDI Newborn Hearing Procedure Value Set Joint Commission Medical Reason Value Set CPT-4 ICD-9 CM ICD-10 CM Required Required Required 58 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Adverse Events Required How does the procedure object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 Expressed using a Procedure ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements Supported by ISDS recommendations for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Supported by CSTE recommendations FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 38 – Procedure Object Summary The following table (Table 39) describes the core common data elements in the procedure object: Data Element Name Data Element Description Procedure Code Code expressing the procedure (this includes, for example, diagnostic/therapeutic/surgical interventions or procedures but not laboratory procedures) Date/time procedure was performed Procedure Date/Time Procedure Not Performed Reason Procedure Reason Data Element Format Coded Value Vocab / Value Set Guidelines Support for SNOMED-CT, CPT-4, ICD-9 (volume 3) and/or ICD-10 (PCS) FHIM Mapping Procedure.procedureCode Date/Time Procedure.dateTime Reason procedure was not performed (free text) String Procedure.reasonNotPerformed The reason for the procedure. Coded value SNOMED-CT ICD-9 (volume 1&2) ICD-10 May link to diagnosis or problem list. Procedure.reasonPerformed Table 39 – Procedure Data Elements Provider Information Provider information is included for public health reports in support of identifying the provider(s) who have made a specific diagnosis or performed a procedure of interest to public health authorities. A core set of elements are required to send provider information within public health reports. A summary of the provider information object is provided in the table below (Table 40). References Used Public Health Reporting Initiative 59 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Recommended Vocabulary NUCC Provider Taxonomy How is the provider information object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Required Chronic Disease Required Child Health/Newborn Screening Required Adverse Events Required How does the provider information object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 Healthcare Provider ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements for Provider Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Provider FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 40 – Provider Information Object Summary The following table (Table 41) describes the core common data elements in the provider object: Data Element Name Data Element Description Provider Address Address of the person who provided care for the subject of the report Provider Email Email address of the person who provided care for the subject of the report Identifier of the person who provided care for the subject of the report (e.g., National Provider Identifier or other type of identifier) Network/Email address Instance Identifier Name of the person who provided care for the subject of the report Person Name Provider ID Provider Name Data Element Format Address Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping Multiple addresses may be captured. For example, mailing and/or service address of the provider. HealthcareProvider.address HealthcareProvider.email National Provider Identifier (NPI) Can be qualified with identifier type. Able to repeat. HealthcareProvider.id -orHealthcareProvider.asNationallyI dentifiedProvider.nationalProvide rId HealthcareProvider.asPerson.lega lName -orHealthcareProvider.asOrganizatio 60 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Description Data Element Format Provider Organization Organization that the provider represents Entity Name Provider Phone Phone number of the person who provided care for the subject of the report Role played by the person who provided care for the subject of the report (i.e., consulting provider, primary care provider, referring provider) Telephone Number Coded Value The type of the provider - may include one type for an individual and one for an organization (e.g., Physician, Dentist, etc.) Coded Value Provider Role Provider Type Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping n.name HealthcareProvider.asOrganizatio n.name HealthcareProvider.phone NUCC Health Provider Role HL7 Provider Role NUCC Health Provider Taxonomy HealthcareProvider.providerRole For Vital Records, must record the attendant at birth. HealthcareProvider.providerCate gory Potentially 2 value sets - one for individual and one for organization. Table 41 – Provider Information Data Elements Report MetaData Report MetaData information is akin to Information Source within the HITSP C83 Content Modules. Each public health reporting domain has specific requirements for the data elements needed for a report. Report MetaData information may be captured as part of the specific transaction and its metadata, or as part of the payload. This distinction is important because as defined in this Data Harmonization Profile, Report MetaData information is required for all public health domains. A summary of the report metadata object is provided in the table below (Table 42). References Used Recommended Vocabulary How is the report metadata object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Chronic Disease Child Health/Newborn Screening Allergy / Adverse Events Public Health Reporting Initiative HL7 Date/Time Required Required Required Required 61 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology How does the report metadata object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 There is no concept of a Report MetaData within HITSP C83. This is covered through other HITSP components. ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Defines categories of reporting data elements Requirements for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Defines a Report MetaData category that contains data elements used within each public health report FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 42 – Report MetaData Object Summary The following table (Table 43) describes the core common data elements in the report metadata object: Data Element Name Data Element Description Report Date/Time Date and time the report is being sent to public health agencies The status of the report (i.e., final, amended, interim) Report Status Report Type Data Element Format Date/Time Vocab / Value Set Coded Value Final, Amended, Interim Describe a type of PH report (immunization, cancer registry, etc.) The individual person name of the reporter String Reporter Email Email of reporter (the person who actually sends the report) Network/Email Address Reporter Fax Fax number of reporter (the person who actually sends the report) Telephone Number Reporter Organization Address Reporter Organization ID Address of reporter's organization Address ID of the reporting organization ID Reporter (Person) Name Person Name NPI Guidelines FHIM Mapping This can be used across all domains within public health NotificationReport.reportDateTi me NotificationReport.status NotificationReport.reportCatego ry NotificationReport.reportSentBy .asOrganization.pointOfContact.l egalName NotificationReport.reportSentBy .asOrganization.pointOfContact. email NotificationReport.reportSentBy .asOrganization.pointOfContact.f acsimile NotificationReport.reportCreate dBy.address NotificationReport.reportSentBy .asOrganization.id -or62 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Reporter Organization Name Reporter Phone Reporting System Sending System Information Data Element Description Data Element Format Organization that the reporter represents String A contact number for the person/organization preparing the report The system used to generate the report Telephone Number Entity Name Vocab / Value Set Information about the sending system. May be the same as the 'reporting system' but does not have to be (e.g., HIE) Guidelines Sending system information will be represented differently in the CDA and 2.5.1 guidance. FHIM Mapping NotificationReport.reportSentBy .asNationallyIdentifiedProvider.n ationalProviderId NotificationReport.reportSentBy .asOrganization.name NotificationReport.reportCreate dBy.phone NotificationReport.reportingSyst em NotificationReport.sendingSyste m Table 43 – Report MetaData Data Elements Result The result object is used to capture information about diagnostic and other types of results, including laboratory results8. A summary of the result object is provided in the table below (Table 44). References Used Public Health Reporting Initiative Recommended Vocabulary JCIH-EHDI Evidence of Hearing Screening Performed JCIH-EHDI Inpatient Screening Results not Performed Newborn Hearing Screening Method Value Set How is the result object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Chronic Disease Child Health/Newborn Screening Adverse Events How does the result object align with other interoperability initiatives? 8 Required Required Required Required A result may be associated with an order/diagnostic test (section 3.11) and/or a specimen (section 3.21). 63 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology HITSP C83 ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations FHIM Result Not Applicable to ISDS recommendations Test/Result Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 44 – Result Object Summary The following table (Table 45) describes the core common data elements in the result object: Data Element Name Data Element Description Result Date/Time Date and time of observation Data Element Format Date/Time Result ID Result ID Identifier Result Interpretation Code Interpretation of the result, such as an abnormal flag; generally used for laboratory results (e.g., "abnormal", "above high normal", "below low normal", etc.) A text interpretation of the result interpretation. Reference range(s) for the observation Coded Value Result Interpretation Free Text Result Reference Range Result Status Result Type Result Value Status for observation (Complete, preliminary, addendum, etc.) Code describing the observation (format of the result) performed or made (e.g., Coded Entry, Coded with Exception, Date, etc.). The value of the result, including units of measure. Test/Procedure Performed Code Coded value for the test/procedure performed Test/Procedure Result Code Coded value for the test/procedure result Vocab / Value Set Guidelines LabTestPromise.reportableResult. dateTimeObserved LabTestPromise.reportableResult.i d LabTestPromise.reportableResult.i nterpretation.interpretation Abnormal Flag (HL70078) String Interval/Timest amp String Coded Value Numeric (or structured numeric) Value Coded Value Coded Value Value Type (HL70125) FHIM Mapping Implementations may support coded values. This construct is only needed in HL7 v2 messages. LabTestPromise.reportableResult.i nterpretation.interpretationText LabTestPromise.reportableResult.r eferenceRange LabTestPromise.reportableResult.r eportStatus n/a (various) LOINC CPT SNOMED CT SNOMED-CT ICD-9 CM LabTestPromise.reportableResult.l abTestPerformed (various) 64 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Description Data Element Format Test/Procedure Result Free Text Additional text description about a test/procedure result. String Vocab / Value Set ICD-10 CM DSM codes Guidelines FHIM Mapping (various) Table 45 – Result Data Elements Social History Social History information is included in support of those domains needing to support the reporting of additional information such as history of tobacco use, or other social health factors that may be part of a public health report. A summary of the social history object is provided in the table below (Table 46). References Used Recommended Vocabulary Public Health Reporting Use Case SNOMED-CT NAACCR History of Tobacco Use How is the social history object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Optional Chronic Disease Required Child Health/Newborn Screening Optional Adverse Events Optional How does the social history object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 Represented by Social History ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements Not included in the ISDS recommendations for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Not included in the CSTE recommendations FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 46 – Social History Object Summary The following table (Table 47) describes the core common data elements in the social history object: 65 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Description Data Element Format String Social History Free Text Social History Duration Free text description of social history not associated with a coded value Social History Duration Social History End Date/Time Social History End Date/Time Date/Time Social History Observed Value Value describing the social history (e.g. smoking history). Coded Value Social History Start Date/Time Social History Start Date/Time Date/Time Social History Type Value that describes the type of social history being conveyed by the observation (smoking status, employment detail, etc…) Coded Value Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping NotificationReport.healthCon cern.details Date/Time HITSP C80 HITSP C80 Social History Type Code values are same as those used in Meaningful Use Stage 1, which are the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Health Interview Survey Smoking Status Recodes (http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nhis/tobacc o/tobacco_recodes.htm). This value set was created because the Smoking Status Recodes have no registered OID. e.g., tobacco, alcohol, drug use, sexual history NotificationReport.healthCon cern.timespan NotificationReport.healthCon cern.timespan.high NotificationReport.healthCon cern.value NotificationReport.healthCon cern.timespan.low NotificationReport.healthCon cern.healthConcern Table 47 – Social History Data Elements Specimen A summary of the specimen object is provided in the table below (Table 48). References Used Recommended Vocabulary How is the specimen object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Chronic Disease Child Health/Newborn Screening Public Health Reporting Initiative Supported by HL7 Tables Required Required if Known Optional 66 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Adverse Events Unknown at this time How does the specimen object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 Not expressed as a distinct set of elements in HITSP C83 ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements Specimen information is included in the ISDS recommendations for Public Health Syndromic Surveillance CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Specimen information is included in the CSTE recommendations FHIM Can be modeled in the FHIM Table 48 - Specimen Object Summary The following table (Table 49) describes the core common data elements in the specimen object: Data Element Name Specimen Collection Date/Time Specimen Collector ID Specimen Description Specimen ID Specimen Origin Specimen Parent ID Specimen Received Date/Time Specimen Source Site Data Element Description Date and time the specimen was collected Data Element Format DateTime Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping LabTestPromise.specimenCollection Event.dateTime The person, department, or facility that collected the specimen (may include both a name and an identifier) Any comments associated with the specimen, order or result A unique identifier assigned to the specimen or sample Domain from which the specimen comes (e.g., human, animal, environmental). Unique identifier(s) that provide links to a laboratory report (e.g., accession number, order number, specimen identifier, study identifier) Time the specimen was received by the diagnostic service Entity Identifier LabTestPromise.specimenCollection Event.performer.practitioner.id String LabTestPromise.specimenCollection Event.specimen.description LabTestPromise.specimenCollection Event.specimen.id LabTestPromise.specimenCollection Event.specimen.specimenOrigin LabTestPromise.specimenCollection Event.specimen.specimenProcessin gEvent.specimen.id Source from which the specimen was obtained (e.g., abnormal cell, all extremities, etc.) Coded Value Entity Identifier Coded Value SNOMED-CT Entity Identifier DateTime LabTestPromise.specimenAssessme nt.specimenHandling.dateTimeEnd SNOMED-CT (body site hierarchy for human/animal; physical object and substance hierarchy for LabTestPromise.specimenCollection Event.sourceSite 67 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Element Name Data Element Description Data Element Format Vocab / Value Set Guidelines FHIM Mapping OBX-segment in v2.5.1, where OBX3 asks the question and OBX 5 answer is boolean N/A environmental/biologics) Specimen to PHL Indicator of whether a specimen relevant to this condition was submitted to a public health laboratory. Coded Value Specimen Type Description of the precise nature of the entity that is the source material for the observation (e.g., AM specimen, 24 hour urine specimen, etc.) Coded Value HL70488 Yes/No SNOMED-CT (specimen hierarchy) LabTestPromise.specimenCollection Event.specimen.specimenType HL70487 Table 49 – Specimen Data Elements Vital Sign Indicator Additional reporting data is provided for patient health indicators (categorized in this domain alignment as vital sign indicators). Many of these health indicators would be information reported with clinical summaries and would be collected through longitudinal coordination of care. A summary of the vital sign indicator object is provided in the table below (Table 50). References Used Public Health Reporting Initiative Recommended Vocabulary Supported by HL7 Tables UCUM How is the vital sign indicator object used by each domain? Communicable Disease Required Chronic Disease Required Child Health/Newborn Screening Required Adverse Events Optional How does the vital sign indicator object align with other interoperability initiatives? HITSP C83 Vital Signs ISDS, Final Recommendation: Core Processes and EHR Requirements for Not specifically listed as a recommendation Public Health Syndromic Surveillance 68 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology CSTE, Common Core Data Elements Recommendations Can be expressed as individual vital sign observations, such as pulse oximetry Can be modeled in the FHIM FHIM Table 50 – Vital Sign Indicators Object Summary The following table (Table 51) describes the core common data elements in the vital sign indicators object: Data Element Name Data Element Description Vital Sign Date/Time Date of observation Vital Sign Free Text Vital Sign Result ID Text interpretation of the vital sign result An identifier for this specific vital sign observation (groups vital signs - similar to result organizer) An abbreviated interpretation of the vital sign observation, e.g., normal, abnormal, high, etc The coded representation of the vital sign observation (e.g., height, weight, temperature) String Integer The value of the result, including units of measure (e.g., numeric result for height) Numeric (or structured numeric) Value Vital Sign Result Interpretation Vital Sign Type Vital Sign Value Data Element Format Date/Time Vocab / Value Set Guidelines VitalSignObservationEvent.observati onTime VitalSignObservationEvent.remarks VitalSignObservationEvent.id String Coded Value FHIM Mapping VitalSignObservationEvent.interpreta tion LOINC VitalSignObservationEvent.observed Characteristic HITSP Vital Sign Result Type Value Set VitalSignObservationEvent.value Table 51 – Vital Sign Indicators Data Elements 69 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology 4. Public Health Data Harmonization Profile – Domain Considerations In this section, specific recommendations are provided for each of the domains that were analyzed through the data harmonization process. The intent in using an implementation model-aligned approach is to encourage greater adoption of the public health data reporting shown in the Public Health Reporting domain alignment analysis, and to support multiple implementation paths. Since much of the information generated by clinical workflow and usage of clinical data systems can be captured in clinical data sources, including an EHR, the approach within Public Health Reporting attempts to harmonize data elements and the overall structure of data being reported, while leaving implementers and vendors further latitude to define the design most aligned to their current environment. This might include use of the HL7 CDA R2 document-based approach or the HL7 2.5.1 messaging-based approach. The following sections detail how each domain and user story includs the public health objects described in section 3. It is important to note that each domain will likely require additional information that can be captured as report type specific or implementation specific data elements. This section is meant to describe the relationship of each domain to the public health reporting harmonized core common data objects. A full record of the specific data elements provided by each user story is available as an excel spreadsheet on the public health reporting initiative wiki page at http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI+-+Data+%26Terminology+Harmonization+Sub-Workgroup. Each data element in the user story spreadsheets was aligned to a core common data element from the objects described in section 3 or was considered a potential “report type specific” or “implementation specific” as it did not meet the criteria for inclusion in the set of core common data elements.9 The spreadsheet tabs also include information about value sets, formats, and optionality as presented by the data element submitters. Another key reference to understand the data harmonization profile is the submitted user stories for phase 1 of the PHRI. A list of these user stories, with references to original submissions, is available in appendix D. Summary of Selection Criteria by Domain The domain analysis view (Table 52) shows each object defined in the public health reporting domain alignment and how it maps across to each public health reporting domain within the Public Health Reporting initiative. The table is built from the source data from the user stories participating in data harmonization. (Note that some common core data elements were included based on discussion, but did not originate from submitted user stories requirements - see the description of selection criteria for core common data elements in section 1.3.1.) This view is meant to identify how each object defined within the S&I Framework Public Health Reporting Initiative aligns to the domains defined as part of the initiative.10 9 Note that full harmonization of “report type specific” and “implementation specific” data elements is out of scope for the data harmonization profile. For specific user story / public health report data elements, reference the excel spreadsheets and appropriate implementation guides. 10 Although the user story was not formally considered during the use case and functional requirements development in phase 1 of the PHRI, CDC/NIOSH provided insight into Injury data elements to enhance the completeness of this data harmonization profile. The minimum “Injury” domain requirements align to the following PHRI Common Core Objects: Health Problem, Exposure / Injury, Employment Information, and Payer Information. 70 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Adverse Events Allergy / Adverse Event Employment Information Encounter / Patient Visit Exposure / Injury Facility Family History Health Problem / Diagnosis Immunization Medical Device Medication Order / Diagnostic Test Patient Contact Information Patient Information Payer Information Physical Exam Procedure Provider Information Report Metadata Result Social History Specimen Vital Sign Indicator AHRQ Common Formats ASTER 1 ASTER D x x x ICSR R2 x Child Health/Newborn Screening Newborn Vital Immunization Hearing Statistics Cancer Genetics Chronic Disease Cancer National Hospital Reporting Care Survey x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X X Occupational Health Communicable Diseases Communicable & Syndromic HAI X x x x X X x x x x x x x x X X x x x x x x x x x x X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Table 52 – Summary of Selection Criteria by Domain 71 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Adverse Event The Adverse Event domain includes a set of data elements that span multiple user stories, for example, the FDA 3500 form requirements. A full record of the data elements for the Adverse Event domain is available in the spreadsheet referenced above on the “FDA” tab (located here: http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI++Data+%26Terminology+Harmonization+Sub-Workgroup). This tab contains data elements for the following: Adverse Drug Event (ADE) Spontaneous Triggered Event Reporting (ASTER 1) Adverse Spontaneous Triggered Events Reporting (ASTER-D) for automated reporting from electronic health records Individual Case Safety Report (ICSR) R2 AHRQ Common Formats Child Health/ Newborn Screening The Child Health domain includes data elements for several user stories. A full record of the data elements for the Child Health domain user stories is available in the spreadsheet referenced above (located here: http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI+-+Data+%26Terminology+Harmonization+Sub-Workgroup), using: “Immunization” tab - These data elements were provided for the immunization user story “Newborn Hearing Screening” tab – These data elements were provided by the newborn hearing screening / early hearing detection and intervention user stories “Vital Statistics” – The data elements were provided by the birth and fetal death (vital statistics) user story Chronic Disease The Chronic Disease domain includes data elements for several user stories. A full record of the data elements for the Chronic Disease domain user stories is available in the spreadsheet referenced above (located here: http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI+-+Data+%26Terminology+Harmonization+Sub-Workgroup), using: “Cancer Reporting” tab - These data elements were provided for the cancer reporting user story “Cancer Genetics” tab – These data elements were provided by the cancer genetics reporting user stories “NCHS: National Hospital Care Survey (NHCS)” – The data elements were provided by the National Hospital Care Survey (NHCS) user story “Occupational Health” – These data elements were provided to represent occupational health user stories Communicable Disease The communicable disease domain includes data elements for Syndromic Surveillance, as defined by ISDS, and communicable case reporting, as defined by the CSTE common core data element recommendations as well as data elements for Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) reporting. A full record of the data elements for the Communicable Disease domain is available in the spreadsheet referenced above (located here: http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI++Data+%26Terminology+Harmonization+Sub-Workgroup): “Communicable & Syndromic” tab - These data elements represent a harmonization of the ISDS and CSTE data elements “HAI” tab – These data elements were provided by the HAI user story submitter 72 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Infrastructure, Quality and Research As Infrastructure, Quality and Research user stories were out of scope for the first phase of the PHRI, no data elements were submitted from these stories for consideration. 5. Data Harmonization Profile - Implementation Alignment The content of Section 5 is focused on highlighting how the objects defined in this PHRI Data Harmonization Profile align to existing recommendations and standards that have been developed within the healthcare community. Clear alignment is needed to show how the content defined in this profile enables implementation of the recommendations developed by other interested public health reporting stakeholders. The following alignments are covered in this Data Harmonization Profile (table 53): Recommended Alignments Alignment of the existing public health reporting domains to the recommendations of ISDS for syndromic surveillance Alignment of the existing public health reporting domains to the recommendations of the CSTE Workgroup Alignment with HITSP C83 Content Modules Alignment with FHIM Alignment to Consolidated CDA Why this Alignment is Important ISDS has released several recommendations for syndromic surveillance and meaningful use that were considered by this data harmonization profile. Specific focus is given to the ISDS syndromic surveillance recommendations in helping to establish a core set of data elements for consideration. CSTE is a very influential public health organization that has recommended a certain set of core common data elements widely accepted by the public health community. Specific recommendations within the CSTE workgroup that lay out a set of data elements for public health reporting have been included in this data harmonization profile. This alignment ensures that the data elements originally defined by HITSP within C83 (and referenced within C154) are considered as part of the data harmonization analysis. The Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) serves as an important model for implementation of the data elements defined in the Data Harmonization Profile. The Consolidated CDA standard has been adopted as part of Meaningful Use Stage 2 and is a standard being considered for use in public health reporting implementation guide development. Table 53 - Summary of Implementation Alignments ISDS Syndromic Surveillance Recommendation Alignment This table will be used to show alignment between ISDS Syndromic Surveillance recommendations and the objects defined in the Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile (Table 54): ISDS Syndromic Surveillance Recommendation – Minimum Data Set Facility Identifier (Treating) Facility Name (Treating) Representation in Data Harmonization Profile – PHRI Object FACILITY FACILITY 73 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology ISDS Syndromic Surveillance Recommendation – Minimum Data Set Facility Location (Treating) Facility / Visit Type Report Date/Time Unique Patient Identifier Medical Record # Age Age Units Gender City/Town Zip Code State Country Race Ethnicity Unique Visiting ID Visit Date / Time Date of onset Patient Class Chief Complaint / Reason for visit Triage Notes Diagnosis / External Cause of Injury Code Clinical Impression Diagnosis Type Discharge Disposition Disposition Date/Time Initial Temperature Initial Pulse Oximetry Representation in Data Harmonization Profile – PHRI Object FACILITY FACILITY FACILITY REPORT METADATA PATIENT INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION ENCOUNTER / PATIENT VISIT ENCOUNTER / PATIENT VISIT ENCOUNTER / PATIENT VISIT ENCOUNTER / PATIENT VISIT HEALTH PROBLEM HEALTH PROBLEM HEALTH PROBLEM HEALTH PROBLEM HEALTH PROBLEM HEALTH PROBLEM HEALTH PROBLEM VITAL SIGN INDICATOR VITAL SIGN INDICATOR Table 54 - ISDS Syndromic Surveillance Recommendations - Alignment to Data Harmonization Profile CSTE Workgroup Recommendation Alignment The CSTE workgroup recommendations were used as a basis for formulating many of the Data Harmonization Profile alignments. These workgroup recommendations formed an initial base of data elements to be represented within the Communicable Disease/Syndromic Surveillance user story. Table 55 shows the alignment: CSTE Category CSTE Data Element Representation in Data Harmonization Profile Report Report Date/Time REPORT METADATA Alert creation date/time Reporting system Facility Facility ID FACILITY 74 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology CSTE Category Employment information Patient Information Provider Information Health Record Health Problems CSTE Data Element Facility Name Facility Address Facility Phone Facility Email Occupation, current Occupation, usual Industry type, current Industry type, usual Employer name Employer address Employer phone Identifier Name Address Phone Email address Date of birth Age Age units [code] Gender Race Ethnicity Translator needed Language spoken Identifier Provider ID Provider Name Provider Address Provider Phone Provider Email Address Provider Role Unique Medical Record Number Diagnosis Code Date of Onset Chief Complaint /Reason for visit Triage notes Clinical Impression Diagnosis Type Discharge Disposition Representation in Data Harmonization Profile EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION PROVIDER INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION HEALTH PROBLEM 75 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology CSTE Category CSTE Data Element Disposition Date/Time Unique Visiting ID Visit date/time Date of onset Encounter ID Encounter Type Encounter Facility Identifier Unique Visiting ID Visit date/time Date of onset Patient class Encounter Immunization Primary Contact Name Address Phone Family Relationship Procedure Code Procedure Type Procedure Order Result Specimen Vital Signs (Patient Health Indicators) Specimen Collection Date/Time Specimen Parent ID Specimen Received Date/Time Specimen Type Specimen Source Site Specimen Origin Initial Temperature Initial Pulse Oximetry Representation in Data Harmonization Profile ENCOUNTER / PATIENT VISIT IMMUNIZATION PATIENT CONTACT INFORMATION PROCEDURE ORDER / DIAGNOSTIC TEST RESULT SPECIMEN VITAL SIGN INDICATOR Table 55 - CSTE Workgroup Recommendations - Alignment to Data Harmonization Profile HITSP C83 Content Modules Alignment The following table (Table 56) describes the alignment of Public Health Reporting Initiative objects to the HITSP C83 Content Modules. Aligned to HITSP C83 Content Module Not represented in HITSP C83 Personal Information Module Not represented in HITSP C83 Not represented in HITSP C83 Problem Module Healthcare Providers Module Data Harmonization Profile Object REPORT METADATA PATIENT INFORMATION FACILITY EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION HEALTH PROBLEM PROVIDER INFORMATION 76 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Aligned to HITSP C83 Content Module Encounter Module Represents elements defined in the Procedure Module Represents elements defined in the Support Module Represents elements defined in the Vital Signs Module Represents elements defined in the Immunization Module Represents elements defined in the Test Results Module Not represented in HITSP C83 Not represented in HITSP C83 Not represented in HITSP C83 Data Harmonization Profile Object ENCOUNTER / PATIENT VISIT PROCEDURE PATIENT CONTACT INFORMATION VITAL SIGN INDICATOR IMMUNIZATION RESULT ORDER / DIAGNOSTIC TEST SPECIMEN IMMUNIZATION Table 56 - HITSP C83 Content Module Alignment View FHIM Implementation Alignment An initial alignment of the Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) was conducted to show how the FHIM entities would align to the objects defined in this Data Harmonization Profile. A separate spreadsheet was also developed showing how the Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) entities can be used to implement these objects. The results of that analysis are summarized below. The complete FHIM model can be viewed at http://www.fhims.org/content/420A62FD03B6_root.html. The FHIM is modeled in an open standard called UML. An export of the FHIM is available on the web page in an open standard called XMI which can be imported into many UML modeling tools. Also, all FHIM artifacts are maintained in a GForge repository under the management of the Open Health Tools (OHT) Initiative. Individuals wishing to access these artifacts may create and account/OHT user name at https://www.projects.openhealthtools.org/sf/sfmain/do/myPage?cookieCheck=on&detour=https%253A%252F%252Ffhi ms.projects.openhealthtools.org%252Fservlets%252FProjectHome. Once the user name is created, send an email to steven.wagner@hhs.gov and access will be provided to the FHIM GForge repository. Table 57 shows the alignment between FHIM and data harmonization profile objects: Representation in the FHIM Can represent elements defined in the ClinicalDocumententity Can be represented with the Patient Demographics entity Can be represented in various entities that represent physical locations Requires further analysis Can be represented in various entities that deal with clinical observations Represented in the Provider entity Requires further analysis Represented in the Encounter entity Can be represented in various entities that deal with procedures Can be represented with the Patient Demographics entity Represented in the Vital Signs entity Data Harmonization Profile Object REPORT METADATA PATIENT INFORMATION FACILITY EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION HEALTH PROBLEM PROVIDER INFORMATION EXPOSURE / INJURY ENCOUNTER / PATIENT VISIT PROCEDURE PATIENT CONTACT INFORMATION VITAL SIGN INDICATOR 77 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Representation in the FHIM Can be expressed using the ImmunizationandSkinEvent Can be represented in various entities that produce results, such as Lab or Radiology Can be represented in various entities that have elements associated with orders, such as Lab or Radiology Can be represented using health concern Can be represented in the Lab entity Requires further analysis Data Harmonization Profile Object IMMUNIZATION RESULT ORDER / DIAGNOSTIC TEST SOCIAL HISTORY SPECIMEN IMMUNIZATION Table 57 - Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) Alignment Consolidated CDA Alignment The following table (table 58) describes the alignment of Public Health Reporting Initiative objects to Consolidated CDA sections. A more detailed mapping to CDA will be made available in the Core Common Data Element Spreadsheet available here: http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI+-+Data+%26Terminology+Harmonization+Sub-Workgroup. Additionally, the CDA template library (available here: http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI+Implementation+Guide) produced by the Public Health Reporting Initiative contains more implementable guidance around CDA sections and entries. Aligned to Consolidated CDA Represents elements defined in the Plan of Care section Represents elements defined in the Problem section Not represented in Consolidated CDA11 Represents elements defined in the Encounters section Represents elements defined in the Allergies section Represents elements defined in the Encounters section Represents elements defined in the Informant header element Represents elements defined in the Immunizations section Represents elements defined in the Medications section Represents elements defined in the Plan of Care section Represents elements defined in the Participant header element Represents elements defined in the Record Target header element Represents elements defined in the Procedures section Represents elements defined in the Documentation Of header element Not represented in Consolidated CDA Represents elements defined in the Results section Represents elements defined in the Social History section Represents elements defined in the Procedure Specimens Taken section 11 Data Harmonization Profile Object N/A (Care Plan not included) HEALTH PROBLEM EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION ENCOUNTER / PATIENT VISIT EXPOSURE / INJURY FACILITY PATIENT INFORMATION IMMUNIZATION MEDICATION ORDER / DIAGNOSTIC TEST PATIENT CONTACT INFORMATION PATIENT INFORMATION PROCEDURE PROVIDER INFORMATION REPORT METADATA RESULT SOCIAL HISTORY SPECIMEN Interoperability CDA templates for occupational information are currently being developed by NIOSH. 78 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Aligned to Consolidated CDA Not represented in Consolidated CDA Represents elements defined in the Vital Signs section Data Harmonization Profile Object IMMUNIZATION VITAL SIGN INDICATOR Table 58 - Consolidated CDA Alignment 6. Limitations, Lessons Learned, and Next Steps The purpose of this section is to describe the gaps, lessons learned and the proposed next steps for subsequent releases of this Data Harmonization Profile and further PHRI data harmonization tasks. It is expected that this section will aim at further data harmonization, and that the data harmonization profile will be translated and addressed in subsequent releases of PHRI data exchange specifications. Data Harmonization Limitations The PHRI use case scope is limited to the use of a healthcare provider’s EHR system for reporting patient-level events of public health interest to a public health agency12 and submitted PHRI user stories. The number of user story submissions (30) is considered a small representation of the total available PH data exchanges that can be considered. However, these samples provided a workable cross section of different report types that could be used to form the basis of an extensible profile over time. The initiative’s goal is to provide an initial set of deliverables that can be used for pilot testing and analysis against existing and/or new PH data exchange requirements within a specified reporting domain, e.g., Child Health. Therefore, it is expected that the initial set of data elements, controlled terminologies, and data exchange format delivered under PHRI will not support all PH reporting requirements. Another limitation concerned resources and resource availability – the Initiative may not have included all types of participants or enough dedicated time from existing participants. Lessons Learned The PHRI identified several key lessons that should be applied to subsequent phases of data harmonization: 1. We believe that our results demonstrate a successful approach in the development of public health reporting common core data elements for public health reporting that may serve as a foundation for the development of new profiles for data exchange, the improvement of existing profiles and further steps in the development of a Federal Health Architecture (FHA). 12 Use Case and Functional Requirements Development for Interoperability Public Health Reporting Initiative Consensus Approved Use Case Document: http://wiki.siframework.org/file/view/PHRI+Use+Case+09252012+Consensus+Approved.pdf/367700864/PHRI%20Use%20Case%2009252012%20Consensus%20Appr oved.pdf 79 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology 2. We learned that a data harmonization step should precede the development of data exchange specifications. In this way, a harmonization of existing data exchange specifications and the development methodology for consolidated specifications will become systematic and predictable. 3. We learned that there are gaps in existing national policies and procedures which focus on the coordination, development and maintenance of standardized data elements and value sets. For example, the relationship between PHIN Vocabulary Access and Distribution System (VADS), AHRQ United States Health Information Knowledgebase (USHIK) and National Library of Medicine (NLM). Furthermore, a successful implementation of standardized content will depend on the successful coordination and maintenance of clinical care and public health vocabularies. 4. Our collaboration with Federal Health Information Modeling (FHIM) leveraged previous work to harmonize and model common information in the clinical domain with federal partners (DoD, VA, FDA, etc.). The result demonstrated that public health reporting data elements were successfully modeled to FHIM clinical care domains. This work can be expanded further to harmonize other public health domains and report types to FHIM both horizontally (between federal organizations) and vertically, through jurisdictional-level government agencies and clinical care providers. 5. We learned lessons that apply to specific data harmonization tasks: Defining objectives and near term goals. The overall objective to reduce the healthcare provider reporting burden was widely understood and accepted by stakeholders; however, a determination of the appropriate near term goals, deliverables and expectations was less clear. A more balanced set of short-term objectives needs to be agreed upon quickly because all other activity is dependent upon managing “scope creep” and the purpose and timeline for completing deliverables. A major challenge was determining the boundaries of the work effort, which limited available time to focus on technical details given the limited resource commitment and availability. Assessment of existing implementations of standards and current process of information exchange. The PHRI specification was intended to reduce the reporting burden; thus we tried to create a specification that covered one or more public health exchanges. As we began to examine reporting programs, some fit the PHRI paradigm while others did not (or did not completely). There are several existing PH specifications or other clinically-oriented specifications in use or under development, with varying levels of adoption. It was difficult to determine early on which data exchanges were similar and in some cases no automated process exists as reporting is primarily paper-based. More upfront analysis should have taken place to group similar exchanges or process flows with available standards that could be immediately adopted, adapted or further developed by a specific reporting domain or report type. A tremendous amount of time was taken to remodel and reclassify data elements. There were several existing artifacts that should have been used early on to help direct the business and technical resources. For example, vocabulary experts could have been tasked with analyzing existing specifications and could have provided a summary for how to reconcile value sets. Data modelers should have worked with existing specifications and provided a summary of how the information classes were reconciled to the appropriate existing artifacts, (e.g., HL7 Reference Implementation Model (RIM), CDA R2 Refined Message Information Model (RMIM), FHIM, etc.) Background analysis and harmonization across specifications should have been summarized and presented for decision making 80 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology earlier. More transparency around the user story selection criteria would have been helpful in the articulation of user stories. Business and technical stakeholder engagement. Task management should have leveraged earlier co-lead recommendations to form smaller workgroups. Persons with modeling experience could have started the data harmonization work earlier, while business users could have focused more on reconciling differences or inconsistencies in current process flows that did not require technical decisions. Many of the meetings and discussions blended technical and business discussions which often left one group confused or frustrated. Without clearly defined roles and responsibilities, it was very difficult to manage input and feedback between technical and business teams. Applicability of the scope of common core data elements and limitations of the user story. The process started with the submission of user stories by participants to represent their program domain. Those user stories included a set of data elements that were contained in the EHR and that were deemed necessary to support their workflow. Those data elements became the focus of the harmonization work to identify the common core versus the program-specific data sets. Data elements that appeared in only one user story were considered program-specific. However, many of the data elements that were cited by a single user story were needed by other domains but had not been included in their set of required data elements (medications were cited by only the Immunization user story, e.g.). User story authors may have been thinking narrowly about a specific workflow rather than broadly of all of their data needs from the EHR. Additionally, user story authors may have been unclear if they needed to describe a current or future process. A more explicit description of what to include and consider could help guide the process of authoring user stories, but it is likely that the project team will need to use judgment to determine which data elements belong in the common core. Next Steps Future consideration for how to approach the gaps and lessons learned should be assessed using the following general characterizations: Pilot Testing: The number of organizations that expressed interest in using the PHRI specification to support pilot testing is a critical success criterion for the overall initiative. Pilot testers provide the required feedback mechanism for evaluating how well the specification supports the objectives of Phase I data exchange requirements articulated in the original user stories. Pilot testing also helps identify gaps within a domain or across domains, especially for programs that were not well represented in the Phase I scope, e.g., bi-directional data exchange and aggregated reporting. Data Standards Harmonization: The development of the PHRI CDA specification is largely based upon the Consolidated CDA Specification; however, templates that could not be directly adopted or easily adapted to support PH reporting will require enhancement for more explicit and broader PHRI adoption over time. This includes but is not limited to the addition of data elements within a given template, and addition of terms and definitions to a referenced value set for a specific template. These are examples of work efforts that need to take place in parallel with pilot testing to help address current gaps found in any reference artifact (CDA template or vocabulary code set). Assessment and cross-reference to HL7 2.x messaging specifications is needed. 81 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Extensions to the base PHRI Phase I artifacts (Use Case, Functional Requirements, Data Harmonization Profile and CDA Specification): Stakeholder organizations that did not participate in Phase I activities are encouraged to assess whether their program requirements map to or can be reconciled against the Data Harmonization Profile and PHRI Specification. Since it is understood that not all PH reporting requirements are accommodated fully in the Phase I deliverables, it is expected that additional user story submissions are needed to further extend and refine the Phase I deliverables for broader adoption over time, as well as subsequent releases of Meaningful Use Standards harmonization and selection Communication with ONC and other national partners: Further implementation of harmonized data content depends on coordination of harmonization efforts on a national level and implementation strategies for vocabulary development and maintenance in both the clinical and public health realm. Resource Availability – resources, in terms of both time and people, are essential and need to be supported by future initiatives to ensure adequate availability to get the job done thoroughly. 82 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Appendix A – Summary of Data Element Optionality Because what is “required” for a specific public health report may differ substantially depending on what type of public health report is being exchanged, reporting programs have the flexibility to define optionality for each of the common core data elements defined in the Data Harmonization Profile. Initially, user story submitters included recommended optionality for specific reporting scenarios which was taken into account as the common core data elements were identified and discussed. However this document is not intended to set a level of optionality across public health reporting programs. Original submissions, including proposed optionality, are available on the Public Health Reporting Initiative wiki page, here: http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI++Data+%26Terminology+Harmonization+Sub-Workgroup. Data Element Optionality Table 59 lists the 5 possible options defined by the Public Health Reporting Initiative for data element optionality. 1 2 3 4 5 Required and Null Flavor NOT allowed Required and Null Flavor is allowed Required data field to be collected, may be empty Required data field if you collect it, but may be empty Shall not / not allowed Table 59 - Summary of Data Element Optionality When a data element is required, it is listed as Required in the Optionality column of an entity’s data element table in the companion user story spreadsheets. Required is used for optionality when the element is required to make the report valid and complete. The definition of “valid and complete” is left to implementation guides and stakeholders to finalize, but is meant to imply that the report would not be usable, machine-readable, or acceptable without the data element being provided by the sender. An additional option is also outlined as part of cancer reporting that focuses on data that MAY be reported and WOULD allow a NULL flavor to be defined. Examples of NULL Flavors A data element may exist that would require a value to be filled in, but does not require a specific value to be defined. This most commonly occurs when a public health report needs to include elements that the receiving system would expect on other report types, and thus is designed to accept, but for this particular report’s purpose, is not needed. Entity Optionality Within each of the core objects of the Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile Specification there is a coded value defined, so that all EHR vendors can use coded values as a basis for exchanging public health reports. Where optionality is less constrained in the Public Health Reporting Data Harmonization Profile specification is for those data elements that may not have a coded value available (for example, where a CCD does not require a coded value and where the EHR might not have information stored with a specific controlled vocabulary, but with text). 83 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology To fully understand optionality, it is important to consult the corresponding Public Health Reporting domains to understand their usage of specific data elements. The following table (Table 61) shows how optionality at the entity level is characterized in this alignment analysis: SHALL: an absolute requirement for all public health reporting domains SHALL NOT: an absolute prohibition against inclusion for all public health reporting domains SHOULD/SHOULD NOT: A best practice or recommendation to be considered by each public health reporting domain within the context of their requirements; there may be valid reasons to ignore an item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course MAY/NEED NOT: This is truly optional language for a public health reporting domain; can be included or omitted as the domain decides with no implications To support this domain alignment, the Public Health Reporting Initiative used the Consolidated Conformance Verb Matrix included as part of the HL7 Implementation Guide for CDA® Release 2: IHE Health Story Consolidation, Release 1. This matrix is listed below: RFC 2119 HL7 SHALL Absolute requirement of the specification SHALL NOT Absolute prohibition of the specification SHOULD Recommended There may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a different course. SHALL Required/Mandatory SHOULD NOT Not Recommended MAY Optional SHOULD NOT Not Recommended MAY Accepted/Permitted SHALL NOT Not Required/Mandatory SHOULD Best Practice or Recommendation IHE R (Required) Element must be present but can be NULL - HITSP R (Required) Data elements must always be sent. A NULL can be sent. - R2 (Required if known) The sending application must be able to demonstrate that it can send all required if known elements, unless it does not in fact gather that data. If the information cannot be transmitted, the data element shall contain a value indicating the reason for omission of the data. - R2 (Required if known) If the sending application has data for the data element, it is REQUIRED to populate the data element. If the value is not known, the data element need not be sent O (Optional) O (Optional) - 84 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology RFC 2119 - HL7 - IHE C (Conditional) A conditional data element is one that is required, required if known or optional depending upon other conditions. HITSP C (Conditional) Required to be sent when the conditions specified in the HITSP additional specifications column are true Table 60 - Summary of Conformance Criteria To make the domain alignment more usable, the proposed approach would rely on defining conformance language at the entity level, and then giving implementers and vendors the flexibility they need to implement at the data element level the specific reporting options needed. 85 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Appendix B – Acronyms The following table summarizes the most common terms and acronyms used in this Data Harmonization Profile: Acronym or Term Definition/Description ADE Adverse Drug Event AHRQ Agency for Health Research and Quality CDA Clinical Document Architecture CEDD Clinical Element Data Dictionary CIMI Clinical Information Modeling Initiative CLIA Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CPT Current Procedural Terminology CSTE Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists CVX HL7 Table 0292, Vaccine Administered (CVX) DAM Domain Analysis Model DoD Department of Defense DSM Diagnostic and Statistical Manual EHDI Early Hearing Detection and Intervention EHR Electronic Health Record EMR Electronic Medical Record ER Emergency Room FDA Food and Drug Administration FHA Federal Health Architecture FHIM Federal Health Information Model HAI Healthcare Associated Infections HCP Healthcare Provider HCPCS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System HIE Health Information Exchange HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIT Health information technology HITECH Act Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act of 2009 HITSP Health Information Technology Standards Panel HL7 Health Level 7 HMO Health Maintenance Organization ICD International Classification of Diseases ICSR Individual Case Safety Reports IHE Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise IIS Immunization Information System IQR Infrastructure, Quality and Research IS Information System ISDS International Society for Disease Surveillance JCIH Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH) 86 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Acronym or Term LIS LOINC LRI Workgroup MDA MDHT MU MVX NAACCR NCHS NDF-RT NHCS NIOSH NLM NPI NUBC NUCC OHT ONC PHIN VADS PHR PHRI RIM RMIM S&I Framework TNM UCUM UMLS UNII USHIK VA VIS XMI Definition/Description Laboratory Information System Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes Laboratory Results Interface Workgroup Model Driven Architecture Model Driven Health Tools Meaningful Use HL7 Table 0227, Manufacturers of Vaccines (MVX) North American Association of Central Cancer Registries National Center for Health Statistics National Drug File - Reference Terminology National Hospital Care Survey National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health National Library of Medicine National Provider Identifier National Uniform Billing Committee National Uniform Claim Committee Open Health Tools Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Public Health Information Network Vocabulary Access and Distribution System Personal Health Record Public Health Reporting Initiative Reference Information Model Refined Message Information Model Standards & Interoperability Framework TNM Classification of Malignant Tumours Unified Code for Units of Measure Unified Medical Language System Unique Ingredient Identifier United States Health Information Knowledgebase U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Vaccine Information Statement XML Metadata Interchange Table 61 - Definitions and Acronyms Used in Data Harmonization Profile 87 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Appendix C – References The following list of references was used as part of this Data Harmonization Profile: Reference Name Location CSTE Recommendation http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI++Data+%26Terminology+Harmonization+SubWorkgroup (communicable & syndromic tab on the “Common Core” spreadsheet) http://www.syndromic.org/uploads/files/ISDSRec ommendationPRELIMINARY_EHRDataReq4SS_vFINALerratumr2.pdf www.wiki.hitsp.org/docs/C83/C83-1.html ISDS Recommendation – Syndromic Surveillance HITSP C83 Content Modules Usage within this Data Harmonization Profile The CSTE recommendations were used to support development of the Communicable Disease Domain The ISDS recommendations were used to support development of the Communicable Disease Domain HL7 www.HL7.org Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) http://www.fhims.org S&I Framework Public Health Reporting Use Case http://wiki.siframework.org/file/view/PHRI+Use+C ase.docx HL7 Version 2.5.1: Implementation Guide for Immunization Messaging, Release 1.4 HL7 Immunization Domain Analysis Model (DAM) IHE Maternal Health Profiles, including: http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/programs/iis/techni cal-guidance/downloads/hl7guide-1-4-201208.pdf HITSP C83 CDA Content Modules were used as a reference source to ensure alignment of this Data Harmonization Profile to work done within HITSP in developing HITSP components in support of many of the concepts expressed here. HL7 provides standards for interoperability. The FHIM is the primary mechanism for implementation alignment of this Data Harmonization Profile to possible implementation standards The S&I Framework Public Health Reporting Use Case serves as the primary source of requirements for this Data Harmonization Profile. The HL7 2.5.1 Implementation Guide for Immunization Messaging was used to help develop the Immunization Domain. http://wiki.siframework.org/file/view/HL7+Immun ization+Domain+Analysis+Model.docx The HL7 Immunization DAM is used to help develop the immunization Domain http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Profiles#IHE_P atient_Care_Coordination_Profiles The IHE Maternal Health and Newborn profiles were used to support development of the Child Health Domain. 88 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology IHE Immunization Content Profile http://wiki.ihe.net/index.php?title=Profiles#IHE_P atient_Care_Coordination_Profiles The IHE – Immunization Content Profile was used to support the development of the Immunization Domain Table 62 - Data Harmonization Profile References 89 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Appendix D – Submitted User Stories User stories were submitted to the PHRI for phase 1 in 2011. These user stories were evaluated, classified into the 5 domains referenced above (adverse event, child health, chronic disease, communicable disease, and infrastructure, quality and research), and encouraged to participate in the data harmonization work. The included report type data elements upon which this document is derived are available here http://wiki.siframework.org/PHRI++Data+%26Terminology+Harmonization+Sub-Workgroup). These represent a subset of the initial user stories submitted, listed below: Adverse Events o FDA Spontaneous Triggered Event Reporting o FDA Spontaneous Triggered Event Reporting #2 o Immunization Information Systems (AIRA) o Medical Device Reporting (FDA-CDRH) o Patient Safety Reporting - AHRQ Common Formats Child Health o Birth / Fetal Death Registration o Birth Defects Reporting o Birth Event Reporting o Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) o Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) and Immunizations o Immunization o Immunization Information Systems (AIRA) o Maine CDC - Data Research and Vital Statistics o Newborn Hearing Screening Chronic Disease o Cancer Genetics - BRCA o Cancer o Cardiovascular Disease (NDHHS) o Impact of Work on Health o National Health Care Surveys o Patient Safety Reporting - AHRQ Common Formats o Quality Reporting Communicable Disease o Syndromic Measure Reporting o Communicable Disease Case Reporting o Florida Dept of Health - Enteric Disease Reporting o Healthcare-Associated Infections o Michigan Disease Surveillance System - Public Health Communicable Disease Surveillance System o Minnesota Dept of Health - Communicable Diseases (ASTHO) o Oregon Health Authority - Mandated Disease Reporting o Patient Safety Reporting - AHRQ Common Formats o Public Health Case Reporting o South Dakota Communicable Disease Reporting Infrastructure, Quality, and Research o Admin Use of Health Data o National Health Care Surveys o Patient Safety Reporting - AHRQ Common Formats o PH Reporting User Story Model 90 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology o o o o o Public Health Data Quality Assurance Quality Reporting Registration for Public Health Reporting UW MED - PHINEX: University of Wisconsin Medical Record - Public Health Information Exchange Healthcare-Associated Infections 91 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Appendix E – Federal Health Information Model (FHIM) The Federal Health Information Model contains many concepts and structures that are of interest to Public Health Reporting. The Public Health Reporting Initiative (PHRI) may therefore benefit from the re-use of the FHIM concepts rather than undergo a separate effort to identify and document similar concepts. Specific information about the location of common core data elements is available in Section 3 of this document. The FHIM is organized into “domains”, which are simply groupings of related concepts. The following pages contain a diagram from each of the domains which contain Public-Health related information. It is not expected that PHRI will use all the concepts in every domain shown here, rather these diagrams show the universe of potential elements from which to choose. The following list includes examples of FHIM domains: Person Demographics – contains information about persons as well as other organisms which might be the subject of health related activity such as animal patients (veterinary), animal research subjects, and diseasecausing organisms. For persons, this domain includes information related to patients to include contact information Birth Certificate – contains information about the birth of a person which may be found on the US Standard Certificate of Live Birth (Revision 11/2003) Death Certificate - contains information about the death of a person which found on the US Standard Certificate of Death (Revision 11/2003) Provider – contains information about healthcare providers and organizations, to include license and specialty information Encounter – contains information related to patient encounters, to include inpatient / long term care stays and outpatient visits, admissions, discharges, and transfers Allergies – contains patient allergy information Problem List – contains issues that a clinician may wish to track about a patient Orders – contains concepts common to orders and information needed to manage orders (from the clinician’s or “placer’s” point of view) Laboratory – contains laboratory result information Pharmacy – contains information regarding pharmacy dispenses and provides a mechanism for patient medication list Immunization – contains information regarding a patient’s immunizations, suitable for reporting to an IIS Common Product information – contains concepts regarding medicinal and other products. Based on the HL7 V3 Common Product Model Newborn Hearing Screening – contains results of newborn hearing screen Common Classes – contains classes that are used in multiple domains Data Types – contains classes to be used as data types within the FHIM. All other data types are primitive (e.g., string, Boolean, etc.) Please see www.fhims.org to view the latest model. Please note that the following diagrams may require that the reader increase the magnification (i.e., “zoom-in”) in order to be able to fully see the information within. Also please note that during the creation of the diagram, some class names did not render; we are investigating this abnormality. 92 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Person Demographics: 93 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Birth Certificate: 94 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Death Certificate: 95 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Provider: 96 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Encounter: 97 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Intolerance Condition (aka Allergy): 98 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Health Concern (aka Problem List): 99 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Orders: 100 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Lab: 101 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Pharmacy: 102 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Immunization: 103 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Newborn Hearing Screening: 104 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Common Product Model (Medications and Devices): 105 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Common Classes: 106 Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Data Types: 107